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Area: Humanities
Grade: 11°

Project 1: The Cold War of the 21st Century

After World War II, the world was part of a
political, economic, social, and military
confrontation between two powers that put all
their efforts into having hegemony on the
planet. This period of our history not only
brought great repercussions in all the
countries of the world, but, according to
several researchers, history repeats itself

For the reasons mentioned above, it is important that you understand the Cold War that
occurred in the 20th century to comprehend how it develops in the 21st century, the
question that will guide the project is the following:

In the actual Cold War, how can we solve the problem of dependence on
economic powers today and become more self-sufficient as a country?


Personal Development, Citizenship and Civics

 Coexists, deliberates, and participates democratically in public affairs based on the
application of concepts and information related to citizen issues, the structure of
the State and democratic institutions.

Social Studies
 Understands and interprets historical processes based on the construction of
concepts, management of information and use of sources.
 Understands the geographical space based on the relationships between the
different elements and takes a responsible stance towards its management.
 Understands the economic and financial systems and are able to think about the
decisions that correspond to their management.

 Investigates the historical context of the world in the Cold War from 1945 to 1989
and makes a comparison with what is happening today to explain the
multicausality of this conflict and how it develops nowadays.
 Explains how the new Cold War is developing spatially and what geopolitical and
economic components have contributed to the formation of hegemonic blocs
today and how they interact (what they need from each other).
 Explains the importance of economic treaties and conventions, the capital market
and international trade for the country's development. They explain some of the
impacts of economic dependency in the world and in Peru, which must be
 Proposes a viable solution on how we can reduce the problem of economic
dependency in this new Cold War to become more self-sufficient as a country.
 Deliberates and takes a clear stance on what aspects of those experienced during
the Cold War should not be repeated; and whether the current Cold War is justified
by reflecting on institutionality, the rule of law and democratic principles.

For you to develop this project, we leave you the parts of the process that will be working
on these 7 and a half weeks that the project will last.

Parts of the process:

1. Investigate the historical context and explain the causes, characteristics,
conflicts, and consequences in order to compare:
 The Cold War in the 20th Century
 The Cold War Today
2. Uses information from primary and secondary sources (newspapers,
photographs, magazines, maps, etc.) and discusses the major conflicts that
occurred during the Cold War in the 20th century. Debate: Could some of these
conflicts have been avoided?
3. They watch film about the German Democratic Republic and participate in a
forum for deliberation by taking a critical stance on what aspects of the Cold War
film of the 20th century should no longer happen in today's world. Changes and
permanences on what has been observed, at present times.
4. They make videos using maps to explain how the new Cold War is developing
spatially and what geopolitical and economic components have contributed to
the formation of hegemonic blocs and how they interact. They explain the
impacts of the Cold War on the world and on Peru today and propose a viable
solution on how we can reduce the problem of economic dependency in the
context of this Cold War, in order to become more self-sufficient as a country. It
explains the importance of economic treaties and conventions, the capital market
and international trade, in the context of war.
5. Deliberation on whether the current Cold War is sufficiently justified, yes or no,

PROJECT 1: The Cold War of the 21st Century

Level of DPCC: C2. It coexists, deliberates, and participates democratically in public affairs based on the application of
Achievemen concepts and information related to citizen issues, the structure of the State and democratic institutions.
t a) Research Social Science Issues
b) It problematizes public issues: social, political, economic, ethical, cultural, etc. and problematizes them (doubts,
elaborates and verifies hypothi0eeses, poses relevant questions, explores uncertainties).
c) Take a position based on arguments.
AD In addition to achievement level A, he/she uses specialized sources in his
deliberation, which allows him to verify the complexity of his explanations. Presents a
viable solution with concrete actions that show a step-by-step, as well as the public
and/or private agents in charge of carrying it out. In its deliberations, sets out its point
of view and clearly exposes some other point of view, based on reasoned
arguments, institutionality, the rule of law and democratic principles.
A Sets out viable action with clarity on how we can solve the problem of economic
dependency today, as well as which public and/or private agents oversee carrying it
out. They deliberate on whether the current Cold War is justified or not and argue it
with well-explained examples, reflecting on institutionality, the rule of law and
democratic principles. It uses relevant sources to deliberate properly and takes a
clear and reasoned stance on which aspects of what aspects of the Cold War of the
20th century should not be repeated today. On-time delivery.
B In his/her deliberation, his argument is weak and incongruous about which aspects
of what were experienced during the Cold War cannot be repeated and whether the
current Cold War is justified or not. It proposes an action, although its execution is
not entirely clear. Use at least one simple source to deliberate, or the selected ones
are not reliable. Receives support from the teacher.
C It does not use relevant sources or any sources to deliberate on whether or not a
new Cold War is justified today. Their arguments/explanations are not well
supported, they are not understood.

