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Negotiation has been an important part of human history. This ability has allowed
us to reach agreements and prosper as a species. Every human being negotiates
at some point in their lives, most people seek to negotiate, this is part of our daily
lives. We negotiate even outside the professional field, since we do it in any
collaborative environment.

The different types of negotiation allow professionals who work in the business
world to improve their business relationships and maintain an honest and effective
stance on their strategies in the market.

Negotiating requires tools, skills and techniques and mixing them with a dose of
diplomacy, synthesis, mastery, agility and ingenuity. Agreeing, arguing, impressing,
motivating, convincing, persuading, influencing, debating, mediating, balancing,
agreeing, listening, trading, seducing and even manipulating are part of the basic
and essential tools that leaders of companies and organizations must have. and
political groups.

The development of this work deals with the negotiation process and the tactics for
negotiating. The intention is to emphasize that in the business field you must have
a real-time market intelligence system that allows you to control the variables,
establish your work route, measure your counterparts and define the different
scenarios; analyze, evaluate, discern and quantify your alternatives, as well as
your level of power and control in a negotiation.
ª Priority is given to ª This style of ª Las partes tienen ª This type of ª In this type of
commercial negotiation is put actitud de negotiation is negotiation, it is
relationships as part into practice colaboración y aggressive. essential that
C of the strategy. when it is more trabajan juntas para there is trust
H convenient to alcanzar sus ª There is no between both
ª It is very common in a lose than to win, objetivos. intention to parties.
A conflict situation because it is ª Se procura mantener take care of ª An attempt will be
R where one of the known in una relación de the made to reach a
A parties has to give in advance that
there will be no
confianza y relationship superficial
at that moment to cordialidad entre las with the other agreement,
C solve it. benefits from the partes. party, but although later it
T agreement. ª Se basa en las instead will not be
estrategias de prioritizing possible to fully
E ª This strategy is used ª Here, you negociación de obtaining the comply.
R when you want to choose not to ganar/ganar en las greatest ª The objective is to
obtain long-term negotiate and try que se busca possible achieve a profit
I benefits; That is, you to postpone the obtener resultados benefit. not so different
S lose now, but you win negotiation. beneficiosos para ª Competitive from what was
T ambas partes.
ª La negociación
could be used
expected to be
achieved, taking
I colaborativa implica when you are into account that
C una inversión only going to there may be
considerable de negotiate some loss.
S tiempo, ya que once or when ª It is generally
puede considerar a obtaining the used in
diversos equipos de benefit is the circumstances
trabajo. only thing that where time is of
matters. the essence.
Which are the three main elements to segment a negotiation? Explain briefly.

PROCESS: occurs when two or more parties with common interests share
information and agree on commitments. Negotiation is resorted to because the
originally proposed conditions do not convince those involved, so they dialogue and
seek agreements to build a relationship.

BEHAVIOR: determination of negotiating behavior taking into account variables

such as the country's culture, power relations or pressure, reflect on what type of
behavior is the most appropriate to show in a process of this nature, in order to
achieve success by knowing the implications of each of the negotiating actions on
the perception of satisfaction and the closing of agreements.

SUBSTANCE: what the negotiation is about or what you want to achieve, and the
“relationship”, the treatment or connection with the other person. You negotiate
because you are interested in achieving something or because the relationship with
the other party is important.

There is another view of the process of negotiation that comprises 4 elements, which
are they?

STRATEGY: they allow you to resolve conflicts, improve the culture of a company
and promote a more empathetic and productive exchange. As part of everyday life,
we can reach agreements and prosper, so there are essential aspects to consider.
PROCESS: allows agreements to be reached between interested parties, something
that happens constantly in any corporate or business environment. Whether or not
you reach an agreement that is beneficial to all parties will depend on good
understanding, as well as your willingness to negotiate and give in on certain points.

TOOLS: understand the steps that will be followed during the process and the roles
that are taken in both preparing for and negotiating with other parties.

TACTICS: the steps and the individual actions that you will carry out to get there. It
refers to the methodical ordering of the actions. It is also possible to define it as the
set of coordinated actions in order to achieve certain tactical objectives. Tactics refer
to the methodical ordering of actions.
Explain with your own words the tactic good guy and bad guy.

I consider that when there is over-manipulation, the tactics become bad, since I am
failing at the win-win principle of negotiation, where I want to take greater advantage,
while those that make me remain loyal to and firm to the proposed proposal could
be interpreted as good tactics. I would include all those that allow a beneficial
agreement for both parties in good tactics, and when competition is sought, they
would not be the most suitable way because it can generate discontent or conflicts
before or after closing.

In personal matters, this is how far you want to go, what things you cannot tolerate,
what your common goals are, delimiting personal spaces, making each person's
expectations clear, agreeing on what you can achieve together and what must be
done so that your relationship work without suffocating or filling.

In the business sector, negotiations are very competitive and for this reason it is very
important to know how to negotiate. Now, to be a good negotiator you must have
certain skills, to know how to transmit our message, it is also important to know how
to listen and process the information that is given to us and perceive, even, what is
not said. It is important to know how to persuade your counterpart to understand and
accept your position in a convincing manner and if you are creative, you will
substantially increase the chances of successfully closing the negotiation.

Likewise, negotiation tactics allow for achieving consensus, adding wills and doing
so with harmony and balancing different positions; Since, I know that it requires
knowledge, methodical processes and a high dose of deployment of individual and
team talent and skills.


Talent Premium. (2023, julio 21). Cuatro tipos de tácticas de negociación y cómo
responder ante ellas. Talent Premium Group.

Torres, D. (2021, noviembre 25). Las 6 técnicas de negociación más eficaces para
tus ventas.

Recuperado el 14 de noviembre de 2023, de

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