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Online Registration and Grading System

Prepared By:


Kaleb Mengistu PECS/0073/10

Nebiyu Alemu PECS/0104/10

Samuel Asaye PECS/0001/10

Tesfaye Mamuye PECS/0102/10

Tewodros Wodajo PECS/0011/10

Submitted to: Eliyas Girma

June 2022

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading System

The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other university and all the
sources of material used for the project/thesis have been duly acknowledged. (Name and
Signature up to the number of the project group members)
Name Signature
Kaleb Mengistu -----------------------------
Nebiyu Alemu -----------------------------
Samuel Asaye -----------------------------
Tesfaye Mamuye -----------------------------
Tewodros wodajo -----------------------------
School: Gage University College
Program: Computer Science
I certify that this project satisfies all the requirements as a project for the degree of Bachelor of

Name of program coordinator Signature

This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my opinion it is fully adequate, in scope
and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Science.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading System

Approved by the Board of Examiners:

Eliyas Girma
Advisor Signature Date

Dean, Graduate Signature Date


External Examiner Signature Date

Internal Examiner Signature Date

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid
down by the school of the university.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading System

Table of Contents
Description, Definitions and Abbreviation....................................................................................................3
Chapter One...................................................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................4
1.1. Motivation......................................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Backgrounds of CPU College................................................................................................4
1.1.2. Back ground of the study.......................................................................................................5
1.2. Statement of problem.....................................................................................................................5
1.3. Objectives of the study...................................................................................................................7
1.3.1. General Objective..................................................................................................................7
1.3.2. Specific Objective..................................................................................................................7
1.4. Scope of the Project.......................................................................................................................7
1.4.1. Actors of the system...............................................................................................................8
1.4.2. Definition of Automated System...........................................................................................8
Chapter Two...................................................................................................................................................9
2. Feasibility Study....................................................................................................................................9
2.1. Technical feasibility.......................................................................................................................9
2.2. Operational feasibility....................................................................................................................9
2.3. Financial feasibility........................................................................................................................9
2.4. Schedule feasibility........................................................................................................................9
2.5. Technology and System Feasibility...............................................................................................9
Chapter Three...............................................................................................................................................10
3. Methodology of the Study (SDLC METHODOLOGY).....................................................................10
3.1. Data Source..................................................................................................................................10
3.2. Data Collection methods..............................................................................................................10
 Personal observation:...................................................................................................................10
 Interview:.....................................................................................................................................10
Chapter Four................................................................................................................................................11
4. Requirement Specification...................................................................................................................11

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading System
4.1. Functional Requirements.............................................................................................................11
4.2. Non-functional Requirements......................................................................................................12
4.2.1. Availability..........................................................................................................................12
4.2.2. Data integrity.......................................................................................................................12
4.2.3. Documentation.....................................................................................................................12
4.2.4. Hardware and software considerations................................................................................13
Chapter Five.................................................................................................................................................14
5. Testing Procedures...............................................................................................................................14
5.1. Unit Testing.................................................................................................................................14
5.2. Integration Testing.......................................................................................................................14
5.3. System Testing.............................................................................................................................14
Chapter Six...................................................................................................................................................15
6. Project Management Plan....................................................................................................................15
6.1. The Project Team Organization...................................................................................................15
6.2. Team Composition.......................................................................................................................15
6.3. Time Management Plan...............................................................................................................16
Chapter seven...............................................................................................................................................17
7. System Design.....................................................................................................................................17
7.1. User Interface Specification.........................................................................................................17
7.2. Use Case Diagram and Description.............................................................................................18
7.2.1. Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................18
7.2.2. Scenario Design...................................................................................................................19
7.2.3. Use Case Description...........................................................................................................24
7.3. Interaction Diagram.....................................................................................................................34
7.4. User Interface flow Diagrams......................................................................................................35
7.5. Class diagram...............................................................................................................................36
7.5.1. A User Specification to Log in the System..........................................................................36
7.6. System Architecture and System Design.....................................................................................37
7.6.1. Database Entity Relationship Diagram................................................................................37
7.7. Technologies to be used...............................................................................................................38
Chapter 8......................................................................................................................................................39

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading System
8. Screen Shots.........................................................................................................................................39
8.1. Home Page...................................................................................................................................39
8.2. Programs Page.............................................................................................................................40
8.3. Academic calendar page..............................................................................................................41
8.4. About us page..............................................................................................................................42
8.5. Contact Us Page...........................................................................................................................43
8.6. Login Page...................................................................................................................................44
8.6.1. Administrator Pages.............................................................................................................45
8.6.2. Staff Worker Pages..............................................................................................................46
8.6.3. Lecture Pages.......................................................................................................................47
8.6.4. Student Pages.......................................................................................................................48
8.6.5. Record Worker Page............................................................................................................49
Future Developments...................................................................................................................................52

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

We would like to express our deepest appreciation and special thanks to our advisor Eliyas
Girma who give us immeasurable help to done our project without his guidance and persistent
help this project would not have been possible with this time.

