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ERROR CORRECTION Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (/). If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00). 1. TAKING UP TENNIS I did not really enjoy to playing sports much when Iwas at the school. I suppose this was because we did not really have very good physical education teachers. They were always shouting at us and telling to us to try harder. If you asked them what did you had to do to improve they could never give you a good advice. When I left school I started playing at tennis with some friends. To my great surprise, I loved to it. I became a complete tennis addict, sometimes playing as many as five times a week. I played so much that I eventually became quite a good player. The only problem was that I wasn’t very a fit and consequently I started to getting all sorts of injuries. First it was my elbow and then my shoulder. Once I managed to get over of those two problems my knees started to give me the trouble. My only consolation is that even the top players suffer from these injuries too. Of course I can’t compare myself to someone like as Martina Hingis, but I enjoy the game and have some of the same problems. = A THREATENING PHONE CALL A leading politician had been charged with corruption and Thad been covering the trial which bad finished more earlier that day. Despite of being very tired I went on working until the midnight. I had promised to finish the story and have it on the editor’s desk by morning. I was almost certain no other journalist had to got hold of the story or not the whole story anyway. Jack had told me he would wait for my version because of it would be an exclusive. I was worried that if [have used real names, there might be trouble later but in the end I decided that to include them. After all the journalism is all about giving the public information and that includes the names of all those involved in the news. Just as it I was reading through the final draft the telephone rang. I picked up the receiver expecting it is to be Jack. (One eee eee oe e — | Awoman’s voice has said ‘If you print this story, you know 13, what to expect,’ and then the line went dead. I sat there 14 wondering what I to do and then went to bed, but not to sleep. 15. 3. STUDYING LAW When I first went to a yniversity I studied law. Although a both my mother and older sister have science degrees no one else in the family had ever been studied law before and my parents were very proud of me. The problem was that I did not really know exactly what lawyers did do. Thad a very romantic ideas about going to court to defend people who had been falsely accused of committing the crimes. I imagined myself like those lawyers on TV, arguing with the judge and the prosecution lawyer and convincing to the jury that my client was innocent. After only a couple of ; weeks of very long and difficult lectures I am realised Qe ros that a lot of what a lawyer does is very practical and not 10. at all romantic. Nevertheless, 1 have began to understand 11. me that to studying law was interesting and worthwhile for other 12... reasons. For example, you learn a lot of about consumers’ 13. rights. With it this kind of knowledge you can really help people. I am very glad about I chose to study law. 4, LETTER FROM GOA Well, here | am in India, and finally I've found time to sit down and 0. uw write it a letter to you. | am staying in the port city of Goa, enjoying 00. ....jt a few days of rest up after a very hectic fortnight spent travelling across 1 the country. The people of Goa are proud of the fact and that they 2. are not clock-watchers. They even sell T-shirts to visitors printed 3. with the words ‘Goa, a place where time moves more slowly’. It's 4 a place to sit on the beach, take things away easy and sample the 5. delicious focal food. In fact, the only real disadvantage of the such relaxed 6. atmosphere is how long it takes to get served in any of the restaurants. 7 It is quite common to have to wait a couple of hours for get a meal to. 8. turn up. Even things that are quick to cook can take an age time. The 9 other day | decided ordered fried prawns, which | thought couldn't take 10. long. But, of course, the chef had to gather the wood, build a fire in a 1 hole in the sand, and then let it die down a bit before that he could 12. even begin to think about cooking them the prawns. Seafood is the local 13. speciality and so they were certainly very worth waiting for. | can't 14. remember the last time | enjoyed a meal so too much. Anyway who's in 15. a hurry? Not me! 310 - (ez 5. MY FIRST DAY AT WORK Today is my first day at work and this is the first job Ihave for ever had. It feels like my first day at school. I want to impress my boss, so that I ironed my suit last night. 1. I'm really got nervous about speaking in front of seventy 2. people. My mother makes up my breakfast and says I look By vn good, but I think she is only trying to be encouraging. At the oo tube station, I have avoid the first train because it’s packed, 5. 6. Te. = = and when the next train comes I decide I want to walk instead. By the time I arrive at work I feel like hot and sweaty, and I walk in trying to look much calm and confident. A woman who seems to be the secretary asks for me if I am the new employee and shows me to my desk. which it is in acorner of the room. _— 10... ‘The manager comes towards my desk and introduces to himself, 11. som. He is very friendly and tells me | will meet all my colleagues TQ. son later. | am suddenly feel much more relaxed and comfortable. 13. I know that when I get home, my mother will be want to 14. hear everything about this day, so I’m writing it all down. 165. 