New Player Guide

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Guide for those new to (e)PW


This guide is meant to provide a sense of direction for those who are new to playing
(Evolved) Perfect World or who have come back to play after a long break. It is an amazing game,
which is sure to provide a ton of fun and its in depth social interactions may make you friends for life
or even more. But it can also be overwhelming and the necessary grinding may become tedious and
downright boring at some point.

It is important to note that one should play the game at your own pace. Set goals for
yourself; keep it simple. In this guide you’ll find what you need to get started in the game. It will tell
you about leveling, what gears there are and how to get them, tips and tricks concerning cultivation
and must know basic mechanics. What it won’t do is tell you exactly what to do. The beauty of PW is
the exploring; there’s a vast world awaiting you, and this guide is only meant to give you a sense of
direction without taking away the fun of finding things out yourself.

If you feel lost, don’t know what to do because there’s so much that needs to be done, don’t
hesitate to ask for help in our faction. We all have been in the beginner’s shoes, we understand the
struggle of leveling and are very much familiar with the question “what to do now?”. But when
asking for help, in general, keep in mind that others may be busy playing their own game or doing
real life stuff. Don’t get upset or pushy if help or answers are not provided at the very minute you
ask; instead, take a breather and do something else until help or an answer is provided. Most
answers to your questions will already be in here. This will be your guide to greatness.
List of contents

List of contents......................................................................................................................................3
1. Leveling..........................................................................................................................................5
First things.........................................................................................................................................5
Main quests (pink).............................................................................................................................5
Cultivation quests (orange)................................................................................................................5
Daily quests (blue).............................................................................................................................5
Legendary quests (red)......................................................................................................................6
Side quests (white)............................................................................................................................6
Other quests......................................................................................................................................6
Faction base quests...........................................................................................................................6
Bounty quests....................................................................................................................................7
Card bosses........................................................................................................................................7
2. Gear...............................................................................................................................................8
Dreamchaser gear.............................................................................................................................8
Quicksand Maze gear.........................................................................................................................8
Morai gear.........................................................................................................................................9
Rank gear...........................................................................................................................................9
Twilight Temple gear..........................................................................................................................9
Lunar Glade gear.............................................................................................................................10
Nirvana and awakened nirvana gear................................................................................................10
Warsoul weapons............................................................................................................................10
Miscellaneous gear..........................................................................................................................11
Gear progression.............................................................................................................................11
Guild provided equipment...............................................................................................................13
3. Cultivation....................................................................................................................................14
Until celestial sage/demon..............................................................................................................14
Chaotic Soul.....................................................................................................................................15
Celestial Saint..................................................................................................................................15
4. Must know basic mechanics........................................................................................................16
Morai + Primal World + Neverfall....................................................................................................17
Event Gold.......................................................................................................................................18
Rank 9 PvE, PvP and defense style...................................................................................................19
Guild base........................................................................................................................................20
Territorial War..................................................................................................................................20
Nation War......................................................................................................................................20
1. Leveling
First things
Welcome to (Evolved) Perfect World. You’ve chosen, made, named and fully customized your
first character. Now it’s time to play.

As with all new toons, you start in Celestial Vale. This is a customized starter area and you’ll
stay here until level 20. After doing your cultivation at level 19 you can leave the Vale and head off
into the main world.

Have a look at your screen. In the top left corner there should be a gold chest icon; click on
this icon and you will see unique rewards offered for every 5 levels that you gain. These rewards
range from gear to useful items and they will help you to level. Some other important stuff to note:

 Press “B” to open your inventory;

 Press “R” to open your skill menu;
 Press “C” to open your character menu;
 Keys W-S-A-D will move your character. The spacebar will make your character jump and go
higher while in flight. “Z” will lower your character while in flight;
 Press “Q” to open your quest menu;
 Press “M” to open your map.
 Press “U” to open the system interface. Here you can adjust game settings, get acquainted
with other hotkeys and other things.

Main quests (pink)

Until a certain point, these quests are your main source of experience. Doing them will get
you quickly through the early levels, and some main quest lines are a must do for access to late game

Cultivation quests (orange)

These quests are very important for your character to grow. Your character’s skills are tied to
a certain cultivation level (the higher it gets the better skills you can use) and reaching a certain
cultivation level is a must to have access to late game stuff. Obviously these quests increase in
difficulty, at some point you’ll need help to do them.

Daily quests (blue)

Daily quests are just that, they can be done daily. But once you’ve done them you’ll have to
wait for the next day to do them again. Some are automatically acquired when you log in the game
for the first time in a day or when the server resets for the next day. Others have to be picked up
from certain NPC’s, or are acquired when entering an instance. As you level higher and get access to
late game parts like Morai and Primal World more daily quests will become available.
Legendary quests (red)
Legendary quests provide more experience than the usual side quests, and sometimes
they’re difficult to do as they require you to go into an instance. But they are also rewarding to do,
next to experience you could also gain items needed to craft QSM gear.

