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Beta-3 Adrenoceptors as New Therapeutic Targets for Cardiovascular


Article in Current Heart Failure Reports · June 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s11897-011-0064-6 · Source: PubMed


56 573

4 authors:

Chantal Gauthier Bertrand Rozec

French Institute of Health and Medical Research Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes


Boris Manoury Jean-Luc Balligand

Université Paris-Saclay Université Catholique de Louvain - UCLouvain


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Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192
DOI 10.1007/s11897-011-0064-6

Beta-3 Adrenoceptors as New Therapeutic Targets

for Cardiovascular Pathologies
Chantal Gauthier & Bertrand Rozec & Boris Manoury &
Jean-Luc Balligand

Published online: 2 June 2011

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Catecholamines play a key role in the regula- diabetic or atherosclerotic vessels. In cardiac ventricle, their
tion of cardiovascular function, classically through ß1/2- contractile effects are functionally antipathetic to those of
adrenoreceptors (AR) activation. After ß3-AR cloning in ß1/2-AR; in normal heart, ß3-ARs may mediate a moderate
the late 1980s, convincing evidence for ß3-AR expression negative inotropic effect, but in heart failure, it may protect
and function in cardiovascular tissues recently initiated a against adverse effects of excessive catecholamine stimula-
reexamination of their involvement in the pathophysiology of tion by action on excitation-contraction coupling, electro-
cardiovascular diseases. Their upregulation in diseased physiology, or remodelling. Thus, prospective studies in
cardiovascular tissues and resistance to desensitization sug- animals and patients at different stages of heart failure
gest they may be attractive therapeutic targets. They may should lead to identify the best therapeutic window to use
substitute for inoperant ß1/2-AR to mediate vasodilation in ß3-AR agonists and/or antagonists.

Keywords ß3-adrenoceptor . Adrenergic receptor .

ß-blocker . Heart . Vessels . Nitric oxide . Nitric oxide
C. Gauthier : B. Rozec synthase . NO . NOS . Remodeling . Electrophysiology .
INSERM, UMR-915, l’institut du thorax, Contractility . Heart failure . Hypertension . Diabetes .
F-44000 Nantes, France
Myocardial infarction . Diabetes . Catecholamine .
C. Gauthier : B. Rozec Nebivolol . Cyclic guanosine monophosphate . cGMP .
CNRS ERL3147, Cyclic adenosine monophosphate . cAMP . Messenger
F-44000 Nantes, France RNA . mRNA . Ventricular remodeling . Cardiomyocytes .
C. Gauthier : B. Rozec
Excitation-contraction coupling
Université de Nantes,
F-44000 Nantes, France
C. Gauthier (*) : B. Rozec
CHU Nantes, l’institut du thorax,
F-44000 Nantes, France Since its cloning in humans, ß3-adrenoceptor (ß3-AR) has
e-mail: been described in several tissues, such as white and brown
adipose tissues, heart, blood vessels, gall bladder, gastroin-
B. Rozec
testinal tract, prostate and urinary bladder detrusor, brain,
CHU Nantes, Pole d’Anesthésie-Réanimation,
F-44000 Nantes, France and near-term myometrium. This important literature leads
to propose ß3-AR as a therapeutic target for several
B. Manoury : J.-L. Balligand indications: obesity and metabolic disorders (ie, diabetes),
Pole of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
heart failure (HF), prevention of preterm birth, depression,
Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique,
Université Catholique de Louvain, anxiety, and overactive bladder. In this latter indication,
Brussels, Belgium clinical proof-of-concept data are available.
Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192 185

