Process Improvement Manager

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Continuous Improvement Manager

As a Continuous Improvement Manager your role will be to define & document

improvements and implement operational optimisation initiatives across Endeavour Group’s
Last Mile operation.

In this role you will work closely with multiple cross-functional teams, including Endeavour
Delivery, Tech, Finance and Customer Service, to refine our processes and accelerate best
practices across Endeavour.

You will monitor the progress of these initiatives and report any risks to Senior Management
while maintaining highest quality standards. You will build strong relationships with various
stakeholders based on trust to ensure sustainable implementation across the network.

Sound good? Read on.

Here is a taster of what you can expect in this role:

 You will lead the design, development and implementation of business improvement
solutions with the main focus being reducing delivery delays, improving operational
efficiency and improving delivery customer ETA certainty.
 You will use existing project governance to enable transparent and efficient initiative
 You will successfully integrate people & technology based on best practice order
fulfilment processes while adhering to relevant safety standards
 You have excellent communication skills to lead the change management plan and
create effective project communication plans
 You will demonstrate your strong problem solving skills supporting our teams to
identify and implement operational improvements and standards uniformly across all
our teams
 You will work closely with the project leaders of other streams to ensure
interdependencies are understood and any challenges addressed
 You will take learnings and successes from the proof of concept (POC) phase and
implement and scale them into the broader business.
 You will lead continuous improvement in conjunction with peers and the wider Supply
Chain team
Business Systems and Improvements Manager
My client is a leading manufacturer who are continuously investing across their site to deliver
excellent results. The business is now committed to undergoing a significant transformation
phase and as such are looking for someone to lead all initiatives and opportunities related to
continuous improvement across this complex manufacturing site.

The Role

Reporting into the GM of Operations, your responsibilities will include;

 Implement and manage continuous improvement principals by highlighting

deficiencies and recommending changes in training, working practices and processes.
 Leading and facilitating improvement projects which will create efficiencies and
reduce waste across the plant.
 Working intimately with production, maintenance and quality to implement continuous
improvement initiatives.
 Drive performance output with a continuous focus on glidepath actual to plan.
 Exceptional problem-solving abilities for requirements analysis.
 Effective communication for balancing individual needs and organisational goals.
 Lead process improvement activities that add value, efficiency and innovation,
eliminate waste and duplication.
 Develop and implement templates, tools and resources for increasing Procurement
capability and best practice frameworks and tools
 Balance process efficiency and outcomes by utilizing a process improvement mindset.
 Work to optimise our instance of Jaggaer.
 Develop, implement, own and maintain the process and systems required through the
Foodbuy Procurement framework process including but not limited to contract
management framework, spend visibility, risk management

Process Improvement and Integration Manager

 Lead process improvement initiatives, driving strategic change and overcoming
obstacles to achieve desired outcomes.
 Collaborate closely with senior management to align improvement projects with
organizational goals and accreditation standards.
 Provide leadership and support to the Quality, Risk, Compliance, and Clinical Safety
team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
 Analyse business process efficiency and identify opportunities for digital migration,
enhancing operational effectiveness.
 Hold accountability for process systems and oversee budget management within the
Data Flow Diagrams
Gane & Sarson explained

