Marijuana User With Youth

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NP5190_proof ■ 16 August 2013 ■ 1/9

Neuropharmacology xxx (2013) 1e9

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Invited review
1 56
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Trajectory of adolescent cannabis use on addiction vulnerability 58
4 59
5 Q4 Yasmin L. Hurd a, b, c, *, Michael Michaelides a, b, Michael L. Miller a, b, Didier Jutras-Aswad d, e 60
6 a
Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA 61
7 Q1 Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA 62
8 James J. Peters Veterans Administration, Bronx, NY, USA 63
Department of Psychiatry, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada
9 e
CRCHUM, Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada
10 65
11 66
12 67
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
13 68
14 Article history: The adolescent brain is a period of dynamic development making it vulnerable to environmental factors
15 Received 11 March 2013 such as drug exposure. Of the illicit drugs, cannabis is most used by teenagers since it is perceived by 70
16 Received in revised form many to be of little harm. This perception has led to a growing number of states approving its legalization 71
17 16 July 2013 72
and increased accessibility. Most of the debates and ensuing policies regarding cannabis were done
Accepted 19 July 2013
18 without consideration of its impact on one of the most vulnerable population, namely teens, or without 73
19 consideration of scientific data. We provide an overview of the endocannabinoid system in relation to 74
20 adolescent cannabis exposure and provide insights regarding factors such as genetics and behavioral 75
21 Cannabinoid
traits that confer risk for subsequent addiction. While it is clear that more systematic scientific studies 76
22 Opioid neuropeptide are needed to understand the long-term impact of adolescent cannabis exposure on brain and behavior, 77
Nucleus accumbens the current evidence suggests that it has a far-reaching influence on adult addictive behaviors particu-
23 78
Prefrontal cortex larly for certain subsets of vulnerable individuals.
24 79
This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘NIDA 40th Anniversary Issue’.
25 Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 80
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30 1. Introduction consideration that cannabis-associated mortality is lower than to- 85
31 bacco and alcohol, which are associated with cancer and overdose/ 86
32 Adolescence is an important stage of behavioral maturation and vehicular accidents, respectively. In addition, cannabinoids provide 87
33 brain development during which the high degree of neuroplasticity medicinal benefits (Hermanson and Marnett, 2011; Hill et al., 2012) 88
34 that occurs in this ontogenetic period places the adolescent brain at in contrast to tobacco and alcohol, which have no medical in- 89
35 particular risk to environmental factors such as drug exposure. dications. These and other considerations have contributed to the 90
36 Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) continues to be the illicit drug most decriminalization, or even legalization, of cannabis in a number of 91
37 commonly used by teenagers in the United States as well as in other states within the USA. Economic factors have also been suggested 92
38 Western societies (Johnston et al., 2012; SAMHSA, 2011). Although as a rationalization for legalization as a potential source of tax 93
39 cannabis is not as highly addictive as other substances, such as revenue for state governments. Despite some cogent arguments in 94
40 heroin and cocaine, cannabis-dependent individuals still greatly the current debates regarding legalization and increased avail- 95
41 outnumber those reporting dependence on other illicit drugs and ability of cannabis, most of the discussion and policies have been 96
42 the number of people seeking treatment for cannabis dependence made without significant consideration of scientific data. 97
43 continues to increase yearly (SAMHSA, 2011). Growing evidence suggests a differential effect of cannabis 98
44 Despite these facts, there is a growing perception, particularly in exposure on the human brain based on the age of exposure, but the 99
45 adolescents and young adults (Kilmer et al., 2007; Lopez-Quintero question remains as to the potential long-term mental health 100
46 and Neumark, 2010), that cannabis is ‘harmless’ especially when consequences of cannabis exposure in teens. Few scientific studies 101
47 compared to other abused substances like nicotine (tobacco) and have systematically investigated the long-term impact of cannabis 102
48 alcohol that are legal. Reasons cited for this perception include the use in relation to the developing teenage brain, the population 103
49 most crucial to the current debates. Nevertheless, the available data 104
50 to date, as discussed in this review, suggest that adolescent 105
Q2 * Corresponding author. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Departments of
51 cannabis exposure induces significant protracted effects suggestive 106
Psychiatry, Neuroscience and Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics, New York,
52 NY, USA. Tel.: þ1 212 824 9314; fax: þ1 646 537 9598. of enhanced vulnerability to addiction and psychiatric disorders in 107
53 E-mail address: (Y.L. Hurd). later life, at least in certain subsets of individuals. 108
54 109
0028-3908/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
55 110