6. LIVING WITH A HOUSE RABBIT In your last letter you asked me to give you some advice on how to 0. ca look after a rabbit, Rabbits can make them very good pets and can 00. ...them become a wonderful companions because they are intelligent, social L animals. | am glad that | can give you information to help you understand =. rabbits so better. The House Rabbit Association recommends that you keep 3. your rabbit inside of the house rather than outdoors. Rabbits may run freely, 4. but it is best for most to be in a cage for the first few days, unlil they 5. have get used to both you and to the new surroundings. Very young rabbits 6. need to be in a cage for a more longer time than older rabbits. 7. itis natural for a rabbit chew on furniture and rugs. To prevent this 8. happening, you need to give it safe things for to chew, such as plastic or 9. tubber toys. Electrical cords are very dangerous and they must be hidden from view so that the rabbit cannot reach to them. A further danger to rabbits is other type animals. However; rabbits and cats can get along fine. Even rabbits and dogs they get on, but the dogs have to be trained to respond to commands before which they can be trusted in the 14. company of rabbits, and even then the supervision will be needed. 15. a. DON’T TELL LIES My mother always told me that I should never tell lies. Oe oo coe I know what she meant, and in a way I am agree with her. 00. In other ways, however, I think she was in wrong. In order T es to be polite and to avoid so offending people, it’s necessary to tell a little white lie sometimes. Let me give to you an example. I always write to my Auntie Audrey and tell her what a lovely the day I had with her on Sunday and how delicious the lunch was been. Neither of these things is true, but it would be rude not to write and writing the truth would hurt too much, So I have to lie her. In the same way, you have to say that a newborn baby looks beautiful, even though we kuow Uhey all much look the same and are only actually beautiful in the same eyes of their parents. And of course, when I’ve had done my hair cut, or when I’m wearing a new outfit for the first time, the last thing I want to hear is the truth. I want to be told which I look wonderful. In these type situations, the truth would not do any of us any good! 8. MY JOB My name is Louise Bartley and | am twenty-six years old. For the past of three years I have been employed by a travel company. What had helped me get the job was my experience of travel. When | was twenty, | dropped out of university to go backpacking around Australia. This gave me such an idea of the kind of problems travellers face and | decided then that | have wanted to work as a travel agent. | joined to the company as a junior secretary and now | am in charge of the organisation of package holidays. | stay in the office most days and | don't travel unless that | have to. But my work is so much interesting that | don’t mind that at all. It is great to be working with them a group of people who have travelled widely and are as well enthusiastic as | am. This travel company is one of the best in the world and we can book you a flight to almost anywhere in no any more than a few minutes. We can do this because today the company has 833 staff through world-wide and travel centres in most capital cities. We do our best to make life more easier for customers. 9. ARCHAEOLOGY COURSE Let me tell you about a short course I attended to last week. As you know, I am very interested in archacology but I hate taking up examinations, so this was ideal for me because I could get a certificate of attendance without them exams. All I had to do was write a couple of assignments on a subject which I could choose it, and that was not difficult. 312 - 15. No any previous experience was necessary because the course was aimed at the beginners, and this also suited me well. would have been as fascinated by them as I was. Perhaps the best was the one that taught me that in what ways science has helped archaeology in its research. I learnt so much that I am considering for continuing with more serious studies next year when I will finish school. I can possibly do part of a degree course through 5. 6. ‘There were such an interesting topics I am sure you a 8. 9. evening classes and then complete of it by studying part-time 14. for six months. Do you have any plans for next year yet? 1B. 10. ICE CREAM FACTORY One of the most enjoyable parts out of my recent holiday in the USA was a visit to Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory in Vermont. This is actually the most popular tourist attraction in the state and is well worth make a visit First we saw was an introductory video in what's called The Cow over the Moon theatre. On the video, we met them Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield who look more like the folk singers than company directors. They explained how they started making ice cream, how they experimented with new flavours and how surprised they were by when their products became such a huge international success. Then we went for fo watch the ice cream being made in the factory. Everyone who works there seems very happy. As we stood on a platform looking over the production and lines, the workers all waved at us and smiled. it must all be part of what Ben and Jerry call “caring capitalism”. Did you know that if they give 7.5 percent of their profits to charity? That's a lot more than most companies. The tour was a great fun, we got to try lots of ice cream and in the gift shop, | bought a really funny T-shirt with a cow printed on it. if you will ever get the chance to go to Vermont, | can be thoroughly recommend Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory. 