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Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question

Sentence 2- Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- State One Advantage

Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage

Sentence 3- Example

Sentence 4- Result

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- State One Disadvantage

Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage

Sentence 3- Example

Sentence 4- Result

Sentence 1- Summary

Sentence 2- Opinion
1,Today, it is common to see famous sports people advertising sports products. Do the
advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?(c2)

Nowadays, It is a common sight to see plenty of sports companies using well-known Sports
professionals as brand ambassadors(n.đại sứ thương hiệu) for introducing their products into
the market and such marketing strategies have both positive and negative effects on the
customers. The essay will focus on the both aspects of the issue.
First and foremost, the advantages of such a marketing plan are that customers could easily
identify great quality products rather than poorly manufactured one. Due to the tight
competition in the field of sports business various sports goods are made available to the
people, but there is an issue of finding out which products are fake and which are of good grade.
Since sports persons have first-hand experience in using such products for own personal use
they are in one way experts in identifying authentic and reliable products. Thus, by purchasing
items promoted by athletes standard of such material can be confirmed. For example, Virat
Kohli a renowned Indian cricket member, appeared in the advertisement of boost energy drink
where he endorsed the product to the consumers while appearing to preparing for a cricket

On the other hand, some advertisement by sports personalities can be misleading. Sometimes
celebrities promote poor condition products just because they are offered huge amounts of
money as part of their contract with the respective companies. Spreading wrong information
among the buyers can lead to serious health problems. For instance, a study was conducted to
assess the nutritional value of energy drinks promote by various companies and the results
showed that Peyton Manning (professional American footballer) and LeBron James,
(professional basketball member) had the most number of endorsements(n.+of/for sự xác
nhận) for energy-dense(a.giàu năng lượng) and nutrient poor products.

In conclusion, several companies rely on celebrity endorsements of their products to market

their products to a wide range of customers and this promotion method has benefits and
drawbacks. Nevertheless, it's the consumer's responsibility to consciously chose products of
high standards rather than blindly trust your favourite sports celebrities.

brand ambassadors(n.đại sứ thương hiệu)

endorsements(n.+of/for sự xác nhận)

energy-dense(a.giàu năng lượng)

2. Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the
advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life
is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of
learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support
your preference.(c1)
In our modern time, learning about living plays an important role. Some are of the
opinion, they suppose that advice from parents and friends is more beneficial than
learning by yourselves. From my point of view, people should learn by trying various
activities and gain experience from that. This essay will discuss both statements as
There are many reasons why listening to the advice from parents and friends is good for
most people. Firstly, the population in a family such as father, mother, brother or sister
and grandfather are the person who has a lot of background in their life (a person's life
story or the past facts of a current situation). Therefore, they can teach about something
that they have seen before. Secondly, learning from someone's encouragement is the
best way to avoid pain from fault. For example, most children like to try something new
but they do not think about the consequences, so they have to listen to advice from
their parents.

In contrast, the best way to know how to live is to learn from mistakes. Moreover,
personal experience has a greater impact on a person. For instance, high school
students will not believe other guidance that something can hurt them until they try it
and then they can learn from their background. As a result, these experiences will make
society remember them longer.

Hence, personal background helps people learn how to do something and how to avoid

In conclusion, In my opinion, the most excellent way to learn about life is to learn by
yourself and make a fault, so you can remember and avoid doing that again.
3.Youngsters are using more social media these days. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of the youngsters?(c2)
It is undoubtedly true that the adoption of social media( việc áp dụng mạng xã hội)
by youngsters for various purposes is rising at an alarming pace( gia tăng tốc độ báo
động) this fashion has several merits as well as demerits.In this essay, I will discuss both
pros and cons in the upcoming paragraphs.
To commence with the first and foremost advantage is the usage of social domain helps
youngsters to grow their communication and relationship-building aspects( khía cạnh
xây dựng mqh). To elaborate on this, social applications provide strength to people to
develop their behaviour towards other communities as well as assist them in exploring
various dialects. For instance, there are several communities registered themselves on
Instagram and other social domain applications in order to explore other customs and
cultures. Consequently, when people migrate from one place to another place to settle
that time sense of adaptability is provided by social media.

Further shifting towards the associated demerits, the predominant con is it devastated the
schedule of study. To explain this, the majority of students are addicted to social domain
applications due to their lucrative features but this addiction to social activities brings
young ones toward failure in their education. For example, a survey conducted by the
Social Communication Department revealed that seven young folk busy on social
functions out of 10 in India those seven unable to deliver good results in their
academics. Therefore children who are under 19 have to make usage of this trend in a
limited way.
In conclusion, although, the disadvantages of the use of social media have a
catastrophic(a.thảm họa) impact on the very young generation it has great potential
for teenagers as well as any kind of age.

