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Project Report

Online Car Rental System

Developed By
Aum Shukla [2205112070002]
Yashar Purawala [2205112070034]
developed at


Partial Fulfillment of IVth Semester of

Master of Computer Applications

for A.Y. 2023 - 2024

Under The Guidance of

Prof. Rinkal Sarvaiya

Submitted To
Department of MCA
Faculty of IT & Computer Science
PARUL University
Car Rental System 2024



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Car Rental System 2024


The Car Rental Management System is designed to modernize and optimize the operations of car rental businesses. This
comprehensive system will automate and integrate key processes, from managing the fleet and reservations to
customer interactions, resulting in increased efficiency, better customer experiences, and improved business insights.


The Car Rental Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to transform the way car rental
businesses operate, enhancing efficiency, customer service, and overall business performance. This system will provide
an integrated platform that automates key processes, simplifies management tasks, and ensures a seamless experience
for both customers and rental service providers.


Before implementing a new Car Rental Management System, it's crucial to understand the current environment and
processes. Below is an overview of the existing system or work environment for a typical car rental business:

1. Manual Reservation and Booking:

Customer reservations and bookings are primarily managed manually through phone calls, emails, or walk-in inquiries.
Limited visibility into real-time vehicle availability, leading to potential overbooking or underutilization of the fleet.

2. Paper-Based Documentation:

Most documentation, including rental agreements, invoices, and vehicle inspection reports, is paper-based. This manual
process is time-consuming and prone to errors, impacting overall efficiency.

3. Limited Online Presence:

Limited or no online platform for customers to check vehicle availability, make reservations, or access rental information.
Lack of integration with popular online travel platforms, limiting the business's online visibility.

4. Manual Billing and Invoicing:

Billing and invoicing processes are manual, leading to delays and potential inaccuracies. Limited flexibility in adapting
pricing structures or applying discounts.

5. Customer Interaction:

Customer interactions are primarily face-to-face or over the phone. Limited tools for collecting and analyzing customer
feedback and preferences.

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Car Rental System 2024


The car rental industry, while offering essential transportation services, faces numerous challenges in its current
state. A significant portion of these challenges arises from outdated and manual processes, particularly when
managing operations with PHP-based systems. The identified problems include:

1) Non-Scalability of PHP Solutions:

Some PHP car rental systems may face scalability challenges, making it difficult to adapt to increasing customer
demands, business growth, and additional features.

2) Poor Reporting and Analytics:

Limited reporting and analytics capabilities within PHP systems hinder the ability to derive actionable insights
from business data, making it challenging to optimize operations and make informed decisions.

3) Inflexible Billing and Pricing Structures:

PHP-based billing modules may lack flexibility in adapting to dynamic pricing structures, promotions, and
discounts, limiting the business's ability to respond to market trends.

4) Multi-Location Management Challenges:

The management of multiple rental locations using PHP systems may lack centralized control, resulting in
inconsistencies in service quality, operational procedures, and challenges in maintaining a cohesive brand

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Car Rental System 2024


1.Reason for the new system:

The advancement in Information Technology and interest penetration has greatly enhanced various business
process and to understand the car rental system is necessary and easy to access from every side and helpful for
the consumer to rent a car from all the specified location and website contains the easy-to-understand portal so
that consumer doesn’t get confused.

2. Enhanced Business Process:

To be able to use internet technology to project the rental company to the global world instead of limiting inside
the locations and automobile is very important for the public to notice and know they can rent form any where.


This Car Rental System project will enable the user to rent a vehicle.

The user shall login to the system and check for availability of cars.

The user specifies a type of car and the journey date and time. The Car Rental System shall check for the
availability of the car and rent the car to the customer.

The user can make payment online. The tool is designed using All the data regarding the rental cars are
stored in MySQL database.

The user has to enter his name, address, phone details and check for the cars available for rent. The UI is very
simple and the connectivity to back end is robust.