We have special thanks to the workers of CPU College online registration and grading system
who helped us in providing the necessary information and material such as working manuals for
preparing this document.

Finally we would like to forward our special thanks to Gage university college who gave us
immeasurable help by preparing computer class and internet to done our project.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

The CPU College uses manual process system. When the student need to check course ,grade,
add, drop what they want manually to online registration and grading system, that’s way it is
making the process too late. This requires the employee to use systematic based recording files to
know the status of grade and add or drop the process in the system. The paper includes three
chapters or phases. The first phase covers the introduction, which contains background, Existing
system study, proposed system, objective of the project, benefits of the project, scope,
methodology and significant of the project. The second phase covers the system features which
contain existing system description, hardware requirement, software requirement, user
requirement, system requirement, functional requirement, non-functional requirement, Use case
diagram, Use case description, activity diagram and sequence diagram. The third phase covers
system design which include Deployment diagram, user interface design, ER diagram and
Algorism design.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Description, Definitions and Abbreviation

This is a Student Registration system developed for CPU College of Ethiopia so that it
deals with many students’ records with their results Hence dealing with automation of
service the system provides Student registration, Student admission, Student Grade,
Readmission, Withdrawal/drop out, Add/drop courses and Prepare student copy.


Admission: is processing of application there by selecting and recording applicants.

Exemption: exempting from taking some courses due various reasons. Some are

physical disability, course already taken.
Add/drop: adding a new course during the add/drop schedule and dropping course
that has been register previously with consultation of advisors.
Withdraw/drop out-student may terminate his/her education formally (withdrawal) or
informally (drop out).
Readmission: a dismissed, withdraw or dropped out student may be allowed to be
readmitted if she/he fulfills the requirements of department she/he is enrolled in.
Promotion: after the grades of students have been submitted by instructors and status
determined students will be promoted to the next level of education
Reports: show the overall number of students taking various cases as criteria in a
specified period of time
Certification: this category deals with requirements that relate to certifying the
students at different level of his/her education.

GPA:-Average grade point.
CGPA:-cumulative Average grade point.
CPUORGS:-CPU Online Registration and Grading System

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter One

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation
The reasons that motivate us to this project is that we understand the importance of using
information technology and the internet in the computational business of Schools, using the
current most valuable tool the information technology and the internet.

On the other hand, as graduating students this kind project which requires the implication of
many course we studied which will helps us to know more about the course and how they are
practiced in the real world. The project has initiated our team to get knowledge of how to
develop the required system application while struggling with some difficulties; the team got a
lot of experiences of solving problems

So we decided to develop this web page to CPU Registration System which

is Manages student’s data easily and efficiently.
Gives registration activity on time.
Controls the readmission of students easily.
Solves add/drop courses conflicts.
Saving their time

1.1.1. Backgrounds of CPU College

Computer Professionals United (CPU) is one of the premier Information Technology Companies
in Ethiopia established by a group of high caliber and dedicated ICT professionals with the aim
of promoting computer technology. Its establishment dates to 1992 when computer technology
was relatively new to the business and service communities of the country. The joint efforts and
optimism of these professionals, who were inspired to fill the glaring gap, set up CPU Computer
Training Center to provide short-term computer training and consultancy services.

Taking professional pride in its own share of responsibility for the current relatively wider use of
Computer Technology in the country, CPU is now running two major programs. One is short-
term Basic and Advanced Computer courses offered at the Center by incorporating up-to-date
concepts in this fast-growing technology. The long-term package consists of the Degree and
TVET Programs based on studies on the scarcity of higher and middle-level human power in the
service industry and the government’s great attention to the demands in these sectors. Having
met the necessary requirements for quality education, CPU Business and Information
Technology College became operational in 2001 to run both degree and diploma programs. And

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading
in accordance with the new education and training policy and the provisions set thereof, the

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

College in addition to the undergraduate program launched and is running the TVET program in
the field of Information Technology, Accounting and Secretarial Science.

1.1.2. Back ground of the study

This project is intended to automate the registration and grading system by eliminating the
manual system. The system used to provide fast efficient, reliable service for students, staffs,
outside society which wants to learn.

The Enrolment and examination office is giving various services such as admission, registration,
Add/Drop of courses, withdrawal/clearance, make-up exam and readmission, scheduling classes,
class rooms, exams and invigilators, keeping all-rounded academic matter services for all
students, preparing list of graduating class students, providing print form of grade reports,
student copy, advisor copy, temporary degree and updating student information such as CGPA
and academic status of students every semester are also provided by the office, accepting grade

1.2. Statement of problem

The current registration and grading system has many problems in relation to registration and
database management .since it is manual system. The following are problems of the current
system (manual system).

