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1 Ethics

LECTURE 1 - Either these standards are not

necessarily linked to morality or by
Ethics, is derived from the Greek word
nature lack ethical sense.
“Ethikos” meaning, character.
Examples of non-moral standards are:
- A branch of Philosophy that deals with the
principles of conduct of an individual or  Standards of etiquette by which we
group. judge manners as good or bad,
- Works as a guiding principle as to decide  Standards we call the law by which we
what is good or bad. They are the standards judge something as legal or illegal, and
which govern the life of a person.  Standards of aesthetics by which we
- Defines the character of an individual. judge art as good or rubbish.
- Related to right or wrong conduct of an
individual in a particular situation 3. Amoral, or "without morals," is defined
Some ethical principles: as "having or demonstrating no care
about whether an action is morally right
 Truthfulness or wrong.“
 Honesty - Amoral means "being neither moral nor
 Loyalty immoral,"
 Respect - A morally indifferent person doesn’t have a
 Fairness conscience to act against it.
 Integrity Here are some example:
BASIC CONCEPTS OF ETHICS  Infants could be said to be amoral since
1. Moral: is derived from the Greek word they have not yet developed the brain
“Mos” meaning, custom. capacity to understand right and wrong.
- Morals are the social, cultural, and  Some extreme sociopaths are also
religious beliefs or values of an individual amoral, since they lack a conscience as
or group which tells us what is right and a result of a cognitive disorder.
- Morality is not fixed because it describes 4. Immoral is something that is evil or
the particular values of a specific group at wrong. It means failing to adhere to
a specific point in time. moral standards.
- Immoral describes a person or behavior that
Some ethical principles: conscientiously goes against accepted
 Do not cheat morals—that is, the proper ideas and beliefs
 Be loyal about how to behave in a way that is
 Be patient considered right and good by the majority of
 Always tell the truth
- A person who does an immoral
 Be generous
acts has acted against his/her
conscience/moral code.
2. Non-Moral standards refer to standards
by which we judge what is good or bad Here are some examples:
and right or wrong in a non-moral way.
- Non-moral standards refer to rules that  Stealing someone’s car.
are unrelated to moral or ethical  Cheating on one’s spouse
considerations.  Killing a person
2 Ethics

values ought to be considered in the

5. Unmoral refers to those having no moral process of making laws.
perception.  Moral standards have the trait of
- It refers to something to which right and universality [Universal]: it means that
wrong are not applicable, such as animals, everyone should live up to moral
forces of nature, and machines. standards. To be more precise, however,
it requires that moral principles be
Here is an example:
applicable to everyone who is in a
 Typhoons/tropical storms are unmoral, circumstance that is relevantly
since they are formed by unconscious comparable. This characteristic is
natural processes that exist outside the exemplified in the Golden Rule, “Do
bounds of morality. unto others what you would them do
unto you (if you were in their shoes)”
LECTURE 2 and in the formal Principle of Justice,
CHARACTERISTICS OF MORAL “It cannot be right for A to treat B in a
STANDARDS manner in which it would be wrong for
B to treat A, merely on the ground that
 Moral standards involve serious they are two different individuals, and
wrongs or significant benefits. without there being any difference
[Serious Impact]: It means moral between the natures or circumstances of
standards deal with matters which can the two which can be stated as a
seriously impact, that is, injure or reasonable ground for difference of
benefit human beings. treatment.” It is an extension of the
 Moral standards ought to be Principle of Consistency, that is, one
preferred to other values. [Ought to ought to be consistent about one’s value
be preferred]: It means moral judgments.
standards have overriding character or  Moral standards are based on
hegemonic authority. If a moral impartial considerations.
standard states that a person has the [Impartiality]: It means, moral
moral obligation to do something, then standard does not evaluate standards on
he/she is supposed to do that even if it the basis of the interests of a certain
conflicts with other non-moral person or group, but one that goes
standards, and even with self-interest. beyond personal interests to a universal
 Moral standards are not established standpoint in which each person’s
by authority figures [Adequate interests are impartially counted as
reason]: Moral standards are not equal. Impartiality is usually depicted as
invented, formed, or generated by being free of bias or prejudice.
authoritative bodies or persons such as Impartiality in morality requires that we
nations’ legislative bodies. In principle give equal and/or adequate
therefore, moral standards cannot be consideration to the interests of all
changed nor nullified by the decisions concerned parties.
of particular authoritative body. One  Moral standards are associated with
thing about these standards, special emotions and vocabulary.
nonetheless, is that its validity lies on [Special Emotions/Vocabulary]:
the soundness or adequacy of the
reasons that are considered to support Prescriptivity indicates the practical or action-
and justify them. Ideally instead, these guiding nature of moral standards. These moral
3 Ethics