The main advantage is that the user shall be able to choose a car depending on his budget.

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Car Rental System 2024


The scope of this project is as follows:

 The car rental system to keep detail records of both the cars and the customers, the duration they rent car as
well as the type of car they rent.

 The system will be mainly design for small a company that renders it car rental services to customers.

 The system will have the ability to generate and print invoice for each successful transaction.

 Level of Access:

 The system will have two levels of access:

 The administrator

 Customer


The beneficiaries of the project are as follows:

Convenient to use: This system helps a lot and provides a convenient service in booking the cars for rental.
Customers can directly see the information about all cars available for them and the prices.

Reliability: The car rental system allows only the authenticated users in with the integration of the secured
payment gateway the transaction becomes safe and reliable. This system built with the effective multiple
modules so the data will be secured securely.

Vehicle management: With car rental system it easy connects riders and car owner can control and manage the
vehicle, also find and track the status of the car. It includes owner and rider management, seamless booking,
detailed listing and earning report.

High security: The system should provide high level security and integrity of data. Only authorized person of the
system can access the system. An enquiry is easily done by user in the system.

User satisfaction level: This system gives each and every service to customer at their door step. They can book,
visit and enjoy the travel.

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Car Rental System 2024


1. Programming Languages:

PHP: Server-side scripting language for web development.

JavaScript: Client-side scripting for dynamic and interactive web pages.

2. Database Management:

MySQL or PostgreSQL: Relational database management system for storing and retrieving data.

3. Front-End Development:

HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript: Building the front-end structure and enhancing user interfaces.

JavaScript libraries/frameworks for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

4. Development Tools:

- Visual Studio Code: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding and debugging.

Choosing the right tools and technologies depends on the specific requirements, expertise of the development team,
and the scalability goals of the Car Rental Management System.

Regular updates and adherence to best practices ensure the system remains efficient, secure, and aligned with
industry standards.

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Car Rental System 2024


Timeline: For Car Rental Management system

Phase 1 (13-1-2024): Project Initiation and

Phase 2 (27-01-2024): Requirements Analysis.

Phase 3 (10-02-2024): Design

Phase 4 (02-03-2024): Implementation

Phase 5 (02-03-2024): Deployment.

Phase 6 (09-03-2024): Testing

Phase 7 (09-03-2024): Training and Documentation.

Phase 8 (10-03-2024): Project Closure.

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Car Rental System 2024



MedLink includes 4 types of feasibility study:

 Technical Feasibility: -
A technical feasibility study examines how you intend to customers. Think about the materials, labour,
transportation, where your business will be locked, and the technology that will be needed. The researchers
involved in this project will go through the same process, as the system progresses, the researchers will move
forward in the same way.
 Economical Feasibility: -
One of our top priorities is to adjust each package to offer our customers exactly what they need. We offer a
variety of options that can enhance your experience. The economic feasibility stage of business development is
the period during which the business venture develops an intermittent financial model
 Operational Feasibility: -
The main purpose of this project is to provide a system that is useful and beneficial to the client. All
requirements are required for client applications. As such, the system collects information from the user and
generates reports so that the client can monitor their entire vehicle, drivers and booking transaction
 Social Feasibility: -
We have covered all the information about the rental system. As it is based on online services, it will manage all
their information and facilitate online registration which will also help consumers save their time and money.



1. Employee
2. Admin
3. Customer


1) Admin: - Manages overall system configuration and settings. Adds and manages user accounts. Monitors system
performance and security. Generates reports and analytics. Manages inventory, including adding new cars and updating
existing ones. Resolves issues escalated by other users.

2) Customer: - Registers an account on the platform. Logs in to browse available cars. Makes reservations and bookings.
Views and manages past and current reservations. Provides feedback and reviews.

