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Chapter 1: Introduction to the Harpers

The Harpers, also known as Those Who Harp, have long stood as a semi-secret organization, their deeds
woven into the fabric of Faerûn's history. Their commitment to preserving historical lore, maintaining the
balance between nature and civilization, and defending the innocent from the forces of evil has marked
them as key players in the Realms' unfolding saga. The Harpers have been involved in many world-
changing events, their influence shaping the course of destiny itself. Yet, their power and impact have
fluctuated through time, as the organization experienced a series of collapses and reformations.

Their reputation among the peoples of the Realms is as varied as their history. To some, they are wild-
eyed idealists, champions of freedom and protectors against tyranny. To others, they are insufferable
meddlers, unable to refrain from intervening in matters that do not concern them. Despite these varying
perceptions, the Harpers' chant encapsulates their self-view and mission: "We are the Harpers. We are
the Lord Protectors of the Realms. Fools all—but the Gods look down and smile glory upon us. Weep for
us, watch for us, and hope in us. We shall not fail thee." This verse, penned by Ailadrea Stars-in-mist,
reflects their unwavering dedication to their cause, regardless of how they are viewed by the world.


chapter 2


Chapter 2: Symbol and Beliefs

The Harpers, a name synonymous with clandestine operations and the fight for balance and justice, are
represented by a symbol that has remained a consistent emblem across the Realms: a silver harp and
crescent moon against a backdrop of black or royal blue. This emblem not only signifies their identity but
also encapsulates their mission and values.

Historically, the Harpers divided into two main branches, each operating in different halves of Faerûn's
Heartlands. The western branch, known as the Order of the Silver Moon and Harp, was more structured,
engaging in long-term strategic planning from its headquarters in Berdusk. In contrast, the eastern
branch, referred to as the Senior Harpers or Harpers in the Shadows and based out of Shadowdale,
favored a more subtle approach, sponsoring young adventurers to wield influence indirectly. Despite
their operational differences, both branches aimed for the same noble goals, sharing intelligence and
collaborating to shape the Realms for the better.
An offshoot known as the Moonstars briefly emerged, operating independently within Waterdeep,
sometimes clashing with traditional Harper methods. At the heart of Harper leadership were the High
Harpers, a council responsible for the overarching strategy and direction of the organization. The title of
Master Harper was reserved for those blessed by Mystra, receiving divine boons and serving as guardian
spectral harpists upon death, protecting the Harper legacy.

Central to Harper philosophy is the belief in the power of individuals over oppressive kingdoms and the
importance of balance between civilization, nature, and personal liberty. They idealized the elven city of
Myth Drannor as the epitome of these values. Harpers aimed to foster goodness, understanding that
interpretations of goodness could vary among members. They believed in learning from history to fully
grasp and navigate current events.

The Harper Code, a set of guiding principles, emphasized actions against evil, freedom for all beings,
support for just laws, and balance in all things. It advocated for selfless deeds, internal policing to guard
against corruption, and the pursuit of knowledge. These values dictated not only their operations but
also influenced laws across the Heartlands and the North, embodying their commitment to a fairer, more
balanced Realms.


chapter 3


Chapter 3: Historical Milestones

The Harpers' storied existence is a tale of sacrifice, cunning, and perseverance against overwhelming
odds. Founded in a glade known as the Dancing Place in High Dale, the Harpers were initially brought
together in Myth Drannor, uniting elven military leaders, human rangers, and druids under the
leadership of Dathlue Mistwinter. This coalition, forged in the Year of Freedom's Friends (324 DR),
marked the beginning of a legacy that would endure through centuries, branded as the Harpers at

Despite facing attrition from various foes, the organization's early years were defined by a commitment
to protect the realms from tyranny. The Harpers at Twilight's numbers waned significantly after the
Weeping War decimated Myth Drannor, a calamity that saw the loss of over half their members,
including Dathlue Mistwinter herself. Yet, their resolve remained unbroken.
The first major reformation came in the Year of the Dawn Rose (720 DR), sparked by an unprecedented
gathering of deities in High Dale. This "Gathering of the Gods" led to a renewed effort to expand the
Harpers' influence, albeit slowly, marked by the cultivation of a formidable information network and
alliances with religious leaders.