Please cite this article in press as: Hurd, Y.L., et al., Trajectory of adolescent cannabis use on addiction vulnerability, Neuropharmacology (2013),
NP5190_proof ■ 16 August 2013 ■ 2/9

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146 Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the striatonigral ‘Go’ andstriatopallidal ‘NoGo’ path- 211
ways. These medium spiny output neurons are distinguishable based on their targets
147 and subcellular markers, namely the expression of D1R (purple) and D2R (brown),
148 respectively. Both cell-types, however, express CB1R (orange). This dissociation is based 213
149 mainly on the dorsal striatal circuit, but a similar organization, particularly with 214
150 respect to the ‘NoGo’ pathway, exists for the ventral striatal circuit. 215
151 216
152 hippocampus and amygdala (Biegon and Kerman, 2001; Glass et al., 217
153 1997; Herkenham et al., 1990, 1991b; Mailleux et al., 1992; Pettit 218
154 et al., 1998; Wang et al., 2003) (Fig. 1), consistent with cannabis 219
155 exerting significant effects on motor function, cognition, and 220
156 emotional regulation. Recent evidence, though initially controver- 221
157 sial, suggests that CB2R is also expressed within the central nervous 222
158 system in immune cells as well as glia and potentially neurons 223
159 Fig. 1. Cannabinoid receptor mRNA (CNR1) expression in the human brain emphasizes (Gong et al., 2006; Lanciego et al., 2011; Onaivi et al., 2006; Van 224
this gene’s abundant expression in cerebral cortex e such as insular cortex (I) and
160 Sickle et al., 2005). Nevertheless, the broad and abundant expres- 225
prefrontal cortex (PFC) e as well as the caudate nucleus (CN), putamen (Pu), nucleus
161 accumbens (NAc), hippocampus (Hipp), amygdala (Amy), and cerebellum (CB). Absent- sion of CB1R in neuronal circuits relevant to addiction and psychi- 226
162 to-low mRNA expression is notable in the thalamus (T), basal forebrain (BF), globus atric disorders still place a prominent emphasis on cannabis’ 227
163 pallidus (GP), and midbrain (Ms). modulation of this CBR subtype in relation to psychiatric 228
164 vulnerability. 229
165 Imaging studies of rodents (Verdurand et al., 2011) and human 230
166 2. Neurobiology of the endocannabinoid system subjects (Mato et al., 2003) suggest global increases in CB1R 231
167 throughout early life into adolescence, at which period adult levels 232
168 The main psychoactive component of cannabis, D9-tetrahydro- are generally maintained (Belue et al., 1995; McLaughlin et al., 233
169 cannabinol (THC), acts primarily via cannabinoid receptors (CBRs) 1994; Rodriguez de Fonseca et al., 1993), but there are also re- 234
170 d CB1R and CB2R (Gerard et al., 1991; Griffin et al., 2000; Matsuda ports of reduced CB1R expression from juvenile to adulthood that 235
171 et al., 1990; Munro et al., 1993). The CB1R is one of the most mirrors developmental changes in CB1R-mediated signaling (Heng 236
172 abundant G-protein-coupled receptor in the brain (Herkenham et al., 2011). Some of the inconsistencies regarding the ontogenic 237
173 et al., 1990, 1991a) and is Gi/o-coupled, suppressing neurotrans- pattern of the CB1R may be due to regional, as opposed to global, 238
174 mitter release (Howlett et al., 2002). The expression of CB1R is most developmental differences in the receptor development in addition 239
175 pronounced within the basal ganglia, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, to differences in mRNA, receptor protein or receptor binding being 240

Please cite this article in press as: Hurd, Y.L., et al., Trajectory of adolescent cannabis use on addiction vulnerability, Neuropharmacology (2013),
NP5190_proof ■ 16 August 2013 ■ 3/9