Since the registrar is using manual system to do every activity, they are wasting time
to perform a little job.
The searching and data retrieving mechanism of the system takes much time that
degrades the performance of the system.
Data collection is not accurate and it is not based on timely manner.
Duplication of data occurs when data input in to the system.
It is difficult to add, replace, delete and edit the required information.
Checking the validity of input data is difficult.
Since information is not collected timely and accurately, the output is
not precise and on time.
Processing the input data in order to get an output takes much time
because of the manual system (like grade point calculation takes time).
Due to this student do not see their grade report on time.
It is difficult to check whether the output data is valid or invalid
Stored Data
The data stored takes more rooms.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

In addition to this it is difficult in order to add some additional requirements to

the existing system’s stored data (i.e. it is not flexible).
There is the loss of data when storage place gets natural as well as manmade
problems (like firing).
Registration speed
Registration process is not fast as expected because of a line of student waiting
for registration.
Since the system currently uses manual system it is not economically sufficient
i.e. there is a redundancy of activities, unnecessary slip is given to departments
and main registrar (wastage of material and time), grade report is prepared each
and every semester with an unnecessary number of copies (wastage of
material) and so on.
Number of rooms used to store each registration information (wastage of
Since everything is done manually by individual worker, the number of
employees is high, this in turn makes the university to allocate high budget
for employee’s salary.
High budget for different resources (like copy machine ink, paper, pen
Control and Security
Currently almost there is no control and security mechanism with in the
office. Student’s information especially grade report is not secured that is it
can be seen by other peoples, because there is no authentication mechanisms.
In addition to this there is wastage of materials and time due to redundantly
storage of identical data on different offices.
The current system takes time during student registration because they use
some workers for a number of students, which makes the student to wait a lot
until they get their turn.
The services provided by the office are not as fast as possible because the
service providers are busy with the paper and paper related activities.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

1.3. Objectives of the study

1.3.1. General Objective

The purpose of the new system to CPU College is to automate features of the existing system,
particularly those which are repetitive and labor intensive. The automated system uses,
developed and implemented information systems, based on the university’s requirements.

1.3.2. Specific Objective

The purpose of our project is to study the current system in detail and develop a new automated
system that:
Describe the existing system.
model the existing and new system
Displays all necessary information
Makes the working process attractive and easy to use
Utilizes human and material resource efficiently
Puts the registrar as a good role model for the other universities and other institutions
at large.

Investigate and identify the problems of the existing system.

Demonstrate the potential of the system for further application and scalability.
Generating report based student record.

1.4. Scope of the Project

The office of registrar has many duties. Hence dealing with automation of service it provides
doesn’t go with the short time that we have. So we limit ourselves to the following areas.

Student registration
Student admission
Student Grade
Withdrawal/drop out
Add/drop courses
Our system does not include the following systems
Student placement
Class scheduling
scheduling HR
Payment/financial management

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

1.4.1. Actors of the system

The following offices, groups of people and individuals are directly or indirectly
beneficiaries of the system:

Staff Worker
Registrar Officer

1.4.2. Definition of Automated System

Automated system is very important to have a mutual understanding and expectation about the
output delivery of the project. The major activity of the project is:

Identifying and analyzing the existing registry system verses the requirement of automated
Full understanding of the existing system for production of integrated computerized system.
Propose and design technically and operationally feasible system based on the university’s
Developing an integrated system and migration of data from existing system to automated
design system.
Providing training end user and system administrator.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter Two

2. Feasibility Study
To bring the successful completion of this project goals and objectives the feasibilities issues
listed below has determined the project viability or the discipline of planning, organizing, and
managing resources.

2.1. Technical feasibility

This system provides help description to the user about how to use the system. And other
technical modification on the system is done by the developers.
2.2. Operational feasibility
Currently there is no existing system in the case of Online Registration and Grading so this
system will be implemented in CPU University College as a pioneer of Online Registration
project. The system will provide to Register Students through put at desired time to the user and
also give the needed information in a timely usefully formatted way. The system also has
security to gives access privilege providing account for an authorized person. There is a place
that doesn’t need security or privilege to access for all uses like general information.

2.3. Financial feasibility

As cost/benefit analysis, show the new system is developed using a very minimum coast and it
give a lot of benefits such as advancing the services of the Registration, decreasing the work load
of the Registrar office, students or users of the collection will access the material they want at
any time and etc.

2.4. Schedule feasibility

Schedule feasibility is making sure whether the potential time frames and Completion date can
be met or not .The project team member expect the Project to be completed on time without any

2.5. Technology and System Feasibility

This involves questions such as whether the most of the technology needed for the system has
exists in the CPU University College. Because the system is too customized according to CPU
University Student Registration System there will be no difficulty to build the Online
Registration and Grading System, and also the Registrar staff and other concerned bodies has or
will have enough experience using other Computer system.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter Three

3. Methodology of the Study (SDLC METHODOLOGY)

3.1. Data Source

The primary source of data such as different forms, reports business rules and regulations are
obtained from current registrar office of CPU College.