Side quests (white)

Side quests are the most common quests that you can do. Once in the early days of the game
they were the must thing to do. Now they are a useful thing to do when you find yourself in need of
experience to gain a level and you’re out of options. Some side quests also offer a QSM item, so it’s
worth to do them.

Other quests
Aside from the abovementioned quest types, there are other quests to be done or that can
be gained from items:

 Weekly quests; these can be done once a week.

 Daily quiz: there are two NPC characters (Trivia Maiden Yuna and Luna) that offer you 15
questions a day to answer, and doing so correctly will reward you with experience.
 Divine contract; these type of quests can be acquired from NPC’s after gaining a certain item.
o Divine emissary of light: offers divine contracts after acquiring a “divine order of the
light” from General Summer.
o Divine emissary of shadow: offers divine contracts after acquiring a “divine order of
shadow” from completing quests (usually bounty quests). Alternatively they can be
acquired from the faction base.
o Divine emissary of the void: offers divine contracts after acquiring a “divine order of
the void” from completing bounty quests.
 Homestead quests: homestead is a game feature that will let you build your own home.
Currently it’s disabled as it is being reworked, it will be back in the future.
 Event quests (yellow): these are customized quests, acquired either in events or when you
enter an instance.
 Dragon quests (DQ); these quests reward a character with a bit of event gold after
completing a chain of quests. It will require a character to gather certain items. In order to
complete DQ quests one will first need to complete the side quest “love for dragon”. After
that the DQ quests are available at level 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81 and 91.

Faction base quests

Our faction has its own base, accessed via faction base manager Zeen in east Archosaur.
Once inside you’ll find yourself in the hall of loyalty with a big monolith in the middle. Here you can
take four base quests on a daily basis, which provide you with experience, merit and items that
contribute to the base growth. Build your merit high enough to have access to faction base goodies.
Talk to the faction manager NPC to give him the items acquired from completing base quests.
Bounty quests
Once you reach level 40 these type of quests will be available to do on a daily basis. Its
objective is simple; kill a boss in an instance. Usually you’ll need a bit of help for it. Bounty quests,
also known as “BH”, have three parts: BHI, BHII and BHIII. Complete a quest to get access to the next.
Next to a good amount of experience they offer items that will help you grow, so make sure to do
them whenever you can.

Card bosses
Killing card bosses is a fast way to level, but also the most expensive way. Each card costs 10
lucky coins (LC) and one million coins; about 350 are required to level a toon from 1 to 101. It goes
without saying that these bosses are very difficult to kill, you will need to ask somebody in end game
gear to help. The cards are made at a NPC called assistant wang tsai. The lucky coins can be bought
from other players or acquired from a pack called demon’s hidden treasure.

“Oracles” are quests acquired from books called Oracle. These quests require you to kill a
certain elite mob somewhere in the main world. They give good xp and are fairly easy to make, as
they only require tokens of luck (ToL). These ToL are gained from opening certain packs or bought
from other players. There are 12 parts; each part has a roman figure after “Oracle”, so there’s Oracle I
to XII. Of these parts, Oracle II is the most popular. Oracles can be made at the PW boutique agent.
2. Gear

Dreamchaser gear
Earlier in the guide there was a mention of a certain chest icon found in the top left corner,
next to your HP/MP/xp bars. This chest offers certain rewards at every five levels gained, and up to
level 50 these rewards offer a bunch of gear sets. The sets are called dreamchaser, named so because
of the dreamchaser tickets that have to be exchanged with assistant wang tsai to get the gear. It
helps your character immensely and makes it strong enough to get a high level without any real

Quicksand Maze gear

Quicksand Maze (QSM) is an instance that offers specific materials with which gears can be
crafted. These materials are also acquired via quests and inside other instances that are done more
frequently because of the bounty quests. Hence barely anyone does QSM, and you’ll have trouble
finding a party to do a run. The materials that you want to look out for are:

 Ancient Transcript: used to craft level 55 weapon and armor

 Original Lore: used to craft level 70 weapon and armor
 Skyhidden Scroll: used to craft level 85 weapon and armor
 Earthbound Stamen: used to craft level 55 helm, neck, robe and belt.
 Heartward Jade: used to craft level 70 helm, neck, robe and belt.
 Mindcrusher Claw: used to craft level 85 helm, neck, robe and belt.

The first three can be obtained inside Quicksand Maze but also as rewards from certain
legendary and side quests. The whole main quest line called “Coming of Age” provides enough
ancient transcripts to make a level 55 weapon and a few pieces of armor, which is strong enough
to last until level 95 when you can obtain Morai gear.