Y.L. Hurd et al. / Neuropharmacology xxx (2013) 1e9 3

241 studied. Most preclinical investigations to date that have examined subregions with low mRNA expression of Cnr1, such as the asso- 306
242 the neurodevelopment of CB1R have focused on the striatum and ciative ventromedial dorsal striatum and limbic nucleus accum- 307
243 prefrontal cortical brain regions which are key components of bens, receive afferents from cortical areas with greater CB1R 308
244 neuronal circuits implicated in addiction and related psychiatric expression (cingulate, insular). These findings emphasize a strong 309
245 disorders. Reward, motivated behavior, decision-making, habit inverse relationship between cortical and striatal CB1R expression 310
246 formation and motor function are mediated by the prefrontal cor- in frontostriatal circuits, suggesting a functional orchestration 311
247 tex as well as components of the dorsal (associative- and vulnerable to adolescent cannabis exposure. 312
248 sensorimotor-related) and ventral (limbic-related) striatal areas In addition to CBRs, other components of the eCB system, such 313
249 making these brains regions relevant to adolescent cannabis as the endogenous cannabinoids anandamide and 2- 314
250 exposure. arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), have significant developmental im- 315
251 With respect to cortical development, remodeling of excitatory plications. Indeed, eCB signaling plays a key role in hardwiring of 316
252 connections in the prefrontal cortex is a key feature of adolescent the brain during prenatal ontogeny, regulating synaptogenesis and 317
253 neurodevelopment. For instance, there is significant pruning of target selection for the development of neuronal pathways 318
254 excitatory synapses that parallels the delayed maturity of cognitive (Harkany et al., 2008; Mulder et al., 2008). During later develop- 319
255 behaviors such as inhibitory control and working memory. The mental stages, the eCBs are well-documented regulators of synaptic 320
256 CB1R is highly abundant in the prefrontal cortex, primarily localized plasticity (Katona and Freund, 2008). Within adolescent ontogeny, 321
257 on large cholecystokinin interneurons (Marsicano and Lutz, 1999), anandamide and 2-AG are dynamically altered in the striatum and 322
258 but molecular and functional evidence suggest that CB1R is also prefrontal cortex, as for instance, 2-AG is reduced from early to late 323
259 present in a subset of pyramidal neurons (Hill et al., 2007; adolescence in these regions (Ellgren et al., 2008). There is also a 324
260 Marsicano and Lutz, 1999; Matsuda et al., 1993). Interestingly, the continuous increase of anandamide in the prefrontal cortex over 325
261 most pronounced and progressive cortical alteration observed on the course of adolescence. The fact that the eCB system is dynam- 326
262 CB1R expression and CB1R-mediated functional signaling evident ically altered during adolescence in brain areas central to reward, 327
263 during adolescent development in rodents is within the medial decision-making and motivation suggests that cannabis exposure 328
264 prefrontal and other limbic/associative cortices as compared to during this critical developmental phase may have long-term in- 329
265 sensorimotor cortices (Heng et al., 2011). Whether such develop- fluence on behaviors linked to the mesocorticolimbic system. 330
266 mental fluctuations of the CB1R directly relate to plasticity and the Clearly, however, the limited studies to date are incomplete, so 331
267 synaptic remodeling that occurs in the prefrontal cortex during there still remains a large gap of knowledge regarding the adoles- 332
268 adolescence is unknown. cent ontogeny of the eCB system. 333
269 In the striatum, CB1R are localized in the medium spiny 334
270 GABAergic neurons that constitute the major output pathways d 3. Cannabis and ‘gateway’ effects 335
271 striatonigral and striatopallidal (Fig. 2). These receptors are 336
272 expressed on both striatonigral ‘direct’ and striatopallidal ‘indirect’ A major aspect of the debate regarding adolescent cannabis use 337
273 pathways which mediate ‘Go’ facilitatory (positive reward/choice) is whether it increases the use of other addictive substances such as 338