3.2. Data Collection methods

From the various fact finding methods we used the following tools:

Personal observation: assessing and analyzing the overall registrar system has been
carried out by personally observing the current working system. We use waterfall model
because the model develops systematically from one phase to another in a downward
Interview: we got some sort information about the current registrar system from the
registrar employee that helps us to analyze the system. They also give us some
registration forms like student add and drop, student registration and grade complain

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter Four

4. Requirement Specification

4.1. Functional Requirements

Student’s data process:
Registration: New Student(Freshman) enrolls on the register after
meeting enrollment data
Admission: If the student meets the necessary information, he or she
will be re-enrolled through the register.
Add/drop ፡ If there is a lesson that is Add or Drop, it will be received
when they are taught the necessary information
Readmission ፡ Active Student enrolls by bringing the necessary
information into the school
Grade related information: this category of requirements shall deal with:
Preparation of grade submission forms for instructors
Preparation of grade reports.
Determination of status: Pass warning, probation and dismissal based
on the rules and the regulation of CPU registrar.
Forms: This requirement is related to preparation of the various forms that the
registrar uses in its day to day activity. Those forms are:
Student’s registration form.
Student admission application form.
Grade submission form.
Grade compliant form.
Grade change form.
Student’s clearance form.
Readmission request form.
Add/drop form.
Academic Calendar: preparation of flexible academic calendar for various
Control and checking mechanism: the system should able to prevent and control
during its process when the following list of cases are preparing against academic
rules and Regulation of University.
Registration beyond the maximum credit
Prerequisite for adding course
Readmission acceptance below cut point GPA first dismissal
Repeating of courses more than twice
Mixing program other than their own program unless otherwise
decided by senate and academic commission

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Graduation requirement credits

Graduation approval with having a ”F” grades
Graduation approval with CGPA less than 2.00 both in cumulative in
the major GPA.
Web based information delivery: the system should deliver the following
information to users in web browser.
Viewing university structure
View course offering
Online registration
Viewing of student data
Viewing details of the student’s data for decision making on cases of
problematic students.
Viewing of lists of students categorized by their status
Viewing of forms
Be able to Upload the various forms necessary in the day to day
operations the university
View academic calendar
Providing users guide manual how to work with the system friendly.
Process of data migration from access (existing) to newly designed system.

4.2. Non-functional Requirements

4.2.1. Availability
The system must be available to the intended users twenty four hours per day.

4.2.2. Data integrity

Data will be critical to its success as a system.
Extensive data validation and review will be performed both before data are
upload to the system and as part of upload process

4.2.3. Documentation
In the process of interacting with this system the users and the users of Online Registration and
Grading System can be easily access the software using the following documentation types:
Help desk
Documentation (SRS, system design and architecture).

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

4.2.4. Hardware and software considerations

Here the requirements can be viewed in two directions the user side and the organizational side

Hardware requirements

The following sub-sections discuss the various aspects of hardware requirements.

Processing power

x86 architecture
Intel Pentium CPUs

Memory & Secondary storage

RAM: 512 MB and above

250GB Hard-disk: and swap space (if RAM is insufficient).


CD-ROM drives,
Network devices, etc.

Software requirements


Typical platforms include a computer's

X86 /64 architecture,

Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7, windows 10
Programming languages and their Runtime libraries.

Web browser
It supports all browser application.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter Five
5. Testing Procedures
Developing software is a complex process. No matter how hard we try to eliminate all faults
simply by going through the phases of requirements, analysis, design, specification, and
implementation, however through good practice we can make sure that the most series fault does
not occur in the first place. In addition we need a separate testing phase, with the goal of
elimination all remaining faults before release.
To simplify the testing process the project team followed the different types of tests that break
the testing process up into the distinct levels. These types testing are:-
Unit testing
Integration testing
System testing

5.1. Unit Testing

In this level of testing process, the ORGS system developers test the different sub procedures,
functions and tested by applying the black and white box testing.
Sample Tests
Check whether the return type of the functions is correct.
Check how the sub procedures or functions are called correctly.
Check if the correct output is produced for different inputs.
Check the efficiency of the code with respect to the memory and CPU time.

5.2. Integration Testing

In this level of testing we have examined how the different procedures work
together to achieve the goal of the sub system.
Sample Tests
1. Get Add course (Course ID) function is called after the set Add course (course
ID) is invoked for the particular course ID otherwise it calls the error function.
2. Approve Add course (course ID) function is called after the set Add course
(Course ID) is invoked for the particular course ID otherwise it calls the
When one student is deleted from its table its Id number must not exist in
other tables.
A report can be generated by combining the fields of the sub systems.
Once the instructor submits student grade it does not allow modifying student
grade from student database, unless he/she get permission from system
5.3. System Testing
System Testing
In this level of testing process we have examined how nicely the subsystems of the whole

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading
ORS system work together to achieve the desired goal.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter Six
6. Project Management Plan

6.1. The Project Team Organization

The all task of the project will do in a group which helps to get a general understanding the
project and implement in the CPU College. Each member of the group have responsible to do the
project effective way and checking the need tasks creating new ideas which is helps to the
fulfilling of the project.

