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‫(‪)Generator Steam‬‬

‫من اعداد الطالب‬

‫محمد عطاهللا درب‬
Steam boilers, in general, are vessels in which water is heated to its boiling point. And
considering Steam is the source of power to operate thermal machines, and the
steam boiler is one of the most important devices that Through it, steam is produced
.from water

The steam boiler is also called a steam generator, which is a closed vessel used To
generate and supply steam at different pressures in the manufacturing process in
sugar factories, cotton gins, beverage factories etc., and it is also used in heating
processes. Steam generation is done by evaporating water, and the heat required for
.evaporation can be obtained by burning fuel

Requirements that must be met by a good boiler

To be able to determine the design limit for the amount of steam and the minimum -1
. fuel consumption

The boiler must have sufficient water and steam capacity to cope with load .2

.It has the ability to quickly start operation from a cold state .3

It must be durable enough to withstand stress and thermal stress (Thermal stress -4
.and strains)

.The steam must be delivered in a safe manner in the required condition -5

All parts must be easily accessible for inspection, cleaning and repairs and must be -6
.With a small number of parts

.It should occupy the least space or space .7

.Pipes are not susceptible to the accumulation of soot and water accumulations .8

Exploiting the maximum amount of heat from an external combustion source must -9
.be economical
Boiler Classifications : Steam boilers are generally classified into two main types
Fire Tubes Boiler : These types of boilers consist of an outer shell with a bundle of tubes -1
that penetrate the shell and carry the combustion gases resulting from the combustion of
fuel into the combustion chamber. In this type of boiler, the surface area of heat exchange
between water and combustion gases can be increased, but the quality and production of
steam does not improve. This type of boiler is characterized by expensive maintenance costs
due to the way it is designed, as well as a low rate of steam production, so it cannot be used
.in electrical power production plants

Fig(1)Fire Tube Boiler

Water Tubes Boiler: Water tube boiler: It is the latest type of boiler that is currently -2
used in steam power plants. This boiler was developed and called the no explosive water
tube boiler because it does not suffer from the problem of boiler explosion that the fire tube
boiler had. Enter this he boiler came into widespread commercial operation at the beginning
of the twentieth century when steam turbines were developed and increased high pressure
and temperature requirements for steam in addition to the large quantities of steam
produced these boilers are characterized by their large size and can produce large amounts
.of steam at high pressures

Fig.(2) Water Tubes Boiler

Difference Between a Fire Tube and Water Tube boiler

Fire Tube Boiler Water Tube Boiler

Hot flue gases flow inside the tube and Water flows inside the tube and hot flue
the water flows outside the tube gases flow outside the tube
These boiler are generally internally fired These boiler are generally externally fired

The boiler pressure limited to 20 bar The boiler pressure limited to 100 bar

The Fire Tube Boiler has a lower rate of The Water Tube Boiler has a higher rate
steam production of steam production

Not suitable for large power plants Suitable for large power plants

Involves less risk of an explosion due to The risk of an explosion is higher due to
low pressure higher boiler pressure
For a given power it occupies a large floor For a given power it occupies a less floor
space space
Complex in construction Sample in construction

Difficult in transportation Sample in transportation

They require less skill to operate They require skilled to operate

They are difficult repair and clean They are easy repair and clean

The efficiency of the fire tube boiler is The efficiency of the fire tube boiler is
lower higher
The maintenance of this boiler is costly They are easy to maintain
Goal of the experiment
The goal of the experiment Learn about the steam boiler, its working principle, how
to operate it, and calculate its efficiency

Device used
Figure No. (3) shows an illustrative diagram and its accessories used in the
experiment, which is used to study the working principle of the steam boiler under
certain conditions of constant pressure and variable temperature, where we
gradually raise the temperature of the water starting from (28C) to (180C) and
convert it into steam at a pressure of 10 bar. Parts of the steam boiler used in the


Water pump: The pump draws water from the collection tank at atmospheric -1
pressure (1 bar) and pushes it to the steam boiler, where the pump raises its pressure
.to (11 bar)