The ensuing "Long Years" were a period of both growth and challenge. The Harpers were instrumental in
erecting wards around Hellgate Keep to contain fiendish forces and collaborated with clerics of
Lathander to thwart Sammaster, the founder of the Cult of the Dragon. They also founded the Heralds of
Faerûn to uphold truth and justice, though their increasingly public actions drew the ire of powerful
enemies like the church of Bane and the nation of Thay.

Following significant losses and the threat of oblivion, the Harpers underwent a second reformation,
evolving into an underground army of adventurers. Led by Elminster and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun,
they enlisted the Wanderers of Espar, marking a series of strategic victories that bolstered their ranks
and re-established their clandestine information network.

The organization's history was further complicated by internal strife, notably the Harper schism and the
corruption of the Harper King, Rundorl Moonsklan. These challenges culminated in a third reformation,
characterized by covert operations to counter threats like the Netheril and Zhentarim. Despite facing
near dissolution during the Spellplague, the Harpers persevered, re-forming into smaller, secretive cells
across Faerûn.

The era following the Second Sundering saw the Harpers rebound, focusing on their core mission to
combat tyranny and injustice. Whether dealing with cults of Elemental Evil, giants running amok, or the
machinations of the Red Wizards of Thay, the Harpers adapted, fighting to safeguard the realms and
uphold their ancient ideals.


chapter 4


Chapter 4: Leadership and Membership

The Harpers, renowned for their clandestine efforts to maintain balance and promote justice across
Faerûn, have always upheld rigorous standards for their membership. According to Darblin Melorinrose,
the essence of a Harper lies in their uncanny knack for appearing where they're least expected,
invariably entangled in the midst of unfolding troubles. This seemingly innate propensity for intervention
demonstrates the organization's broad and inclusive approach to recruitment. Membership initiation is
typically Harper-driven, requiring a standing member's sponsorship and the nod of the High Harpers.
New recruits embark on a maiden mission under the covert supervision of a seasoned member, ensuring
alignment with the group's ethos and objectives.

The Harpers' ranks are diverse, drawn from all walks of life and encompassing a wide array of
professions. From resourceful rangers and enchanting bards to dashing rogues and powerful spellcasters,
the organization values skills and qualities that further its cause, irrespective of an individual's
background or station. This inclusivity extends to race, gender, and creed, with a noticeable predilection
for females, humans, elves, and half-elves among its numbers. Nevertheless, the Harpers also count
among their members gnomes, halflings, dwarves, and even magical woodland beings like dryads and

Notably, the Harpers' narrative is also a story of individual sagas of renowned members whose deeds
have significantly shaped the organization's legacy. Figures such as Elminster Aumar, the sage of
Shadowdale who played a central role in the Harpers' inception; Danilo Thann, a Waterdeep bard known
for his apprenticeship under Khelben Arunsun; and Storm Silverhand, a legendary bard who led the
Harpers' eastern branch, epitomize the organization's ideals and achievements. These members,
alongside many others, embody the Harpers' enduring commitment to their core mission, despite the
personal sacrifices this often entails.

Membership in the Harpers is both a privilege and a burden, offering individuals the chance to be part of
a storied legacy while confronting the myriad challenges that accompany the relentless pursuit of the
greater good. Through a blend of valor, vigilance, and versatility, the Harpers continue to navigate the
complexities of Faerûn, steadfast in their quest to safeguard its realms against the forces of darkness and


chapter 5


Chapter 5: Organization Structure

The Harpers, far from being a tightly organized entity, resemble a confederation of diverse individuals
united by common goals: maintaining peace, preserving knowledge, and protecting the downtrodden.
Operating with considerable autonomy, Harper agents might work in small groups with close allies or as
solitary operatives, maintaining informal ties to the larger group. This decentralized structure has
allowed the Harpers to endure through numerous disbandments and reformations, embodying the
essence of a true secret society without a formal hierarchy or consistent operational standards across
different locales. The only constant across the Realms is their symbol: a silver harp and crescent moon
set against a field of black or royal blue.