The last three materials can be obtained inside Quicksand Maze, but also in other instances
where they both drop from bosses and are acquired from completing a daily quest which is
automatically acquired once you enter an instance. Earthbound stamen is found in Secret
Frostcover Grounds, heartward jade drops in Valley of Disaster plus Wraithgate and mindcrusher
claw drops in Hallucinatory Trench. They either drop in their original form or in their dim form;
the latter requires you to right-click on it to obtain the original material. You must do so while
you’re still in the instance in which you’ve gotten the dim form; they disappear when you leave
the instance. So, if you obtain dim forms of earthbound stamen, heartward jade or mindcrusher
claw, make sure you convert them to the proper form before leaving an instance. Do your
bounties daily and you’ll have a good helm, robe, neck and belt to combine with the level 55
weapon and armor.

The QSM gear is crafted at the forges near the entrance of Quicksand Maze, just west of
Dreaming Stronghold.
Morai gear
As said, the level 55 QSM gear combined with either rank or QSM helm/belt/robe/neck is
good enough to get you to level 95. Why until this point? Because then you’ll be able to enter Morai
if your cultivation level is high enough. Once inside Morai you’ll have a few main quest lines to follow,
and doing so you’ll obtain level 95 Morai gear and a weapon. Alternatively you can combine this gear
with a LG or WS weapon (explained later) and you’re good until level 101.

Rank gear
Rank gear is special. When you reach level 30 you’ll get a pop up that will ask you to talk to
the commander-in-chief, who is found in southwest archosaur. Remember this npc well, as you’ll visit
him plenty later.

Ranks are based on reputation. The more reputation you have, the higher your rank can be.
Once you have obtained enough reputation from doing quests and exchanging wraith officer badges
(mostly bought from other players) you can talk to the commander-in-chief and have him raise your
rank. Each rank gives access to special gear associated with that rank.

Once a rank is obtained and the level requirement is met, rank gears can be bought from:

 NPC Chun Hua in southwest archosaur for rank I gear (level 30)
 NPC Hsia Chao in Dreamweaver port for rank II, III and IV gear (level 60)
 NPC Chiu Yu in Thousand Stream City for rank IV, V and VI gear (level 90)
 NPC Tong Meng in Thousand Stream City for rank VI and VII (level 99)
 NPC Ti Chien in Thousand Stream City for rank VII and VIII gear (level 100)
 NPC Commander in Chief in Archosaur, Dreamweaver Port and Thousand Stream City for
rank IX gear (level 101).

The easiest way to build your reputation is exchanging wraith officer badges with
commander in chief. The badges are worth 25 reputation each. They can be bought from other
players, or made with tokens of luck at the NPC Assistant Wang Tsai. You’ll want to do this, as you
need 300.000 reputation for rank IX gear. Its 3rd and 4th cast stages are end game gear, but more on
that later. To get 300k reputation you’ll need 96000 tokens of luck; exchange those for 12000 wraith
officer badges. Another way to get the required tokens of luck is to exchange lucky coins with the
NPC Assistant Wang Tsai. For 96000 tokens of luck you’d need 6400 lucky coin.

Crafting rank IX gear requires 19 medals of glory and 205 general summer token. The best
way to get these items is to buy them from other players.

Twilight Temple gear

Twilight Temple (TT) is an instance that was once the thing to do for gear. With the
introduction of Quicksand Maze and dreamchaser gear the TT instance is a bit pushed to the
background, but it is still very useful. TT gear sets are available at level 60, 70, 80, 90 and 99. The
materials for the sets are exclusively farmed inside TT; the instance is divided into three stages, each
with three chapters. Certain materials can only be found by killing bosses in a specific stage and
chapter; for example, the material ghost lord ribbon is only obtained from the boss Steelation in TT
stage 3 chapter I (TT 3-1). Be aware that crafting TT gear requires a certain level in a specific
production skill (blacksmith, tailor, craftsman).
Evolved PW has made Twilight Temple to be done solo for farming the materials needed to
obtain the TT titles. If you want to farm TT to obtain its gears, you’ll need help to kill the bosses.

Lunar Glade gear

Lunar Glade is a TT type instance in which materials can be farmed for crafting level 95 Lunar
Glade gear. This is done with fragments, crystals, essences and certain gold materials that drop from
bosses. The forges for crafting LG gear are inside the instance; once you enter you’ll see them right
away. The instance can be done solo or in squad mode; it’s advisable to do it squad mode, the bosses
in single mode don’t drop what you need.

The Lunar Glade weapons can also be obtained by exchanging an item called “Lunar Glade
Insigna Weapon” (obtain by opening packs or buying from other players) with the PW boutique
agent. These weapons can be upgraded to a Nirvana weapon (see below).

There are also two Lunar Glade rings that can be obtained by exchanging an item called
“Lunar Glade Insignia Ornament” (obtain by opening packs or buying from other players) with the
PW boutique agent. These rings can be upgraded to a better ring using an item called “dayflame
soul” (obtainable from packs) at the NPC light envoy jade snow.