In the cardiovascular system, it is now admitted that are two selective antagonists of the human cloned ß3-AR,
three ß-AR subtypes, ß1, ß2, and ß3, are expressed and but they show a weak affinity for rodent ß3-ARs [6].
could regulate its function. Molecular structure and phar- Thus, the characteristics of ß3-AR ligands need to be
macologic profile differentiate ß3-AR from ß1- and ß2-AR taken into consideration in the interpretation of the
subtypes. This review, based on the literature of recent functional data, particularly in studies where only a single
years, presents an overview of ß3-AR pharmacology and agonist or antagonist concentration was used.
discusses the potential roles of ß3-AR in normal and
pathological cardiovascular systems and emphasizes their Determination of ß3-Adrenoceptor Expression
putative involvement as new therapeutic targets.
To determine receptor expression density as well as
location, it is possible to use binding assays that require
Pharmacology and Tools to Study ß3-Adrenoceptors selective radioligands. However, the lack of a selective ß3-
AR radioligand makes the ß3-AR detection in tissues
Presently, several agonists and antagonists are available to expressing mixed ß-AR population subtypes almost impos-
study ß3-AR, albeit their specificity could be discussed. sible. Thus, an alternative to evaluate the presence and the
Furthermore, the lack of highly specific tools limits the possible alterations of ß3-AR expression in various patho-
studies about the presence, function, and regulation of ß3- physiologic states is based on Western blot experiments and
AR [1]. immunohistochemistry. Although some ß3-AR antibodies
are commercially available, few of them have been well
Agonists validated. Thus, when possible, it is important to use the
blocking peptide to strengthen the results. It also is possible
ß3-AR is activated at higher concentrations of catechol- to quantify ß3-AR transcript expression. However, it has not
amines than ß1- and ß2-AR, suggesting that ß3-AR could be been established whether alterations of ß3-AR messenger
activated in situations where catecholaminergic tone is RNA (mRNA) are strictly parallel to those of the proteins.
high. ß3-ARs are activated by agonists belonging to two Finally, genetically modified animals, such as ß3-AR
different classes. The first class comprises the phenyl- knockout mice, mice overexpressing human ß3-AR in
ethanolamines, including BRL37344, SR58611A, and cardiomyocytes, and rats overexpressing human ß3-AR
CL316243, but BRL37344 and SR58611A also possess specifically in endothelium, could be used. The latter
low affinity for ß1- and ß2-AR. The second class includes model, developed in our lab, should lead to identification
the aryloxypropanolamines, such as CGP12177A and of the putative paracrine effects of ß3-AR. The functional ß-
cyanopindolol, but also L-755507, which activates cloned AR response remaining in ß1/ß2-AR double-knockout mice
human and rhesus monkey ß3-ARs about 1000-fold more can be ascribed to ß3-AR. However, it should be noted that
potently than the other two subtypes [2]. Recently, several compensatory ß3-AR expression may occur in tissues from
papers reported that nebivolol, a third-generation ß-blocker, those mice, which may not be prominently expressed in
was a ß3-AR agonist both in heart [3••] and in some wild-type (WT) mice.
vascular beds [4, 5].
Presently, some ß3-AR agonists are evaluated in clinical
studies. Solabegron and mirabegron are in phase 1 and ß3-Adrenoceptors in the Heart
phase 3 clinical trials, respectively, for the treatment of
overactive bladder. SR58611A has been evaluated in phase Electrophysiologic Effects
3 clinical trials for the management of major depressive
disorder [2], but this study has been stopped due to adverse In rabbit cardiomyocytes, we have shown that ß3-AR
events. stimulation decreased Ca2+ transients and L-type calcium
current (ICa,L) amplitude and enhanced IKs amplitude
Antagonists through activation of the nitric oxide (NO) pathway. The
enhanced IKs amplitude, an outward repolarizing K+
ß3-ARs are blocked by classical ß-AR antagonists, but with current, and the decreased ICa,L amplitude led to an
lower affinity than ß1/2-ARs, and are blocked by selective accelerated repolarization of rabbit ventricular cardiomyo-
ß3-AR antagonists, such as SR59230A. However, this cytes [7]. In rabbit cardiomyocytes, BRL37344 and
compound is a selective antagonist of the rodent ß3-AR, CL316243 stimulated the cardiac Na+/K+ pump by a
but its usefulness as a selective antagonist of the human ß3- decrease of ß1 Na+/K+-pump subunit glutathionylation.
AR is less certain. Furthermore, SR59230A could be an Notably, this protection from glutathionylation previously
agonist in some tissues or cells. L-748328 and L-748337 was shown to be mediated by NO production, consistent
186 Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192

with NO synthase (NOS) activation by ß3-ARs. The cardiac endothelial endocardium-NO-cGMP-PKG/phosphodiester-