Historically, the Harpers split into two main branches, each covering different regions of Faerûn's
Heartlands. The western branch, known as the Order of the Silver Moon and Harp, was based in Berdusk
and known for its formal hierarchy and long-term strategic planning. In contrast, the eastern branch,
operating out of Shadowdale and known as the Senior Harpers or Harpers in the Shadows, sponsored
young adventurers to exert subtle influences rather than direct action. Both branches aimed to fulfill the
Harpers' mission, despite their operational and philosophical differences. Additionally, a splinter group
known as the Moonstars emerged for a few decades, acting independently within Waterdeep and
sometimes conflicting with Harpers' operations there.

Leadership within the Harpers is minimal, with the only true structure being the council of High Harpers
responsible for the organization's long-term goals. This council is elected through secret ballots, with a
focus on long-term service and discretion. Some Harpers are distinguished as Master Harpers, a title
granted by the goddess Mystra for those with divine boons. These Master Harpers, if they die with an
unfulfilled quest, may return as spectral harpists, serving as immortal guardians of the Harpers' legacy.


chapter 6


Chapter 6: The Harper Code and Ethics

The Harper Code forms the ethical backbone of the organization, guiding the actions and decisions of its
members. This code emphasizes balance, selflessness, and the pursuit of freedom and justice, reflecting
the Harpers' dedication to opposing tyranny and evil, protecting the oppressed, and maintaining peace
and order. Key tenets include:

Avoidance of Extremes: Recognizing that no extreme is beneficial, Harpers strive for balance in all things
- from the powers of realms to the interactions between civilization and nature.

Selflessness and Sacrifice: Harpers are expected to do whatever is necessary, regardless of personal risk
or discomfort, embodying a spirit of sacrifice for the greater good.
Freedom and Responsibility: While Harpers advocate for freedom, they also understand the need for
self-restraint and accountability, especially in the face of personal power and ambition.

Community and Support: The Harper ethos fosters a strong sense of community among its members,
urging them to support one another unconditionally and to contribute to the collective knowledge and
history for the benefit of all.

This code has not only shaped the actions and philosophy of the Harpers but also left a lasting impact on
the laws and cultures of cities across the Heartlands and the North. By living according to these
principles, Harpers work tirelessly to create a world where freedom can flourish, guided by the wisdom
of the past and a commitment to justice and equity.


chapter 7


Chapter 7: Activities and Operations

The Harpers are known for their subtle and strategic approach to influencing the realms, focusing on
maintaining balance, preserving knowledge, and protecting the innocent. They employ a network of
teleportation circles across the North to move discreetly and leverage the power of quiet words, skillful
deals, and manipulation to guide events rather than directly causing them. Their activities are geared
towards minimizing the destruction of animal and plant life by humans, sharing their wealth of
knowledge and lore with common folk, and taking decisive action against threats like evil cults, thieves'
guilds, and monstrous beings threatening civilization.

Harpers operate either individually or in small, close-knit groups, with senior members known as
spymasters directing younger adventurers to undertake quests that align with the Harpers' interests.
These agents often lead double lives, integrating themselves into communities while gathering important
information and using their charming personas to gain insights. Their tactics emphasize stealth and
subterfuge, with a focus on preventing power imbalances and acting behind the scenes. They also
occasionally redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor to support their operations and maintain
hidden caches and safe houses for their agents.

Communication among Harpers utilizes a variety of methods, including a secret form of non-verbal cant
known as harpspeak, a rudimentary language of runes, and various passwords and code words to
facilitate secret communication. They have no official base of operations, with their eastern branch
remaining decentralized and the western branch's Twilight Hall in Berdusk serving as the closest thing to
a headquarters.

Throughout Faerûn, Harpers are stationed in cities, towns, and hamlets, with their influence reaching
beyond to other planes of existence. They maintain significant resources and wealth, identifiable by the
Harper pin, a symbol of their commitment to aiding the downtrodden. These pins, alongside magical
items and abilities granted by their patron deities, equip Harpers to undertake their mission effectively.