-domain(n): Đất đai tài sản, dinh cơ, ruộng nương nhà cửa (của địa chủ...)
Lãnh địa; lãnh thổ
Phạm vi, lĩnh vực
-catastrophic(a.) thảm họa
-aspect(n) khía cạnh
-elaborate on: nói thêm, thêm chi tirts
-predominant(a):trội hơn.(stronger, more numerous, more noticeable, etc_)
-social domain
-lucrative:(a)=benificial/ sinh lời (especially of a business, job, or activity)
(a) kiếm được nhiều tiền (lucrative career)
4.With the rise of ebooks comes the decline in paper books. Some people see this as a good
forward step while others do not. What are advantages and disadvantages of this trend?(c2)
In this modern era of technology, the demand for digital reports is proliferating enormously
towards a large majority of the nation while it has some merits and pitfalls at the same time
which will be discussed in the topic.
The growth of electronic records has many upper heads with the newest era of advancements.
First and Foremost, the reports are obtainable in soft copies on the internet which individuals
can read easily regarding their particular area of interest. Secondly, these are cost-effective and
the community typically sells their subscribed courses after completion to others for
approximately the same amount of money for which they purchased. For example, youngsters
can perform well in academic areas and come to know about contemporary research rapidly
with the newest updates on the internet.

On the other hand, the requirements of statements for people have some detriments also.
Firstly, the call for reading reports on the internet demands a special gadget in which they are
accessible however some folks don't have the latest appliances due to their less budget and
resources.In addition, they get distracted towards the other apps' notifications and their time
gets wasted. Therefore, one possible drawback is not only is their eyesight gets affected but
also their body posture gets affected due to which they face several problems. To illustrate an
example, those companies who are interested in reading electronic explanations are more likely
to wear glasses soon in contrast with the individuals who are not willing in this.

To conclude, there is a long debate in this essay on both the favours and drawbacks of
electronic records and the slump of paper books. From my perspective, that paper descriptions
are more convenient in getting people's attention and assisting them to learn topics within a
shorter period of time.

-pitfall(n) rủi ro (a likely mistake or problem in a situation;an unexpected danger or difficulty.)

-detriment(n)+of:sự thiệt hại/
-detrimental(a bất lợi, thiệt hại cho
-cost-effective(a) tiết kiệm chi phí
-slump (n)/+of: sự sụt giảm của cgi

5.In about 200-250 words, write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of living in
the modern world

Humans of all time and ages have evolved so as to ameliorate (1) the
society they live in: therefore, it might be safe to claim that the
modern world as it is today-as the latest outcome of human
advancement, brings about favorable benefits for people. On the
other hand (2), along with such improvements, the emergence of
certain drawbacks is inevitable (3). In order to offer a more elaborate
(4) insight, both advantages as well as downsides of today’s modern
society will be discussed below.
It would be difficult to argue with the opinion that living in people
contemporary society has its perks (5), for the modern world
provides people with the convenience of cutting-edge (6) technology,
as well as room for individual development. Over time, as humans
have unceassingly found measures to further enhance their quality of
life, today’s world is blessed with (7) numerous technological
innovations which effectively serve their purpose of conquering all
possible obstacles one may encounter (8) in daily life. With the aid of
(9) modern means of transportation (10), novel electronic devices, as
well as numerous convenient applications of social media,
connecting to other people and acquiring new information have never
been easier. On top of that (11), the majority of modern communities
are often open-minded (12) and non-discriminatory (13), which
allows freedom for every single person to choose the lifestyle of their
own preference.
Most people of today’s society are not quick to judge, hence they
seldom hold grudges against (14) others for different skin-colors,
genders or sexual orientations. The modern world today allows
people to live as equals, free of old-fashioned prejudices, and hence,
it offers them a higher quality of life.
On the other hand, over-dependence on technology and moral
degeneration (15) are undeniably negative consequences of
modernization. As much as technological advancements have eased
the lives of many, people also rely heavily on them and thus, might
become unable to perform independently of technological
applications. For example, nowadays, direct interactions and face-to-
face conversations have gradually become less common with the
advent of (16) modern communication platforms. Not only that, the
personal freedom that today’s modern society promotes has also
involuntarily (17) led to the violation of social norms (18). Under the
excuse of “freedom of speech”, there are individuals who have
committed verbal and cyber abuse (19), expressing extreme
discourtesy (20) and provoking hostility (21) among the community.
It is not surprising to witness such unfortunate circumstances in the
modern world anymore.
All in all, from the content presented above, it might be fair to
conclude that for every advantage of living in a modern world, there
is a corresponding drawback. Modernization has not only gifted
humans with more convenience and freedom in life, but also
triggered the risk of overdependence on technology and the
degradation of morality.
(1) ameliorate(v) cải thiện( make bad situation better)
(2) mặt khác
(3) inevitable(a)không thể tránh được (certain to happen and unable to be avoided or
(4) chi tiết
(5)perk(n): lợi ích
(6) cutting-edge (a)vượt trội
(7)be blessed with : được phù hộ với
(8) encounter (n)cuộc gặp gỡ, đặc biệt là cuộc gặp tình cờ (+with/between)
(v) gặp gỡ tình cờ
(v) trải nghiệm (to experience something, especially something unpleasant)
(9)With the aid of: nhờ sự giúp đỡ của
(10) phương tiện giao thông
(11) trên hết
(12) cách nhìn cởi mở
(13) non-discriminatory (a)không phân biệt đối xử
(14) have/hold a grudge:có ác cảm
bear a grudge against: I don't bear any grudge against you.
grudge(n)ác cảm
(15)degeneration(n): suy thoái đạo đức
(16)with the advent of : do đó
(17) involuntarily(adv) vô tình
(18)social norms : tiêu chuẩn, chuẩn mực xã hội
(19)committed verbal and cyber abuse : lạm dụng lời nói và công
(20)discourtesy(a) bất lịch sự
(21) provoking hostility (nph) thái độ thù địch

