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Rubric For Resume And Cover Letter

Are you on the quest for that dream job, but your resume and cover letter seem to be missing the
mark? Crafting a compelling resume and cover letter is crucial in making a lasting impression on
potential employers. To help you navigate through the intricacies of this process, we present to you a
comprehensive rubric that serves as a guide for creating impactful resumes and cover letters.

I. Resume Evaluation Criteria:

1. Formatting and Layout:

Professional appearance
Clear and concise structure
Easy-to-read font and font size
2. Contact Information:

Accurate and up-to-date

Includes essential details: full name, phone number, email, LinkedIn profile (if
3. Summary/Objective:

Engaging introduction
Clearly states career goals or professional summary
4. Skills:

Relevant to the job applied for

Well-organized and easy to locate
5. Work Experience:

Chronological order
Descriptive bullet points outlining achievements and responsibilities
Quantifiable achievements and results
6. Education:

Accurate details about academic achievements

Includes relevant coursework or honors
7. Additional Sections:

Optional sections like certifications, languages, or volunteer experience

Adds value to the resume

II. Cover Letter Evaluation Criteria:

1. Header:

Includes the sender's and recipient's information

Date and professional salutation
2. Opening Paragraph:

Concise introduction
Clearly states the purpose of the letter
3. Body Paragraphs:

Addresses specific qualifications and experiences

Demonstrates knowledge of the company and position
4. Closing Paragraph:

Expresses gratitude for considering the application

Includes a call-to-action or expression of interest in further discussion
5. Professional Tone:

Polite and formal language

Avoids unnecessary jargon or slang
6. Customization:

Tailored to the specific job and company

Reflects genuine interest in the position

III. Overall Impression:

1. Consistency:

Alignment of information between the resume and cover letter

Consistent use of formatting and style
2. Clarity and Readability:

Easy to understand
Uses action verbs and concise language
3. Grammar and Spelling:

Error-free content
Attention to detail in grammar and spelling

By utilizing this comprehensive rubric, you can elevate your resume and cover letter game, increasing
your chances of standing out in a competitive job market. For professional assistance in creating a
standout resume, visit and take the first step towards your dream career.
The rubric will be used to provide structured feedback on how to improve resumes and cover letters.
Traits such as clear purpose, inclusion of all required sections, professional appearance and tone, and
following writing guidelines receive higher scores. The letter thanks the reader for taking time to read
the letter. The wording is creative and catches an employer's attention quickly. The reader is thanked
for taking time to read the letter, but assumes that the employer will contact you to follow up. This
section may be bland and not written to catch the attention to keep an employer reading. For each
element, criteria for 10, 8, 6, and 4 point scores are outlined. You may explain why you are interested
in the position, but are too vague to be intriguing. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The closing is assertive
in describing how you are right for the position and will follow up with the employer. Your skills are
not related to the position for which you are applying, and it is not stated why you are interested in
the position, company, or location directly.
The reader is thanked for taking time to read the letter, but assumes that the employer will contact
you to follow up. The closing is assertive in describing how you are right for the position and will
follow up with the employer. Your skills are not related to the position for which you are applying,
and it is not stated why you are interested in the position, company, or location directly. This section
may be bland and not written to catch the attention to keep an employer reading. The wording is
creative and catches an employer's attention quickly. The rubric will be used to provide structured
feedback on how to improve resumes and cover letters. You may explain why you are interested in
the position, but are too vague to be intriguing. Traits such as clear purpose, inclusion of all required
sections, professional appearance and tone, and following writing guidelines receive higher scores.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. The letter thanks the reader for taking time to read the letter. For each
element, criteria for 10, 8, 6, and 4 point scores are outlined.
The reader is thanked for taking time to read the letter, but assumes that the employer will contact
you to follow up. This section may be bland and not written to catch the attention to keep an
employer reading. The closing is assertive in describing how you are right for the position and will
follow up with the employer. You may explain why you are interested in the position, but are too
vague to be intriguing. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The rubric will be used to provide structured
feedback on how to improve resumes and cover letters. Your skills are not related to the position for
which you are applying, and it is not stated why you are interested in the position, company, or
location directly. For each element, criteria for 10, 8, 6, and 4 point scores are outlined. The letter
thanks the reader for taking time to read the letter. The wording is creative and catches an employer's
attention quickly. Traits such as clear purpose, inclusion of all required sections, professional
appearance and tone, and following writing guidelines receive higher scores.
The wording is creative and catches an employer's attention quickly. The rubric will be used to
provide structured feedback on how to improve resumes and cover letters. You may explain why you
are interested in the position, but are too vague to be intriguing. The reader is thanked for taking time
to read the letter, but assumes that the employer will contact you to follow up. Your skills are not
related to the position for which you are applying, and it is not stated why you are interested in the
position, company, or location directly. This section may be bland and not written to catch the
attention to keep an employer reading. The letter thanks the reader for taking time to read the letter.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. For each element, criteria for 10, 8, 6, and 4 point scores are outlined.
The closing is assertive in describing how you are right for the position and will follow up with the
employer. Traits such as clear purpose, inclusion of all required sections, professional appearance and
tone, and following writing guidelines receive higher scores.
For each element, criteria for 10, 8, 6, and 4 point scores are outlined. Your skills are not related to
the position for which you are applying, and it is not stated why you are interested in the position,
company, or location directly. The letter thanks the reader for taking time to read the letter. The
closing is assertive in describing how you are right for the position and will follow up with the
employer. This section may be bland and not written to catch the attention to keep an employer
reading. The wording is creative and catches an employer's attention quickly. You may explain why
you are interested in the position, but are too vague to be intriguing. The reader is thanked for taking
time to read the letter, but assumes that the employer will contact you to follow up. Traits such as
clear purpose, inclusion of all required sections, professional appearance and tone, and following
writing guidelines receive higher scores. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign
in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The rubric will be used to provide
structured feedback on how to improve resumes and cover letters.
This section may be bland and not written to catch the attention to keep an employer reading. You
may explain why you are interested in the position, but are too vague to be intriguing. The reader is
thanked for taking time to read the letter, but assumes that the employer will contact you to follow
up. The closing is assertive in describing how you are right for the position and will follow up with
the employer. The wording is creative and catches an employer's attention quickly. The letter thanks
the reader for taking time to read the letter. The rubric will be used to provide structured feedback on
how to improve resumes and cover letters. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Traits such as clear purpose,
inclusion of all required sections, professional appearance and tone, and following writing guidelines
receive higher scores. Your skills are not related to the position for which you are applying, and it is
not stated why you are interested in the position, company, or location directly. For each element,
criteria for 10, 8, 6, and 4 point scores are outlined.

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