Group Member Responsibilities

Ato Nebiu Alemu is responsible for collecting any information about CPU
College and prepares a document.
Ato Samuel Assaye is responsible for studying the background manual
system of the university registration and grading system and prepares a
Ato Tewodros Wodajo is responsible for analyzing the project is feasible or
not and prepares a document.
Ato Tesfaye Mamuye is responsible for describing the statement of the
problem about manual system of the college registration and grading system
and prepares a document.
Ato Kaleb Mengistu is a Group Leader and he is responsible for organizing
the collected information by the group member and describes the general and
specific objectives of the project and also communicates to the advisor, to
take a comment and making adjustment by the taking comment.
6.2. Team Composition
The team that develops the project consists of five persons. The team members meet in
Weekly bases to discuss about the project, and to asses ware each member is on his
prospective task in reference to the schedule. The time composition or work breakdown is
shown in the following table.
Team Composition
Team members Tasks
Nebiyu Alemu Analysis/ Requirement Gathering
Kaleb Mengistu Implementation
Tewodros Wodajo Design/Testing
Samuel Asaye Requirement Gathering/Testing
Tesfaye Mamuye Implementation
Elias Girma Advisor

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

6.3. Time Management Plan


2 -4 week




1 week

Project Proposal

Analysis Phase

System & Object



and project

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter seven

7. System Design

7.1. User Interface Specification

The developed system provides both desktop application and web application user interfaces that
are compatible with window platforms and browsers. The users or who navigate the other
interface of the system to retrieve the collections of the system is also expected to know basic
understanding on how to use it.

User Interface Identifier Interface 1

User Interface Name Login
User Interface Description Login into Online Registration and Grading System home
Relationship Logs to the
system Steps followed to use the interface
1. Type the ORGS URL in address bar of web browser
2. Displays the login page of ORGS
3. Login into the system by using valid username and password.
4. The home page is display on the user screen

User Interface Identifier Interface 2

User Interface Name Home page
User Interface Description it serves as to find Online Registration and Grading
System home page
Relationship Search services
Steps followed to use the interface
1. Login into the system by using valid username and password.
2. The home page is display on the user screen
3. Search services/ search web
4. Select the service that the user want from the list of services and click on
it. The page selected service is display on the user screen.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.2. Use Case Diagram and Description

7.2.1. Use Case Diagram

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.2.2. Scenario Design

Scenario 1
Name of use case: create account
Participating instance actor: Registrar
officer, Entry condition:
1. Registrar officer login to the system by using his account.
Flow of events:
1. Registrar Officer Click on the create account link from the ORGS home page.
2. The system displays the create account form.
3. Registrar Officer fill the form and click on generate button.
4. The system generates new user account with username and password.
5. Registrar Officer sends this new username and password to the user.
Alternate Case:
6. If Registrar Officer made error when he fill the form and click the generate
button with error, the system displays an error message and it allows to try
7. Registrar Officer clicks on the clear button to clean the text field.
Exit condition: The system saves all necessary users’ information in the user account table.
Special requirement: when he performs this task connection should not be down.
Scenario 2
Name of use case: login
Participating instance actor: Lecturer, Student, School officer, Department, Record worker,
Registrar Officer
Entry condition:
1. The users have valid username and password.
2. The users also have the URL (web site) of Online Registration and Grading
Flow of events:
1. The user writes the URL of ORGS in address bar of web browser and press
enter key from the keyboard.
2. The system displays the ORGS login page on the user screen.
3. The user clicks on the login button.
4. The system allows the user to enter their username and password.
5. The user fills the username and password and clicks on the sign in button or
press enter key from the keyboard.
6. The system displays the ORGS home page.
Alternate Case:
7. If the username and password are invalid, the system displays an error
message and allows the user to try again.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8. If the user forgets or wants to change username or password, the system

allows to the user to change the username or password by asking same
security questions.

Exit condition: The system saves all necessary information’s of the user’s activity when he/she
interacts with system.
Special requirement: when the user performs this task connection should not be down.
Scenario 3
Name of use case: Register
Participating instance actor: Student
Entry condition: Student logs in to the system using his account.
Flow of events:
1. Student clicks on the Registration link from the ORGS home page.
2. The system displays student registration form.
3. Student fills the form and click on submit button.
4. The system displays successfully registered message
Alternate Case:
5. If the registered record exists in the database, the system displays the student
already registered message.
6. If the input data has errors, the system display error message & allow try again
Exit condition: The system saves the record.
Special requirement: when Student performs this task connection should not be down.

Scenario 4
Name of use case: Upload
Participating instance actor: Record worker
Entry condition: Record worker logs in to the system using his account.
Flow of events:
1. Record Worker click on the Attach File Button from the ORGS home page.
2. The System displays Upload files form.
3. Record Worker Browse the file in to the form and click on Submit button.
4. The system Upload the File and Displays Successfully upload message.