Nirvana and awakened nirvana gear

Nirvana gear and its awakened form are an advancement on either TT99 gear or Lunar Glade
gear. In order to obtain it you’ll first need to craft TT99 gear or Lunar Glade gear and then upgrade it
to Nirvana gear using uncanny (armor and ornaments) and rapture (weapons) crystals. These crystals
are either obtained from the instance Nirvana Palace or they can be made using supply tokens. The
latter is obtainable from doing Nation Wars, bounty hunter quests and from the boutique shop.

Once you have upgraded TT99 or LG gear to Nirvana gear, you’ll need to upgrade it to the 2nd
cast version using again uncanny and rapture crystals. The 2nd cast Nirvana gear will save as the base
for the awakened forms, which are only slightly worse than rank IX 1st cast gear. Upgrading 2nd cast
Nirvana gear to awakened gear requires molds that drop in Lunar Glade and Warsong City. In
addition to the molds you’ll need essence of defense for the armor (drops in LG) and essence of
offense for weapons (drops in WS).

Warsoul weapons
Warsoul weapons are top notch and available at level 80. If you can obtain them you’ll be
great until level 101 where you can get rank IX gear. Alternatively the weapons can be upgraded to a
2nd cast and 3rd cast version.

The 1st cast warsoul weapon is crafted at the Warsoul Spirit, who’s on the platform in middle
archosaur. You’ll need 100 pieces of every warsoul mat (Vajra, Avalokites, Ksitigarbha,
Samantabhadra, Arkarsja, Manjusri and Jakari), which can be obtained from packs or made with
supply tokens at the forge of contemplation in north archosaur. Once you have the mats, go to the
Warsoul Spirit and craft your weapon of choice. Bear in mind, the weapons that are wielded by the
original classes (elf, human, beast) require a mold to be crafted. For tideborn, earthguard and
nightshade one can craft the weapon right away. Don’t worry about extra costs for a mold; they cost
1 of each warsoul mat and so the associated weapon costs 99 of each warsoul mat, making it a 100
of each WS mat in total.

Upgrading a warsoul weapon to 2nd cast is done at the ascension forge in north archosaur,
and requires supply tokens plus seals of war. Upgrading to 3rd cast is done at the warsoul vessel, also
in north archosaur, which requires a bunch of orihalcum and sovereign seals.

Sovereign seals can be acquired via a daily quest, which will have you collect two sigils of
nightbloom. These sigils can be exchanged for sovereign seals at a 1:1 rate with the NPC Vyn Ren the
trainer, located in west archosaur. Another way to get sovereign seals is to make them with supply
tokens at the forges in north archosaur.

Miscellaneous gear
There’s a bunch of gear that can be obtained using items that drop from packs:

 Cube necklace using a cube of fate stamp. The stamps drop from packs or can be bought
from other players. Level 80 is required to equip it. Craft it at the PW boutique agent.
 Warsong belt using a warsong marshal badge. Drops from packs or buy from other players.
Level 80 required to equip. Craft it at the PW boutique agent.
 Wings of cloudcharger; buy it from other players.
 Pang Gu tome; requires three script of fate. These drop from packs or buy from other
 FC weapon; requires an item called “frostcovered sign force”, which drops from packs. With
that item craft a FC weapon at the PW boutique agent. Needs level 85 to equip.
 Matchless wings; drops from packs, obtain via treasure hunt or buy from other players.
 Love up and down tome; requires a scroll of tome (drops from packs or buy from other
 Lunar Glade robes; with an item called “wing trophy lunar glade” (drops from packs or buy
from other players) you can craft a LG robe at the PW boutique agent.

Gear progression
Often players are asking what gear to get at some point, or find themselves stuck with low
level gear at a high level. The most natural is the following progession:

1) Dreamchaser gear, obtainable from the rewards every 5 levels, up until level 50;
2) Do the main quest line “Coming of age” and use the obtained ancient transcripts to craft a
level 55 QSM weapon; with the remaining ancient transcripts craft a few pieces of armor.
3) Combine the crafted QSM gears with rank I and II stuff. If possible buy wings of cloudcharger
from other players. While you level doing side quests and bounties plus complete certain
dailies that reward you with QSM items you should be able to craft QSM ornaments, helm
and robe. Get a Pang Gu tome as well. Do things right and you’ll end up with level 55 QSM
armor and weapon, QSM neck/helm/robe, some odd rings and a Pang Gu tome. All of this
should make you good to level further.
4) At level 70 you can wear a warsoul helmet, obtained with tournament scrolls. At this level
one can also wear matchless wings, but they may be too costly to buy.
5) At level 80 obtain the warsong belt, the cube necklace and if possible a warsoul weapon.
6) At level 85 you can obtain a FC weapon using an item called “frostcovered sign force” at the
PW boutique agent.
7) At level 90 you can obtain a Lunar Glade robe if you don’t have wings of cloudcharger or
matchless wings.
8) At level 95 you can obtain gear from doing the Morai quest lines and you’ll be able to equip a
LG weapon.
9) At level 100 you can get rank VIII gear, or continue on to level 101 for rank IX gear.
Guild provided equipment
Having acknowledged that there is a gap gear wise between lvl 50 and 101, our guild offers
+10 TT70 and TT90 sets to borrow as well as warsoul weapons and awakened nirvana sets. These will
help to level up and get you started in the game. It is expected that the borrowed gears are returned
once you’re finished using it for whatever reason.
3. Cultivation

Until celestial sage/demon

Cultivation is a very important mechanic of the game. The aim is to achieve the highest level
possible, which is Celestial Saint. But the road from spiritual initiate to celestial saint is long and
tough. Basically it can be broken into 3 major parts:

 Becoming celestial sage or demon;

 Becoming chaotic soul;
 Becoming celestial sage.

