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RAMO 2024

The RAMO Problem Writing Team

23 February 2024

Day 1
Problem 1
Amogh has a set of not necessarily fair coins. Each coin has a value associated
with heads and tails, as well as a probability that the coin comes up heads and
a probability that the coin comes up tails. Let the total value of the coins be
the sum of all of the values of the faces that come up on each of the coins after
they are flipped. Suppose that the probability that the total value of the coins
is a given integer is n1 for n consecutive integers. Find, with proof, all possible
values of n.

Problem 2
Bob has a circular arrangement of 16 lights, which can either be on or off.
Each light is given a unique label from 1 to 16. The lights are initially turned
on or off at random. He wants to turn all the lights on, so he indicates any
labels of lights whose states he would like to switch. However, his archnemesis,
Cob, wishes to prevent Bob from succeeding, and may rotate and/or reflect
the arrangement of labels, while all lights remain stationary. Once Cob is done
rotating and reflecting the labels, all the new lights with the chosen labels switch
their states. This process repeats. When is it possible for Bob to turn all of the
lights on no matter how Cob plays, and what would his strategy be?

Problem 3
Let ABC be a scalene acute triangle. Let M be the midpoint of AB, D be the
foot of the perpendicular from A to BC, and E be the foot of the perpendicular
from B to AC. Let ω be the nine-point circle of ABC, and P be a variable point
on DE. Let Q be the second intersection of M P and ω. Let O be the center
of the circle through P and Q and tangent to DE at P . Let the intersection of
segment OD and the circumcircle of EP Q be F , and the intersection of segment
OE and the circumcircle of DP Q be G. Show that M F = M G and angles P F O
and P GO are right angles.

Day 2
Problem 4
Let ABC be an acute triangle and D and E the feet of the altitudes from A
and B. Let P be the reflection of B over AC, and let Q be the reflection of C
over AP . Show that D, E, the foot from C to AP , and the foot from A to P Q
are collinear.

Problem 5
Let a, b, and c be integers such that |a|, |b|, and |c| are pairwise relatively prime
n n n
and not equal to 0 or 1. Define fn (a, b, c) to be abc + bca + cab . Given that
f1434 (a, b, c) and f420 (a, b, c) are integers, find all possible values of the tuple
(a, b, c).

Problem 6
Arnov and Amogh are playing a game on an infinite grid of hexagons, all initially
blank. They alternate turns. On Arnov’s turn, he chooses one hexagon that has
not been chosen on a previous turn, and draws a line segment from the center
of the hexagon to the midpoints of three sides of his choice of that hexagon. On
Amogh’s turn, he erases one of the three line segments made on the Arnov’s
most recent turn. Suppose that Arnov wins if a subset of his line segments make
a closed loop at any point in time. Show that Arnov can win with best play, or
show that Amogh has a strategy to prevent this.

The figure above depicts a hexagon after Amogh and Arnov have played their
first two turns, on, respectively, the middle hexagon, and the second hexagon
from the left. The red edges are Arnov’s moves, and the green edges are where
edges that Arnov played were removed by Amogh on his turns.

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