11. STEPS TO INNER PEACE You tell me that you are under a lot of stress lately and | think | can help you. Since a few months ago, | started to get nervous at work, and things began to worry me that hadn't before. At night, | was finding it out very difficult to go to sleep. When | finally got to sleep, | would have wake up in the middle of the night. So, | decided it | needed to do something about itvand | took up meditation. | discovered it was very much good for me, and now | am more calmer and happier. Meditation is very simple, all you do is sit quietly and let for your mind fill with pleasant thoughts. This clears your head and helps you to get 00. Since. PNOARwONs Tai ligu én thi THPT Quoc gia mén Tiéng Anieeye rid of stress. If you find it difficult can to sit still, you may combine 9... meditation with exercise such as the walking, or swimming. The most difficult part of meditation is the need to concentrate on positive thoughts because of your mind will want to keep going back to the things that are worrying over you at that moment Experts recommend them an average of twenty minutes in the morning and evening, but | only do it three or four times on a week, which is enough. 12. A DISAPPOINTING MEAL Have you ever complained in a restaurant? | never thought | would, Oo ad, but last week | ended up doing just that. It was one my best friend's 00. birthday, so | had booked for a table at a new restaurant that has dl just opened in the city centre. But when there we arrived, exactly 2. on the time, they told me that there was no record of my booking and 3. we would have to wait for a table to become free. | suspected that 4. they had given our table to somebody else, but | didn’t say about 5. anything. Then we were kept waiting for an hour long without an apology, & although they did take it our order. We both chose soup as astarterand 7. my friend ordered a well-done steak as a main course. | thought that 8. | would be a bit more than adventurous, however, and decided to try 8. something called Ossobuco, though | wasn't quite sure what it was. To 10. cut a long story up short, the soup was almost cold, my friend’s steak 11 was uncooked in the middle and my Ossobuco turned out like to be a 12 plate of bone in a very acidic sauce. So, we called the manager and said 13. we would not pay because the meal which had been substandard, But in 14. the end we paid because we had eaten it all, but | won't be going to 15. there again! 13. SINGING IS GOOD FOR YOU You seem surprised to hear that | am teaching all my pupils OY how to sing. | am convinced that anyone who he can hear, can 00. ...he sing. And everyone can sing better than they do think they can. Singing can be have a very good effect on our lives and singing from a very early age is the best way for to develop the ear. It is more important to learn to sing than to play one an instrument. What we need to do is how help children to discover the joys of singing. However, many people are discouraged from the singing early in life. It is common to hear adults say they felt terrible when they were not been selected for the school choir. Unfortunately, adults who they have suffered that kind of treatment, do not burst into song spontaneously or sing invented 314 - geez aO©MNOAMAYNA ° songs to their children. But research shows that the children who most sing happily when they are five, are those whose mothers have sung to them at an early age. Maybe now you will have be able to understand why | am determined to that my young pupils should sing. And, by the way, singing keeps your vocal cords youthful as well! 14. RECYCLED JUNK | saw the most incredible thing yesterday, a boat made entirely out of bits of some rubbish. And that's not all; it had just sailed all the way across the Atlantic Ocean! Four people made up the voyage from the USA to Ireland which took them for sixty-three days. To make the boat, which has a diesel engine as well as three of sails, they collected wood, netting and plastic from the rivers and streets of New York. Although the boat sounds like very simple, it is actually quite large one with three cabins, an electricity generator, radar and the latest electronic navigation system. It is the plastic in which keeps the boat afloat and it is even able to right itself if it is blown over ina storm. None of the crew has been any formal sea training, and they thought they would get to the France in about thirty days. But they were delayed by a series of disasters which including storms, very large waves and icebergs. They were beginning to run out of food and decided to break their journey in Ireland so that they c6uld pick them up supplies. The captain of the boat said that sailing the boat had made of recycled material is represented a dream come true for him. 15. A CHANCE TO WORK IN TELEVISION Do you remember how unhappy | was in my job and that | was looking for a change? Well, for a long some time ! have had this idea that | would have like to work in television. | think itis never much too late to start afresh, and | have a number of skills, that could be valuable. | know it is hard to be start such a career when you are in your late twenties, but now an incredible opportunity has come up. A company in my area it is trying to attract people who have developed the office skills, but who have always been interested in working in TV. They think such a people will be valuable because of they will have learned management skills and teamwork skills, things that are more hard to pick up * when you are following a TV career very early on. If my application is successful, | would initially work such as a researcher for a wide rarige enough of TV programmes And this may be only the first stage because | could become a producer within a couple of years. 