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question
Sentence 2- Outline Sentence
Main Body Paragraph 1
Sentence 1- State One Advantage
Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 4- Result
Main Body Paragraph 2
Sentence 1- State One Disadvantage
Sentence 2- Expand/Explain Advantage
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 4- Result
Sentence 1- Summary
Sentence 2- Opinion
1.Analysts tell us that many people today feel stressed and think they have
insufficient control over their lives. What problems do such feelings cause for
people? What remedies could you suggest?(c2)
It is no surprise that researchers have found increased stress levels in people, along with
a sense of inadequate control over their lives. This essay will discuss the problems that
stem from this, as well as some possible solutions to deal with the matter at hand.

Such uncomfortable feelings can lead to a variety of problems relating to all aspects of
life. To begin with, they can adversely affect the mental health of an individual. If
someone does not feel at ease and is constantly in a state of agony, their relationships
and work will suffer. For instance, a number of break-ups occur solely due to insecurity
and anxiety, both of which are a reflection of how we feel internally. Additionally,
employees may face redundancy if they cannot fulfil the requirements of their jobs
suitably. All of these combined engender further suffering.

Turning to possible solutions, the most crucial thing to do is to ask for help. This can
mean turning to a friend or seeking professional help. Human beings are programmed to
share feelings and experiences, and by doing so, they may feel relieved. The alternative is
to take a break. Many of us, for example, can think of a time when we felt stuck under
pressure and going on a holiday helped. If that is not affordable, one can simply take
time off of work, provided that the employer understands. These maneuvers can be
beneficial and help us regain autonomy of our lives.

In conclusion. the major problems are a possible loss of job and relationships, which can
be tackled by seeking therapy and making effort to reconnect with oneself.
-stem(v)+from: bắt nguồn từ
-the matter at hand:điều đang được thảo luận, được ưu tiên nhất (the subject or
situation being considered)
-agony(n) sự đau đớn, khổ sở(extreme physical or mental pain or suffering)
-autonomy(n) quyền tự chủ/autonomous
regain autonomy of our lives: giành lại quyền tự chủ trong cuộc sống
2.Today, many people are suffering from stress.What are the causes?What
solutions can you offer?(c2)
Anxiety and stress-related diseases have always been an indispensable part of human life
since the dawn of modernity and industrialism. The underlying factors are by and
large rooted in the advent of technology and social crises. Diverse strategies, however,
could be employed to deal with these issues, some of which will be discussed here.

The stress and strain of today’s hectic lives are mainly attributed to the prevalence of
technology. By way of illustration, the irresistible urge to use gadgets like cellphones
and laptops on a daily basis has been making it difficult to draw a distinction between
private and social life, as they facilitate working regardless of place and time. On a large
scale, on the other hand, social issues can exert far-reaching effects on one’s mental
health. A middle-income worker, for instance, may face a huge burden of financial
problems due to inflation in an unstable economy. Additionally, trivial problems such as
traffic and pollution appear to pose pressure on every single individual in society.

How can people deal with such problems? One critical step would be diverting one’s
attention from technology and the internet. To tackle this problem, many psychologists
suggest that each person should be indulged in a hobby, taking some time off from the
fast-paced life. They can relish taking care of a pet or participating in charity activities to
alleviate stress considerably. In the case of serious social disorders, people need to be
treated under the supervision of a professional psychologist or psychiatrist.

To sum up, these issues attributed to stress and anxiety in the modern world would not
be addressed unless every member of society gains a profound insight and takes action
-irresistible(a) không thể cưỡng lại
-by and last: nhìn chung
-advent(n) sự xuất hiện(the fact of an event happening, an invention being made, or a
person arriving)
-indulge(.v/ +in):nuông chiều, chiều theo(ex:to indulge one's children too much)
ấp ủ, theo đuổi(ex:to indulge a frait hope:
to indulge oneself in (with))
làm thích thú, làm thoả thích, làm vui thú(indulge so w st)
mê say, thích thú
-(huge/heavy) burden(n) gánh nặng (+to/on)
-draw a distinction between
-the dawn of modernity and industrialism.
-tackle problem
-pasyt-paced(a) trông xanh xao, nhợt nhạt
-relish (n) sức lôi cuốn, vẻ hấp dẫn/ sự hứng thú, say mê (đồ ăn)
(v)Thích thú, ưa thích
-regardless of: không chú ý đến, không quan tâm, không màng đến, không bị ảnh
hưởng bởi ai/ sự kiện khác.
3.Some students tend to play computer games rather than do sport. Why is this?
What can be done to tackle the problem?
It is observed that many students prefer to play video games and online games instead
of playing some physical activities on the ground. There are root causes behind this
phenomenon, and there are also solutions to remedy the problem. The main reason
behind this is the advanced technology as well as busy parent's life, but the issue can be
resolved with the collective efforts of teachers and parents to motivate children to play
outside and caretakers also require to create balance in life.