Alternate Case:
5. If Record Worker made a mistake in the data entry, the system displays error
message and allow making correction.
Exit condition: The file Uploaded successfully
Special requirement: when the Record Worker performs this task connection should not be

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Scenario 5
Name of use case: add/drop course
Participating instance actor: Student
Entry condition: Student logs in to the system using the account.
Flow of events:
1. Student clicks on add/drop course link from the ORGS home page.
2. The system displays students add/drop course form.
3. Student fills the form properly (to fill total credit text field click on sum button
after fill the credit hours of all courses that are added or dropped or both).
4. Finally Student click on the submit button.
5. The system displays successful submit message.
Alternate Case:
6. If the Student made error when she fill the form and submit with error, the
system displays an error message and it allows to try again.
7. Student clicks on clear button to clean the text field.
8. When the credit hour is over flow or bellows the limit the system displays an
error message and not permitted to add or drop course.
Exit condition: If the submission is successful, the system saves the record data successfully.
Special requirement: when the Student performs this task connection should not be down.
Scenario 6
Name of use case: submit grade
Participating instance actor: Lecturer
Entry condition: Lecturer logs in to the system using his account.
Flow of events:
1. The Lecture clicks on submit grade link from the ORGS home page.
2. The system displays the grade submission form.
3. The Lecture fills the form properly and click on submit button.
4. The system displays successful submit message.
Alternate Case:
5. If The Lecture made error when he fill the form and submit with error, the
system displays an error message and it allows to try again.
6. The Lecture clicks on clear button to clean the text field.
Exit condition: If the submission is successful the system saves the record data successfully.
Special requirement: when The Lecture performs this task connection should not be down.
Scenario 7
Name of use case: prepare academic calendar
Participating instance actor: Registrar officer
Flow of events:
1. Registrar officer clicks on the academic calendar link.
2. The system displays the previous academic year calendar.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

3. Registrar officer prepares or uploads the current academic year calendar and
posts it on that page.
4. The System displays the successful post message.
Alternate Case:
5. If Registrar officer made mistake on the academic calendar, the system allows
to delete or modify post.
Exit condition: If the post is successful, the page modified successfully and the system saves
that page.
Special requirement: when the he performs this task connection should not be down.

Scenario 8
Name of use case: Modify Account
Participating actor: Registrar officer
Entry condition: Registrar officer logs in to the system using his account.
Flow of events:
1. Registrar officer clicks on modify account link from the home page of the ORGS.
2. Registrar officer clicks on search user account button.
3. The System displays search options (by name, by ID).
4. Registrar officer searches using one search method.
5. The system displays the user’s profile.
6. Registrar officer clicks on the update button to modify account.
Alternate Case:
7. If there is a mistake in the data entry, the system displays error message and it allows to
make correction.
Exit condition: The user account is modified successfully.
Special requirement: when the Registrar officer performs this task connection should not be
Scenario 9
Name of use case: Prepare grade report
Participating actor: Lecture
Entry condition: Lecture logs in to the system using his account.
Flow of events:
1. Lecture clicks on “prepare grade report” link from the ORGS home page.
2. The System displays the grade report form.
3. Lecture fills the form properly and clicks on generate button.
4. The system generates the grade report.
Alternate Case:
5. If there is a mistake in the data entry, the system displays error message and it
allows making correction.
Exit condition: The Grade Prepare successfully.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Scenario 10
Name of use case: View status
Participating actor: Student, Lecturer
Entry condition: The user logs in to the system using their account.
Flow of events:
1. The user clicks on view status link from the ORGS home page.
2. The System displays view status form.
3. The user fills the form properly and clicks on view button.
4. The System displays the user’s status.
Alternate Case:
5. If there is a mistake in the data entry, the system displays error message and it
allows to the user to make correction.
Exit condition: The user views his/her status.
Special requirement: when The User performs this task connection should not be down.
Scenario 11
Name of use case: Inform legislation
Participating actor: Registrar officer
Entry condition: Registrar officer logs in to the system using his account.
Flow of events:
1. Registrar officer clicks on “Rules” link from the ORGS home page.
2. The system displays the previous business rule.
3. Registrar officer prepares or uploads the current business rule and posts it on
that page.
4. The System displays the successful post message.
Alternate Case:
5. If there is a mistake in the post (business rule), the system allows to make
Exit condition: If the post is successful, the page modified successfully and the system saves
that page.
Special requirement: when Registrar officer performs this task connection should not be

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.2.3. Use Case Description

Description 1

Use case name Submit Grade

Use case number 1
Use case To submit student’s grade in to student database table of the system.
Participating Actor Instructor
Pre-condition The instructor login into the system by using valid username and
The instructor knows the grade submission date.
The instructor work students grade in Excel.
The instructor identifies students that add courses or not.
Flow of events 1. The instructor clicks on my-course link.
2. The system displays all courses that the instructor teaches in the
academic year.
3. The instructor clicks on the submit grade button on the course that the
instructor want to submit grade.
4. The System displays the grade submission form.
5. The instructor fills all the necessary information and upload the grade.
6. System checks the inputs validation.
7. The instructor views the confirm message.
Post condition System saves the inserted grade.
Alternative flow of If the instructor submit incorrect student grade, the system displays
events permission message or activation date.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Description 2