1 12. 13. 14. 15. . some. . ..some. Be Besides, | think it will be a very nice environment which to work 14. in. I'll et you to know next week if | get invited for an interview. 15, 16. PENGUIN WEDDING My friend Tanya has always been mad about penguins. It all started 0. when she was a child and her father gave to her a book full of 00. photographs and fascinating of information about the black and white 1 seabirds. Did you know so, for example, that penguins live in hot 2 countries as well as they at the South Pole? Anyway, Tanya became 3. very fond of penguins and, over the years, built up a large collection 4. of books, pictures and fluffy such penguin toys Tanya is now twenty-four 5. years old and last year her boyfriend, Dominic, asked her if to marry him. 6. ‘Tanya wasn't sure what to Should do and needed time to think, 7. but she didn't want to turn Dominic down completely. So Tanya 8 said that she would marry him, but only if the ceremony could took 9. place in a penguin colony. She thought this would take him a 40. long time for to organise. But, unknown to Tanya, Dominic had 41, just won in a competition and the first prize was two free airline 12. tickets to go anywhere in the world. Tanya and Dominic got ise married themselves last Spring and all the guests wore black and 14. white suits. Yes, you've guessed at it, they got married on a beach 15. and the guests were all penguins! 17. CAUGHT AT LAST As | know that you always like to read the crime stories, | am going to 0. tell you a real life story, something that happened in my town a few 00. weeks ago, Rosa Bell, a respectable-looking like lady in her mid-fifties, 1 was arrested at the Portrait Gallery for have stealing a valuable 2. painting. She had hidden the painting, which it was apparently very 3 small, in a large handbag, and was attempting to leave off the gallery, 4 when two piain-clothes policemen stopped her and searched her bag, 5 By now you must be wondering at why | am telling you this story, which 6. does not seem very interesting so far. Well, let me to continue. The Z police had no any idea at the time that this was the same person who 8. had robbed a number of banks in the early 1970s. But it soon became 9. clear that they had been finally caught one of the most wanted bank 10. robbers In the country. She had always managed to foo! the police " because she kept moving from one town to then another and changing 12. her of name and physical appearance. She had not only robbed banks 13. in the 70s, but had also taken out large loans and never repaid her debts, 14. so a number of companies they had taken legal action against her. - 15. 316 - 18. ONE JOKE TOO MANY My boyfriend Peter is a real joker. He is always playing tricks on me and usually I find them funny, if a bit much annoying. But his most recent trick involved so many of other people and made me look so silly that | don’t know if I'll ever be able to forgive him. Last month, | was lucky enough to reach up the finals of a karaoke competition. Then a few more days later, | received a letter from a big television company, saying that one of their staff it had seen me perform and that they wanted me to appear on a future television show. | was so thrilled that | rang to all my friends with the news. Pete didn’t seem very interested in, however, and althoug! I thought this was strange, | imagined he was just shocked, as what I was, or possibly even jealous. Then | noticed an identical copy of the letter sitting on the back seat of his car and when | realised that Pete had actually typed the letter himself and it was all from a joke! What kind a fool | had been! The letter wasn't even written on company notepaper. And then, of course, | had for to ring all my friends back and tell them the truth, which was really embarrassing. 19. LOVE GOD He has sold out 20 million records. His last album outsold U2 and he has sung duets with Tina Turner. But the English speaking world doesn't seem to be much aware of Eros Ramazzotti. The lovingly named Eros, a former footballer whose tours sellout in stadiums across Europe, he has come up against a small problem with his native mother tongue. The Italian may be the language ot love, but apparently it has. a bigger appeal in the opera house than in the record store has. Eros, though, is determined not to go down the same way as Julio Inglesias, lisping his way sweetly around vowels and consonants not designed for his southern European lips. He will still continue to sing in Italian. Eros is fully booked to play London's Wembley Arena on 11 November. He can be certain that there will be there at least some members in the crowd able to sing along to alll the chorus. London based footballers Roberto di Matteo and Gianluca Vialli are big fans Who knows that, maybe some of Eros's lyrics, which his fans claim are worthy of a poet, will find themselves their way onto the terraces. 20, AN UNEXPECTED ACCIDENT We had just arrived in a village on the way to meet some friends who we were going hiking with when we had had a flat tyre. We got ‘out of the car and walked towards a shop so that we could have ‘ai liéu én thi THPT Quoe 0. Ww. 00. much. ic es 3. 4. 5. a ie 8. Ih 9. a 11. 12. ae 14. 15. BNOHAWNS 10. 4 az see 14. 15. 