One possible reason for the issue is that students mostly tend towards fast-paced
technology. It happens only because both mother and father are busy with their work
life, and do not have enough time to spend with their kids. For example, a recent survey
was conducted in America in 2017, 75% of children have mental and weak eye-sight
problems because they spend more pace in front of the big screen, even though it was
examined that their caretaker has not enough time to expend with them. Notably, this
thing leads to numerous ailments in the early years of growth. Therefore, this makes it
clear that parents have a substantial role in the physical growth of their offspring.

A feasible solution to alleviate the problem is to push pupils to play in the playground
with others in a team. By doing this, they can gain a number of skills and learn about
cooperative and competition skills. It is only possible with the efforts of caretakers and
teachers. For instance, nowadays, schools started to arrange various competitions
against other schools. It helps to bring motivation in the offspring and aids them to
become physically fit. Moreover, caretakers need to make balance their day-to-day
activities and give some hours to their loved ones. Hence, it can be fixed and many of
them start to avoid the over-use of computer games.

To conclude, it is not only possible with the efforts of mother and father but teachers
also need to put some effort to teach kids about the value of outdoor activities,
especially sports such as cricket, hockey and many more. Thus, it is clear that collective
exertions are necessary to bring an improvement in the both physical and mental growth
of the children.
-remdey(n) phương pháp cứu chữa, phương thuốc, cách điều trị
(v) cứu chữa khỏi/ bù đắp
-feasible(a) khả thi
-expend(v) chi tiêu, hao phí (tiền bạc, thời gian, nỗ lực)
-alleviate(v)Làm nhẹ bớt, làm giảm bớt, làm đỡ, làm dịu, làm khuây (sự đau, nỗi đau
khổ, nỗi phiền muộn)
-aid (n) sự giúp đỡ, viện trợ/ người giúp đỡ, phụ tá
(v) giúp đỡ
-make balance
-bring an improvement in the both... and....
4.Topic: People are living in a “throw-away society”, using things for a short time and
then throwing them away. What are the causes of this? What problems does it lead
to?(cnay problems thôi k solutions)
In today's world, there has been a widespread trend so-called the "throw-away culture".
Products are being used and thrown away shortly. It is believed that there are certain
reasons behind this inclination. The paragraphs below will analyze the causes and
effects of that current trend.

The first cause is consumerism. Specifically, people are buying unnecessary things to
satisfy their needs. For instance, young generations tend to replace their current usable
iPhone with the latest similar model. This action has led to an increase in electrical
waste, which makes the world's garbage sites grow bigger and even takes up the living
space of the residents nearby. Moreover, some mobile phones that end up in the trash
still contain batteries inside. Eventually, these batteries will emit harmful radioactive and
contaminate the soil.

Another factor contributing to forming the "throw-away culture" is personal desire.

Notably, some people own luxurious, rather than useful, products solely to enhance their
social status and show off their pride. For example, some celebrities possess tiny
handbags which can hardly contain their personal belongings mainly because they come
from brand names. These fashionable items will quickly be out-of-date and then be
gotten rid of. Such actions by celebrities have had an impact on their fans' behaviour. It
means that their supporters will get a similar item to post a photo on social media,
claiming that they are huge passionate fans.

To summarise, the behaviour of humans buying and throwing away their stuff quickly
results from the consumerism trend and the impact of social influencers. Such a culture
has become alarmingly negative, as it enlarges the global trash area and encourages
purposeless purchases.
-so-called(a) cái gọi là
-inclination(n) có thể thay thế cho "trend"/ behind inclination
-consumerism(n) chủ nghĩa tiêu dùng
-personal belongings: đồ dùng cá nhân
-passionate(a) say mê, nồng nàn, thiết tha/dễ tức giận/sôi nổ


Sentence 1- Paraphrase Ques

Sentence 2- Thesis Statement (It is agreed…/It is disagreed…/This essay
Sentence 3- Outline Sentence (This essay will discuss….)

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 4- Concession

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence
Sentence 3- Example
Sentence 4- Concession

Sentence 1- Summary
Sentence 2- Recommendation or Prediction
1.Some people say that Ebooks and modern technology will totally replace traditional
newspaper and magazines to what extent do you agree or disagree.
An increasing number of individuals today opt to use e-books and other technical
gadgets to enhance their knowledge rather than using traditional newspapers and
magazines. Although I opine that using modern technology has many advantages, I also
believe that the traditional way of gathering information is impossible to replace.