274 and ‘NoGo’ (avoidance learning/inhibitory control) behaviors, heroin and cocaine later in life, a phenomenon known as the 339
275 respectively, relevant to motor function and decision-making pro- gateway hypothesis. Clinical and epidemiological studies have 340
276 cesses (Durieux et al., 2009; Frank et al., 2007; Klein et al., 2007; documented a significant link between repeated early cannabis 341
277 Sano et al., 2003). While no study thus far has characterized the exposure and an increased risk of other illicit drug use (Agrawal 342
278 pattern and abundance of CB1R in the different output pathways et al., 2004; Brook et al., 1999a; Fergusson and Boden, 2008; 343
279 during development, it is known that CB1R expression is dynamic Fergusson and Horwood, 2000; Hall and Lynskey, 2005; Kandel, 344
280 during the course of adolescent development in different brain 1975; Yamaguchi and Kandel, 1984). Altogether, the data suggest 345
281 regions. For example, in vivo (Verdurand et al., 2011) and in vitro that use of ‘heavy’ drugs is almost systematically preceded by 346
282 (Belue et al., 1995) imaging of the rat brain that revealed global cannabis use, and that risk is correlated with the intensity of 347
283 enhanced CB1R in the cortex, also showed increased CB1R in other cannabis exposure. Moreover, cannabis use also appears more 348
284 brain structures including the striatum during the transition from deleterious when its onset occurs in younger versus older adoles- 349
285 early adolescence to adulthood. However, other investigators have cents in regard to adjustment in transition from adolescence to 350
286 provided significant evidence for reduced CB1R expression and young adulthood, education attainment, employment, delinquency 351
287 mRNA levels from juvenile to adulthood (Van Waes et al., 2012). and ability to conform to adult role (Brook et al., 1999a, 1999b; 352
288 Moreover, examination of CB1R protein expression restricted to the Fergusson and Boden, 2008; Fergusson et al., 2002; Lynskey et al., 353
289 adolescent developmental window suggests significant CB1R dif- 2003; Tucker et al., 2006). Despite these findings, a major caveat 354
290 ferences even within distinct compartments of the nucleus of human studies is the difficulty of demonstrating a causal rela- 355
291 accumbens (Ellgren et al., 2008). During adolescence, CB1R protein tionship between adolescent cannabis use and subsequent behav- 356
292 decreases in the nucleus accumbens shell yet concomitantly in- ioral disturbances, especially when considering the influence of 357
293 creases in the core compartment. This suggests that distinct time genetic and environmental factors alongside other aspects such as 358
294 periods during adolescence may have different sensitivity to polysubstance use (Cleveland and Wiebe, 2008; Fergusson et al., 359
295 cannabis exposure relevant to mesolimbic striatal function. 2006; Kandel et al., 2006; Lessem et al., 2006; Maccoun, 2006; 360
296 Given anatomical and functional relationships between the Tarter et al., 2006). Given these complexities, animal models are a 361
297 prefrontal cortex and the striatum, it is not surprising that these valuable tool to obtain direct insights about the relationship be- 362
298 regions are coordinated in regard to development of the endo- tween early cannabis exposure and behavioral disruptions. 363
299 cannabinoid (eCB) system. There appears to be a direct correlation Many rodent investigations exploring the potential gateway 364
300 between the developmental trajectory of CB1R expression in spe- effects of cannabis have primarily studied synthetic cannabinoid 365
301 cific cortical regions with their projection to distinct striatal sub- agonists that differ in pharmacological properties to THC. Never- 366
302 regions. For example, striatal subregions with high levels of CB1R theless, studies examining adolescent exposure to cannabinoid 367
303 expression (dorsolateral sensorimotor regions) receive input pri- agonists or THC provide evidence of enhanced intake and sensi- 368
304 marily from cortical areas with relatively low CB1R levels (motor, tivity later in life to opiate drugs (Biscaia et al., 2008; Ellgren et al., 369
305 somatosensory) (Van Waes et al., 2012). In contrast, striatal 2007; Tomasiewicz et al., 2012). In our experimental rat model that 370

