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February 6, 2024

To Whom it May Concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend Ms. Evelyn Martinez. Since the beginning of the term, Ms.
Martinez has demonstrated responsibility, respect, and perseverance.

First of all, Ms. Martinez has shown great prowess in her ability to be responsible at school. She
always gets to work upon entering class and makes sure that she meets deadlines set for her by
her other teachers. Her 3.5 grade point average last term is evidence of her tenaciousness and
follow through.

Also, Ms. Martinez is always very respectful to those around her. She treats students and
teachers kindly and listens and responds with respectful banter all of the time. She always
wears a smile and I have never seen her act in a disrespectful manner in my class.

Finally, Ms. Martinez exhibits perseverance as well. She is in her senior year of high school and
she is doing very well as mentioned above. When she has had a question about a class, or
course content, she is quick to ask for clarification or support from either myself or my

Overall, Ms. Martinez is an excellent student and will do well in whatever path she chooses to
take. Based on her ability to be responsible, respectful and to persevere, I believe that Ms.
Martinez will succeed in all of her future endeavors.

If you have any additional questions about Ms. Martinez, feel free to contact me at or (626) 974-6220.


Christy Neria, Ph.D

DHH Education Specialist
South Hills High School

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