Their relationships span allies across various factions, including the Heralds of Faerûn, bardic colleges,
druid circles, and religious organizations supporting their cause. However, they face opposition from
powerful foes like the Zhentarim, Cult of the Dragon, and churches of dark gods, highlighting the
constant struggle they navigate to fulfill their mission.


chapter 8


Chapter 8: Tactics and Communication

The Harpers employ a blend of subtlety, strategy, and secrecy in their operations, emphasizing the power
of one over the might of many. Their modus operandi involves deploying single agents to execute
missions where a larger force would fail, embodying the principle that if an agent fails, the loss is
minimal, but success can have significant impact. This approach allows them to act behind the scenes,
manipulating power dynamics to maintain balance and prevent any single faction from dominating. They
are known as "weaponless Harpers," often working under aliases, engaging in espionage, spreading
rumors to support their cause, or employing deception over direct confrontation. To address economic
disparities, Harpers might redistribute wealth from the affluent to the needy, supporting their operations
and aiding the less fortunate.

Communication among Harpers is sophisticated and varied, utilizing magical means, intermediaries, and
a unique non-verbal cant known as harpspeak, alongside a rudimentary language of runes for discreet
messaging. These runes serve to warn, attract, comfort, or notify Harpers of dangers or local support,
including measures to mislead foes. Additionally, they use passwords and code words for secret
communication and have been known to employ magical tattoos for identification among allies. This
complex system of tactics and communication underpins the Harpers' ability to operate effectively across
the Realms, fostering their goals of justice, balance, and freedom.

chapter 9


Chapter 9: Base of Operations and Regions

The Harpers' operations, emblematic of their semi-secret nature and commitment to flexibility and
adaptability, lack a formal headquarters in the traditional sense. The eastern branch operates with a high
degree of decentralization, indicative of the Harpers' preference for autonomy in their efforts to uphold
justice and balance across the Realms. However, the western branch's operations centralized around
Twilight Hall in Berdusk, serve as the closest semblance to a headquarters. Twilight Hall is a reflection of
the Harpers' origins and their enduring resolve to fight for their core values, established during times of

Korinn's Keep, an island fortress in the Sea of Swords, reflects the Harpers' strategic approach to
safeguarding assets. It houses valuable treasures and powerful magical items, accessible only to those
bearing the emblematic Harper pin, highlighting the trust and responsibility bestowed upon Harper

Additionally, the Harpers maintain Harper refuges, sanctuaries in the hinterlands supported by elven
allies and devotees of nature deities. These refuges are enveloped in secrecy and magical protections,
ensuring safe havens for Harpers in need.

Their reach extends beyond the borders of the typical map, with agents embedded in cities, towns, and
remote locales throughout Faerûn, particularly in the north, along the Sword Coast, within the Eastern
and Western Heartlands, and the Dalelands. Notably, by the 15th century DR, the Harpers' influence and
activities have expanded to other planes of existence, including a notable presence in the Radiant
Citadel's Court of Whispers within the Astral Plane.


chapter 10


Chapter 10: Magic and Abilities

The Harpers possess a unique blend of magical capabilities, artifacts, and divinely bestowed powers,
distinguishing them within the Realms. They craft and utilize various magical items, such as potions,
scrolls, and weapons imbued with arcane energies. Notable among these are philters of timely
invulnerability, which shield agents from mortal harm, and wandering stars—gems of illumination
bonded to specific individuals. Their arsenal includes staves of wanderers, Pheljara's wand, shields of
shadow, and the singing swords that emit battle songs enhancing their wielders' morale and combat
skills. Some members were gifted with spell shields crafted by Laeral Silverhand, demonstrates the
Harpers' deep connections to magic.

The Harpers' spellbook is vast, with knowledge of spells lesser known in the Realms, thanks to their bond
with Mystra and the many powerful archmages among their ranks. Spells like delayed magic missile,
Elminster's multiple mouths, and starharp are examples of their exclusive magical repertoire.

Central to their magical capabilities are the Master Harpers, individuals blessed by the Seven Gods of the
Dancing Place at the Harpers' inception. These blessings grant powers akin to those of divine chosen,
linked to the Harpers' patron deities—Deneir, Milil, Lliira, Mystra, and Tymora. These powers range from
seeing through magical glyphs (Deneir's sight) and bolstering courage (Lliira's heart) to gaining insights
into the Weave (Mystra's grace). Over time, these boons extended beyond the original Master Harpers
to include Harper mages and priests, enriching their ability to act against their foes with divine support.

