OTP2 Level-3 Skills-Builder U0-2

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2nd Edition


.A .
he rs S
ill a n
a c m
© M

extension activities
+ video worksheets
A good start
Extension activities

Vocabulary 3 There aren’t any in

Free time activities
4 There are a lot of in
1 Correct the activities in bold. .
1 I don’t usually chat video games. 5 There is a in
2 I go yoga every Monday. .
3 I always play my friends on Saturdays.
4 At weekends, I hang out with parties.
5 I never do TV. It’s boring. Present continuous
6 I usually listen to online with my cousins.
7 I watch podcasts when I drive my car. 5 Find and circle eight verbs. Then complete
the sentences with the verbs in the present
2 Write sentences about the things you do in continuous form.
your free time.

.A .
rs S
is he
P ubl
Grammar ill a n 1 They a film at the


Articles and quantifiers
M c 2 Liz at her friend’s

3 Choose the correct options.
house next weekend.
3 What you
1 There aren’t any / some English books on Saturday?
here. 4 Peter and Tessa
2 How many / much students are there online again!
today? 5 Maria and Keira video
3 Have you got a / a lot of homework? games in the living room.
4 There aren’t any / some children at the 6 Danny home
from school now?
5 Can I have some / a blue paint, please?
7 Can you be quiet, please? I
6 Let’s go to the / a cinema. There’s a / an
to a podcast right now.
fantastic film on.
8 Where she ? She’s
7 How many / much exercise do you do?
driving very fast!
8 He’s going to prepare a / some food for us.
6 Which sentences from Exercise 5 refer to the
4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1 I’ve got an in
2 There are some in

7 Write questions. Then answer. 10 Complete the sentences with the
comparative or superlative form of the
1 Where / you / go / this weekend
adjectives in brackets.
1 Ben Nevis is
2 What / your best friend / do / at the moment mountain in Scotland. (high)
2 What’s city in
Latin America? (safe)
3 I think Prague is
3 When / you / have / your next English class
than Paris. (beautiful)
4 The Atacama Desert is
place in the world. (dry)
5 To me, Caracas is
Vocabulary than Lima. (exciting)
8 Complete the sentences with adjectives Geographical features
from page 7 of the SB*.
11 Complete with words for geographical
1 The film was so that I
watched most of it with my eyes shut.
rs S
2 We’re going to Peru for our holiday. The 1 The Amazonas is a .

beaches are !
2 The Andes is a range.

3 Yesterday, I went surfing. I loved it but my
3 The Iguazú Falls are .
dad says it’s a sport.
4 My brother went skydiving at the

a n P 4 The Pacific is an .

weekend. He says it’s an 5 Titicaca is a .

sport. 6 The Mediterranean is a .
5 Sarah looks today. I don’t

7 Copacabana is a in Brazil.
know what’s wrong with her.
6 We attended a special lecture this morning.
It was so I almost fell
asleep. Past simple – be
12 Choose the correct options.
Grammar 1 Marilyn Monroe was / were a film star.
Adjectives: comparative 2 The Beatles was / were very famous in the 60s.
and superlative forms 3 Heath Ledger was / were an actor.
4 Armstrong and Aldrin was / were astronauts.
9 Choose the correct options. 5 Copernicus and Galileo wasn’t / weren’t
1 Mount Everest is the higher / higher than musicians. They were scientists.
Mont Blanc. 6 Salvador Dali wasn’t / weren’t a politician.
2 Romania is smaller / the smallest than He was a painter.
3 Who is the tallest / the taller in your 13 Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t,
family? were or weren’t.
4 It is most expensive / more expensive to
live in London than in Athens. 1 There any people in the park.
5 I think the more difficult / most difficult 2 the film good?
language is Arabic.
3 My friends outside the
6 This chapter is funny / more funny than
the previous one. cinema. They inside buying
* SB = Student’s Book 3
4 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle a Writing
writer. His famous character, Sherlock
Holmes, a detective. 14 In your folder, write about your last
5 Da Vinci Greek. He weekend. Use these questions as a guide:
Italian. Where were you? What did you do? Was it
6 you in class yesterday at 1 pm? fun? Was it more boring or more exciting
than your previous weekend?