On the one hand, there are certain reasons to replace newspapers and magazines in the
developed world. Firstly, it protects the environment of the earth as paper production
requires a lot of trees and water as well as causes pollution which is harmful to people
who are living around these factories. Moreover, digital media is one of the most
convenient methods which can be accessed anywhere through the internet. Apart from
that, an individual can gather information related to a particular topic anytime according
to the current situation.

On the other hand, papers and journals are affordable for everyone because there are
many people in society who are not able to buy expensive devices to access that
valuable information. It does not require any external power such as the internet or
electricity. Sometimes, the data available on digital platforms is misleading and
uploaded by unknown sources which can create a harmful impact on society.
Furthermore, papers are a good way to preserve historical records because editing and
creating old physical copies of any evidence is very difficult.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that digital media has a deep impact on the
majority of individual's lives, but it is very difficult to eliminate traditional newspapers
and magazines.
-opt to:chọn
-opine(v) bày tỏ quan điểm
-misleading(a)làm cho lạc lối/làm cho mê muội/lừa dối
-reiterate(v)Làm lại; nói lại; lặp lại/ i would like to reiterate that..
2.Some people think that students should be allowed to use their mobile phones at
school. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay of
at least 250 words to illustrate your points.
The rising prevalence (1) of cellphone use among the youth has led
some to question whether or not phones should be allowed at school.
Although the cellphone may prove useful in certain ways, I believe
that it adversely affects one’s learning and its use should be avoided.

First of all, cellphones distract students from their schoolwork. Given

the plethora of entertainment options available on phones, many
learners may choose to play games or browse social media rather
than pay attention in class. Consequently, these students may lack
knowledge and their academic performance will suffer (2).
In addition to distracting students in class, phones may also impair (3)
one’s cognitive and critical thinking skills. With the various tools and
resources provided by phones, formerly challenging tasks now
become effortless (4). For example, instead of having to focus on a
lecture in order to identify its key points, students equipped with
smartphones can simpy record the lecture in its entirety (5). This and similar features of
the cellphone may lead students to become overdependent (6) on
the device and to lose the ability to think for themselves.

Advocates of using mobile devices in class may claim that their GPA
are bound to be boosted once they can use cell phones under teachers’
supervision (7). Nevertheless, in case numerous students tap on the
screen at once, teachers mav struqale to supervise (8) what students do
in class. Whether teachers can manage to ensure all students, without
any exception, focus on the same subjects without being inattentive
(9) proves to be a monumental (10) challenge.
In conclusion, since phone use may result in distraction and impaired
(11) ability, students should not be allowed to use their phones in
(1) Prevalence(n) Sự phổ biến, sự thịnh hành, sự lan khắp, sự thường thấy
(2)suffer: bị ảnh hưởng xấu
(3) impair(v) làm suy yếu, sút kém
(4)effortless(a) dễ dàng, không tốn nhiều sức
(5)in its entirety : toàn bộ
(6)overdependant(a) quá phụ thuộc/ becomes overdependant on
(7)supervision(n)Sự trông nom, sự(bị) giám sát
(8)supervise(v) giám sát
(9) inattentive(a)mất tập trung
(10)monumental (a) lớn lao
(11)impaired(v) bị ảnh hưởng xấu
-plethora(n) trạng thái thùa thãi, số lượng lớn hơn cần thiết
-academic performance suffer: kết quả học tập bị ảnh hưởng xấu
3.Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both
individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
A good proportion of the population believes that social media platforms pose an
extremely negative effect on the crowd and also the community’s development. I
strongly oppose that argument and this essay will shed light on belief supplements with
my own perspective.

On the one hand, social publishing podiums are created to serve remote communicative
purposes, therefore it is considered to be beneficial for individuals to interact despite
the distance. For instance, some social networks such as Facebook and Instagram allow
participants to chat and make video calls so that people can keep up with their friends.

On the other hand, social media terraces also do some good for society in advertising
and informative purposes. This argument rests on the idea that through some social
networks community can share others about the news of the dynamic world and the
children can learn some positive things or skills that they are not taught at schools.
Besides that, some businesses and brands can take benefit by advertising their products
on those sites. Furthermore, it is good for the public to share with others about the
negative phenomenon through social radio sites. It seems to be easy to access the
information rather than on the Television news or newspaper so that the crowd can
avoid and get rid of the bad things.

In a nutshell, due to some culprits being given, I am adamant that despite being
considered to be harmful to individuals and society’s development, social network sites’
upsides seem to outweigh the disadvantages in communicative, advertising and
informative aspects.
-a good proportion of the population believes that..: một phần lớn dân số cho rằng
-shed light on st: làm sáng tỏ
-culprit(n)Kẻ có tội; thủ phạm
-adamant(n) kỉ cương, vật cứng rắn
(a) kiên quyết, cứng cỏi(impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an
opinion or decision:)
-do some good/ do sb good:to have a useful effect
4.Some people think that men and women have different qualities, therefore certain
jobs are suitable for men and others for women. To what extent do you agree or
It is thought that there are disparities in the types of jobs compatible for males or
females owing to their distinct physical and mental strengths. Although occupational
suitability based on gender is justifiable to some degree, reality, in my opinion, has
proven otherwise.