Please cite this article in press as: Hurd, Y.L., et al., Trajectory of adolescent cannabis use on addiction vulnerability, Neuropharmacology (2013),
NP5190_proof ■ 16 August 2013 ■ 4/9

4 Y.L. Hurd et al. / Neuropharmacology xxx (2013) 1e9

371 neurons in the striatum, share similar G-protein coupled signaling 436
372 mechanisms and appear functionally interdependent (Blume et al., 437
373 2013; Canals and Milligan, 2008). Of the opioid neuropeptides, 438
374 enkephalin, encoded by the Penk gene, directly regulates hedonic 439
375 states (Kelley et al., 2002; Skoubis et al., 2005). We recently docu- 440
376 mented a direct causal link between regulation of ventral striatal 441
377 Penk mRNA expression and heroin self-administration behavior. 442
378 Overexpression of the Penk gene in the nucleus accumbens shell by 443
379 use of viral-mediated manipulation enhanced heroin self- 444
380 administration and heroin-seeking behavior in animals naïve to 445
381 THC, whereas in contrast, knocking down the Penk gene in THC- 446
382 exposed rats reduced heroin intake behavior (Tomasiewicz et al., 447
383 2012). Altogether, these and other findings (Spano et al., 2010; 448
384 Vigano et al., 2005) suggest the tight interaction between canna- 449
Fig. 3. Periodic low-to-moderate THC exposure during adolescence (1.5 mg/kg every
385 third day between postnatal days 28 and 49) alters Drd2 and Penk mRNA expression in binoids and the opioid system could contribute to the development 450
386 the adult nucleus accumbens. These genes are strongly enriched in striatopallidal of opiate abuse in adults with previous exposure to THC during 451
387 neurons of the nucleus accumbens (*p < 0.05). adolescence. 452
388 In contrast to the effects noted for opiates, the impact of early 453
389 cannabinoid exposure on the subsequent sensitivity to stimulant 454
390 mimics the more periodic use of most adolescent cannabis users, drugs have yielded inconsistent findings. While some studies failed 455
391 adult male rats with low-to-moderate THC exposure during to find significant behavioral differences in response to amphet- 456
392 adolescence exhibit enhanced heroin self-administration behavior amine later in life (Ellgren et al., 2004), others report that adoles- 457
393 (Ellgren et al., 2007). Cannabinoid-opioid interactions have also cent cannabinoids enhance cocaine-induced motor behavior (Dow- 458
394 been documented by studies showing that developmental expo- Edwards and Izenwasser, 2012). Moreover, both increased 459
395 sure to cannabinoid agonists increases heroin-induced conditioned (Higuera-Matas et al., 2008) and deceased self-administration of 460
396 place preference (Biscaia et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2006). Short cocaine (Panlilio et al., 2007) have been reported in adult animals 461
397 adolescent exposure to cannabinoid agonist, WIN 55,212-2, has also with adolescent cannabinoid exposure. Differences in experimental 462
398 been reported to instead induce tolerance to morphine (Pistis et al., factors, such as the duration and frequency of exposure, dose and 463
399 2004). formulation of the cannabinoid, and even gender likely contribute 464
400 Animal models make it possible to identify neuroadaptations to these inconsistencies. For example, adolescent administration of 465
401 that may contribute to the behavioral vulnerability related to the CB1R agonist CP 55,940 was reported to increase cocaine self- 466
402 adolescent cannabis. Intriguingly, many experimental animal administration primarily in females, not males (Higuera-Matas 467
403 studies to date have implicated the striatopallidal circuit in asso- et al., 2008). These findings emphasize the need to systematically 468
404 ciation with developmental cannabinoid exposure (Corchero et al., probe factors such as the magnitude and duration of cannabinoid 469