1 Hi-tech
Vocabulary 3 Complete the text with words for technology.

Technology In my house we are all technology mad.

Everyone has got a (1) for doing
1 Complete the sentences with words for
their work. I use mine for doing homework.

.A .
My mum loves reading, last month she

rs S
1 I do my homework on the family computer decided to buy an (2) . She’s very
but I want my own .
happy with her new device! My brother spends

2 I love . most of his time playing video games on his
I’m always on Instagram.

a n P (3) . He’s always sitting

3 An is a great device to in front of the TV playing games. I prefer

a c m
carry lots of books with you. (4) . I like Instagram

© M
4 Can I borrow your phone
5 I need to buy some new
? and TikTok. We all have got mobile phones
but we haven’t got enough (5) ,
so that I can listen to my music. so if my battery runs out I have to use my
6 You can download lots of free mum’s. I use my mobile phone a lot, not only
for your smartphone. for checking my friends’ (6) but
7 I use my to chat with also for listening to music. I have got a pair
my friends. of (7) , so that no one can hear
8 How many do you read per day? my music. My dad uses his tablet mainly for
9 is a great invention watching (8) . He loves
– you can save all your photos on the learning about new (9) and how
Internet. to make the most of them. Last night, he
10 My brother is always playing on his mentioned one that allows you to upload
. He’s got an Xbox. (10) to the cloud more quickly.

2 What can you do with these items? Write at

least two activities per line.
Laptop: I can...
Mobile phone:
The cloud:

Grammar 4 classmates / mobile phones / class / you /
and / in / do / your / use / your
Present simple: affirmative,
negative and questions
Love, (don’t) like, enjoy, don’t
mind, hate + -ing 5 photos / does / a / friend / of / your /
post / best / lot
4 Choose the correct options. ?
A lot of teens (1) use / uses Intagram. They
(2) post / posts photos and (3) creates / create
stories. For instant messaging, most of them Vocabulary
(4) prefer / prefers WhatsApp. My sister, for Phrasal verbs:
example, (5) send / sends tons of messages a communication
day and (6) update / updates her profile very
7 Choose the correct options.
frequently. I definitely (7) don’t / doesn’t have
time for that. My sister (8) thinks / think I’m not 1 I can’t log on / look for to my computer.
trendy but I (9) don’t / doesn’t care. I always I forgot the password.
(10) tell / tells her I hate social media. 2 Instagram is great! You can call back /

.A .
catch up with your friends’ latest news.

rs S
5 Complete the text with the present simple 3 I always look up / turn off new words on

form of the verbs in brackets. this online dictionary.

is h
4 Nobody answers. I’ll look up / call back later.

My best friend (1) (love / 5 He turned off / set up his own DJ business.
send) voice messages. She (2)
ill a n 6 Turn up / Look up the music – I can’t hear it!

(send) me more than 20 messages 7 I want to find out / set up who is singing.

M a c
per day! She says she (3)
8 Complete the sentences with the phrasal
(hate / type) because she (4)
(waste) a lot of time. I (5)
verbs from the box.
find out turn up set up look for
(not like/ record) messages because I (6)
log on turn off call back catch up with
(hate / listen) to my voice.
I (7) (enjoy / send) written 1 I need to to the school’s
messages because I (8) website to do my homework.
(like / use) emojis and I (9) 2 Jake’s busy, so I’ll him
(not mind / type). later.
3 I want to my own software
6 Order the words to make questions. Then answer.
company in the future.
1 you / more / messages / per / do / 4 We’re going out now, so the
twenty / send / than / day
? 5 WhatsApp is a great app to
your friends.
2 you / update / often / profile / how / do /
6 I’ve lost my jacket. Can you help me
7 How can I about new
apps for my phone?
3 online / doing / what / do / like / you
8 I can’t hear. Can you the

9 What do you do on your mobile phone? 12 Match questions 1–6 to answers a–f.
Write sentences using the phrasal verbs
from Exercise 8. 1 Where did you get your new iPad?
2 How much did it cost?
1 3 How often do you update your profile photo?
2 4 What did you do at the weekend?
3 5 Who did you text this morning?
6 When did you last do physical activity?

Grammar a Not very frequently.

b My best friend.
Past simple: affirmative,

c I bought it on the Internet.
negative and questions

d Yesterday.