The cultivation path to celestial sage or demon is pretty much straightforward. At level 9, 19,
29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89 and 99 you will get a quest which, after completion, will raise your
cultivation level. Some stages require you to do stuff between level x9 and the next x9, such as killing
a lone boss or a bunch of mobs or digging something. Up to level 39 you can do things pretty much
yourself but after you’ll probably need a bit of help since it will become normal to kill bosses in -or
outside instances.

Bear in mind that the cultivation at level 39 requires you to die before you can go on. At level
89 you will have to make a choice between the demon and sage path. This choice is entirely personal
and should suit your playing style. It’s commonly accepted that demon suits a PvP playstyle and sage
is more for PvE, but you’ll find that certain demon versions of your skills are very useful for PvE and
vice versa. Read up on your skills and their demon/sage effects, ask other players what they decided
but ultimately it’s your choice. There’s no wrong decision. If you go demon or sage and eventually
feel the other path suited you more there is a way to convert from demon to sage and vice versa, but
you’ll need to achieve the highest cultivation level first.

For level 99 you’ll need to do things in Seat of Torment or Abbadon; these two instances
have had a makeover and now have a bunch of mechanics to work with. On the website of Evolved
PW and on YouTube there are written and visual guides on how to do SoT and Abba.

To achieve the cultivation level of celestial sage or demon you will need access to Old
Heaven’s Tear (OHT). This is a part of the game that has the player travel back in time to Old Heaven’s
Tear, and in order to so one needs a Chrono Key. This key is obtained after following a main quest line
called “Heaven’s Tear: Wraith’s Ploy” that becomes available after level 70 and starts with General
Summer. Once you have the Chrono Key you can talk to the messenger of time NPC, located in the
center of archosaur, to travel back to OHT. This guy will also replace your key if you lose it.

Finally you need to do a run in an instance called delta for short. You’ll need a squad of at
least three people and 6x “rebirth order delta” items to enter and start the run. The orders can be
obtained once a day by exchanging a duty badge at the spiritual disciple NPC in east archosaur. The
badge itself is obtained from the adventure assistant which can be found in every major city. The run
itself consists of 8 waves; you’ll need to kill the bosses at the end of the last three waves. Once the
waves are done, do not teleport out of the instance! You can’t come back in otherwise. Follow the
directions of your squad leader.
Chaotic Soul
After becoming celestial sage or demon your cultivation is on hold for a while. It will continue
once you are shifting sky I and able to enter Neverfall. And there’s a long road to become shifting sky

Once you are shifting sky I you’ll get a pop up when you enter Neverfall to continue your
cultivation. The process is straightforward, and at some point you’ll be asked to kill Chrono Wraiths.
These mobs hide in stealth mode, and unless you are an assassin you won’t be able to see them. And
you only have 2 minutes…luckily the mobs are aggressive; if you go to a certain spot they’ll come out
of stealth and attack you. If you can’t find them you can use a revelation potion, obtainable at the
cauldron of contemplation in north archosaur for a bit of supply tokens.

Once the wraiths are dealt with you’ll need to do a run inside Undercurrent Hall and finally
inside the hardest dungeon of the game, Uncharted Paradise. But when that is done the hardest part
of the whole cultivation is finished, and you’ll rise to the chaotic soul level. At this point you have
unlocked the first part of the glyph system and a few sanctified skills. These skills are special as they
combine sage and demon effects.

Celestial Saint
The final part of your cultivation is available once you are level 100, have reawakened twice,
have become shifting sky X and completed the quest “The Light Returns” which can be taken from
the elder in Thousand Stream City. For this part it doesn’t matter whether you’re sage or demon, the
path is the same for both. It starts when you enter Neverfall the first time after completing the
chaotic soul part. Just follow the quest line and you’ll have completed this part in no time at all,
becoming Celestial Saint and unlocking the full power of your character!
4. Must know basic mechanics

There are quite a few instances in the game. It goes too far to discuss them all here in this
guide, and there are plenty of either written or visual walkthroughs out there made by other players.
The majority of the instances can be accessed via the Illusion Stone NPC, found in every major city.
Once you have the required level, this stone can send you directly into an instance for a small fee. As
it can only do so if there are no requirements to be met for entering the instance or if there are other
ways to enter an instance directly, there are a few exceptions; for example EU (explained later in the
guide), UDC, MM and UP. The latter three are entered via the NPC Elder Events Giver. Another
exception is the Valley of Reciprocity, otherwise known as “delta”. This instance is entered via the
Spiritual Disciple NPC, found in east archosaur next to the elder. And right next to the Spiritual
Disciple in east archosaur you’ll find a NPC that will port you inside Phoenix Valley (PV).