Use case Login

Use case 2
Use case To login in to the user account.
Participating Student, lecture, School officer, Department officer, Record worker,
Actor Registrar Officer
Pre-condition The users have their valid username and password.
Flow of 1. The system is a login link when users click the link. The link has a
events sign in prompt.
2. The user inserts username and password.
3. The system checks the username and password whether it is valid or not.
4. The system allows the user to login into the system.
5. If the user insert invalid username and password, the system display
an error message and allows trying again.
Post condition The user successfully login into the system.
Alternative If the user forget or want to change username or password the system
flow of events allows them to change the username or password.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Description 3

use case name Attach Files

use case number 3
use case description To Upload any file of the College.
Participating Actor Record worker
Pre-condition Record worker login in the system.
Flow of events 1. Record worker clicks on “prepare student copy” link
from ORGS home page.
2. The System displays the form.
3. Record worker fills the form properly and clicks on generate
4. The system displays the student copy.
Post condition The system display successful preparation message.
Alternative flow of If there is a mistake in the data entry the system displays error
events message and it allows to make correction.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Description 4
use case name Prepare grade report
use case number 5
use case description To prepare student grade report.
Participating Actor Lecture
Pre-condition Lecture login into system.
Flow of events 1. Lecture clicks on “prepare grade report” link from the ORGS
home page.
2. The System displays the grade report form.
3. Lecture fills the form properly and clicks on generate button.
4. The system generates the grade report.
Post condition The system display successful message.
Alternative flow of If there is a mistake in the data entry the system displays error
events message and it allows making correction.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Use case name Add/Drop course
Use case number 6
Use case description Students to add/drop courses in to the student database table.
Uses check for prerequisites
Participating Actor Students
Pre-condition Students login in to the system.
Flow of events 1. Student clicks on add/drop course link from the ORGS home
2. The system displays students add/drop course form.
3. Student fills the form properly (to fill total credit text field
click on sum button after fill the credit hours of all
courses that are added or dropped or both).
4. Finally she click on the submit button.
Post condition The system displays successful submit message.
Alternative flow of events If Student made error when fill the form and submit with
error, the system displays an error message and it allows to
try again.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Us use case name create account
Us use case number 7
Us use case description To create new account to the user
Us uses
Pa Participating Actor Registrar officer
Pre-condition Registrar officer login in to the system.
Registrar officer has full information about authorized user
(full name, id, e-mail).
Flow of events 1. Registrar officer click on the create account button.
2. The system displays the create account form.
3. Registrar officer fills the form and click on signup button.
4. The system generates new user account with username
and password.
5. Registrar officer sends this new username and password to the
user by using their e-mail address.
Post condition The system display successful message.
Alt Alternative flow of If the message or username and password don’t reach to
events the user or get problem by any means, the system allows to
checks and solves the problem of that username and

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading


use case name Prepare academic calendar

use case number 9
use case description To prepare Academic Calender students.
Participating Actor Registrar officer
Pre-condition Registrar officer login to system from the home page of the
Flow of events 1. Registrar officer clicks on the “academic calendar” link from
the home page of the ORGS.
2. The system displays the previous academic year calendar.
3. Registrar officer prepares or uploads the current academic
year calendar and posts it on that page.
Post condition The System displays the successful post message.
Alternative flow of events If registrar officer made mistake the system allows deleting
or modifying post.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

use case name View status
use case number 11
use case description Students look Grade information.
Participating Actor Students
Pre-condition Students login into the system.
Flow of events 1. The user clicks on view status link from the ORGS home
2. The System displays view status form.
3. The user fills the form properly and clicks on view button.
4. The System displays the user’s status.
Post condition
Alternative flow of If there is a mistake in the data entry, the system displays
events error message and it allows to the user to make correction.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

use case name Register
use case number 13
use case description To register active students.
Participating Actor Student
Pre-condition Student logs in to the system.
Flow of events 1. Student clicks on the Register button.
2. The system displays student registration form.
3. Student fills registration data and click on Register button.
Post condition The system displays successfully registered message.
Alternative flow of If the input data has errors the system display error message &
events allow to try again

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Description 10

use case name Modify account

use case number 14
use case description To modify user account in the system.
Participating Actor Registrar officer
Pre-condition Registrar officer login into the system.
Flow of events 1. Registrar officer clicks on modify account link from the
home page of the ORGS.
2. Registrar officer clicks on search user account button.
3. The System displays search options (by name, by ID).
4. Registrar officer searches using one search method.
5. The system displays the user’s profile.
6. Registrar officer clicks on the update button to modify
Post condition The system modify successfully.
Alternative flow of If there is a mistake in the data entry the system displays error
events message and it allows making correction.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.3. Interaction Diagram


Cilick start

Login Button

Click Login

Login Form




Click Cancel
Close Registration
Click No

Form Chiose

Click Save

Summery Box correct

Click ok

Successful Mesage Click Yes

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.4. User Interface flow Diagrams