On the one hand, it would be absurd to ignore the fact that jobs which require
tremendous physical strength and agility such as mining feature male labour. Women,
meanwhile, are assumed to be better at tasks that take great patience as well as skills to
perform like household chores. In fact, a majority of men and women could not
exchange their preferred fields of expertise, which is a strong reason for the distribution
of the types of jobs among the two sexes.

On the other hand, I still believe there should not be any specific rules for occupational
compatibility regarding gender. A lot of men are growing more interested in taking
responsibility for childcare and housework which are typically considered feminine.
Women, by contrast, are showing great versatility in various jobs, even those demanding
both brains and brawn. Female gymnasts have been increasing in number, and nobody
can deny that mental and physical perseverance are fundamental for gymnastics. In
addition, women’s social status has been improved thanks to the success of world-class
businesswomen and politicians, Hillary Clinton for example. This is apply plain proof of
the belief in gender-specific career pursuits.

In conclusion, while there is still some truth to the aforementioned disparity in job
selection, I think men and women are now equal in terms of such an aspect.

-compatible(a) tương thích (compatible for)

-occupational (a) thuộc về nghề nghiệp
-gender-specific(a) eferring only to males or only to females.
-tremendous physical strength

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question and/or state both view points.

Sentence 2- Thesis Statement
Sentence 3- Outline Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1

Sentence 1- State first viewpoint

Sentence 2- Discuss first viewpoint
Sentence 3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint
Sentence 4- Example to support your view

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- State second viewpoint

Sentence 2- Discuss second viewpoint
Sentence 3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint
Sentence 4- Example to support your view

Sentence 1- Summary
Sentence 2- State which one is better or more important
1.Some people say History is one of the important school subjects. Other think that, in
todays world subject like Science and Technology are more important than History.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
It is argued that nowadays the importance of Science and Technology plays a more
significant role in the education of children than History. In my opinion, we can not
compare those subjects, because both are crucial for society's future and should be
equally valued being part of school programs.

Firstly, keeping up with modern scientific and engineering trends is beneficial as well as
for individuals and people in general. While studying, schoolchildren gain the basis for
their next study level. Thus, it will be easier for them to identify the further direction in
getting the degree and, as a result, to find themselves in adult life. For example, a lot of
people around the world have a limited set of subjects to study, which causes them not
to be able to overcome the low-paid job barrier.

Secondly, I also believe that society should not forget about its origin. History teaches us
about plenty of things and the main ones are: what we have done well, and what needs
to be improved. The only problem I see is that "history is written by the winners" which
means that some facts may not be genuine. For instance, a lot of conflicts are happening
between countries or even regions, because of mismatches in historical facts on both

In conclusion, such subjects as science, technology or history should be definitely taught

at school with an equally high attitude to each: they are an integral part of holistic
education. Having said that, those are the foundation for the young generation and
more doors will be opened to them in future.
-intergal (a) không thể thiếu; (thuộc) tính toàn bộ(ex: the arms and legs are integral to
the human body.)
-holistic(a) toàn diện/ holistic education

2.In many countries, children in remote villages and communities have no access to
education. some people believe that the best solution will be provide teacher and
schools. others think that providing computer and internet in these areas will be a
better solution. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
Many kids in emerging economies have no access to a basic education these days,
especially in rural areas. Some believe that this problem could be addressed by providing
some tutors, while others think that the provision of the Internet will solve all
difficulties. There are several options to resolve the issue of children's education in
remote communities. This essay will shed some light on the issue and discuss both
points of view.

On the one hand, the construction and provision of schools with teachers onboard is a
plausible solution for a few not densely populated locations. For instance, according to
the UN statistical data, it takes approximately fifteen days to build a new school with ten
classrooms in Africa nowadays. Unfortunately, this approach may be ineffective when
one hundred schools must be built. There are not so many qualified teachers available in
remote areas.

On the other hand, internet access could provide an enormous amount of educational
information for youngsters. For example, according to a study conducted at the
University of North Carolina, ninety-two per cent of the U.S. elementary education
program could be covered by YouTube and Khan Academy tutorials. However, this
research also proved a low efficiency of children's self-education before the age of

To sum up, it can be clearly seen that both methods have as the benefits as the
drawbacks. From my point of view, a happy medium must be found between the two
approaches. Medium-qualified personnel with satellite internet access can provide
guided lessons on different open source platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy for
hundreds of kids and answer their questions instead of improvised lessoning. It is
predicted that this method could be a suitable middle ground in terms of the quality of
the outcome and total cost.
-emerging economies: các nền kinh tế mới nổi
-Medium-qualified personnel
-open sourece platform
-middle ground:trung gian

3.Some people think that older employees contribute most to the success of a
company. Others think that younger people play a more vital role.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some say that experienced workers put more effort into the achievement of an
organization. While others would argue that freshers play a pivotal part. This essay will
argue that although novices are more inquisitive about learning and flexible enough to
adapt different skills, I believe, elder staff are more resourceful and precise decision-

On the one hand, younger folks are capable of being worthy of a firm. This is because
they are always curious to acquire knowledge and show their skills whenever they are
asked to. For example, India’s biggest multinational company Reliance Mobile hired
college graduates to meet the daily marketing target because senior employees were
unable to do this due to their uncertainty in work which means that some jobs even
experienced people would be unable to do it. However, this does not mean they can be
constant in this task.