If you can’t use the stone because of a too low level you can always enter an instance the
usual way. Another option is to use an item called “angel of wishes”; to use it you’ll need to click on
the calendar icon just below your minimap, then go to the tab “instances”. If you have angels of
wishes in your bag then the “teleport” button will be highlighted. Click on it to teleport to the chosen
instance, consuming one item. These angels of wishes are obtainable from the boutique shop.

Most instances work straightforward; enter the instance, kill mobs, kill the boss and you’re
done. Late game instances however have mechanics to deal with before one can get to a boss. In
other instances there are bosses who have a specific mechanic to deal with while a party is killing it.
In a way these mechanics can be avoided by simply nuking a boss: causing so much damage to a boss
that it won’t even have time to employ its mech.

Most bosses in late game instances have an anti-aps buff applied to themselves once they’re
aggroed. It goes too far to say aps gear is useless, but its effectiveness has taken a dive in Evolved PW
and there’s more emphasis on damage dealt per second.

There are a few customized instances:

 Icebound Underworld; for farming low level glyphs. IU can only be entered by those who are
level 100+, have reawakened twice and have a shifting sky I boundary.
 Phoenix Valley (PV). Enter this instance via NPC Khoan the Survivor. PV is divided into level
ranges, so you’ll always enter an instance that suits your level. The objective of PV is simple,
kill everything inside and earn good amounts of experience. The instance is customized to be
repeatable all day long.
 Undiscovered Dungeon Cave (UDC). Enter this instance via either the Undiscovered Demon
NPC or the Elder: Events Giver NPC when you’re leader of a squad.
 Molten Mine level 1 and 2 (MM). Enter this instance via the Goblin Miner NPC when you’re
leader of a squad. Please note that MM level 2 is only accessible via MM level 1.
 Uncharted Paradise (UP). Enter this instance via the Elder: Events Giver when you’re part of a
squad. There’s no need to wait for the squad leader to port everyone in like MM and UDC.
Entering UP requires you to be level 100 and Astral Sky X.
Usually UDC and MM are combined in a single run, even though they are separate instances.

If you want to learn more about instances, ask around in the guild. Check out the site of
Evolved PW, there are plenty guides there. Look on YouTube for video guides made by other players.

Reawakening is a must do process, as it will not only grant you increased attributes but it will
also open Primal World to you. Once you are level 100 you’ll get a pop up asking you to talk to
General Summer in southwest archosaur. This will initiate a small quest chain that ends with the
master of cycles NPC, who will give you an item. With this item in your bag, talk to the master of
cycles again and you will reawaken. It’s simple; you’ll go back to level 1. Don’t worry, your earlier
progress is recorded and stored in the ancient tome, which is accessed through your character menu.
For now you can’t do anything with it though, so just focus on leveling again to 100. Your experience
gain is heightened by x4, meaning that until level 100 every point of experience gained is
quadrupled. You should be back to level 100 in no time at all, but guess what? Once you are back to
level 100 you’ll get to reawaken a second time. You’ll go back to level 1 and your progress is once
again saved. Experience gain in the second stage of reawakening is accelerated by x3.5 so you’ll be
back to level 100 fast.

When you are, check out your ancient tome. It will open a book style menu, showing two
pages. On the left is your recorded progress and on the right is the option to either summon or send
to sleep a certain something. When you summon the thing it will save every bit of experience in the
tome, allowing you to edit your earlier progress to higher levels provided there’s enough experience
stored in the tome. If the thing is sent to sleep, you will gain experience and levels as usual at the
current server rate.

When you edit your earlier progress to a higher level, you will gain a bit of points to put into
your character’s attributes. You can do so up to level 105. In the end, when it’s all finished, your
recorded progress would show that you first leveled to 105; then again leveled to 105 and finally
your character’s level outside of the tome also at 105. That’s 3x level 105! With the increase in
attributes it will make your toon pretty strong.

Morai + Primal World + Neverfall

These areas are three expansions on the main world of PW. Here a brief description is given
to make you acquainted, but explore them on your own. Once you have access to the areas you can
enter via the NPC Morai Guide Vran. Alternatively the messenger of time (located on the platform in
the center of archosaur) can send you to Primal World, and the Illusion Stone can send you to

Morai is an expansion you will access to first. When you reach level 95 and your cultivation
level has reached aware of vacuity (level 79) you’ll get a pop up saying that Elysium Town burned
down and that you should check it out. When you go the town it’s pretty much destroyed and bodies
lie everywhere. You’ll talk to a spirit who will send you into Morai. Once you’re in you’ll get to do a
bunch of main quest lines, rewarding you with experience and some gear.