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.5. Class diagram

-DepName : char
-DepId : char
Lecture -School: char
+Login() : Void
-Name : char
-Tid : char
-Major : char
-Course Given : char Student
-SID : char
+Login() : Void -Fname : char
+Submit Grade () Void -MName : char Course
-LName : char -CoName : char
-Sex : char -CoCode : char
-PoBox : char -PreRequest: char
-SchName : char +Setprerequest() : Void
School -DepName : char +Getprerequest :() Void
-SchName : char +AddNew :() Void
+Login() : Void
-Address : char +Update :() Void
+Register () Void +Delete :() Void
+Login() : Void
+Release Enrolement :() Void
+UpdateCurricilum :() Void
+Add Department :() Void
+CloseRegistration() :Void
+PrepareAcadamicCalander() :Void

Record Worker
-Name : char -SID : Char
-Password : char

+Login() : Void +CheckForPrerequest() : Void

+Prepare Slip :() Void
+ApproveAddandDrop :() Void
+PrepareStudCopy :() Void

Existing Student New Student

-Login : char -RegNo : char
-Register : char -Region : char
-Zone : char
+Login() : Void -Woreda : char
+Register :() Void -FieldofStudy : char
+Add Course :() Void
+DropCourse :() Void +Register :() Void
+GradeComplain :() Void

7.5.1. A User Specification to Log in the System

A User Must Have
First Name
Name Last
User name
User interface-Navigation Path

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.6. System Architecture and System Design

7.6.1. Database Entity Relationship Diagram

UserName Passwored

LginID Role

Us Has Rol


Permiti RoleID
SName PName
Stude Manage
CID SchName
CName SchID
Cour CType SchName

Schoo SchType



Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

7.7. Technologies to be used

This project will be a web Based application to be developed in PHP having MySQL as
Database Design (MYSQL)
Form Design (PHP)
Coding (PHP)

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Chapter 8

8. Screen Shots

8.1. Home Page

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.2. Programs Page

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.3. Academic calendar page

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.4. About us page

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.5. Contact Us Page

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.6. Login Page

Log in by a Valid Username and Password

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.6.1. Administrator Pages

To Change a Password Click a Change Pass Button

To View News/Messages Click a News/Messages Button
To Create User Account Click a Create Account Button
To Logout Click a Logout Button

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.6.2. Staff Worker Pages

To Change a Password Click a Change Pass Button

To View News/Messages Click a News/Messages Button
To Logout Click a Logout Button

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.6.3. Lecture Pages

To Submit Grade Click a Grade Sub Button

To Change a Password Click a Change Password Button
To Logout Click a Logout Button

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.6.4. Student Pages

To Register a Student Click a Registration Button

New Student Registration
Active Student Registration
To Add and Drop Courses Click a Add/Drop Button
To Change a Password Click a Change Password Button
To Logout Click a Logout Button

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

8.6.5. Record Worker Page

To Attach Files Click an Attach File Sub Button then Browse the File and then click
Submit Button.
To Change a Password Click a Change Password Button
To Logout Click a Logout Button

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading


The project commenced by conducting a study on the current system. This was done in three
stages. First interviewed and discussed with the relevant client. Web base system development
strategy is used to develop the system. Being involved in a project of this stature has not only
given us a wider experience of software of development but it has broadened our horizons on
both educational and social front. Techniques used in the production of this system will
inevitably be valuable for any work that we do in the future. Learning the value of correct
planning followed by analysis and design techniques has given us the good base to work from.
The knowledge acquired from software engineering, database management system and object
oriented system development was put in to practice to do the study of the current system. After
doing a postmortem on my working methodology and documents following advantages and
drawbacks were detected. The project Online Registration System (ORS) is for computerizing
the working in a CPU University. The software takes care of all the requirements of an average
University and is capable to provide easy and effective storage of information related to Students
that come up to the CPU University. It Register New Student and Active Student. It also
provides to attach the Grade Result of the Student. The system also provides to add and Drop the

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading


The system that we are trying to develop is not a fully electronic shopping system. Because the
payment system in the registration Process and Add/Drop of the course are not integrated in the
system. This is mainly due to limited development capacity and time.

Therefore, we suggest the following features need to be incorporated in any further revision and
extension attempt.

- Online registration of student and enable them view the resources of the store and their
status via web page.
- Integration with other section of the payment method.
- The system should develop the payment of drop course system for the future.

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading

Future Developments

There are many things can be enhanced.

The GUI design can made more attractive. So that it can gain more traffic to the site.
Add more Facilities to both students and teachers
The efficiency can be improved : Database connection can be pooled to minimize the
system overhead

Gage University College Student Registration and Grading


Bell. D. (2000).Software engineering a programming Approach. (3rd edition)

USA: Pearson Education limited.
P.Stevens with R.pooley, 1999, Addison-Wesley Software Engineering with
Objects and Components (5th edition).
Ambler, Scott (2001) The Object primer: The application Developers Guide to
Object Oriented and the UML.2nd rev. Ed England: The Cambridge University
Bruegge, Bernd (2000) Object oriented Software Engineering Conquering
Complex and Changing System. Upper Saddle River: Prentic Hall.

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