Level of CCSS: C1. Understands and interprets historical processes based on the construction of concepts, management of
Achievemen information and use of sources.
t a) Research Social Science Issues
b) Elaborates historical explanations (similarities and differences, classification of causes, cause-and-effect relationships,
interpretation of causes), constructs interpretations of sources (written, statistical, visual, artistic, etc.), compares and
complements them, questions their authenticity and reliability and difference from opinion, and conceptualizes them
AD In addition to achievement level A, all vocabulary used is relevant and specialized.
Most of their sources are specialized. Use the sources to compare authors' positions,
not just to complement their explanations.
A Pertinently explains the historical context in which the Cold War developed in the
twentieth century to understand its multicausality; compares its characteristics with
the Cold War today to understand the permanencies and changes of both historical
processes. The sources he/she used are relevant, reliable, and linked to the different
aspects necessary to achieve a complete understanding of the historical and current
processes investigated. Sources are well referenced; short references are included
where necessary. On-time delivery.
B Research on the historical context in which the Cold War took place in the twentieth
century does not show greater depth to understand some of the causes that
originated it, therefore, it is not yet able to compare the permanences or changes
with the current process. The sources used are not entirely reliable and there was a
lack of linking them to the research. Get help from your teacher.
C Can not explain the historical context in which the Cold War unfolded in the 20th
century and, therefore, does not understand whether we are currently experiencing a
new Cold War or not. It does not present sources, or the ones used, they are not
reliable. It does not show an understanding of the historical process under

Level of CCSS: C2. It understands the geographical space based on the relationships between the different elements and takes
Achievemen a responsible stance towards its management.
t a. Research Social Science Issues
b. Handles and elaborates different sources of information (maps, photos, topographic sections, statistics, etc.) to
analyze the geographical space.
c. It relates the elements of an environmental system (processes, impacts, problems, potentialities, etc.) and
conceptualizes it.
AD In addition to achievement level A, uses specialized sources in its explanation, which
allow us to exemplify how these connections between the blocks occur in all aspects
and their impacts on the different countries of the world. Emphasis should be placed
in Peru in all aspects of the study.
A In his/her explanations, he/she refers to and interprets various sources (maps,
photos, graphs, statistics, images, etc.) to understand how the new Cold War is
developing spatially and what geopolitical and economic components have
contributed to the formation of hegemonic blocs today. Clearly explains how these
blocks interact and which elements of the system they maintain are relevant to
understanding the current problem. Explains some of its impacts in different aspects
for Peru and the world. The sources he/she uses are reliable and are linked to the
different aspects necessary to achieve an understanding of the space under
investigation. On-time delivery.
B The sources used (maps, photos, graphs, statistics, images, etc.) have not allowed
him to understand how the new Cold War is developing in some of its aspects and
what components have contributed to the formation of the hegemonic blocs today. It
still can't explain how they interact. It presents some errors and has omitted relevant
information to understand the geographical space where this conflict is currently
taking place. Receives support from the teacher.
C Does not show an understanding of the geographical space in which the Cold War
took place in the twentieth century, nor compares it with today; doesn't relate its

Level of CCSS: C3. They understand the economic and financial systems and can think about the decisions that correspond to
Achievemen their management.
t a) Research in Social Sciences
b) It understands the relationships between the elements of the economic and financial system.
c) Become aware that it is part of the economic system and must manage resources responsibly.

AD In addition to achievement level A, explains in depth the importance of economic

treaties and conventions, the capital market and international trade for the
development of the country and the world, in the context of the current Cold War.
A Uses relevant sources to explain how economic treaties and agreements, the capital
market, and international trade develop in the context of the current Cold War, in the
world. Use examples to explain how they work. On-time delivery.
B Fails to recognize the importance of any of the key elements, economic treaties and
conventions, the capital market and international trade. Receives support from the
C Does not use relevant sources or any sources at all and its explanations are not well
supported. It does not understand how treaties, markets, and international trade

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