405 1998, 1999; Ellgren et al., 2007; Morel et al., 2009; Perez-Rosado exposure, adolescent period of exposure and gender in order to 470
406 et al., 2000; Spano et al., 2007; Valverde et al., 2001). This theory help expand insights about individual risk factors contributing to 471
407 is based on consistent alterations of striatal dopamine D2 receptors the gateway effects of adolescent cannabis. 472
408 (Drd2) and proenkephalin (Penk) mRNA expression both of which 473
409 are preferentially co-expressed within striatopallidal medium 4. Genetic and behavioral traits contribute to individual 474
410 spiny neurons (Gerfen et al., 1990; Gerfen and Young III, 1988; Le vulnerability 475
411 Moine et al., 1990). In our model of adolescent THC exposure, 476
412 reduced Drd2 and Penk (Ellgren et al., 2007; Tomasiewicz et al., Although animal studies demonstrate protracted behavioral and 477
413 2012) mRNA levels were observed within the nucleus accumbens neurobiological effects of adolescent THC exposure into adulthood, 478
414 of adult animals (Fig. 3). Reduced D2R, the protein encoded by Drd2, there remains the fact that not all teenage cannabis users develop 479
415 has long been a characteristic neurobiological feature of addiction future addictions or psychiatric disorders. In fact, despite its com- 480
416 vulnerability. In vivo positron emission tomography (PET) evidence mon use, only a subset of teens (w25%) and young adults (w19%) 481
417 has consistently demonstrated that subjects with substance abuse using cannabis progress to abuse or dependence (SAMHSA, 2011). 482
418 have less available D2R in the striatum (Heinz et al., 2004; Volkow Indeed, for most teenagers, cannabis is a terminus with no further 483
419 et al., 2001, 2004, 1999; Wang et al., 1997), findings that animal use of that or other illicit drugs as they mature into full adulthood, 484
420 models have shown to be linked to enhanced drug self- suggesting that there are differences in individual vulnerability. 485
421 administration vulnerability (Morgan et al., 2002; Nader et al., Humans vary tremendously for instance in regards to environment, 486
422 2006). Over-expression of Drd2 in the ventral striatum attenuates behavioral traits, genetics, and cultural norms. While these and 487
423 cocaine intake (Thanos et al., 2008), and D2R binding in this region other factors play significant roles in complex disorders as addic- 488
424 in cocaine-naïve rats negatively predicts future cocaine-seeking tion, understanding the contribution of each factor is as much a 489
425 behavior (Michaelides et al., 2012). In addition to adolescent THC challenge as determining their interactions to risk. 490
426 exposure, prenatal THC also leads to dysregulation of the Drd2 gene 491
427 in adulthood (DiNieri et al., 2011). That developmental THC expo- 4.1. Behavioral traits and personality 492
428 sure reduces Drd2 mRNA expression in the striatum, and affects 493
429 related behavioral traits, support the hypothesis that develop- Cannabis users are generally characterized by apathy, loss of 494
430 mental cannabis may induce a neurobiological state of addiction goal-motivated behavior and negative mood states, and dependent 495
431 vulnerability. subjects report more negative affect, neuroticism, aggressivity and 496
432 The finding of impaired Penk gene expression in cannabis- impulsivity (Dorard et al., 2008; Hyman and Sinha, 2009; Jutras- 497
433 exposed subjects is perhaps not surprising given the tight neuro- Aswad et al., 2012; Zvolensky et al., 2007). Negative affect in 498
434 biological interactions between the opioid and eCB systems. Opioid cannabis-dependent subjects is also related to the severity of 499
435 neuropeptide receptors and CB1R are coexpressed on similar dependence insomuch that this personality trait correlates with 500