0. v. 00. ...had. 0 ask if there was a someone who could change the flat tyre. The shop-owner agreed that to help us by sending a boy to fetch a man to look at the tyre. He explained that it would cost a lot of money because the materials for doing such jobs were expensive and difficult to get them. All we could do was to sit around and wait for the job to be done. While we were waiting we decided to spend some time playing a game of our football. However, as it was the middle of summer it soon became so hot that we had to stop. We sat on some chairs and ordered a cold drink and had looked at the view. When the man finally he came, we asked him to finish quickly because we were in a hurry to meet our friends. Even though he worked quickly it still took a few of hours for him to be finish. We could only hope that our friends had not set off without us, We would have to drive quickly to make it up for lost time. 21. STUDYING ABROAD There are two reasons why | had wanted to study in Paris. | wanted 0. v. to be in a place which it was at the centre of Europe, close to it other countries such as England and Germany. The other reason was that | had been found it very difficult to find a place to study of medicine in my own country, where there were only three medical schools. | had spent my last two school years at a boarding school, where | was made a lot of friends and learned to look after myself. | was nineteen when | just left and | knew that | could deal with a student life. First of all, | had to learn the language of the country | would be living in there for quite a while. | learnt with the language quickly because | stayed with a tamily, which was a great deal help. | was expected to speak only their language and not'mine. After that, | looked around for an apartment to rent. | found one very close to the university so | went on the foot every day. | was able to exercise a lot and therefore be fit all year round. My studies went very much well and | graduated at the top of the class with full honours. 22. ON TO EVEREST After four years of backbreaking training and also preparation, the Singapore Mt Everest Expedition |eam is ready to mount the summit of the world’s most highest peak in the next few weeks. In 1953, the Sir John Hunt expedition has put two climbers on the summit. But on this expedition, they mounted the summit through the South Col route. The Singapore team will attempt to retrace the exactly same route as they begin their ascent. 318 - EE 0. 00. PNOMkWONS 1 = 43. 14, 15, also. Dh eZ gaeNe The idea is to climb Everest was first brought up in 1990. 6. ‘The Singapore Mountaineering Federation, was being established 7. in 1993 and a permit for the climb was finally given in May 1994. 8. The Singapore Everest team, which comprises of eight 9. climbers and a support team, left for Katmandu in early 10 March: a relatively very young team with the average age of "1 } members being at about 30 years old and whose members 12. | come from alll the walks of life. The journey will be gruelling 13. I and members are fully aware of that they may not succeed, 14. | or more worse, survive. Our hopes and prayers will follow them. 15. | 23. FLOOD AND DROUGHT If the experts could not agree on it the reason for the worst 0. it | floods of the century in northern Europe, they are no wiser 00. Ww. about the drought which it is taking place in the south. The people are looking forward at the sky for the rain clouds which never come. A lot of people think it might be such a good idea if the planes do not fly over their areas so they do not frighten of the clouds away. In some areas the drought that has been going on for five long years. Swimming pools in resort areas lie empty because of residents have to put up with daily water cuts up to 16 hours. On the other hand, in the northern part of Europe, thousands of residents have been left without some homes and 9. have had to stay in other people's homes. Many farmers have lost a 10. lot of money because their crops which were destroyed and could 11. PNOHAYNS not be sold. Although some farmers tried to get back to their 12. farms they were not allowed to by the police. Besides from the cee beautiful flowers, fruit and vegetables were also so badly hit that 14. nothing could have be saved. Everyone in both the northern and 15. southern part of the continent will be relieved when it is all over. 24, E-TICKET The idea of ticketless travel has been around us for a long time. 0. us. Frequent flyers, especially those clever enough to be able to travel 00. with the hand-luggage only, have been looking forward to the era 1 of the E (for Electronic) ticket that it replaces messy pieces 2 bits of paper with a swipe of a credit card and a touch of a 3 screen. Now the time has come. Aberdeen airport was the only 4 first British Airways base to use of the new electronic ticketing 5. 6. 7, 8. system, closely be followed by other UK airports. BA has now been installed IBM developed electronic ticketing kiosks across its entire domestic network. Already one traveller in ten is using E-tickets to travel on BA domestic flights. Customers with hand baggage who can book over the phone and check in at a kiosk, using a BA Executive Club card for identification ‘The traveller may only needs to touch the screen to confirm or change their seat before being issued a boarding card. On someday travellers can also check in for the return flight. It's not as totally hassle-free yet, Hut it's pretty close. 