Na+/K+-pump stimulation decreases intracellular Na+, lead- ase 2 cascade. The involvement of endothelial endocardium
ing to enhanced Ca2+ export via Na+-Ca2+ exchange and is supported by the absence of BRL37344 effect after
decreased cytosolic Ca2+ available for uptake into sarco- pretreatment of the heart by Triton X-100 (Dow Chemical
plasmic reticulum (SR) [8]. Thus, the Na+/K+-pump Company, Midland, MI) [16].
stimulation by ß3-AR agonists could contribute to the During the past few years, it has been demonstrated that
negative inotropic effect described by Audigane et al. [7] in regulation of contractility by ß3-AR stimulation differs
the same model of healthy rabbit cardiomyocytes. In human markedly between human atria and ventricles. As men-
atria, Skeberdis et al. [9] have shown that, at room tioned above, in human atrial myocytes, a first study
temperature, several ß3-AR agonists can activate ICa,L. This performed at room temperature showed that the ß3-AR
effect is blocked by a high concentration (1 μM) of L- stimulation increased contractility through activation of
748337, a ß3-AR antagonist, which also inhibits ß1/ß2-AR ICa,L via a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-
at this concentration. Recently, similar results were dependent pathway [9]. Recently, this result has been put
obtained on ICa,L at 24°C, but to a lesser extent, and they in doubt because SR58611A did not increase human atrial
were lost at 37°C [10]. Taken together, these findings force at 37°C and the increase in human atrial force by
demonstrate that in human atrium, ß3-AR stimulation BRL37344 resulted from ß1/2-AR activation [10]. It is
increases ICa,L at lower temperatures, but incompatible with important to note that the negative inotropic effect induced
mammalian life, whereas at a physiological temperature, ß3- by the ß3-AR stimulation involved NO synthases, which are
AR stimulation did not modify ICa,L. not activated at room temperature.
In human ventricle, we recently confirmed the negative
Regulation of the Contractility inotropic effect of ß3-AR stimulation. Using ventricular
biopsies from transplanted hearts, we have shown a
At the ventricular level, several papers confirmed the concentration-dependent attenuation of developed contrac-
negative inotropic effect induced by the ß3-AR stimulation tion force similar to BRL37344 with nebivolol, a vaso-
both at cellular level and whole heart. In rabbit ventricular dilating ß-blocker. This effect was maintained in the
cardiomyocytes, we demonstrated that several ß3-AR presence of nadolol, ruling out the implication of ß1/ß2-
agonists produced a concentration-dependent negative AR. Conversely, it was strongly reduced by pretreatment
inotropic effect correlated to the decreases of Ca2+ with L-748337. Nebivolol-induced negative inotropic effect
transients and ICa,L amplitude. This effect at least partly was strongly reduced by L-NMMA (L-NG-monomethyl
results from the activation of Gi/0 and NO pathways [7], arginine citrate), an NOS inhibitor. Together, these data
which previously have been described in human and canine demonstrated that nebivolol activated ß3-AR in human
ventricles [11, 12]. In rat Langendorff-perfused heart, ventricle through NO-pathway activation [3••].
BRL37344 also produced a concentration-dependent nega- Altogether, the ß3-AR effect observed in human ventric-
tive inotropic effect. This effect was not altered by nadolol, ular tissue strongly differs from that obtained in human
a ß1- and ß2-AR antagonist, but was completely suppressed atrial tissue. Several explanations could be proposed. First,
by the addition of SR59230A or L-748337 [13, 14]. The the differences in patient medical history and treatment
negative inotropic effect induced by BRL37344 involved could at least partly explain some discrepancies observed
an NO–cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)–depen- between atrial and ventricular contractility. Indeed, human
dent pathway [14]. Interestingly, in this last study, the endocardial biopsies are obtained from transplanted heart
authors show that BRL37344 also produced a negative and cannot be considered “healthy tissue,” whereas the
lusitropic effect independent of ß1/ß2-AR stimulation atrial samples are harvested during cardiac surgery on
through the activation of the NO-cGMP–protein kinase G patients with valvular or coronary artery disease. Second,
(PKG) pathway. In addition, BRL37344 counteracted the functional differences may perhaps be explained by a
positive lusitropic effect induced by isoproterenol. These different coupling in human atrium versus ventricle or
data suggest that the ß3-AR–mediated lusitropic control differences in ß3-AR expression in right atrium versus left
would oppose the effects of excessive ß1/ß2-AR stimula- ventricle, where studies are classically performed.
tion, thereby preserving a normal cardiac function [14].
However, these results need to be completed to explain the Regulation of Gene Expression
mechanisms underlying the dose-dependent reduction in the
maximal rate of left ventricle relaxation, which remain In neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, the chronic ß1- and ß3-AR
unclear [15]. In frog heart, a recent study reports the stimulation reduces ß1-AR–mediated cAMP enhancement
functional presence of ß3-AR, the stimulation of which associated with a decrease in ß1-AR expression. In contrast,
induced a negative inotropic effect through Gi/o protein and both treatments increase ß3-AR expression and ß3-AR-
Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192 187

