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General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.

Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

NCM 117-n LEC


Submitted by:

Mr. Quian Conrad Hueygrey Cenita, SN

Mr. Abundio P. Fernandez Jr., SN

Ms. Joana Marie D. Marciano, SN

Mr. Anthony Jude A Tarnate, SN

Ms. Phoebe Kate D. Garcia, SN

Mr. Johnlery S. Baldonado, SN

Ms. Crissa Mae A. Grande, SN

Ms. Danica Dawn T. Rojas, SN

Ms. Gwyneth M. Jangad, SN

Mr. Raymart W. Dabis, SN

Ms. Shaira Mae E. Uy, SN

Submitted to:

Ms. Rizza G. Francisco, RN, MN

General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

Photo Documentation of the Group Discussion:


a) Division of labor (what part was assigned to whom)
The patient for the interview- Dabis
The interviewers- Jangad and Tarnate
Editor- Fernandez
Create Questions by Pair
I. Biographical data - Rojas and Jangad
II. History of Present Health Concern- Cenita and Grande
III. Past Health History- Marciano and Puntanar
IV. Family History- Dabis and Garcia
V. Developmental stage- Fernandez and Tarnate
VI. Spiritual beliefs- Uy and Baldonado
Requirement 1: Assessment Documentation By Pair
I. General Appearance - Cenita and Uy
A. Appearance
B. Overt behavior and psychomotor activity
C. Attitude towards examiner
D. Other findings
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

II. Mood and Affect- Jangad and Garcia

A. Mood
B. Affect
C. Appropriateness of affect
III. Speech Characteristics, IV. Perception, V. Thinking- Marciano and Puntanar
A. Thought Process
B. Thought Content
VI. Sensorium and Intellectual Processes- Tarnate and Dabis
A. Consciousness
B. Orientation
C. Memory
D. Concentration and attention
E. Abstract thinking
F. Information and intelligence
VII. Impulsivity, IX. Insight, VIII. Judgment- Baldonado and Grande
X. Self-Concept, XI. Roles and Relationships, XII. Physiologic and Self-Care
Considerations- Fernandez and Rojas
2 NCP- 1 each for the subgroup

b.) What transpired during the discussion?

We agreed to use a poll to vote for our assigned tasks during our group discussion, and
we carried it out by voting on each other's specific duties, by allowing each member to
actively engage in determining their roles. We also gave great thought to the details of
our task, such as deciding on Ms. Marciano's home as the interview location and
creating a complete schedule that included the day and time of the filming. After making
these important decisions in the meeting, we effectively distributed the remaining tasks
in pairs, allowing team members to work together and be organized.

In planning this activity, we utilized Google Meet for our discussions and decided to
conduct a poll on Messenger to distribute tasks. Each team member has a specific role,
ranging from creating questionnaires to brainstorming ideas for the presentation we will
be delivering. This collaborative approach will not only enhance our teamwork but also
ensure that we stay on track and meet our deadlines effectively. -FERNANDEZ
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

During our group discussion, we used a voting system to assign tasks fairly. Everyone
had a say in what they wanted to do. Once these decisions were made, we split up the
remaining tasks into pairs so everyone could work together efficiently. - CENITA

Our leader proposed a congregation that was held online and what we discussed there
was all about how we could effectively portray an assessment in a patient with severe
depression. Before that, we divided the task and assigned it to each member and set a
deadline. And as a person who was assigned to be a patient, I started to browse for
some behavior and character that a person with depression has. - DABIS

During our group meeting, we voted to divide tasks fairly. Everyone got to choose what
they wanted to do. After that, we teamed up in pairs to finish the rest of the work quickly
and together.- GARCIA

We have held our group discussion through Google meet, we have discussed the topics
that needed to be included for the activity, and have the topics to be done by pair. And
in dividing the tasks, we have done it in poll, and all the members would just pick on the
part that they wanted to work on.- GRANDE

In the meeting, we talked about what we have to do to complete the activity. We shared
out the tasks evenly so everyone can help. We also decided on deadlines to finish the
tasks on time and avoid rushing.- ROJAS

We had our meeting through Google Meet and we discussed every role and we divided
the parts as stated above in the messenger, we had a poll, first come first serve basis,
after that we started to do our task and tried to finish everything on time. - UY

We all decided to use a poll to vote on our tasks in our group talk. Each of us voted for
the jobs we wanted, letting everyone be part of deciding what they'd do. We also talked
about what our video will be about and where we'll shoot it. This way, everyone got to
share their ideas and help pick both the content and the filming spot for our video. It
made the whole process more inclusive and gave each person a say in our group

We began creating a poll in our group message and setting a time for our virtual group
meeting after our group chose to vote on the activities we wanted to carry out. While
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

having our virtual meet we shared some insights and raised questions about the areas
we chose in order for us to have correlated and unstandable ideas. The task was
divided up directly, and we reminded each other of the sources we should use since, in
our perspective, we must have a reliable source of knowledge that is based on books. -

In the planning for our activity we have a meet through Gmeet, and plan on what to do,
and give our own suggestions. And choose our tasks through the Poll in our groups,
group chat. - TARNATE

In our group discussion, we utilized a poll to allocate individual tasks, encouraging

active involvement from each member. Key decisions, such as choosing where to film.
After finalizing these aspects, we efficiently paired team members for the remaining
tasks, promoting effective collaboration and organization. - Marciano

c.) Lessons learned (collate learning from each member) and this has to be
reflected in the output.