Morai plays host to three orders: Shroud, Luminance and Corona. You can join any order;
once you’ve joined you can increase your influence and merit by doing quests on a daily basis. By
doing so you’ll get access to a wide range of goodies, but the most important are advanced skills for
your character. Keep in mind that when you leave an order, you will lose all your standing with them.
So before you do that, make sure you have what you need from that order. You can increase the
merit and influence gain by wearing a certain order badge, but these badges can only be obtained
once regardless of what order you’re in. So choose wisely if you decide to get a badge. Next to
joining an order and getting the skills for your character, level 100 players have to go in Morai to do
their Crazy Stone quests. Morai is also the home of Endless Universe (EU) and its advanced version
(AEU). To access EU you need to do three Morai quests, being “time and space” + “a village past” and
“time and illusion”. Another quest then unlocks, which will have you talk to the elder in Thousand
Stream City. Completing this quest chain will end with entering EU. After the initial entry you can do
EU on a daily basis. Entering EU requires an item called “Tuc Su Toxin”, which you can get from the
NPC Crimson Imperialist Envoy standing right next to the EU entrance. If you use the Illusion stone to
port to EU it will send you to the EU entrance; get the Toxin and talk to Momentor on top of the
stairs to enter EU.

Primal world is the next expansion you’ll get access to, during the quest chain that will lead
to your first reawakening. Primal plays host to Undercurrent Hall (unlocks at mirage sky I) and
Flowsilver Palace (unlocks at arcane sky I), two end game instances that you will visit frequently on a
daily basis. Getting access to Primal unlocks the boundary chain, starting with arcane sky I and
ending with shifting sky X. Each boundary that you break increases your spirit, an attribute that
either enhances or decreases damage dealt or taken based on the amount of attack levels you have
over your target’s defense levels and vice versa. Primal also unlocks a few daily quests for you, some
of them reward you with primordial blood and barbaric blood. These bloods are necessary to obtain
the primal versions of certain skills and to get passive skills that enhance skill damage, increase your
defenses, ups your HP, add to your critical rate % and more. These passives, combined with end
game gear and 3x105, make a toon big and strong.

Neverfall finally is the last expansion you’ll get access to. Somewhere during your mirage
boundary chain you’ll get a pop up asking you to talk to the elder in Thousand Stream City. You’ll
follow a small chain that ultimately ends with a boat ride to Neverfall. This area plays host to the city
of Neverfall and its surroundings. It unlocks three dailies that either reward you with neverfall squire
badges or bloods. The first can be exchanged for sanctified skill tomes, bloods and other goodies at
the Royal Knight Hector NPC, located in the south of the center square in Neverfall City. Next to the
dailies and access to sanctified skills you’ll get to do the quests needed to unlock glyph slots once
your cultivation is at least chaotic soul. Glyphs are rune like stones that enhance your sanctified skills
and your character. They range in level from 1 to 10, with the latter obviously giving the best
attributes and enhancements but which is also the hardest and most expensive to obtain.

Event Gold
Next to the regular cubi gold that can be obtained by donating to the server there’s also
event gold (EG). There are numerous ways to obtain event gold:

 Vote for the server on the game’s website.

 Do DQ91 quests up to three times a day. Each finished DQ rewards you with 3.5 EG, totaling
10.5 EG per day.
 The basic version of Endless Universe rewards you with 5 EG.
 Killing the last boss in Warsong City, the Incarcerate, rewards you with 1 EG and that a few
times a day.
 Completing cultivation levels rewards you with a bit of EG.
 Completing MM/UDC runs gives you 30 EG.
 Participate in server events.
 Killing the last boss in Uncharted Paradise a few times (2x, 5x, 15x) gives a bit of EG.
 Every 6 hours of online time nets you 2 EG. The timer for this starts when you are online,
pauses when you go offline and resumes when you are online again. So don’t worry about
having to stay online for 6 hours straight to get that 2 EG.

For new players their best source of EG income is being online, voting, doing DQ quests,
participating in server events and completing their cultivation quests. Once you’re level 100 and
fairly geared with a good amount of HP (think 15k+) you can join MM/UDC runs for a daily 30 EG.

Rank 9 PvE, PvP and defense style

Earlier in the gear section it was mentioned that rank 9 gear is the best you can obtain. There
are four stages to rank 9 equipment and in addition there are versions tailored to either PvE or PvP.
Most players who get rank 9 eventually go the PvE route first so farming becomes pretty much a
breeze. The PvE set enhances your character’s warding and slaying levels which, respectively,
decreases damage taken from mobs and increases damage dealt to a mob. Warding and slaying is
useless against other players. You’ll need to combine your R9R4 PvE set with a R9R4 PvP weapon to
maximize its damage output, since there’s a cap on the amount of slaying levels a character can have
before its damage enhancement becomes too ineffective compared to attack levels. This “cap” is also
the reason why players put in +2 attack level stones in their PvE set instead of +2 slaying level stones.