Please cite this article in press as: Hurd, Y.L., et al., Trajectory of adolescent cannabis use on addiction vulnerability, Neuropharmacology (2013),
NP5190_proof ■ 16 August 2013 ■ 5/9

Y.L. Hurd et al. / Neuropharmacology xxx (2013) 1e9 5

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532 Fig. 4. PENK SNPs (rs2609997 and rs2576573) are associated with PENK expression in the human brain. High-risk alleles for cannabis dependence of the rs2609997 and rs2576573 597
533 PENK SNPs associate with elevated mRNA expression and met-enkephalin peptide (met-enk) levels in the human striatum (A). Similarly, these alleles associate with elevated mRNA 598
expression in central amygdala nucleus (B). (High-risk genotypes ¼ C/C þ C/T for rs2609997 or A/A þ A/G for rs2576573; low-risk genotypes ¼ T/T for rs2609997 or G/G for
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rs2576573. *p < 0.05.)
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537 years of cannabis use, implying that long-term use of cannabis also self-medication and that through repeated use, led to dependence. 602
538 worsens negative affect. Such findings are consistent with the hy- Thus, while cannabis may itself increase drug addiction and psy- 603
539 pothesis that in attempts to ‘self-medicate’, a user’s continued chiatric vulnerability, pre-existing prodromal states (or disease 604
540 consumption of cannabis itself exacerbates underlying negative vulnerability) may initially promote the initiation and continuation 605
541 traits (Arendt et al., 2007). Rat studies also substantiate these hu- of cannabis use. 606
542 man findings by documenting that exposure to CB1R agonists 607
543 during adolescence induces long-term increases in anxiety- and 608
544 depression-like behaviors as adults (Biscaia et al., 2003; 609
545 Ciccocioppo et al., 2002). Indeed, a growing body of evidence 610
546 suggests that cannabis exposure in humans during adolescence is 611
547 linked to the development of symptoms characteristic of mood and 612
548 anxiety disorders (Fergusson et al., 2002; Hayatbakhsh et al., 2007; 613
549 Patton et al., 2002). 614
550 While the use of cannabis itself appears to lead to negative 615
551 affect, which could contribute to subsequent drug abuse as in- 616
552 dividuals try to self-medicate, even young cannabis dependent 617
553 subjects without a long history of drug use show high neuroticism/ 618
554 anxiety and depression traits, implying a preexisting negative 619
555 emotional affect in these users (Dorard et al., 2008). As such, there 620
556 may be subsets of individuals with at-risk behavioral traits that 621
557 contribute to self-medication ultimately leading to dependence. 622
558 Self-medication due to a preexisting vulnerable state is also evident 623
559 in regard to psychosis risk. Cannabis use is high among people with 624
560 psychosis (Koskinen et al., 2010; van Gastel et al., 2013) and it has 625
561 been documented that psychotic symptoms are evident in subjects 626
562 who have never used cannabis before the onset of psychotic 627
Fig. 5. Synergistic Contribution of negative affect trait and PENK variants to cannabis
563 symptoms, which also predicts future cannabis use (Ferdinand 628
dependence vulnerability. (High-risk genotype ¼ C/C þ C/T for rs2609997 or A/A þ A/G
564 et al., 2005). This suggests that current cannabis-dependent sub- for rs2576573; low-risk genotype ¼ T/T for rs2609997 or G/G for rs2576573. 629
565 jects may have underlying psychiatric disorders that contributed to ***p < 0.01; ****p < 0.001. Modified from Jutras-Aswad et al., 2012.) 630

Please cite this article in press as: Hurd, Y.L., et al., Trajectory of adolescent cannabis use on addiction vulnerability, Neuropharmacology (2013),
NP5190_proof ■ 16 August 2013 ■ 6/9

