Native American Weapons

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Native American weapons

We know that Native Americans used a variety of methods to obtain food.
Hunting was one of them. Native Americans used a variety of methods to
hunt their prey, from conventional weapons to traps. Also, they used to
hunt diverse types of animals.
Today, I will talk about the different weapons used by Native Americans
and for what they were used.

Range weapons: These are long-range weapons, including bows and
arrows, known as the favorite weapon of the Native Americans. It was
used for hunting because it was easy to kill buffalo. The arrow was made
of wood and the arrows of wood and stone. These long-range weapons
also include spears. Made of wood and metal, they were also used for
Striking weapons: These weapons are specially made for combat. In the
beginning, native Americans fought using a club. The most used is the
stone club, which is made from a heavy stone on top of a wooden handle.
The club was soon replaced by the tomahawk, a war hatchet. They are
made of a wooden or metal handle with a sharp stone to cut solid
materials. Over time, this stone was replaced by iron.
Cutting weapons: Cutting Weapons are weapons used for both fighting
and hunting. They are often long or short knives. During fight they are
used when the opponent is close, and in hunting they can be used to
finish off prey. They can be made from varied materials such as bone,
wood, stone or iron. Each tribe has a different shape and size of knife.
Defensive weapons: I've talked a lot about offensive weapons, but the
native Americans also had defensive weapons to protect themselves from
the colonists. The war shield is one of them. It was made from animal
skins stretched over a wooden or bone frame and was decorated.

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