inhibited forskolin response. ß1-AR downregulation and ß3- shows undesirable short-term effects of enhanced ß3-AR
AR upregulation could involve the activation of transcrip- signaling on inotropy in aged hearts, the biologic con-
tion factors like inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) or sequences of long-term activation of this pathway remain
cAMP response-element binding protein via mitogen- elusive [25]. Finally, additional work must be conducted to
activated protein kinase (MAPK) stimulation. Further evaluate ß3-AR expression in human senescent heart and
studies are required to investigate the possible transcrip- the consequences on cardiac dysfunction.
tional mechanism involved in the cross-regulation between
ß1- and ß3-AR [17•]. Additional experiments must be
conducted to evaluate whether a similar cross-regulation ß3-Adrenoceptors in Blood Vessels
exists in adult cardiomyocytes.
Glucocorticoids are known to increase the density and In vessels, the stimulation of ß-AR located in both
mRNA levels of ß-AR in many tissues. The administration endothelial and smooth muscle cells leads to a relaxation
of dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, in rats of the vascular smooth muscle, thereby controlling the
significantly increased ß1-AR transcripts in left ventricle, blood flow distribution in different organs. Classically, ß2-
whereas it did not modify ß3-AR mRNA [18]. ARs are predominant, but the other subtypes also could
Recently, evidence has accrued showing that functional participate, and their involvement varies according to the
G protein–coupled receptors are not solely localized at the vascular bed and species.
plasma membrane, but also can signal from different Oliver et al. [26] reported unexpected results showing
endogenous membrane compartments, including the nucle- that the main ß-AR subtype in rat aorta was ß3-AR,
ar membrane [19]. These intracellular receptors may have followed by ß1-AR and a slight expression of ß2-AR.
the capacity to regulate signaling pathways that differ from Although these results are only based on transcript
those of their plasma membrane counterparts. ß1-AR and expression, they contrast with classic pharmacologic studies
ß3-AR have been identified in the rat nuclear membrane that attribute the ß-AR–mediated relaxation in vessels to ß2-
[20]. Recently, ß-AR and endothelin-1–receptor type B AR [27]. However, they are in accordance with more recent
located in the nuclear membrane have been shown to evidence of a role for ß1-AR [28] and ß3-AR in rat aorta
regulate RNA synthesis in opposing ways. In addition, [11].
isoproterenol, a nonselective ß-AR agonist, could modulate In mesenteric artery from WT and endothelial NOS
RNA synthesis by activation of MAPK and protein kinase (eNOS) knockout mice, SR59230A abolished BRL37344-
B (PKB) and regulates specific mRNA targets, such as induced relaxation, whereas it only marginally reduced
nuclear factor κB [21]. Unfortunately, in this work, no isoproterenol-induced relaxation [29]. These results suggest
selective ß3-AR agonist was tested to evaluate specific that ß3-AR are present in this vascular bed, and their
transcription factor regulation by this receptor. stimulation produces a vasodilatation independently of
eNOS. Similarly, in rat mesenteric artery, the stimulation
Modification of ß3-Adrenoceptors Expression and Function of ß3-AR by various agonists induced an increase of
with Aging intraluminal NO production. This effect was associated
with the activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3–kinase (PI-
Among different age-related changes in the senescent heart, 3)/Akt pathway and the phosphorylation of eNOS at serine
such as contraction and relaxation dysfunction, the cardio- 1177. In anesthetized rats, the bolus administration of
vascular effects of adrenoceptor stimulation are attenuated BRL37344 produced an NO-dependent reduction in systol-
even though plasma catecholamine concentration increases ic blood pressure [30]. The presence of functional ß3-AR in
with age. In senescent rat heart, both ß1- and ß2-AR are rat vessels was confirmed in the liver, where the perfusion
downregulated [22]. Recently, it has been suggested that ß3- CGP12177A used as a ß3-AR agonist produced a weak
AR expression tended to increase gradually with age [23] decrease of intrahepatic resistance [31]. Recently, Mori et
without a clear link between ß3-AR upregulation and al. [32] reported the first pharmacologic evidence of
cardiac dysfunction. In a similar way, Birenbaum et al. functional ß3-AR in the rat retinal arterioles. However, this
[24] demonstrated an alteration of the positive inotropic study did not evaluate ß3-AR transcripts or proteins levels.
effect induced by ß-AR stimulation in senescent rat heart In human umbilical arteries, formoterol- and BRL37344-
that could be explained, at least in part, by a down- induced relaxations were mediated by a mixed population
regulation of ß1-AR and an upregulation of ß3-AR. of ß2/3-AR through cAMP increases [33]. Nevertheless, it is
Unfortunately, in this study, the evaluation of senescent important to note that the authors used endothelium-
rat papillary muscle contractility was performed at 29°C, denuded artery rings, whereas many studies performed in
compromising the coupling of ß3-AR to NOS or other human and animal models suggest a preferential endothelial
effectors. Although the study by Birenbaum et al. [24] location of ß3-AR. Finally, ß3-AR also was described in
188 Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192