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Fig. 6. Schematic overview of the interaction between environmental factors, genetics and behavioral traits that together contribute to complex neuropsychiatric disorders like
640 addiction. Vulnerability involves a delicate balance between factors that promote and protect against disease, and adolescent THC, an environmental factor, may tip this balance in
641 teens with high-risk genotypes and behavioral traits. 706
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644 4.2. Heritable genetic factors which is interesting given that the amygdala plays a prominent role 709
645 in negative mood states and enkephalinergic neurons in the central 710
646 A growing number of family, twin and adoption studies have amygdala are critically involved in anxiety and stress responsivity 711
647 shown that cannabis use disorder is strongly heritable (30e80%) (Kang et al., 2000; Kung et al., 2010) (Fig. 4B). 712
648 (Agrawal and Lynskey, 2009; Kendler et al., 2000; Kendler and 713
649 Prescott, 1998; Maes et al., 1999; McGue et al., 2000; Miles et al., 4.3. Interactions between genetics and behavioral traits 714
650 2001; Rhee et al., 2003; Tsuang et al., 1998; van den Bree et al., 715
651 1998). Most studies examining cannabis dependence and genetic It is clear that multiple factors can converge to contribute to 716
652 risk have used a candidate gene approach. Thus far, genes encoding vulnerability. For example, while PENK genotype and anxiety/ 717
653 CB1R (CNR1) and the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), an enzyme neuroticism trait are individually associated with cannabis 718
654 responsible for the hydrolysis of the eCB anadamide, have been dependence, there was a strong synergism between high-risk ge- 719
655 shown to modulate cannabis dependence risk (Agrawal et al., 2009; notypes and the negative affect trait that enhanced cannabis 720
656 Hopfer et al., 2006; Tyndale et al., 2007). dependence risk 8e9-fold (Jutras-Aswad et al., 2012) (Fig. 5). This 721
657 Given the effects of adolescent THC on striatopallidal-related synergistic interaction was also evident in another population 722
658 genes, namely Drd2 and Penk expression, in the rodent models, (homogenous Caucasian Greek army conscripts) in which aspects of 723
659 (Corchero et al., 1998, 1999; Ellgren et al., 2007; Morel et al., 2009; cigarette use could be explored separately from cannabis use 724
660 Perez-Rosado et al., 2000; Spano et al., 2007; Valverde et al., 2001; (Jutras-Aswad et al., 2012). The finding that cannabis dependence is 725
661 Wang et al., 2006), it was of interest to explore DRD2 and PENK significantly enhanced in individuals with both high neuroticism/ 726
662 SNPs in humans in relation to cannabis dependence. The DRD2 anxiety and risk genotypes emphasizes the important synergistic 727
663 Taq1A polymorphism, which has been studied in multiple addic- contribution of negative emotional traits and genetics to vulnera- 728
664 tion disorders, did not associate with cannabis use (Creemers et al., bility. Thus, developmental cannabis exposure may confer suscep- 729
665 2011; Jutras-Aswad et al., 2012; Sakai et al., 2007). However, tibility primarily in those individuals with underlying genetic and 730
666 considering the link between DRD2 and inhibitory control, we behavioral trait (Fig. 6). Both clinical reports and research studies 731
667 probed their interacting association with cannabis dependence suggest that coping with stress and negative mood states is a 732
668 risk. A number of neurocognitive studies have documented that common motive for use among heavy abusers (Hyman and Sinha, 733
669 DRD2 SNPs predict avoidance-based decisions in healthy subjects, 2009), which would be consistent with self-medicating even sub- 734
670 in line with this gene’s association with the striatopallidal NoGo threshold anxiety and negative affect induced by PENK dysfunction. 735
671 pathway (Frank and Hutchison, 2009; Frank et al., 2007; Klein et al., Cannabis exposure and negative affect may thus interact in a 736
672 2007). Our results confirmed that negative reinforcement learning, complex way such that cannabis is used to cope with subthreshold 737
673 linked with the ability to avoid maladaptative choices in a proba- symptoms, but paradoxically further increases these symptoms in 738
674 bilistic learning task, was indeed associated with the DRD2 rs6277 the long term. 739
675 SNP (Jutras-Aswad et al., 2012). For this DRD2 SNP, however, both 740
676 cannabis users and controls exhibited the same association with 5. Summary 741
677 negative reinforcement. Interestingly, negative affect (high anxiety/ 742
678 neuroticism trait) which was prominent in cannabis users signifi- Different lines of evidence suggest a link between adolescent 743
679 cantly modulated the association between DRD2 and PENK geno- THC and subsequent vulnerability to addiction and psychiatric risk. 744
680 types with cannabis dependence. This interaction was most Yet, it is clear that more scientific evidence is critically needed to 745
681 apparent for PENK SNPs (rs2609997 and rs2576573), with neurot- fully understand this relationship considering the multiple factors 746
682 icism/anxiety trait explaining approximately 15%e20% of the as- that appear to influence this trajectory. While some neurobiological 747
683 sociation between genotype and cannabis dependence (Jutras- insights have been obtained, it is clear that additional information 748
684 Aswad et al., 2012). is needed to fully understand the dynamic neurodevelopment of 749
685 Recent evidence from animal models have demonstrated a distinct components of the eCB and related neuronal systems, and 750
686 direct role of the nucleus accumbens Penk striatopallidal pathway the impact of cannabis upon these systems during adolescent 751
687 in mediating behavioral responses associated with aversive ontogeny. The mechanisms by which cannabis may disrupt the 752
688 behavior (Hikida et al., 2010). In the human brain, there is a sig- functional organization of brain structures such as the striatum and 753
689 nificant association of PENK SNPs (rs2609997 and rs2576573) with prefrontal cortex during adolescent development as well as specific 754
690 mRNA expression of this gene in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal behavioral phenotypes are still unknown. Aside from the direct 755
691 striatum as well as with striatal met-enkephalin peptide levels pharmacological effects of the drug on brain development, indi- 756
692 (Jutras-Aswad et al., 2012). These findings emphasize the tran- vidual factors contribute tremendously to the complexity of the 757
693 scriptional and translational functional relationships of poly- relationship between adolescent cannabis exposure and addiction 758
694 morphisms of the PENK gene (Fig. 4A). In addition to the striatum, risk (Fig. 6). The apparent synergistic interactions of genetics and 759
695 PENK mRNA amygdala expression is also related to PENK genotype negative affective trait suggest that genetic screens should begin to 760

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