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About Plants Worksheets

5 How Plants Feed

Look up the vocabulary words in your dictionary and match them to the definitions below.

carbon dioxide evergreen photosynthesis store

chlorophyll glucose special sunlight

Match the vocabulary to their definition

1 evergreen a plant with leaves throughout the year

2 photosynthesis the process plants use to create food

3 store to keep something to use later

4 carbon dioxide a gas in the air

5 glucose a kind of natural sugar

6 special something that is meaningful

7 chlorophyll the green coloring in leaves

8 sunlight light from the sun

Pre-Reading Questions
Discuss the following questions in small groups.
1 How do plants make food for themselves?

2 What are some parts of that process?

2 Different Plants Reading Comprehension
1 What is the passage mainly about?
a When trees lose their leaves
b How chlorophyll makes leaves green
c How leaves make food for plants

2 What is the energy used for photosynthesis?

a Carbon dioxide
b Sunlight
c Water

3 What is not produced in photosynthesis?

a Soil
b Oxygen
c Glucose

4 Why is chlorophyll important to photosynthesis?

a It makes the leaves green.
b It is in the leaves.
c It collects sunlight.

5 Why do leaves change colors? Because…

a there is less sunlight.
b there is less chlorophyll in the leaves
c they are storing food to use later.

Time: _______ Score: ____ / 10

5 How Plants Feed Follow-Up
Part 1 Vocabulary in Sentences
Fill in the vocabulary to complete the sentences below. Change the words to fit the sentence.

carbon dioxide evergreen photosynthesis store

chlorophyll glucose special sunlight

1. Plants feed on glucose, which is a form of sugar. This is why there is a sweetness to lots if
2. The process of photosynthesis involves lots of things. Water from the soil and oxygen from
the air converted into food for the plants. All of this is powered by sunlight.
3. Christmas trees are a kind of evergreen tree that remain full of color even in winter.
4. Trees will lose their leaves after the chlorophyll inside the leaves breaks down, which
changes the color of the leaves.

Part 2 Sentence Patterns

Identify the sentence patterns for each sentence, and write the sentence base.

1. Plants use sunlight (to make food (from carbon dioxide and water)).

2. (During photosynthesis), plants also produce oxygen.

3. Photosynthesis happens (in leaves).

4. Chlorophyll is the green part (of leaves).

5. (In fall), they start (to use their stored food). Infinitive object *not on this test

6. No leaves are (on most trees) (by winter).

Pattern Subject Verb OC/

1 SVO Plants use sunlight
2 SVO plants produce oxygen
3 SV Photosynthesis happens /
4 SVC Chlorophyll is part
5 SVO they start to use their stored food

6 SVA leaves are /

Part 3 Look at the word or phrase in ( ) Write the kind of information it answers: What kind of,
which, how many, how much, whose.

Whose food
Plants can make ( their ) own food!
Which some
They can store some ( of the food ).
How many trees
By winter, there are no leaves on ( most ) trees.

Part 4 I Look at the word or phrase in ( ) Write the kind of information it answers: Where,
When, How, To What Extent, Why.

Why Plants need food ( to grow ).

How Plants use sunlight ( to make food from carbon dioxide and

Where Photosynthesis happens ( in leaves ).
when ( In fall, ) they start to use the food that they stored.

Part 5 Identify Prepositional phrases, Infinities, and Gerunds by putting ( ) around them.
Underline them if they are subjects, and wavy underline them if they are objects.

1. Plants get carbon dioxide (from the air), and water (from the soil).

2. (During photosynthesis), plants also produce oxygen.

3. (In summer), plants make lots (of food).

4. The leaves change (to yellow, orange, or red).

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