Poverty Alleviation Through Benazir Income Support Program 0

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Policy Brief


Hibah Tipu Sheikh

Executive Summary
In Pakistan, 29.5 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. In order to curb this
social issue, an unconditional cash transfer program, Benazir Income Support Program (BISP),
was developed through which a certain amount of cash is paid to the beneficiaries each month.
This program intended to alleviate poverty in the long run and was designed to reduce the impact
of financial crises faced by the poor. However, BISP beneficiaries face certain issues such as
increased reliance on nominal cash transfers to meet their basic needs and not being able to invest
in human capital and savings. For poverty to be alleviated, the BISP cash transfers should enable
the beneficiaries to become independent enough to support themselves regardless of the monthly
income received through BISP. By being independent, they should be able to meet their basic
needs without fully relying on the cash transfers and should also be able to save and invest some
amount on their health and education. Recommendations to reduce poverty and improve BISP
include setting a conditionality to cash transfers, where children of beneficiaries may be required
to go to schools and health care visits may be made compulsory. An audit for BISP and regular
transfer of payments may increase efficiency in the system, and may help alleviate poverty in the
long run.

poverty (United Nations Development

Prevailing Issue of Poverty Program, 2016b). With the passage of time,
Poverty is a prevailing social issue in the headcount has reduced to 38.8 percent
Pakistan, where 29.5 percent of the in 2015, but intensity has only reduced
population lives below the poverty line marginally from 52.9 percent in 2005 to
(Asian Development Bank, 2017). National 50.9 percent in 2015 (United Nations
Poverty Headcount Ratio1 shows a reduction Development Program, 2016a).
to only 6.1 percent in 2013 from 7.9 In such grim conditions, social protection
percent in 2011 (World Bank, 2017). measures are needed to help people
Pakistan’s new poverty index shows four out manage risks that come with poverty. These
of ten Pakistanis living in multidimensional measures provide a safety net to ensure that
1The percentage of population living below the
poverty line.

a minimum amount of income is always given (Mumtaz et al., 2017). However, it
to the people who are below the poverty shows very limited effect that BISP has
line, or are dangerously close to it. had in permanently alleviating poverty.
This is because many beneficiaries are
Benazir Income Support Program
still deprived of education and health
Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) and are unable to invest in human
established in July 2008, has since capital due to the limited amount of
grown rapidly to become the largest cash received.
poverty alleviation program in Pakistan
There are many indexes to measure
through income transfer (Arif, 2012).
poverty, and not one measure alone
The short-term objective of the program
can effectively encapture all aspects of
was to “cushion the adverse impact of
poverty, monetary or otherwise. The
the food, fuel, and financial crisis on the
Multi-Dimensional Index is one of the
poor, but its broader objective was to
measures of poverty which recognizes
provide a minimum income support
that monetary based poverty is just one
package to the poorest and to those
type of deprivation. There is usually a
who are highly vulnerable to future
combination of a number of
shocks” (World Bank, 2015). BISP
deprivations that afflict a household
provides eligible families with
which vary across three dimensions:
unconditional cash transfers at a
education, health, and living standards,
monthly value of PKR 1,566 as of July
each measured by different indicators.
2015, which is given quarterly (Benazir
In education, there has been a 7
Income Support Program, 2017). The
percent increase in school attendance of
beneficiaries have steadily increased to
the students whose parents are BISP
5.4 million in 2016 (Benazir Income
beneficiaries, but the impact on
Support Program, 2016). Currently,
nationwide education levels remains
BISP provides income support through
low (Mumtaz et al., 2017). In health, the
monthly cash transfers to almost 4.8
Under Five Mortality rate of
million families (18 million people) and
beneficiary children has fallen by 3
$2.9 billion have been distributed to
percent (Mumtaz et al., 2017).
BISP beneficiaries (Arif, 2012).
However, this improvement in the heath
Impact of BISP indicator is offset by the same
The impact of BISP can be seen by the percentage increase in stunting levels,
reduction of poverty level from 66 which is the shortness of height
percent to 35 percent among the according to age (Mumtaz et al.,
beneficiaries of BISP, as reported by 2017). This shows that while one
the National Bureau of Statistics indicator may have a positive impact,
(Mumtaz et al., 2017). BISP has brought another related indicator falls in value
a 4 percent decrease in the severely keeping the poor trapped in the vicious
poor Multi Dimensional Poverty Index cycle of poverty. A change in such
(MPI) category, and a 6 percent indicators can also be due to other
decrease in the MPI poor category policies in these areas and not just due