10 Write R (regular) or I (irregular). e I paid €500 for it.

f I went to Fred’s house.

1 get 7 update
2 go 8 hate 13 Write questions. Then answer about you.

3 enjoy 9 buy 1 What time / you / get up / this morning

4 come 10 run ?

5 love 11 have

.A .
rs S
6 do 12 listen 2 What / you / do / last Saturday

11 Complete the text with the past simple
is h
form of the verbs from the box.

a n P 3 When / you / last check / social media

share not miss realize find decide know ?

a c m
not take have to get learn begin not like

Susan Maushart (1) M to carry out
4 Where / you / go / last summer
an experiment because she (2)
her house was invaded by technological
devices. At the beginning, her children 14 Complete the text with the words
from the box. Write the verbs in Integra
(3) her seriously but then
the correct form.
they (4) she wasn’t kidding.
They (5) the idea at all. They catch up make become start
(6) turn off their devices once more do run live be use
they (7) home. How did the buy than send log on
experiment go? Well, they (8)
it hard at the beginning but then they In 1973, an American scientist (1)
(9) doing other activities. the first call from a mobile phone. These early
They also (10) more time phones (2) big and expensive,
together and they (11) some cost (3) than £3000.
technology as they had thought! Mainly business people (4)
All in all, they (12) them and they could only phone people who
that life without electronic (5) in the same city.
gadgets can be fun as well. In the 1990s, mobile phones (6)
smaller, lighter and cheaper (7) the
older phones. In 1992, an American (8)
a message to another phone but it was in 1994 that
text messaging (9) being used by most
Today our phones can (10)
so much more. We can (11) to
websites, send photos and (12)
with friends. Nowadays, almost everyone loves
(13) their phones and hates
(14) out of battery. That’s why portable
chargers have become so popular. What about you?
Are you addicted to your mobile phone?

15 In your folder, write about an app you Self-evaluation
.A .
rs S
know. Use these questions as a guide: Is it Mention 3 things you learnt.

free? On which devices does it work? What Write 2 questions/doubts you still have.

is h
can you do with it? Is it popular? What do Connect something from Unit 1 with
you like / don’t like about it? How often

do you use it? What do you use it for? Use
a P something you already knew.

c m ill
phrasal verbs from page 11 of the SB.

M a
2 Wild
© weather
Vocabulary 7 It’s been raining for a week and the clothes
I washed are still dry / wet.
The weather 8 I’m going to make a barbecue on Sunday if
the weather is cold / hot and cloudy / sunny.
1 Choose the correct options. 9 It’s quite cold / warm today. You don’t
1 I can’t believe I forgot my coat. It’s so need to take your sweater.
rainy / windy!
2 Don’t light a fire here. The grass is very 2 Complete the sentences with the words
dry / wet and it could catch fire. from the box.
3 Look at those dark clouds. A storm / warm lightning blizzard snowy
snowy is coming. sunny foggy wet hot
4 When do you think the rainy /
thunderstorm will stop? 1 This is an impressive storm. The
5 I don’t like driving in rainy / foggy is amazing. I’m glad I’m
weather. The road gets very slippery. inside though.
6 After lightning / blizzard comes thunder. 2 We shouldn’t go climbing this weekend.
There might be a in the
3 I enjoy looking at the mountains when it’s 3 The students (sit) in silence
. I love the white peaks! when the teacher arrived.
4 Look at the blue sky. It’s going to be 4 The rescuers (not look) in
and today. Let’s go the right place.
swimming. 5 He (wait) for me at the bus
5 This rain is horrible. It makes everything stop but I didn’t see him.
and cold. 6 We (study) when we heard
6 It’s very today. I can’t see the news.
anything out of the window!
7 It’s 22°C. It isn’t hot or cold. It’s 5 Match questions 1–6 to answers a–f.
1 Why were you reading?
Grammar 2 What were you doing?
3 Where was she going?
Past continuous: affirmative,
4 Why were they running?
negative and questions
5 Where were you staying?
3 Complete the text using the past continuous 6 Who was she texting?
form of the verbs from the box.
a To Tracy’s house.
b Because we were studying for a test.
scream sit check watch hit come c Tom.
play run not work listen try snow d At a hotel.
. A.
rs S
e I was sending an email.

f Because a storm was coming.