As-Is, To-Be, and Business Process Improvement

Process Mapping

BPMN Process Map
Transcript As-Is, To-Be, and Business Process Improvement
If I’m just going to change them why do I need to think about it why do we need to analyse it well
here's the reason why first of all you can't get to your future state without understanding where
you are today you really do need to understand what you're doing today what's working well those
things that you know you want to retain and build on and also the things that aren't working well
those targeted areas that you want to improve if you don't go through that exercise you're not
going to be able to define a clear process improvement and technology roadmap to get there now
don't get me wrong you don't want to over analyse your current state you don't want to get down
to the transactional level of which buttons you push what fields you enter that's way too much
detail but you can do an end-to-end business process that looks at how you're using technologies
today what the processes look like what people's roles and responsibilities are and really assess
the current state within that context Business Process Mining now one of the tools we use at third
stage is something called business process mining business process mining is a fantastic way to
really understand your current state and not just in terms of the qualitative conversation around
what processes are working and what's not but more of a quantitative discussion around these are
the actual metrics around how our business processes are flowing how long it takes for an end-to-
end process on average to be completed where the steps are breaking down where the variations
are happening where the exceptions are and really paints a visual picture a literal visual picture of
how your business processes work today and so business process mining is a great example of a
tool you can use to really understand the lay of the land the landscape of where you are today so
that you can define a future state based on where you are today what's working well what's not
working well and what you could improve for the future [Music] Defining Potential Improvements
now as part of this exercise of understanding your current state you're inevitably going to identify
ways that you might potentially improve your business processes so you're going to identify the
bottlenecks the pain points the inefficiencies the manual entry of data the rework the quality
issues along the way all those things are things that are going to come to the surface as you assess
and evaluate your current state business processes you're also going to identify those things that
are working really well these things we do well and these are key parts of our business model and
key aspects of our operating model that we know we want to retain and they're sort of deal
breakers in that if we don't address these areas and retain this stuff within our operating model
that's going to be a problem so that's why the current state is important and that's why the
current state really enables you to identify what those future state potential improvements are
now another common exercise that happens within defining your future state improvements is
that you identify variations in your business processes so if you've grown through organic growth
throughout the world and or you've grown through acquisitions or other sorts of growth as an
organization you've probably ended up with a bunch of business processes that look very different
in many cases so part of the business process improvement exercise is designed to identify ways
that you might create more of a common operating model common standardized processes not
that you have to do it for your entire organization for all functions and all processes but there
might be certain ones that you decide these are low-hanging fruits or areas that we know we want
to improve and standardize and create more of a common business process for our organization so
that's another thing to look for and then on the flip side you also want to look at areas that you
know you want to retain a certain amount of flexibility decentralization localization whatever it
may be there's typically not a one-size-fits-all answer for an entire organization so you want to
make sure that you identify what it is you want those business process improvements to be that
make the most sense for you and your future state Defining the Future State [Music] now once
you've done everything I’ve talked about so far now you're ready to define what is that future
state you've looked at your current state you've identified the things that are working well the
pain points the bottlenecks the inefficiencies the manual processes you've identified opportunities
for improvement things you might want to standardize or things you know you might want to
localize so now it's time to define what is that future state what does that business process look
like what are those end-to-end process flows going to look like and that's really sort of the
capstone in this entire exercise is starting with your current state your as is processes and evolving
iteratively to the point where you're now at your future state 2b processes and this should not
only look at what your business processes are going to be but what are the roles and
responsibilities within your future state because ultimately that's going to drive your
organizational change management plan and also another benefit of defining your future state is
that you end up with a solid set of requirements that will help you define evaluate and select the
best technologies for your organization and those same requirements will also become the
foundation for how you deploy the technology so the work you do up front on business process
definition of your future state is not only going to help you select the right software but it's going
to help you make sure that you deploy the software in a way that enables those process
improvements the final thing I’ll mention is that future state also helps you with your change
management plan it helps you identify where the gaps are between where you are today in your
current state where you're going with your future state and who's affected by that how they're
affected how jobs roles and responsibilities are going to change so defining your future to be state
is a critical input into your overall organizational change management strategy as well [Music]
Getting Started and More Tips now to get started on this whole journey of defining your as is in
your 2b you want to make sure you leverage some tools that might be your disposal first of all the
question often comes up of how do we start with our as is state you can certainly start with a clean
slate whiteboard sit in the conference room and talk about how your business processes look and
how the process starts where it finishes and where the breakdowns are but there's other tools at
your disposal that might help I already talked about the concept of business process mining the
software that will help you draw out of your current systems where the processes are broken
where the opportunities for improvement are where the variations are but you also have other
tools like for example apqc is a non-profit organization if you go to they're an
organization that provides a technology agnostic business process framework for a number of
different industries and a number of different functions and that business process framework can
be a great way to start with something that you can throw darts at so you can say for example
what's our procure to pay process let's start with the straw man a starting point of what a typical
procure to pay process looks like and let's talk about how our processes look within that context
that can be a great tool if you're a member of apqc and that's something that we use within our
consulting offering for our clients the other thing to think about is who are the stakeholders that
are going to be involved in helping us define or as isn't 2b you want to make sure that you have
key stakeholders such as mid-level management as well as front-line employees that are involved
in these processes and unfortunately you probably can't include every single person within your
organization but you want to make sure you have a good cross-functional representation on your
process team that can help you define those as is future state business processes and business
requirements and then finally another thing to keep in mind is that you don't want to over analyse
your business processes certainly your current state is something you don't want to spend a lot of
time over analysing even your future state you do want to define it to the point where it does
depend on what technology you use and then you want to stop until you've picked this technology
and then you go to deploy it so in other words if you think of a very high level business process up
here and then a super granular detailed transactional process down here you want to end up
somewhere in the middle early in your project so if you get to the point where you're bumping up
against the point where it really depends on what technology you're using and how you deploy it
that's where you stop and say we're going to get to the rest of the details after we start to deploy
technology but you want to get to that level of detail as part of your evaluation and business
planning perspective so that you can then pick the technology develop a clear strategy for how to
deploy the technology and then create the additional details from there so I hope this has
provided some additional context for how to address business processes both the as is and the 2b
aspects of business processes.

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