human hepatic artery [31], and its presence was confirmed reduced body weight, heart weight, and the incidence of
in umbilical and placental arteries [34]. Surprisingly, ventricular tachycardia in canine MI. However, ß3-AR
although nebivolol has been described as a ß3-AR agonist stimulation did not prevent sudden cardiac death in this
in human [12] and rat vessels [5], a recent study reports that model [38], suggesting that ß-blockers with ß3-AR–agonist
nebivolol was not a ß3-AR agonist in rat and human urinary properties may be useful to prevent cardiac arrhythmia after
bladders [35]. However, in this study, the effects of MI. In this context, nebivolol, which possesses these
nebivolol were compared only to those of isoproterenol in characteristics, could be a suitable candidate. In a similar
the presence of SR59230A, which is known to have ß3-AR way, in rabbits with aortic valvular chronic HF, BRL37344
agonistic properties at the high concentration used. inhibited ventricular arrhythmia induced by ß1/2-AR ago-
nist. The cellular mechanisms involved in this effect could
result from the inhibition of ß1/ß2-AR stimulation on Na/Ca
Cardiovascular Pathologies exchanger or the reduction of Ca2+ transient and SR Ca2+
load and SR Ca2+ leak in cardiomyocytes. The authors
Modulation of Ventricular Remodeling suggest that ß3-AR activation decreases the susceptibility to
by ß3-Adrenoceptors ventricular arrhythmias through modulation of Ca2+ han-
dling. Therefore, ß3-AR may be a novel pharmacologic
Because of their distinctive pharmacologic properties as target among current strategies for treatment of fatal
described above, ß3-AR are likely to mediate long-term ventricular tachycardia in chronic HF [39]. A recent study
alterations in cardiovascular tissue remodeling such as performed on failing and nonfailing sheep hearts indicated
those induced by circulating neurohormones, including a differential effect of BRL37344 consistent with Na+/K+
catecholamines. Preliminary evidence shows that mice with pump stimulation and a decrease in intracellular Na+ that
cardiac-specific overexpression of human ß3-AR are pro- may have a negative inotropic effect in the normal heart but
tected from hypertrophic remodeling after chronic infusion not in the failing heart. Interestingly, the authors suggest
of catecholamines; this also was observed in primary that any upregulation of the ß3-AR with HF would not
cardiomyocytes with adenovirally overexpressed human accentuate a negative inotropic effect of ß3-AR–receptor
ß3-AR in response to α-adrenergic stimulation. In both activation because preservation of the Na+/K+ pump
models, this protective effect was dependent on NOS activity would prevent Na+ overload, which is classically
activation, as it was lost upon treatment with an NOS associated with altered excitation-contraction coupling and
inhibitor in vitro and in vivo (Hammond J, Belge C, arrhythmia in HF; accordingly, there was no adverse acute
unpublished). Moreover, treatment of mice with nebivolol effect on hemodynamic variables of BRL37344 in this
conferred a better protection against cardiomyocyte hyper- large-animals model of severe HF [8]. Recently, ß3-AR
trophy, postinfarction remodeling, and mortality than a overexpression in human HF has been confirmed [40•].
selective ß1-AR antagonist (metoprolol), which has been Under basal conditions, Akt and eNOSSer1177 phosphoryla-
linked to the distinctive property of nebivolol to activate ß3- tion were reduced. Under BRL37344 stimulation, further
AR and inhibit oxidant radicals production [36••]. dephosphorylation of eNOSSer1177 and Akt was observed,
whereas eNOSSer114 phosphorylation was increased. These
Myocardial Infarction and Heart Failure results would suggest a deactivation of eNOS via ß3-AR
stimulation, although NO production was not directly
It is admitted that the circadian clock controls numerous measured. The preserved ß3-AR negative inotropic effect
important physiological functions at molecular, cellular, and without evidence for eNOS activation in cardiac myocytes
whole-body levels. The onsets of myocardial infarction in combination with evidence for a predominant expression
(MI) and sudden cardiac death show obvious diurnal of ß3-AR in endothelium would suggest a ß3-AR paracrine
patterns, occurring mostly in the early morning, possibly signaling in human HF.
due to higher sympathetic nerve activity and humoral As mentioned above, nebivolol attenuated left ventricu-
factors in the same time window. Interestingly, Zhou et al. lar dysfunction and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy early after
[37] report that the expression and function of ß3-AR MI in mice and improved survival, effects that were not
exhibited circadian rhythm in normal heart, that this rhythm attributed to ß1-AR blockade because they are not observed
was blunted in acute healed MI, and that ß3-AR activation under metoprolol. The nebivolol effects were largely
was associated with decreased occurrence of ventricular blunted in eNOS-deficient mice, supporting a critical role
tachycardia and arrhythmias. Those data suggest an of eNOS in this respect. The beneficial effects of nebivolol
important role of ß3-AR in the pathogenesis of cardiac could be due to actions on NO-mediated endothelial
circadian rhythm disorders after MI, and propose ß3-AR as function, early endothelial progenitor cells, and inhibition
a therapeutic target in MI [37]. Chronic ß3-AR stimulation of myocardial NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192 189

