WH - Questions in Simple Present Tense

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Wh- Questions In Simple Present Tense

• To understand and use wh- question words: what, where, when, who, why, which
• To spell the question words
• To ask and answer questions about a person.
Younger teenagers aged 11-12 at CEFR level A2
80 minutes approximately
• Worksheet (one per learner)
• Wh- questions flashcards
• The ‘information gap’ sheet. (one per pair)
• Scissor

This lesson develops learners’ understanding of and ability to use wh-question words
and form 3rd person questions. The learners begin by reviewing positive sentence
construction by predicting answers to a set of questions, and checking these against
picture prompts. They then use the pictures to remember the question which was
originally asked. There is further reinforcement of question formation through
worksheet activities

Stage Instructions

1. Warmer 1.Ask the students whether they have heard about “Wh-” questions
(5 mins) before. After, ask the students to say the “Wh-” questions they know
out loud.
2. List down the “Wh-” question words by sticking cards on the
board. Discuss with students on what the “Wh-” questions indicate
and has students match up the correct “Wh-” word (cards previously
stuck on the board) with the correct “Wh-” type of answer. For

Who = person/animal,
What = thing/doing word,
Where = location/direction,
When = time (past/present/future),
Why = reason.
Which = means/implies choosing one element
(answers will be written on cards and stuck to the board)
2. Question & • Ask the students to provide different examples of each type of
answer matching question form. In order to do so, provide pictures and ask them to
(15 mins) identify which category the picture belongs to. For example, show
them a picture of a person and ask which question form it belongs to.
They will also practice each “Wh-” type of answer.

• Ask learners to look at the matching activity on their

• Give learners time to do the matching activity.
• Check the answers together.
• Answers: 1. d 2. h 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. g 7. f 8. e

3. Information • • First, cut the worksheet along the dotted line. Then, put students
gap activity into pairs and give one half to each student.
(20 mins) •Next, without showing their worksheet to their partner, students
should ask wh- questions to complete the table. For example,
‘Where is Chris from?’ – ‘He is from England.’

• •At the end of the activity, students can compare their worksheet
and check that the answers are the same.

4. Cloze activity •Ask students to look at the activity B from their worksheets.
(speaking) • Explain the meaning of any unfamiliar words as necessary.
(15 mins) • •Ask learners to complete the cloze activity. Students must read
the question and write the correct question word in the blank

•Answer key 1. Where 4. Where 7. Whose 10. Why 2. Who 5.

When 8. Why 11. How 3. How 6. Which 9. Which 12. What
5.Wh- Question • Begin by explaining that students will be conducting simple
Interview interviews in pairs using wh-questions.
(25 mins) • •Write a list of easy-to-understand topics questions on the board.
For example;
-What is your favourite food? Why do you like it?
-Where do you usually go in the weekends?
-Who is your best friend?
-When do you wake up in the morning?
-What is your favourite subject at school?
-What is your favourite game to play?
-Where do you like to go for a walk?
• Pair the students and set a timer (15 minutes) for the
activity. In pairs, students turn asking and answering
questions. Encourage them to use also their own questions
to have a conversation.
• Conclude the activity by inviting a few students to share
interesting information or responses they learned during the
interviews with the whole class.

Homework task • Give Activity D from the worksheet as a homework.

Prepared by
Information Gap Sheet

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