In their operations, Harpers learned to move undetected, a skill that epitomizes their stealthy approach
to fulfilling their mission. This blend of magical items, abilities, and divine gifts equips the Harpers to
navigate and influence Faerûn, combating threats to peace and balance with both arcane power and
strategic acumen.


chapter 11


Chapter 11: Relationships with Allies and Foes

The Harpers maintain a complex web of alliances and face opposition from formidable adversaries,
reflecting their active role in shaping the fate of Faerûn. Allies include the Heralds of Faerûn, with whom
they collaborate to preserve history and culture. The High Heralds, founded by a former Harper, work
closely with the Harpers on missions of mutual interest. They also align with various bardic colleges,
druid circles, political bodies like the Lords of Waterdeep and the Lords' Alliance, and military orders
such as the Knights in Silver and the Order of the Gauntlet. Additional allies encompass the Fangshields,
the Fellowship of the Purple Staff, the Sisterhood of Essembra, the Talons of Justice, and even the galeb
duhrs of Durgg-Gontag.

Religious support comes from the churches of numerous deities including Azuth, Deneir, Eldath, Lliira,
Mielikki, Milil, Mystra, Oghma, Selûne, Shaundakul, Shiallia, Silvanus, Tymora, and the Seldarine. These
relationships sometimes lead to tensions between individual clerics but not between the deities
themselves or the broader society.

Their foes are formidable and many, with a long-standing rivalry against the Zhentarim marking a
significant chapter in their history. Other adversaries include the Arcane Brotherhood, the Dark Dagger,
the malaugrym, the Rundeen, the Kraken Society, the Eldreth Veluuthra, the Night Masks of Westgate,
the Twisted Rune, the Knights of the Shield, the Iron Throne, the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Shadovar
of Thultanthar. The Harpers also frequently clash with the Cult of the Dragon and the churches of dark
gods, notably the revived church of Bane.

A particularly complex relationship exists with the Moonstars, a splinter group founded by ex-Harper
Khelben Arunsun. Despite differing outlooks on achieving shared goals, the two organizations have
worked together, though they have also operated as rivals. Following the founder's death, the
Moonstars' activities diminished, experiencing a brief resurgence during the Second Sundering before
once again fading.


chapter 12


Chapter 12: The Role of Magic Items

The Harpers, in their ceaseless efforts to maintain balance and promote justice throughout Faerûn, have
historically crafted and utilized a broad array of magical items. These artifacts, ranging from potions and
scrolls to uniquely enchanted weapons and instruments, play an important role in their clandestine
operations. Among the most noteworthy items are philters of timely invulnerability, providing Harpers
with a miraculous escape from mortal peril, and wandering stars, gems of illumination bound to
individuals for their use. The arsenal includes staves of wanderers, Pheljara's wand, shields of shadow,
and singing swords—enchanted greatswords whose battle hymns inspire and enhance the abilities of
their wielders. Some Harpers were granted powerful spell shields by Laeral Silverhand, further
showcasing the depth of magical resources at their disposal.
Moreover, the Harpers' enchanters have created some of the finest musical instruments in the Realms,
often magical harps, including notable items such as Dunzrin's harp and Murlyn's Harp of Charming.
These instruments not only serve as tools for bardic Harpers but also symbolize the cultural and
historical significance of their craft. A unique scroll transforms Harper pins into actual harps, briefly,
highlighting the intertwining of magic and symbolism within the organization. These magical items are
part of the Harpers' reliance on arcane power and creativity to achieve their objectives, ensuring their
readiness to face the myriad dangers that threaten the balance of the Realms.


chapter 13


Chapter 13: Harpers in Society

The Harpers, known for their covert operations and dedication to the greater good, uphold a culture of
secrecy that extends into their personal lives. Publicly, they might appear boisterous and lighthearted,
but true sentiments are shared only among trusted comrades. This secrecy is part of their broader
culture of tolerance and acceptance, embracing individuals from all backgrounds, provided they commit
to the Harper Code and its tenets.