phosphate) oxidase [36••]. In addition, nebivolol, by attenuation of cAMP levels, suggesting that ß2- and ß3-
activating ß3-ARs both in human heart and microcoronary AR agonists may have considerable future pharmaceutical
arteries, produces an NO-dependent negative inotropic implications in the clinical management of pregnancy-
effect and a vasodilation, respectively, leading to improved related disorders (eg, preterm labor) or other conditions (eg,
energetic balance in heart. Those effects could explain the intrauterine growth restrictions) in which improvement in
improvement of hemodynamic parameters obtained in fetoplacental exchanges may be of interest [33].
patients with HF after nebivolol administration, as previ-
ously described in clinical trials (Fig. 1) [41]. Diabetes

Hypertension Few studies suggest that ß1-AR decrease associated with

ß3-AR increase may be involved in the development of
In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), nerve-activated diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction. In spontaneously
ß1/3-AR-mediated vasodilation was not present. However, diabetic rats (Goto-Kakizaki [GK] rat, a model nearly
in spite of enhanced epinephrine secretion and subsequent reproducing human type 2 diabetes), both pancreatic and
augmented norepinephrine release in SHR, epinephrine islet blood flow are higher than in WT mice. Interestingly,
functioned as an antihypertensive agent by upregulating ß2- the islet blood flow in GK rats decreased after acute
and ß3-AR–mediated vasodilation [42]. In this model, the inhibition of ß3-AR with SR59230A [45]. This work opens
previously described [43] ß3-AR upregulation was con- new fields of investigation concerning the effects of chronic
firmed and associated to G protein–coupled receptor kinase ß3-AR inhibition on the islet and white adipose tissue blood
2 (GRK2) increase [26], which seems to be the main factor flow and its consequences on the impaired glucose
involved in diminishing ß-AR signaling in hypertension tolerance in GK rat. In streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats,
[44]. Thus, as ß3-AR resists the GRK2-mediated desensi- intense exercise training normalized ß3-AR expression [46].
tization, its functional role in hypertension could be However, the corrective effect of exercise training on ß3-
increased comparatively to ß1/ß2-AR. AR expression in diabetic rats and its functional con-
In preeclampsia, a hypertensive gestational state, ß2-AR sequences remain to be clarified.
and ß3-AR protein levels in placentae were similar to those One of the most common complications of diabetes is
of normal patients, suggesting that aberrations in the ß-AR retinopathy. At the early stage of diabetes in rat, vasodila-
signaling, rather than in the regulation of ß-AR–subtype tion of the retinal arterioles induced by ß3-AR stimulation
expression, may occur in preeclampsia [34]. This hypoth- was unaffected, leading to propose ß3-AR agonists as one
esis is supported by the fact that fenoterol- and BRL37344- candidate for preventing the development of diabetic retinal
induced relaxations were partly reduced due to the diseases by improving retinal circulation [32].