On the other hand former staff significantly handle the venture. This is to say that they
are knowledgeable in various departments as they have already been part of a firm.
Besides, they have a great sense of incisive judgment which helps a company to enhance
their accomplishments. For instance, the United Kingdom’s sinking real estate company
was managed by a group of senior members, and they had uplifted that company with
an active association. For this reason, I think older employees are a considerable part of
the triumph of any firm.

In conclusion, although young ones are deft and rotate to attain any work whenever
needed, this essay finds that the company grows better under the shadow of
experienced staff due to their intellect and sharp decisions.
-pivotal(a) then chốt
-intellect(n) khả năng hiểu biết, trí tuệ/ sự hiểu biết/người có hiểu biết
-uplift(n) sự nâng cao (tinh thần, tâm hồn)
Yếu tố kích thích, ảnh hưởng thúc đẩy
(v)nâng lên, đỡ lên, nhấc lên../ nâng cao (trình độ, tinh thần, tâm hồn,..)
-enhance achivement/ ehance accomplishment

4.Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of
society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both
these views and give your own opinion.
In today’s world, the importance of educating children is clearly evident. Individuals have
different views about whether youngsters should be taught by their parents or school to
become responsible citizens for the community. While the role of raisers in shaping their
child’s character cannot be neglected, I believe that academic facilities can be more
effective in children’s education.
On the one hand, parents are the first influential role models for toddlers. It appears that
during the early stages of life, infants imitate their raiser's behaviours through daily
interactions and discussions, which impact their traits. For example, they unconsciously
learn about how their father and mother react to unpleasant news. Also, as children
spend most of their time at home, they are more likely to be influenced by their
nurturers rather than society. It can therefore be argued that juveniles should be taught
by their protectors in order to prepare for the wider community.

On the other hand, it is even more vital for adolescents to be in educational facilities
where they are expected to cooperate with their classmates from various backgrounds.
For instance, teachers can assign projects that require pupils to work in teams. This not
only enhances their teamwork skills but also exposes them to several perspectives within
their group. As a result, this experience should teach them how to be beneficial
members of society and promote their sense of responsibility.

In conclusion, although nurturing kids within the family has some benefits, it may not be
sufficient. Therefore, I would advise people to focus on more effective measures, such as
-trait(n) tính cách, đặc điểm

Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question
Sentence 2- Outline Sentence (mention both questions)
Main Body Paragraph 1
Sentence 1- Answer first question directly
Sentence 2- Explain why
Sentence 3- Further explain
Sentence 4- Example
Main Body Paragraph 2
Sentence 1- Answer second question directly
Sentence 2- Explain why
Sentence 3- Further explain
Sentence 4- Example
Sentence 1- Summary
1.In some countries, more and more people are hiring a personal fitness trainer, rather
than playing sports or doing exercise classes. What are the reasons for this? Is this
positive or negative development.

A number of people around the world prefer to hire a personal coach for mental and
physical well-being over actively participating in athletics and physical activities. This
essay will discuss, the reasons behind this phenomenon. In my perspective, it is a positive

There are numerous reasons behind having a personal trainer. First, it makes sure the
dedicated services of a professional with flexible timing. Then, guidance related to diet
and exercise is provided in accordance with one body type and medical condition. For
example, a trainee may have health issues, such as blood pressure and diabetes, and he
might need different instructions than those who are completely fit. Next, a consistent
check and balance are maintained to make efforts and corrections accordingly on time
which is otherwise not possible. Hence, in light of the aforementioned arguments,
people are considering boarding a professional instructor.

According to me, it has a positive impact on society. Since this had already emerged as a
renowned profession, not only did it provide enormous job opportunities but also it
motivated the service provider to serve passionately. For example, if someone is a
fitness enthusiast personnel and there are not many employment opportunities,
eventually, there will be a shortage of labour in this profession. Moreover, all those who
have hectic routines will be deprived of trainers and will suffer from chronic health
issues. Therefore, the occupation itself is highly inevitable for the betterment of humans.

In conclusion, people are conscious of their health and consider keeping fit as their
utmost responsibility which leads to personal trainers. Definitely, it served the purpose in
a remarkable way

-breakthrough(n) bước đột phá.

-accordance(v) +with: tùy theo
-aforementioned(a) đã được nhắc đến trc đó
-in the light of st=because of
-in light of the aforementioned argument(s): dựa trên (những) lập luận nói trên
-renowned(a) trứ danh, có tiếng
-personnel(n) nhân viên
-passionate (a) say đắm/ nóng nảy, hay giận
-chronic health issues(nph) các bệnh mãn tính
2.n certain countries, the majority of directors, managers, and senior executives are
What are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development?