25. RACE AGAINST TIME Soon a rather low sound was being heard and the float plane appeared, flying towards us. It landed gently on the lake, turned and then came slowly up along the landing stage. We loaded equipment while Jim was been talking with the pilot, wanting to know how about the weather was ahead of us. The pilot said that the conditions in the valley were alll right at the moment for landing and taking it off, but that the weather was rapidly getting more worse and we would have to get away as quickly as possible. We all worked silently for quite a while, because of we did not want to waste time. Finally the plane was being ready. Jim he also boarded it so that there was one less person to take on the next trip. The plane moved over the surface of the water and rose into the air. The plane came back on the time and it was Chris’ turn to go, with the rest of the film gear. Unless the plane was not back in time, we would be in trouble. The clouds were getting so thicker and blacker. We began to be anxious about our safety and whether the plane would be back to pick us up. 26. SPACE: FAR OUT FOOD The world may not need another recipe book, but that’s not to say there isn't no room for one on other planets. Scientists at New York’s Cornell University are being developing 100 recipes for astronauts dining on the Moon or the Mars. ‘The recipes which will be based on fresh produce that can be grown up inside sealed greenhouses (also under the development at Cornell). These bio-regenerative life-support systems will grow crops such as the soya, rice, tofu, carrots and basil, and will also support plants and algae that can be recycle bodily wastes inside the so sealed ecosystem. ‘These new recipes will surely make up life on other planets 320 10. 4 12. 13. 14. 15.. being. no. easier since astronauts will no any longer have to worry about their daily diets. ‘This still remains an very open market! 27. A DREAM As I am a university student I study hard and each night when I will finish my studies I put away my books and put on my training shoes. My sister, who lives in another town, she brought them back my training shoes from Europe as a birthday present. They are just right for jogging around the track. After jogging for the first lap I push myself so harder and harder for the second lap. My running style soon becomes comfortable and effective for the rest of the whole way. I hope that to improve my style so that I do not feel any tightness in the leg muscles. I am really looking forward much to taking part in my first University Games where I will be representing my year, If all goes well then I can expect to achieve at a good time which will help me to be chosen for the Olympic Games. It will be a moment full of excitement feelings for me. I plan on to continue my studies as well as my training until my dream is being achieved. My free time will be limited but it will be worth it in the end. 28. AFRICAN MODELS Talent scouts are looking for the next generation of supermodels have realised Africa's potential. Lyndsey Mcintyre, a former model herself, recently ‘opened one agency's first African office. “African women are being graceful and serene’ she says. “These qualities could to make them do very well in this business." However, spotting supermodels is rarely easy, as well Mcintyre discovered when she visited the Orma tribe of remote north-eastern Kenya, whose the women are reported to be especially striking. "The tribal leaders were a bit suspicious and | wasn't allowed to be meet many of their girls,” she explains. Another problem is that reports aren't always reliable. Mcintyre discovered this when one of village's “most beautiful girls" turned out to be its heaviest ones. She had to explain that Western advertisers prefer to far slimmer women. The Orma are not alone in believing fat it is beautiful. In a recent Africa-wide beauty contest, all the Ugandan contestants were disqualified for being a little much too large around the hips. “I don't understand why the fashion industry's obsession with small hips,” said one judge for the contest. “But because we want the girls to succeed in and to see African models working internationally, we give the industry what it wants.” are. 29. HOLIDAY DESTINATIONS FOR VEGETARIANS Thanks to cheap air travel, for so many people the world has grown significantly smaller over the last decade, but to vegetarians the planet can still seem like frustratingly limited. For the millions of us who don't eat meat, getting the right food while on the holiday can be a key factor when choosing which our destination. On countless trips abroad, after looking round at delightful cities such as Seville or Prague, | have been obliged to eat omelette and chips for dinner as no any other vegetarian dishes were available. Some years ago | was. looking forward to my first visit to Cuba when some vegetarian friends returned from there. They had really liked the country but told to me to expect two weeks of nothing but rice and beans. As a result, | have cancelled my booking. Since then, countries with a meat-based food culture have been off my travel menu. Why pay for to go hungry? On the other hand, food can also be encourage people to visit certain places. India is a fascinating country, and the fact that ninety per cent of menus are vegetarian adds up to its attraction. Offering a such wide range of delicious non-meat dishes, Italy is another holiday destination where vegetarians can feel at home. 30. THE IMPORTANCE OF FATHERS We can tend to think of poverty as the main cause of violent crime. However, research from both sides of the Atlantic shows that fathers may be the most important factor in preventing to children from turning over to crime. In the United States, children from better-off families were compared with ones who from families with lower incomes. Children from both groups that lived with their fathers also committed the same number of crimes. In the United Kingdom, a study was carried out of comparing a group of boys who had never been accused of not any crimes with another group were living in a detention centre after committing crimes such as assault and stealing vehicles. All the boys had difficulties at the school and came from large families that didn't earn a lot of money. The biggest difference between from the groups was that fifty-five Per cent of the ‘good boys’ lived