Fig. 1 Cardiovascular effects of

ß3-adrenoceptor stimulation.
MVO2—myocardial oxygen
consumption; O2—oxygen
190 Curr Heart Fail Rep (2011) 8:184–192

Hypothyroidism of Trp64Arg human ß3-AR polymorphism in coronary

heart disease risk [50].
Thyroid hormone deficiency has been reported to decrease
expression and function of both ß1- and ß2-AR in different
tissues, including heart, without clear data on ß3-AR Conclusions
expression. A recent study reports a significant increase in
ß3-AR mRNA expression, although BRL37344-induced Definitive evidence for the expression of ß3-AR in human
negative inotropic effect was decreased [47]. The reduced cardiac and vascular tissues now opens new perspectives
BRL37344-induced negative inotropic effect could be at for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless,
least partly explained by alteration of downstream ß3-AR we still need a more complete understanding of the human
signaling pathway. Indeed, eNOS phosphorylation by the ß3-AR pharmacology. Albeit cardiac negative inotropy and
PI-3 kinase/Akt/PKB pathway was impaired by thyroid vascular relaxation induced by ß3-AR appear subtle in
hormone deficiency. healthy tissues, one should take into account ß3-AR
overexpression in cardiac disease, thereby reinforcing their
Sepsis influence relative to ß1/2-AR [51•]. Although this would
strengthen ß3-AR vasorelaxation in the vasculature, the
Sepsis represents the systemic response to infection. In this consequences on cardiac function are harder to predict.
disease, ß3-AR were overexpressed in the myocardium of They probably vary depending on the stage of cardiac
patients who died from sepsis. In mouse ventricular cells disease; at early stages, ß3-AR activation may confer
treated with macrophage-conditioned medium to mimic protection against catecholamine-induced tissue remodeling
exposure to sepsis-related cytokines, the negative inotropic (with marginal effects on left ventricle contractility), but
effect induced by ß3-AR agonists was increased, suggesting whether chronic activation remains beneficial in advanced
a functionally upregulated ß3-AR pathway upon cytokine HF is uncertain. Important other aspects should be
exposure that may contribute to the cardiac depression thoroughly examined, such as ß3-AR’s influences on
observed during sepsis [48]. arrhythmia, metabolism, or polymorphism, which remain
underexplored and should be resolved for a safer predic-
Cirrhosis tion. Prospective studies in animal models, or even in
human patients, using the new specific ß3-AR agonists
A recent study showed, for the first time, a possible role of currently under development for urologic or neurologic
ß3-AR in the modulation of the increased intrahepatic diseases are needed now to clarify this important issue.
resistance and portal pressure in cirrhosis. Indeed, a marked
hepatic and mesenteric ß3-AR upregulation has been Acknowledgements Work supported by grants from the Federation
Française de Cardiologie, the Fondation de France and Association
reported in human cirrhosis and in two animal models. In
Française contre les Myopathies (AFM)to CG and by grants from the
addition, ß3-AR agonists, in combination with nonselective Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Fondation Leducq,
ß-AR blockers, produced a stronger beneficial effect on Politique Scientifique Fédérale (PAI P6/30) and Communauté Fran-
portal pressure in cirrhosis than nonselective ß-AR–block- çaise de Belgique (ARC) to JLB.
ers alone [31]. Thus, ß3-ARs may represent a new target for
Disclosures No potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article
the therapy for portal hypertension in cirrhosis. were reported.

ß3-Adrenoceptor Polymorphism
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