In addition to a PvE set, most players make an additional rank 9 set which stays at its original
form for PvP purposes. A PvP set does not go beyond 3rd cast since the 4th cast set loses a defense
level bonus, which is very important to have in PvP. These PvP sets have a combination of +2 attack
level and +2 defense level stones.

Some players even make a third set which emphasizes on defense levels. The set is made of a
recasted rank 8 weapon with defense level attributes, two R9R2 armor pieces and four R9R4 pieces.
All pieces are then infused with +2 defense level stones.

Your toon’s attributes can be further increased by obtaining titles. The game offers a big
amount of titles to achieve by completing tasks. Do note that not all titles are currently in the game,
so if you follow a list found on the internet and you come across one that’s not possible to obtain it’s
most likely not implemented yet. The list of titles is much too big to discuss here; you can google for
“PWI titles” and you’ll find an expansive list that tells you exactly what to do to obtain which title.

This list of titles does not tell you about certain advanced titles. If you open your character
menu there’s a button below called “title”. Clicking on it will open your title log; on the left is shown
the increase in attributes that you have amassed so far and on the right is a list of titles you have
obtained. You can choose which one to display next to your toon’s name. On the top of the log is a
button which says “advanced title”. Clicking on that displays a list of advanced titles and the sub titles
needed to achieve an advanced title. If a sub title is greyed then you haven’t gotten that one yet, but
if it’s black then you have. Obtain all sub titles that belong to an advanced title to automatically gain
said advanced title.
Most players spend their hard earned event gold on packs in order to obtain items to sell or
gather specific items such as diamond of tiger or diamond of dragon, which are the base for deity
stones (+2 attack level) and jade of steady defense stones (+2 defense level). There’s a wide range of
packs to open, so which one?

The best pack to open is Demon’s Hidden Treasure. Every pack that you open gives a lucky
coin plus a second item, usually an iceshard coin. You’ll want to gather lucky coins and iceshard coins;
the lucky coins are used to exchange with Assistant Wang Tsai for tokens of luck, card bosses and
other goodies. Iceshard coins are gathered to eventually make a Crown of Madness (there’s a very
slim chance it drops from the pack, so if you are very lucky you might not need to collect all of the
required 50000 iceshard coins). Next to the coins the DHT drops plenty of other useful things, such as
cube of fate stamps or scripts of fate or scrolls of tome or diamond of tiger/dragon or
yaksha/battlement stones etc.

Guild base
Our guild has its own base, which can be accessed via the faction base manager Zeen in east
Archosaur. Once inside you’re in the Hall of Loyalty and you’ll see four branches running north, east,
west and south. These branches lead to other parts of the base. In the middle of the Hall of Loyalty
stands a monolith, which offers a bunch of daily quests to do. Completing these quests increases
your guild merit, gives faction contribution points and certain faction base materials. Talk to the
faction manager NPC in the hall of loyalty to donate your faction contribution points and faction base
materials. Build your guild merit to get access to faction base goodies.

Territorial War
The main map of Perfect World is divided into a bunch of territories, which can be viewed by
bringing up the map and clicking on “territories” in the bottom right corner. These territories can be
attacked by guilds in the weekends. In order to attack a territory the guild leader will have to bid on
said territory during a specific period on Wednesday, and hope he or she will not be out bid by
another guild. Once the bidding period closes and the guild’s bid still stands it is registered in the
system and given a time slot on either Saturday or Sunday. At the given time the guild will be granted
the opportunity to attack the territory that it has won the bid on. If a territory is blank then the guild
will only fight mobs; killing all the mobs wins the fight. If a territory is held by another guild then it’s
a PvP fight against that guild. The fight is only won by the attacking guild if the crystal in the
defending guild’s base is destroyed. The defending guild can win by either destroying the crystal in
the attacking guild’s base or defending its own crystal successfully for three hours. Any guild can send
at most 80 people to a TW; if the opposing faction does the same then you have a mass PvP fight of
80 vs 80 that is sure to thrill.

Nation War
Nation War (NW) is a weekly event that happens on Friday and Sunday. At 20:15 an NPC will
appear in every major city, called Overseer Aeban. His arrival is announced via system chat. Talk to
him to register your participation in NW and enter solo. Once you enter you’ll be assigned to one of
two nations, you can squad up with others and your objective is to conquer as many territories as
possible. This you can do by traveling to a territory in which a fight is ongoing and help there to give
your nation a victory and claim/defend that territory, or you can travel to a territory in which no fight
currently takes place. Doing so you’ll be asked if you want to start a battle. You can only travel to
territories that either belong to your nation or are bordering territories held by your nation.

NW rewards all combatants with supply tokens, which can be exchanged for a lot of useful
items at the forges in north archosaur.

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