with their fathers, while only four per cent of the ‘bad boys’ did it. Eighty per cent of the well-behaved boys said how they felt close to their fathers even if they didn't live in the same house. It seems that by having a father who takes an interest in his children encourages youngsters not to break the law. 31. DISCOVERY OF STAINLESS STEEL Stainless steel was discovered by an accident in 1913 by the British Metallurgist Harry Brearley. He was experimenting with steel alloys — 322 - combinations of metals — that they would be suitable for making gun barrels. A few months later he had noticed that most of his rejected specimens had rusted although one was containing 14 per cent chromium had not. The discovery led to the development of stainless steel. Ordinary steel goes rusts because it reacts easily with oxygen in the air to produce crumbly red oxides. Other metals, such as aluminium, nickel and chromium, also react in a much the same way but their oxides form an impermeable surface layer, stopping oxygen to reacting with the metal underneath. With Brearley's steel, the chromium formed such as a film, protecting the metal from further attack, and the whole success of stainless steel is based well on the fact that it has this one unique advantage. In fact, a variety of stainless steels are now made. One of the commonest contains of 18 per cent chromium and 8 per cent nickel and is used for kitchen sinks. Kitchen knives are made of steel containing about 13 per cent chromium. A very more corrosion-resistant alloy is achieved by adding up an incredibly small amount of the metal molybdenum - these steels are used as cladding for buildings. 32. WANTED “Wanted” ran a small ad in The Times. “Assistant for the famous cookery writer. Three-month contract - £400." The ad was answered by a young woman, recently widowed and with a small baby, desperate for work of any kind. The hours were long and £400 seemed very little for three months of employment. But she was absolutely desperate and she got the job. It proved harder than she had been anticipated, as the famous writer proved as tyrannical, ungrateful and a slave driver. The first week of helping to him was almost more than the young woman felt she could stand. Only did the thought of the bread that she was putting in her baby's mouth prevented her leaving from the job. At the end of the first week, she was given a lift at home by the cookery writer's secretary. On the way she confided how desperately she had needed the job and admitted just how welcome even the miserable £400 was mentioned in the advertisement would be. The secretary gave her such an odd look that the young woman asked what it the matter was. “I don't think you quite understand,” answered the secretary. “It's you who has to pay for him £400.” At first the young woman was silent. She was temporarily lost for some words, but then she began to laugh, and she laughed until the tears poured down her cheeks. 33. MY AVOURTE FILM I'm really a keen on going to the cinema, so I’ve got lots of favourite films. But the best one as I've seen lately is called Pressure. In some ways, | suppose that you could regard it as a detective film but it's different from most films of that one kind because the characters are they such unusual people. The detective in it, for example, is a computer the. expert who solves crimes on her computer using information given to her by her assistants, who go out and interview to people. The case in the film concerns about the wife of a millionaire, who has gone missing. Sometimes the plot gets a bit complicated but it isn’t too hard to keep up with it, There are a lot of strange characters in it, such as a man who always wears two hats on, and some of the scenes really made me laugh. Also, there is a big Surprise at the end but | won't say you what that is in the case you go to see it. It's very well acted and { also like the music in it. But what do | really like most about the film is that it's so original — I've certainly ever seen another film quite like that. 34, IS THERE TOO MUCH MONEY IN SPORT? It is certainly true that in recent times money has become so more and more important in sport. | think that in some ways this is not a good thing. People seem to be Involved themselves in some sports just to make money and not because of they really care about the sport. For example, some footballers get being paid an enormous amount of money but sometimes they don't seem to care about the team they are playing for, which this makes the fans very angry. And sometimes it looks as if some sports are run so that television companies, the people who own clubs and the companies that provide sponsorship can make a big profit; the public who watch these sports don't seem like to matter at all. On the other hand, you could say that in these days sport has become a global business, and so it is not surprising that money plays such an important part in it. Also, it could right be argued that the top players are so famous and be under so much pressure both from fans and the media that they deserve for the enormous amounts of money they earn. 35. THE MOTOR CAR Many of the developments of the 20th century have changed the way we live enormously, but a few of them have had the impact of the motor car. In the most parts of today's world, it is very difficult for Most of people to imagine life without it — getting to work, going on holiday, visiting family and friends would not be possible for a lot of people. Some of families have more than one car. However, despite all of the advantages the car gives us, it also has a several disadvantages. In lots of cities there is so much congestion that none of the traffic can move during the busiest periods. And much of the pollution that affects many places is caused by the motor car. Many of people think that Motorists should give a little bit of thought to these problems and make a little effort to resolve them, perhaps by using their cars less. With a bit of co-operation, progress could be made, they say a 7. 