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The impact of academic pressure to the Grade 10- Onyx students results to
a negative behavior wherein they are overdoing their school works and
performance that affects their mental and physical health. Also, the study
shows that this academic pressure is due to the parental expectations that the
students must achieved the certain goals expected by their parents and/or
family. Existing studies also provides that in order to help students to
overcome academic pressure is to introduce them to an outside and at the
school lifestyle. That there are more other things to give your time and effort
not just in the school alone. That they can do things more than they are
expected to do. That in order for students to distress they have to work on the
activities that they have forgotten. That they must remember that they are still
on their age where they can enjoy their youthfulness.

This study seeks to find out the impacts of academic pressure to the Grade
10- Onyx students, researcher recommends that students themselves must
balance their time at school and time for leisure. That parents must not expect
more than what their children can and cannot do. That teachers must give
appropriate time and schedule for task and activities that they are giving to
their students. Students, parents, teachers, and the school itself must know
that this study is not about what are the easiest for students and giving favors
but to give them proper academic lifestyle that will not affect negatively on
their mental and physical health.

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