The Harper Code, a series of watchwords and principles, points them towards their mission. It
emphasizes working against villainy, promoting freedom, upholding just laws, maintaining balance, and
opposing tyranny and evil. Members are expected to support one another, contribute to the collective
knowledge, and preserve history, recognizing its importance in understanding current events and
shaping the future.

Despite the challenges, Harpers maintain a resolve to complete their missions, regardless of the time or
sacrifice involved. This determination and commitment to justice have allowed them to navigate and
influence the complex socio-political landscape of the Realms, often working behind the scenes to steer
events towards peace and balance. Their efforts, while sometimes perceived as manipulative, stem from
a belief in altruism and the betterment of the world, rather than personal gain or power.

The Harpers' interactions with society and within their ranks reflect a nuanced approach to achieving
their goals, balancing individual agency with collective action, and adapting to the ever-changing
dynamics of Faerûn. Their legacy, marked by resilience and adaptability, continues to shape their role in
society, navigating the delicate balance between intervention and autonomy.

chapter 14


Chapter 14: Significant Members and Allies

The Harpers' legacy is enriched by the deeds and sacrifices of its members, spanning a diverse array of
backgrounds and disciplines. Each individual, from spellcasters and warriors to scholars and spies, has
contributed uniquely to the fabric of the organization. Among them:

Alias, the unaging sellsword and hero of Westgate, who embodies the Harper's resolve and versatility.

Arilyn Moonblade, whose journey from being framed as the Harper Assassin to a distinguished agent
illustrates the organization's capacity for redemption and justice.

Artus Cimber, the adventurer whose life with the legendary Ring of Winter speaks to the Harpers'
involvement in the world's great sagas.

Danilo Thann, a Waterdeep bard known for his charm and wit, and his apprentice under Khelben
Arunsun, highlighting the Harpers' integration in society and politics.

Elminster Aumar, the sage of Shadowdale, who not only helped conceive the Harpers but has been a key
figure in their operations, symbolizing the deep roots of magic and knowledge within the organization.

Jaheira, whose involvement in the Bhaalspawn crisis underlines the Harpers' role in major events and
their dedication to the balance of power.

Storm Silverhand, the "Bard of Shadowdale," demonstrates the Harpers' enduring spirit, guiding the
organization through its darkest times and brightest victories.

These notable Harpers, among others, have played critical roles in shaping the realms, defending the
innocent, and maintaining the balance of power. Their stories, filled with courage, sacrifice, and a
commitment to the greater good, exemplify the core principles of the Harper Code and inspire new
generations to carry on the legacy.


chapter 15


Chapter 15: Enemies and Threats

The Harpers, despite their benevolent intentions, have historically encountered formidable adversaries,
underscoring the constant battle between light and darkness within Faerûn. Their enduring conflict with
the Zhentarim embodies this struggle, marked by a century of battles and deep-seated enmity. The
poetic words of Doompriest Tuth Malgul, "My hatred burns for those who harp," encapsulate the
visceral hostility the Zhentarim harbor towards the Harpers.

The organization's foes are not limited to the Zhentarim; they face opposition from a wide array of
powerful entities. The Arcane Brotherhood, the Dark Dagger, the malaugrym, the Rundeen, the Kraken
Society, the Eldreth Veluuthra, the Night Masks of Westgate, the Twisted Rune, the Knights of the Shield,
the Iron Throne, the Red Wizards of Thay, and the Shadovar of Thultanthar all pose significant
challenges. Each of these factions, with their unique powers and motives, has sought to undermine the
Harpers' efforts to maintain balance and justice across the Realms.

Particularly notable is the Harpers' opposition to the Cult of the Dragon and various dark deities'
churches, notably the revived church of Bane.

The Moonstars, a splinter faction founded by ex-Harper Khelben Arunsun, represent a unique case of
internal divergence within the Harper ethos. Though sharing common goals, the Moonstars and the
Harpers have experienced periods of cooperation and rivalry, reflecting the complexities of aligning
vision and methodology within the broader fight against tyranny and evil.


chapter 16


Chapter 16: Legends and Myths

Legends and myths swirl around the Harpers, casting a shroud of mystique and historical gravitas around
their deeds and battles. One such legendary moment in their storied past is Twilight's Falling, a decisive
battle during the Weeping War. The secrecy surrounding this event is emblematic of the Harpers'
preference for operating from the shadows, yet it was a dire moment when nearly seventy percent of
the Harpers stationed at Twilight Hall were lost over the course of a brutal two-day fight.