Diesel fuel pump: The pump pulls fuel from the fuel tank into the combustion -2
.chamber and raises its pressure to (15 bar)
Combustion chamber: It is the space in which the ignition and combustion of fuel -3
take place and the resulting gases pass through Combustion on the coil inside the
.boiler to heat water and turn it into steam

Air compressor: Using the air compressor, air is prepared and pushed into the -4
.combustion chamber, and the gases resulting from combustion are expelled outside

.How the experiment works

.Ensure that all valves feeding water to the boiler are open -1

.Make sure there is diesel fuel in the fuel tank-2

.Ensure that the power is connected and open the control panel switch -3

Turn on the water preparation pump and open the steam preparation valve for a -4
.short period until ensuring that the air has exited the boiler

.Turn on the igniter in the combustion chamber-5

Ensure the presence of steam and achieve the appropriate pressure by monitoring -6
.the pressure gauges until it reaches (10 bar)

Here we have 3 heaters:-

Find total heat from all heaters:

QT =QH 1 +Q H 2 +Q H 3

→ I 1V + I 2V + I 3 V 3 .
1 2

→ (20x210)+(19x210)+(17.7x210).
QT =11970 watt →11.907 kw.
→ QT =ṁ ×∆ h → ṁ= → for find mass flow rate.

Point 1: find enthalpy h from saturated table from P=1bar=100Kpa,T =20° C

1 1

/ ∴ h1=h f =417 KJ / KG .
(a). T 2=100° C, P=0.5 bar =50KPa.

P=50KPa from saturated table, T sat =111.37 , T 2>T sat (superheated).

P=0.05MPa from table T 2=100° C → h2=2682.9KJ/KG.

(b). T 2=100° C, P=1.5bar =100KPa

P=100KPa, from saturated table, T 2> T sat (superheated).

P=0.1MPa from table, T 2=100° C →, h2. =2676 KJ / KPa

(c). T 2=100° C, P=1.5bar =150KPa.

P=150KPa from saturated table, T sat =111.37 , T sat <T 2 mixing (X=0.9).

P=150KPa from saturated table, h f =466.9 KJ / KG .

h2=¿ h +¿¿ Xh fg =466.9+(0.9×2226 ) → h2 =2470 KJ / KG .

(d).T 2=100° C ,P=2bar =200KPa.

P=150KPa from saturated table, T sat =120 , T 2< T sat mixing ,(X=0.9).

P=200KPa ,from table h f =504.5 KJ /KG . ,h fg=2201.7 KJ / KG .

h2=¿ h +¿¿ Xh fg=504.5+(0.9×2201.7 ),→ h2=¿ 2486KJ / KG. ¿

(f).T 2=100° C, P=2.5bar =250KPa.

P=250KPa from saturated table, T sat =127.4 ,T 2 <T sat mixing, (X=0.9).

P=250KPa from table h f =535 KJ /KG .

h2=¿ h +¿¿ Xh fg = 535+(0.9×2181 ).

h2=¿ 2497.9 KJ / KG. ¿

QT 11.907
(a). ṁ = (h −h ) = (2682−417) = 0.00525 KJ/s.
2 1

QT 11.907
(b). ṁ = (h −h ) = (2676−417) = 0.00527 KJ/s.
2 1

QT 11.907
(c). ṁ = (h −h ) = (2470−417) = 0.00579 KJ/s.
2 1

QT 11.907
(d). ṁ = (h −h ) = (2846−417) =0.00575 KJ/s.
2 1

QT 11.907
(f). ṁ = (h −h ) = (2497−417) =0.00572 KJ/s.
2 1

No. P(bar) T2 Area h1 h2 ṁ

A 0.5 100 Super, 417 2682 0.00525

B 1 100 Super, 417 2676 0.00527
C 1.5 100 Mixing 417 2470 0.00579
D 2 100 Mixing 417 2486 0.00575
F 2.5 100 mixing 417 2497 0.00572

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