The lesson that I learned from doing the tasks is that I now understand how to assess
and document information for psychiatric clients. It’s not simple to ask questions or
communicate therapeutically with the client because certain questions might bring up
sensitive topics. As an interviewer, I’ve learned to be careful in how I should ask
questions to the client. It is important to keep the conversation not so formal in this way
we can create a space where the clients feel comfortable opening up. Filming the video
also turned out to be challenging because the interview parts needed to be raw and
unedited. In the end, I realized the importance of practice and teamwork. As a group,
we should support each other, guide and understand our respective tasks. - JANGAD

Throughout the process of creating this activity, I have gained a deeper understanding
of the importance of therapeutic communication when working with patients who are
experiencing mental health challenges. I have realized that every word, detail, and
question formulation must be carefully considered to avoid any potential
misinterpretation or misunderstanding. This activity has also taught me the value of
patience and empathy when interacting with clients who may be going through
psychiatric issues. All in all, this activity has been a valuable learning experience. It has
equipped us with the knowledge and skills necessary to explore potential challenges
that may arise during our upcoming exposure. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

and grow in this field, and I am excited to apply these newfound insights in my future
interactions with patients. - FERNANDEZ

Completing these tasks taught me to assess and document information for psychiatric
clients, highlighting the importance of cautious communication to create a comfortable
space for clients to open up. Filming the video underscored the significance of practice
and teamwork, while also deepening my understanding of therapeutic communication,
patience, and empathy. Overall, this experience equipped me with valuable skills for
future work with patients. - CENITA

Completing my task taught me valuable lessons about depression. While portraying a

patient with severe depression, I gained insights into the complexities of the condition.
It became evident that embodying this character is challenging due to the diverse
behavioral patterns, cognitive processes, and underlying causes associated with
depression. Understanding how to assess individuals in this state and determining
appropriate therapeutic interventions are crucial for addressing their concerns and
providing effective support. - DABIS

Doing these tasks helped me learn how to gather and write down information for people
with mental health needs. It showed me how important it is to talk carefully to make
them feel safe enough to share. Making the video also taught me about practicing with
others and working as a team. It made me understand more about how to communicate
well, be patient, and show empathy. All in all, this experience gave me useful skills for
helping patients in the future.- GARCIA

In doing this activity, my task has helped me learn how to compose questions, without
offending the client, making it therapeutic. And also the tone and the construct of the
sentences that you speak toward the client would really reflect on how the client will
answer it or react to it. - GRANDE

Doing this activity has helped me realize how crucial it is to communicate

therapeutically with patients who have psychiatric issues. Asking questions isn't simple
because I need to be extremely cautious about my tone of voice, actions, and facial
expressions when talking to them in a therapeutic way. Even though the activity is
challenging, it gives me an idea of what to do during my Psychiatric exposure and helps
me understand how to care for patients with psychiatric problems better.- ROJAS

This activity taught me more about psychiatric illnesses, including how fragile they are
and the importance of communicating. Many factors affect people with psychosocial
issues such as developing empathy and acquiring cultural awareness to comprehend
diverse perspectives and experiences better, involves skills in communication, active
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

listening, and therapeutic techniques to support individuals facing psychosocial

challenges. - UY.

Completing these tasks taught me the importance of assessing and documenting

information for psychiatric clients with sensitivity and therapeutic intent. I've learned to
approach questions carefully, considering the sensitivity of certain topics. Maintaining
an informal tone is crucial to creating a comfortable space for clients to open up.
Taking on the role of a father in our video highlighted the significance of understanding
families better and expressing affection. Additionally, writing the judgment part in our
documentation emphasized the need for understanding and avoiding quick judgments
to prevent negative impacts. This experience underscored the importance of empathy
and thoughtful communication in both professional and personal aspects of life.-

Speaking with a patient who has a mental health issue can be challenging, based on my
observations from our lectures and assigned readings. We need to be cautious when we
speak with patients, as it could set them off or result in unintended consequences. We
were able to practice handling potential scenarios from our upcoming exposure due to
the video we made. To obtain the information we need and complete the task or
interview with achievement, we must truly prepare ourselves not only with knowledge
but also with mental and communication skills. - PUNTANAR

I've learned a lot about evaluating and recording data for mental patients thanks to
these assignments. Careful questioning and establishing a welcoming and comfortable
environment for clients are essential to effective communication, particularly when
discussing delicate subjects. There were difficulties in filming the video with uncut and
unprocessed interview segments, which emphasized the value of preparation and
cooperation. All in all, the group work highlighted how important it was for our group to
have mutual support, direction, and understanding. - Marciano

I have learned a lot throughout our activity on how to collect data, and how to speak and
ask questions carefully to the client, on how to communicate therapeutically. -
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation, Inc.
Bulaong Subd., Brgy. West, General Santos City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (083) 825-8372/552-9793; Email |

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