In particular nations, a vast number of officials, managers and senior executives are
chosen among male. In my opinion, it is mainly because many people believe that such
career are more appropriate for men. I am also convinced that it is a negative trend and
has some drawbacks for the society.

It is my view that following a patriarchal trend, in some countries men have been
undertaking significant responsibilities in the society. To clarify, according to this
viewpoint, males are more likely to be suitable for some specific professions as they
think more logically. In other words, these people overlook the position of women as
beneficial society members which lead to reduce the efficiency of females in all aspects
of their lives as they are less likely to recruit in important positions. For example, an
ambitious young lady who is graduated from Law University with high qualifications and
skills cannot find her desired job as a judge in Iran, due to political as well as religious
perspective which is dominated in this country.

I further believe that designating males in important positions can be considered as a

negative development, since it instill a sense of disappointment among women,
especially the youngsters and the graduate girls of related fields. From a social
standpoint, everyone should have been treated equally in the country which leads to
better economic and social status. Moreover, such discrimination has an adverse effects
on females, as they find it difficult to outline their capabilities in order to prove
themselves to find their favorite posts. As a result, they may suffer from numerous
mental and psychological health problems. Consequently, this trend will pass on to
fellow generation and it will last in the long run.

In conclusion, many argue that men are better choices for some jobs, while from my
perspective, it is a negative attitude which may have many detrimental impacts on the
societies and their members.

-overlook(v) bỏ qua/ trông nom, coi chừng, để ý

-patriarchal (a)ruled or controlled by men/ gia trưởng, thuộc về gia trưởng(ex: a
patriarchal society:một xã hội phụ hệ; partriarchal trend)
-from a social standpoint: từ góc độ xã hội
-outline one capabilities
-in the long run: về lâu về dài
-detrimental impact: ảnh hưởng có hại

3.Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how to
encourage them to spend their time walking?

It is said that the number of people walking daily has been decreasing gradually. While
there are numerous underlying reasons, its roots might lie in the popularity of modern
means of transportation and sports. However, this issue can be tackled by organizing
appealing activities.

To start with, there are numerous reasons for the phenomenon. The first and foremost
one is the rise of motor vehicles. Cars and motorbikes can be taken as prime examples.
They have now been improved in terms of appearance, speed, and price; hence,
individuals are more likely to drive to work instead of travelling on foot. Second, because
their living standard is improved, they are able to afford numerous sports such as gym
and yoga which are presumably far more interesting and more efficient to improve their
health than taking a stroll. Ultimately, there is apparently little motivation whatsoever
for anyone to prioritize walking.

Notwithstanding this, various interesting methods can be implemented to address the

aforementioned problem. Specifically, holding a competition is bound to motivate
society members to spend more time going on foot; for instance, many companies
reward their employees who have the biggest monthly number of footsteps. In addition,
the local government should provide new facilities which likely encourage the habit of
jogging. For example, they can decorate or build pedestrians where many amusing
activities such as street dance or singing take place. Consequently, more and more
citizens may go for a walk for either healthy or entertaining purposes.

In conclusion, the decreased frequency of walking is mainly due to the popularity of new
travelling vehicles and interesting sporty activities. Nevertheless, gamification and
infrastructure refreshment will efficiently encourage individuals to go for a walk.
-prime example: ví dụ điển hình
-apparently(adv) rõ ràng là
-take a stroll: đi dạo
4.Online education is becoming more and more popular. Some people claim that e-
learning has so many benefits that it will replace face-to-face education soon. Others
say that traditional education is irreplaceable. Discuss both views and give your

In the present age, whether e-learning has become more popular than old-school
education has sparked much debate. Some people assert that face-to-face education will
be demolished and replaced with other methods. Whereas some others argue that
traditional study will remain the same and irreplaceable. Personally, I am in favour of the
first view.

Convincing arguments can be made that e-learning has more benefits such as
comprehensive strategy and more learning skills. To start with, students will be able to
communicate with several different groups at the same time which would increase their
cognitive techniques. In other words, students are able to choose various types of
machine learning in order to consume as much as they can from information and
knowledge sources. Therefore, their performance would certainly be fostered.
Moreover, e-learning has been improved since AI has been shown. For instance,
teachers have been replaced with robots that can answer any hard equation and solve
complex equations in a short date. As a result, individuals no longer need to pay fees for
universities as long as these services are free. Lastly, research has found that most
admissions prefer to complete their tasks using e-learning and they are more successful
than ones who learn face-to-face classes.

Admittedly, traditional learning has fewer distractions. The reason for this is if a punch of
groups in the same room asks equations at the same time, they are not able to receive
the message correctly and they will get lost. Even so, the professor can’t handle several
different equations on the same date and he might get confused. Consequently, e-
learning offers many benefits over old-school teaching.

In summary, I would concede that traditional education has fewer advantages despite
that, e-learning has an enormous effect on admission learning with more advantages
and supports the student in a much better way. Overall, I am convinced that student
should use e-learning for their own goo

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