I can still remember very clearly the day of

the blizzard. The weather was awful, it 6 Complete the questions with the past

a n P
heavily and it was very continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

cold. My parents (2) Then answer using your own ideas. Be

c m
an American series on TV. My older brother

(3) to music in his bedroom 1 A: I saw you standing on a chair. What
and my sister was in the living room. She
(you / do)?
(4) video games with

a friend. I (5) on the sofa.
I (6) my social media. 2 A: You were looking through the window.
The Internet (7) very well What (you / look) at?

and the wind (8) the B:
windows. Suddenly, I saw my neighbours 3 A: I saw you in the library. What
through the window. They (9) (you / read)?

and (10) . They (11) B:
to warn everybody about the strong blizzard
4 A: I saw you speaking with the teacher.
that (12) .
What (you / talk)

4 Complete the sentences with the present about?

continuous form of the verbs in brackets. B:
1 It (not rain) when Sophie 5 A: I saw you running in the street. Where
started her morning walk. That’s why she
(you / go)?
(not carry) an umbrella.

2 I (listen) to music, so I B:
didn’t hear the door bell.

9 Complete the sentences with words or phrases
Vocabulary from page 23 of the SB in the correct form.
Natural disasters and 1 The wave was huge! Everybody started
their consequences running. Fortunately, we were
but many people their homes.
7 Choose the correct options. 2 The sound of the wind was very
1 The tornado was strong. Many houses frightening. The city was badly
were badly hurt / damaged. , so everyone left their
2 There was an avalanche on the mountain houses and
yesterday. Many people were seriously in the town hall.
damaged / hurt but nobody died. 3 There was a big crack on the road, so we
3 There was a big earthquake in San Francisco. had to stop. My sister was so nervous that
Lots of buildings recovered / collapsed. she . When she woke up,
4 The floods ruined the city and many the ground was still but we
people lost their homes / consciousness. had a lucky .
5 During the last hurricane, a tree fell down 4 I was snowboarding when I heard a very
on our house, so we took safe / shelter at loud noise and saw a great amount of
my aunt’s house. snow coming to me. I started going down
6 The hurricane caused great damage but, the mountain at great speed and I badly
luckily, the local people recovered / my leg. I spent many days
collapsed quickly from the tragedy.
.A .
in hospital. I didn’t quickly.

rs S
7 After the earthquake, some buildings
were still shaking / hurting.

is e
10 What are the natural disasters described
in Exercise 9? Write them in order.
8 Complete the sentences with the words
from the box.

a n P
c m
floods ill

M a
avalanche tsunami
1 In December 2004, a(n) Past simple and past
started in the Indian Ocean and huge continuous
waves killed thousands.
2 In 1906, a(n) hit San 11 Choose the correct options.
Francisco. The ground moved for seconds
1 I went / was going to bed because I was
and many buildings fell.
3 In 2005, a(n) hit
2 We talked / were talking to Laura when
New Orleans. The strong winds destroyed
my phone rang.
several houses and there were terrible
3 What were you doing when the
earthquake started / was starting?
4 caused by heavy rain
4 I dropped my phone while I was
killed around 50 people in Jakarta in
sending / sent a message.
January 2013.
5 I slept / was sleeping when I heard the
5 There was a deadly in
strong winds.
Peru in 1970, when tonnes of snow moved
6 My dad was cooking when I was
down a mountainside killing almost
arriving / arrived home.
20,000 people.
7 When I looked out of the window, the
wind blew / was blowing strongly and
the trees fell / were falling.