3) Employee: - Manages customer check-ins and check-outs. Assists customers in selecting appropriate vehicles.
Processes rental agreements and payments. Updates the status of vehicles (e.g., checked out, returned, under

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Car Rental System 2024


 Car Rental Management System Register/ Login page, Product page, Order now page:

1) Build: -

 Car Rental System is built using HTML5, CSS3, JS (node.js, react.js).

2) Test: -

 After developing or building the Car Rental Management we will test the Product page, Login page, Order / Cart

3) Debug: -

 After developing or building the Car Rental Management System we will test the last step is to debug the web
app to check the errors.


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Car Rental System 2024


Laptop/Android device/IOS device/Computer System

Operating System For PC:

 Linux
 Windows
 MacOS

Operating System For Phone/Tablet:

 Android
 iOS
 Chrome OS


 4 GB or Higher.
 Updated web browser.
 Processor: Intel core
 Hard Disk: 10/20 GB



- Any Web Browser like:-

 Opera
 Chrome
 Safari
 Firefox

Car Rental System 11

Car Rental System 2024


Car Rental Management System Web App includes the actors:

1) Admin

2) Employee

3) Customer

1) Admin

Admin is the actor in which it includes login, Management of Stock, Approval of Rented Cars, Add / Update /
Remove the cars access if once ride, Customer Services, Logout.

2) Employee

Manufacturer actor includes Login, Manage / Check Driver Which car does he customer wants, apply for new
cars, Logout.

3) Customer

Customer includes the functionalities like Login, Search for branded cars according to need, Reminder / Schedule
for next ride and cost of the vehicle and how much it will take per mile/km, apply for discount, Order /, Logout.


Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams also identify the
interactions between the system and its actors. The use cases and actors in use-case diagrams describe what the
system does and how the actors use it, but not how the system operates internally.

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Car Rental System 2024

USE CASE For Admin

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Car Rental System 2024

USE CASE For Vehicle

USE CASE For Search Vehicle

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Car Rental System 2024

USE CASE For Reservation

USE CASE For Generate Bill/Report

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Car Rental System 2024


1) Admin Admin is the actor in which it includes login, Management of Stock, Approval of Medicines,
Add / Update / Remove the medicines, Customer Services, Logout.

2)Manufacture Manufacturer actor includes Login, Manage / Check Medicine Stock, apply for new medicines,
r Describe Medicines, Request to Add / Remove medicines, Logout.

3)Customer Customer includes the functionalities like Login, Search for medicine according to need,
Reminder / Schedule for next course of Medicines, apply for discount, Order / Add to Cart
medicines, Logout.

5)Function specifications:

Admin is basically super user. Admin can add a car, manage booking cars, and rent and view feedback and enquiry.
Admin will keep track of each booking. Manage organization representatives.

Admin is responsible for any error in the system. So, he needs to alter at any point in time. Admin should keep tracking
car renting service, maintenance of cars.


The user is ending user of our service. User can view information of available car, booking a car, easily get the car on
rent, and also give feedback and can enquiry. User also views the discount and other information to get best deals.

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Car Rental System 2024

6)Functions performed:
 Car Rental Management

It provides car reservation facility online. Customer can visit the website and check for various cars. If they are feasible
with requirement, then booking can be done.

 Checking For Availability

Employee can check for the availability of the car. He/she maintains the database of car. If no any car is available it is the
responsibility of the employee to provide alternative options.

 Payment system:

Administrator/owner of the applications responsible for payment to the employee. Order cancellation, order finalize,
these all activities are done by the administrator of the application.

 Maintenance Manager:

If any car requires maintain ace like repair or replacement of any parts, then maintenance manager maintain the data
about that. Payment of maintenance is done by the administrator of the application.

Limitations and restrictions:

1.In order to perform the rent a car capability;

 Customers must login to their own profiles

 Guests must create their own accounts

2. Unless the payment phase is completed, the system will not allow perform the booking and renting capabilities.

3. The system does not allow rent the same car for the same date. If such a consequence happened, the system will give
fatal error.

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