Work-Life Balance Blog

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Work-Life Balance

Work-Life or Life-Work balance begins before “work and life” becomes all-consuming. Our actions and behaviors
today, dictate the reality of tomorrow. The implications of yesterday are taking structure today and correcting the
magnetic force becomes increasingly difficult as days, weeks, months, and years progress. As a frog in water, if we
do not act once the water starts to heat up and becomes uncomfortable, then we are doomed to bare the pain
and frustration associated with boiling water or situations. Identifying an issue, crafting a solution, and taking
action are mandatory for success in all things, including work-life balance. Sometimes blame is misplaced and a
child or significant other becomes the brunt of frustration, or a co-worker/subordinate, or even the daily news
story/scapegoat, but the core of the issue stems from an unknown source which sometimes is the self. An
individual needs to meditate, self-examine, reassess choices, and implement a plan to change reality. It is difficult
to admit that a mistake was made and take ownership, but that is what successful people do when the chips are
down and life becomes chaotic. Cognitive dissonance is an enemy of the state-of-being, and we need to
consciously overcome the instinct to flee or avoid, but confront truth, accept reality, and take action to achieve
our goals.

Our current state of being can be altered over a period of time with constant effort and dedication to positive
change. Humanity in its current state expects change to happen this second due to technological influences, and
one week is too long for anything, but evolution of change takes decades and centuries. Change is layered
overtime, similar to clutter in the house; one day, the house is immaculate, but life gets busy and time passes in a
blink, and then you notice crumbs are all over counters and floors, bathroom is dirty, furniture is dusty, dishes
overflowing, grass needs to be cut, kids toys everywhere, and so on. Life requires consistent attention and
maintenance because the weeds will continue to grow until the house is consumed. A metaphor for life because
there are patterns to existence and understanding the pattern before they begin and implementing a strategy to
change course ahead of schedule is the best recipe for success. Is it is easier to jump in a deep hole and use a rope
to climb out or never jump in the hole in the first place?

Life usually includes family and extracurricular activities such as managing a household while working full-time
which can be extraordinary difficult if systems, processes, and procedures are not structured. However, if planned
appropriately, in advance, life can be experienced in one seamless flow of evolution. Achieving space and time
balance is one of the greatest challenges for many individuals because life does not come with clear and universal
instructions and we each have to figure out our path. Strategies are usually repeated from parent to child unless
the child pivots and gains knowledge and guidance from other sources. However, if a parent was unsuccessful in
work-life balance, then chances are that low-quality strategies and unconscious behaviors are transferred
throughout generations through encoding (DNA) and mirror neurons. Humans tend to absorb behaviors from
persons, places, and things where they have the greatest exposure and invest the most time. If you want to be a
rocket scientist, follow every move of an established rocket scientist and you too will one day be a rocket scientist,
for example.

Perpetual daily maintenance, goals, and strategies are required to create a consistent and positive structure.
Proactive communications with loved ones and setting expectations based on SMART goals (Specific,
Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) are essential for a safe, trusting, and healthy environment.
A happy family and well behaved children that respect their parents create a Zen environment of peace and
tranquility or a positive feedback loop where everyone becomes energized by each other. A calm and
collaborative space with proper communication allows for expansive thinking, understanding, awareness, and
proper actions aligned with destiny and success.

Experts will normally focus on work-life balance from a work perspective, but conformity of thinking generates
the same results in a different package with slightly reworded information. Following the norms equal average
and life is a bell curve where average is nice, but exceptional is luxury. We all desire luxury, but are you willing to
do what it takes to get up and over the mountain of average.

The job is blamed for causing work-life imbalance, but the job did not choose you. We all chose the job we do
through need or availability, whether consciously by our actions or unconsciously through the actions of those we

The choice was conducted from a space and time based on available information and emotional influence. That
selection spawned a new path and consequences as a result of that action. Any advice such as drink tea before
bed or go for a morning run is just a band-aid for a bleeding wound, and used as a device to pacify until the next
outburst. You need to come first because a healthy you contributes towards a healthy family and achieves career
and financial success through your clear-minded choices.

What choices or sometimes spontaneous jump-off-the-cliff and take a chance decisions were made that led to
having a difficult work-life balance? Travel back in time mentally to find the wrong turn or weak link and try to
make a repair. That could be as simple as forgiveness or selling a high-priced item you love.

What does all this have to do with work-life balance? Well, I had to prime you with knowledge and awareness to
ensure that every reader is on the same page since we all do not know the same things and the foundation of a
building is most important or else the entire castle will crumble. Let us now build your castle since we have a
collective foundation.

Did you know where you would be in this very moment of life, 5 years ago? If you say yes, then you can lie to
yourself, but you are not hurting anyone else but yourself. Life is unpredictable and unforeseen which takes
millions of twists and turns, where any moment could be catastrophic or a blessing in disguise. We tend to think
we have a locus of control that spans larger than what really exist similar to objects in the mirror are closer than
they appear.

Okay, this is great information for my young children so I can structure a better life for them because I already
made my choices and I am living out the consequences. What about me? The same amount of energy and choices
that went into creating the existing situation is the same amount of energy that is required to pull through the
situation. Equal sum, energy in and energy out. Matter does not disappear but changes form. From your current
standpoint, remark the starting line, craft your daily, weekly, and monthly strategy and goals. Take the time and
effort to think everything through, visualize the processes, the conversations, and the results. Experience them in
your mind before they happen, identify the outcome and change as needed till the outcome is what you want,
and then take action to make it reality. A house is built, stick by stick, and the end product is what is experienced.
A house can also be remodeled.

Mate selection is a choice based on preference, proximity, and availability. Some are lucky enough to make the
perfect selection; some took a difficult situation and worked hard to make it what they need; others quit on the
process before it started or after some challenging situations; and some are just dealing with a toxic relationship.
Family relationships are critical for work-life balance. If you are not in a happy state of mind in your private space
and there is nothing but chaos or challenges then sleep will become limited, mood will suffer, anxiety increases,
work production decreases, external relationships suffer, and the relationships we have with our most cherished
begin to fade. With lack of sleep, it is difficult to make proper decisions and patience is reduced where negative
feelings are actualized through behavior without a filter and the negative feedback loop enlarges.

To deal with this type of situation, people tend to turn to alcohol or something else to take their mind off reality.
These bad choices are short term relief mechanisms but magnify problems in the long-run. Problems need to be
addressed directly through conversation and negotiation, and then agreement and commitment. Denial is fuel for
a continued path in the wrong direction.

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