12 Complete the sentences with when or while. 15 Complete the text with the words
1 I was reading Pat phoned. from the box. Write the verbs in Integra

2 we were playing video the correct form.

games, my dad came in. decide climb sleep under can die
3 Emma was texting her amazing first hundreds choose spend hurt
friends, the bus arrived.
4 They were sitting in the café Junko Tabei is a mountain climber with some
it started raining. (1) stories to tell. She is famous
5 he was driving, the car because she was the (2) woman
started making a strange noise. to climb to the top of Mount Everest.
6 I was having a class on In 1975, a Japanese newspaper and a Japanese
Zoom, I received a very important email. TV station (3) to send a team of
Japanese women to Nepal to (4)
13 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the Everest. They advertised for brave climbers and
words given. (5) of women applied. In the
1 I was walking to school when I met my friends. end, they (6) 15 climbers, and
While Junko Tabei was one of them. The women
. (7)
A .
a long time training before
rs S
2 We were playing cards when the bell rang. they travelled to Nepal. Then they started on

i sh etheir climb.

u b l. One night, while the women (8)

an P
6,000 metres up the mountain, there was an
3 While I was catching up with my friend,

avalanche. Junko was (9)
my teacher came in.
m i
the snow for six minutes before her guide
My teacher

(10) find her. Fortunately,
nobody (11) but they were badly
4 Joe was working when the delivery man arrived.
(12) . Twelve days later, Junko arrived
While at the top of the mountain and made history.
5 While I was buying some groceries, my
cousin came into the shop. Writing
My cousin
. 16 In your folder, write about the most frightening
situation you have lived. Use these questions
14 Write sentences using the past simple, the as a guide: When was it? Where were you? Who
past continuous and the words in brackets. were you with? What were you doing? What
1 her computer turn off / she / send email / (while) happened? How did you feel? What happened in
the end? Use sequencing words and expressions,
2 Jo / lose consciousness / leave her house (when) and the past simple and past continuous.

3 rescuers / work / building collapse (while)

4 they / check the social media / find out Mention 3 things you learnt.
about the accident (when) Write 2 questions/doubts you still have.
Connect something from Unit 2 with
something you already knew.
Video worksheets Inviting someone out A good start

Before you watch Watch for details

1 Look at the picture and tick the sentences 4 Watch the video again. Circle T (true) or
you think are true about the situation. F (false).
1 Ben is inviting Chloe to a Halloween
party. T F
2 The party will take place on Friday
evening. T F
3 Chloe is going to another party
on Friday. T F
4 Ben and Chloe are going to meet
on Sunday. T F
5 Ben will be at his grandma’s house
on Sunday at 3 pm. T F
6 Ben and Chloe are going to meet at
Chloe’s house. T F

5 Watch the video once more. Number the lines

of the conversation.
1 Ben and Chloe are friends. Oh, what a shame! Are you free on

2 Ben and Chloe are meeting for the Saturday? Maybe we could go bowling.

That sounds great! I’d love to. When is it?

first time.

OK, that’s fine. How about meeting at the

rs S
3 They are talking about a test at their

bowling alley in town?


Yes, Saturday’s fine. Shall we meet at 4?
4 Ben is talking to Chloe about a problem
li s

OK, no worries. Have a great time on
at school.
u b

an P
5 Chloe is inviting Ben to go bowling. Great! See you there. I’ll text you if I’m

i ll
6 Ben is inviting Chloe to a party.

going to be late.

a c m
2 Compare your answers with a partner’s.
It’s on Friday evening at 8 o’clock.


Let’s say 4.30. I’m having lunch at my

Watch to ©

grandma’s, so I probably won’t be back
check your predictions until then.
I’m really sorry but I’m busy on Friday.
3 Watch the video to check your ideas in

I’m going to my cousin’s engagement
Exercise 1. party.
Hi, Chloe! Hey, I’m having a birthday party

this weekend. Would you like to come?

After you watch

6 In your folder, write a similar conversation. Use the prompts in one of the tables below.

The girl’s name is Janice and the boy’s name is The girl’s name is Brianna and the boy’s name is Will.
Rob is having a costume party on Saturday Brianna is having a Halloween party on Saturday
afternoon at 4 pm. evening at 8 pm.
Janice is busy on Saturday afternoon. She’s Will is busy on Saturday evening. He’s going to his
going to her aunt’s birthday party. uncle’s wedding.
Rob asks Janice if she’s free on Sunday morning. Brianna asks Rob if he’s free on Friday evening.
They might go rollerblading at the park. They might go to the cinema.
Janice suggests they meet at 9 o’clock. Will suggests they meet at 8.30.
Rob suggests 9.30. He’s having breakfast at Brianna suggests 9.00. She’s having dinner at her
his grandpa’s. grandma’s.