to BISP which makes it difficult to reported some level of savings and 81
ascertain the true impact of BISP on percent of BISP households remain in
poverty alleviation. debt (Cheema et al., 2014). Despite
increase in the monthly value of the
Therefore, BISP has been able to make
transfer, the real value of transfer has
some positive impact in alleviating
eroded in comparison to it due to the
poverty but it has been at a very
changing inflation rates (Cheema et al.,
limited scale.
2014). Such low levels of savings are
Critiques of BISP due to the limited amount of money
received and that too on unconditional
Those who are slightly above the
basis (Mumtaz et al., 2017). Granting
poverty line may only be there
cash on an unconditional basis does not
temporarily and may slip back below
translate into savings and investment in
poverty line at any time due to an
education and health because there is
economic shock. This proximity to the
no incentive for the poor to spend
poverty line makes it hard for BISP
money outside of meeting their basic
beneficiaries to permanently step out of
needs (Nayab & Farooq, 2012).
poverty, as they begin to heavily rely
on nominal income received every There have also been delays in the
month. For the recipients to truly step payments of BISP transfers which cause
out of poverty, they may ideally utilize inconvenience to those who rely on it for
their monthly income in three segments fulfilling their basic necessities. Cases of
which include spending on basic corruption are also common which require
necessities, investing in human capital, external and internal audits in order to
education, health, and saving the rest keep track of the money transferred.
for unforeseen circumstances. Currently, BISP covers over 22.6 percent
of the total population whereas the
The effect of BISP on poverty
target population according to MPI is
alleviation may not be determined fully,
38.8 percent (Mumtaz et al., 2017).
as it might not be right to assume that
injecting money in poor households will There is a huge gap between women
certainly aid consumption and who are eligible for the cash transfers
expenditure patterns. This is because and those who are the actual
many households share the income, and beneficiaries. A large number of women
use it to pay their debts, thus making do not have their National Identity Cards
the effect of transfer on alleviating (NIC), hence are not yet registered with
poverty negligible (Cheema et al., BISP. This gap should be filled so that all
2014). eligible women become beneficiaries
and receive the monthly income (Gazdar
Savings are necessary for poor
& Zuberi, 2014).
households to step out of poverty
permanently. BISP has had little or no These issues show a critical need for the
impact on the propensity to save as BISP program to be improved and made
only 12 percent of BISP households more efficient and effective in order to
achieve the required results.

Policy Recommendations accommodated under it (Gazdar &
Zuberi, 2014).
Although BISP has been a positive step
towards alleviating poverty, there is The BISP design ignores the transitory
room for improvement. For example, nature of poverty such that houses can
with unconditional cash transfers, BISP move above or below poverty line due
gave households the leverage to not to changing conditions. The BISP cash
invest in human capital or save thus transfer should take into account the
reducing their chances of permanently status of a household vis-a-vis poverty
stepping out of poverty. With the rates, and inflation to ensure a more
subsequent incorporation of other rational distribution of cash (Nayab &
schemes such as Waseela-e-Taleem, this Farooq, 2012).
limitation was addressed to some Primarily, BISP can be improved by the
extent. However, similar schemes introduction of conditionality to the cash
targeting various priority areas transfers such as making it compulsory for
affecting the poor can be incorporated poor parents to send their children to schools
in the program to improve the and make bi-annual visits to the nearest
conditions of the poor households local hospital which may result in improving
(Nayab & Farooq, 2012). their conditions in the long term.
BISP in collaboration with NADRA can Improvement in terms of more efficient
launch welfare schemes which administration, improved management of
encourage women to get their NICs resources and better monitoring and
made on a priority basis so that the evaluation of BISP can help in having a
number of women who are eligible can profound impact on the poor.
also become BISP beneficiaries.
Also, there is a need for a better References
communication strategy in order to
avoid delays in monthly payments to Arif, G. (2012). Effectiveness of Public
the recipients as timely payments are Interventions for Poverty Reduction.
very important for poor households who Pakistan Institute of Development
use BISP as the primary source of Economics.
income (Gazdar & Zuberi, 2014). Asian Development Bank. (2017). Poverty
In order to ensure that there are no in Pakistan.
discrepancies in the payments Benazir Income Support Program. (2017).
disbursed, rigorous internal and BISP’s Impact on Vulnerable People’s
external audits can help in ensuring that Livelihood: Evidence from Impact -
the money is being spent correctly. Evaluation Report.
The selection process for the program Benazir Income Support Program. (2016).
can be made more flexible so that if How has the welfare of BISP
not all, most poor families can be beneficiary trends changed over

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