2 9. 10. 11 a 13. 14. 15. @NAHAYNS = te 12. 13. 36. SHAKESPEARE ‘Among all of writers in history, Shakespeare is perhaps the most well-known. Many of the plays he wrote are still performed regularly in many of countries in the world. Over the years there has been a lot of disagreement among scholars and experts about the meanings of Shakespeare's plays; some of the books about him even suggest that he didn’t really write all the plays that have his name. There has been a lot of research into his life and work but few of the theories about him can be proved. A few people have even said that Shakespeare was really a woman but there is little of support for this theory! Many visitors go to Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratford in England and a lot of them go to see a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theater there. A few of tourists find it difficult to understand the play because the language is old. Because they don't understand much it they either leave after a short time or are asleep all the evening! However, with a little of effort it is possible to enjoy the plays even if don’t have much of knowledge about them. The productions are always entertaining and few of people have difficulty in following what is happening 37. FORTHCOMING EVENTS There are a number of interesting events coming up in this city. Tomorrow evening the Central Orchestra it will be giving a performance at the Town Hall — their concert last year that was very well received. For fans of another kind of music, it will be great to see Tony Andrews appearing here again. Tickets for his show at the Apollo these went on sale yesterday and by the time the box office opened there were people queuing for miles! It will be interesting for Tony's fans to hear what his new material is like and there will be five thousand of them at the show, so it should be a memorable occasion. Finally, the Ramp Band will be appearing tonight at the Golden Club, It's great this that they're still playing after so many years together as a band. 38. ELVIS PRESLEY Although Elvis Presley was died in 1977, he is probably just as famous today as he ever was. He became famous in the 1950s, and he was the first rock ‘n' roll star in the world. He was working as a truck driver when he had started singing and making recordings. Soon, his records were extremely successful and when his first appearances on television caused a sensation because parents disapproved of the way that he danced while he was singing. Teenagers all over the world thought so that he was wonderful, as though, and rock ‘n’ roll soon became their CROLL SNOARYNS 2 v! 3. 4. o 6. [2 8. 9. 4 S favourite kind of the music. Next, Elvis spent two years in Germany in the US Army, after which he appeared in more than 30 films. In 1969, he started giving concerts again, at mostly in Las Vegas. His records and concerts now consisted of love songs quite more than rock ‘n’ roll He lived for much time of his life in a huge house called Graceland, and since his death fans have continued to visit the house. To them, he is known as “The King” — some even think he is still being alive! 39. ALFRED HITCHCOCK Alfred Hitchcock was an English director who he was best known for the thrillers and horror films that he made during his long career. In the 1930s he became very famous in Britain where his most successful films they were The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Lady Vanishes, which were both based on Novels. In 1940, he moved to the US, where he had even more success there. Perhaps his best-known film is Psycho, which it is about a man who owns a hotel and who he kills all his visiting guests. One scene in the film, which shows this man, whose name is Norman Bates, killing a woman in a ~-shower, considered to be one of the most frightening scenes that has ever appeared in a film. Psycho, which he made it in 1963, is still regarded as one of the best films of its kind ever made. Other famous films which he directed include North by Northwest, which has a very famous scene in a field of crops, where the main character is being chased by people in an aeroplane there, and The Birds, which is about people being attacked large groups of birds. 40. SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON Last weekend alll of the students in my class went on a trip to London to do some of sightseeing. We left very early in the morning so that we would be able to see as much places as possible. After getting off the coach somewhere which in the centre, the first place that we visited it was Buckingham Palace. As everyone knows, that is the place where the Queen lives in. Despite the fact that there were loads of tourists taking photographs there, I enjoyed seeing this famous building. Next we went to the Houses of Parliament, which is another one impressive place. Unfortunately, visitors couldn’t go to inside that day. After that, we saw Downing Street, where the Prime Minister’s house is. Then we sat and had our lunch in a very nice park at nearby. Then it was time to visit an art gallery called the Tate, and which had modern art in it. When we came out of there, our coach was waiting to take us back. I was tired by then because London is a rather noisy place. But I want to go back — there are lots of other famous places for to see there. = 10, 12. 13. 14. 15.

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