Making a complaint Hi-tech 1

Before you watch Watch for details

1 Look at the picture. Then make predictions 4 Watch the video again. Tick the correct
about it by answering the questions. options to complete the sentences.
1 Chloe bought a ... at the store ... .
mobile phone / last Friday
charger / yesterday
2 The ... doesn’t work properly.
mobile phone charger
3 Chloe has got the ... of the purchase.
warranty receipt
4 She wants ... .
her money back a new charger

5 Watch the video once more. Complete the

conversation with the items from the box.

can I help you? for your help have a refund

Have you got the receipt? Here you are

this charger yesterday What’s the matter with it?
rs S
Would you like to exchange it

s he
Clerk: Hello, (1)
Chloe: Yes, I bought (2)

a n P but there’s a problem with it.

c m ill Clerk: Oh dear. (3)

Chloe: I’m not sure but it doesn’t work

1 Who’s the girl? properly.
Clerk: OK. (4)
2 Where’s she?
Chloe: Yes, here it is.
3 Why does she look unhappy? Clerk: (5)
for a new one?
Chloe: No, I’d rather (6)
2 Compare your answers with a partner’s.
if that’s OK.
Watch to check your predictions Clerk: Yes, of course. (7) .
Chloe: Thanks (8) .
3 Watch the video to check your ideas in Clerk: No worries.
Exercise 1.
Chloe: Bye.

After you watch

6 In your folder, write a similar conversation. Use the prompts in one of the tables below.

Hannah bought a cell phone last Saturday. Dylan bought a notebook last Sunday.
She’s not sure what the problem is but He’s not sure what the problem is but its
it doesn’t turn on. keyboard is not working.
She would like to exchange it for a new He would like to have a refund.
Reacting to events Wild weather 2

Before you watch 3 The tree fell down on the roof

of Lucy’s house. T F
1 Look at the picture. Then make predictions
by ticking the correct option. 4 Lucy’s neighbour got hurt when
the tree fell down. T F

5 Lucy and her family were inside the

house when the tree fell down. T F

6 A radio reporter interviewed Lucy

1 Chris and Lucy are ... . about the incident with the tree. T F
friends brother and sister
2 Chris looks worried because ... . 7 Chris will watch the local TV news tonight. T F
Lucy has bad news
his mobile phone isn’t working
5 Watch the video once more. Write L for Lucy
properly and C for Chris.
3 Lucy looks excited because she’s going to ... .
A huge tree fell down in our street! It fell
go to a party on Saturday.

in our garden.
be on TV tonight Well, I’ve got some good news too!

A .

A reporter from the local TV station
2 Compare your answers with a partner’s.
rs S
came and interviewed us about what

happened. I’m going to be on TV tonight!
Watch to check your predictions
li s h No way! That’s terrible news! Was

u b

anybody hurt?

an P
3 Watch the video to check your ideas in
Exercise 1. I don’t know, what happened?

i ll

Well, I was watching TV when I heard a

c m

loud noise.
Watch for details

Great, I’m really pleased about that.

4 Watch the video again. Circle T (true) or What was it?

F (false). Correct the false statements. Wow, that’s amazing! I’m definitely going

to watch it.
1 Chris doesn’t know what happened
No, luckily everybody was OK. We were all
during the storm last night. T F

inside because of the awful weather.
2 Lucy was doing her homework when Hi, Chris! Guess what happened last night

the tree fell down. T F during the storm?
Hi, Lucy!

After you watch
6 In your folder, write a similar conversation. Use the prompts in one of the tables below.

Hailey calls her friend Daniel. Joey calls her friend Grace.
She was studying for her math test when He was reading a book when he heard a loud
she heard a loud noise – a car crashed into noise – the wall of his neighbour’s house
a tree. collapsed.
Luckily, everybody was OK. The driver didn’t Luckily, everybody was OK. There was nobody
get hurt because he was wearing a seat belt. on the street because of the heavy rain.
A reporter from the local newspaper A reporter from the local news website
interviewed Hailey about what happened. interviewed Joey about what happened. His
Her picture is going to be on the newspaper account is going to be published on the site
tomorrow. tonight.
Daniel says he’s definitely going to buy it. Grace says she’s definitely going to read it.

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