The "High Harp" badge of High Dale echoes back to the origins of the Harpers at the Dancing Place,
symbolizing their enduring commitment to justice, balance, and the fight against oppression. This
emblem serves as a reminder of the Harpers' foundational ideals and their long-standing history as
protectors of the Realms.
Rumors of a second Harper Hall, referred to as "Ravens Hall," intended to be founded in Ravens Bluff
during the mid-to-late 14th century DR, highlight the organization's expansion and the ever-evolving
nature of its mission. Whether true or not, such tales contribute to the Harpers' legacy, portraying them
as a dynamic force continually adapting to meet the threats facing the Realms.

These legends and myths, whether cloaked in secrecy or whispered among allies, serve to inspire and
guide current and future generations of Harpers, reminding them of the sacrifices made by their
predecessors and the weight of the responsibility they carry forward.


chapter 17


Chapter 17: The Harper Schism

The Harpers' history is marked by internal strife and division, notably illustrated by the Harper Schism.
Danilo Thann, in a letter to Storm Silverhand, articulated his concerns about Khelben Arunsun's efforts to
mold the newly restored bard college into a breeding ground for his version of Harpers. This
disagreement was part a deeper ideological rift within the organization, leading to significant fallout.

In 1370 DR, evidence emerged implicating Khelben in the theft of the Scepter of the Sorcerer-Kings, a
potent artifact later found with the Zhentarim. Khelben's admission of guilt led to his departure from the
Harpers, alongside Laeral and Alustriel, among others. They founded the Moonstars, a splinter group
with differing methods but similar goals to the Harpers.

The schism deepened as the government of Waterdeep refused to assist the Harpers of Twilight Hall in
prosecuting Khelben. The Harpers responded by safeguarding their assets against Khelben and Laeral
and isolating themselves from Blackstaff Tower through magical wards. Bran Skorlsun's influence
prompted the Twilight Hall Harpers to initiate a purge of perceived traitors within their ranks,
exacerbating the divide. Meanwhile, Storm Silverhand's eastern branch attempted to maintain its
operations, despite the turmoil unfolding in the west.


chapter 18

Chapter 18: Revitalization Efforts

Following setbacks and losses, the Harpers embarked on a series of initiatives aimed at revitalizing their
organization. These efforts were marked by a careful expansion of their ranks, despite losing new recruits
to conflicts. They managed to establish an effective information network and earned the respect of
religious leaders, who in turn granted them access to fortified temples and monasteries for training and

This period, known as the "Long Years," saw the Harpers engaging in significant actions to preserve the
Realms. They erected wards around Hellgate Keep to fend off fiendish invasions and collaborated with
clerics of Lathander to confront the Cult of the Dragon. Additionally, they founded the Heralds of Faerûn
to ensure accountability and provided Harpers with cover identities.

The Second Reformation marked a turning point, with Elminster and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun
spearheading recruitment to form an "underground army of adventurers." This initiative saw the Harpers
engaging in battles against their adversaries, bolstering their resources through treasure acquisitions,
and making strategic investments along the Sword Coast.

However, the Harpers faced internal and external challenges. New factions claiming the Harper name
emerged, leading to divergent ideologies and new threats. Despite these trials, Storm Silverhand's
efforts in Cormyr during Mystra's Return and actions following the Second Sundering highlighted a
resurgence. The Harpers expanded their activities, focusing on thwarting tyrants and injustice, which saw
them engaging in significant campaigns across Faerûn, including aiding in the defiance of Netheril's
efforts and confronting the Cult of the Dragon's new iteration devoted to Tiamat.

As the Harpers look to the future, they continue to navigate the complexities of the Realms, guided by
the principles enshrined in the Harper Code. Their legacy is not only found in their direct actions but also
in the inspiration they provide for future generations to uphold the ideals of freedom, justice, and

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