standards are generally put forth as injunction theoretical paradigms. Usually

or imperatives (such as, ‘Do not kill,’ ‘Do no encompasses multi-sectoral institutions
unnecessary harm,’ and ‘Love your neighbor’). and organizations
These principles are proposed for use, to advise,
Example: The prices of medicine in the
and to influence to action.
Philippines which are higher compared to other
Retroactively, this feature is used to evaluate countries in Asia and in countries of similar
behavior to assign praise and blame, and to economic status. Factors affecting medicine
produce feelings of satisfaction or of guilt. prices include the cost of research, presence of
competition in the market, government
regulations, and patent protection.
Dilemma: refers to a situation in which a tough
choice has to be made between two or more
options, especially more or less equally 1. Golden rule: it requires that an agent
undesirable ones. Not all dilemmas are moral should take moral action through which
dilemmas. he/she will treat others in the way he/she
would like to be treated himself/herself.
Moral Dilemma: also called ‘ethical dilemmas,’
2. Rule on Consequences or Outcome: it
moral dilemmas are situations in which a
requires that everybody should consider
difficult choice has to be made between two
the outcome of the action if it will
courses of action, either of which entails
benefit or harm the
transgressing a moral principle.
:Moral dilemmas involve conflicts between 3. Rule of the Categorical Imperative: it
moral requirements. Takes place in a decision- requires that everybody behaves in the
making context where any of the available same way and express the universalism
options requires the agent to violate or in behavior
compromise on their ethical standards. 4. Rule of Duty: It requires that an agent
has to fulfill its moral obligations
CLASSIFICATIONS OF DILEMMA (accuracy, gratitude, justice, charity,
 Personal: are those experienced and self-esteem and not hurting others)
resolved on the personal level. 5. Rule of the maximum Justice: it requires
that an agent has to ensure equal rights
Example: A husband choosing between his and freedom to everybody, except in the
pregnant wife with cancer and his child inside cases of the social and economic
the womb. inequality
 Organizational: ethical cases 6. Rule of Proportionality: It requires that
encountered and resolved by social an agent does not want, does not allow
organizations. This category includes and does not harm the others without
moral dilemmas in business, medical proper reasons.
field, and public sector. STRATEGIES ON SOLVING MORAL
Example: Public sector government leaders DILEMMA
and employees have a moral duty to act in a 1. 5 P’s Strategies (Problems,
manner that is fair and unbiased. Possibilities, People, Principles and
 Structural: It pertains to cases involving Priorities)
2. RIMS Strategies (Rational Interaction
network of institutions and operative
for Moral Sensitivity strategy)
4 Ethics

3. Method’s based strategies :Is the ability to act free from outside
influences or the independence from the
impediments of one’s own wishes
: is the willful act and decision that give form
Ethics works as a guiding principle as to decide and shape to the actions and inclinations of
what is good or bad. They are the standards people
which govern the life of a person.
:Free human acts are governed by knowledge,
FREEDOM AND LIMITATION discernment, reflections and are freely
decided such that they are not determined by
Human limitations, whether physical, internal or external forces
cognitive, or can restrict one's freedom.
Without limitations, the concept of freedom CHARACTERISTICS OF FREEDOM
loses its meaning. For instance, a society with
 Freedom is a gift – is the ability to act
no rules or constraints could descend into
significantly- achieve our full potential.
 Freedom is Complementary to Reason –
both are necessary faculties for
consciously making sense of things.
 Freedom is Absolute – humans have
Basically, morality is a question of choice. higher kind of freedom
Morality, practically, is choosing ethical codes,
The good use of freedom guarantees man the
values, or standards to guide us in our daily
affirmation of his better self (excellence) and
the achievement of the purpose and meaning of
The personal aspect of morality is about the life.
development of virtues:
The abuse of freedom is the origin of man’s
 To think morally: where individuals guilty conduct.
engage in moral
Unbalanced freedom (freedom of
 To act morally: acting morally is the
indifference/license) is dangerous especially
practical application of ethical thinking.
when it controls a social group.
It involves translating one's moral
beliefs and values into actions that align Authentic Freedom is not “the right to say and
with those beliefs. do anything,” but to “act on the four basic
 To choose to do what is good: ethical principles: being true, good, just and
Choosing to do what is good implies loving.”
making choices that are not only
beneficial to oneself but also contribute Responsibility: taken from two words:
positively to the well-being of others Response and Ability. It means, one is able to
and society as a whole. respond in a situation with morally sound
decision (full knowledge of moral laws) It
Freedom: is the power to choose between two means, a person has a moral, legal, mental or
or more courses of action without being forced psychological and emotional accountability or
to take one or the other by anything except our culpability
own will.
5 Ethics

LECTURE 5 - Moral character traits are those

dispositions of character for which a
person is deserving of a positive reactive
Instincts are what functions to animals such as attitude, such as praise or gratitude, is a
a pack of wolves that need to survive, suicide virtue.
attacks of worker honeybees that protect the - On the other hand, a vice is a moral
colony from intruders, and when chimpanzees character trait for which the agent is
scratch each other’s back as an deserving of negative reactive attitude,
such as resentment or blame.
Rationality is a concept of decision-making - A good moral character is practically a
when people act on their best to attain their disposition to do virtuous acts.
needs, preferences, priorities, and principles. - Oppositely, a bad moral character is, in
We are free to act. effect, a disposition to do malicious
Thus: deeds.

o Only human beings are rational, VIRTUE-A HABIT FOR HUMAN BEING
autonomous, and self-conscious Virtue: “arete” in Greek means Excellence in
o Only human beings can act morally or Greek thought is how a thing/being fulfills its
immorally function in accordance with its nature
o Only human beings are part of the moral
community - is a state of character which makes a person
o Only beings capable of ethics because of good and capable of fulfilling his/her end
free moral judgment. (telos)
- as character, it emphasizes a certain
The term “character” is derived from the Greek consistency or constancy in facing
word “charakter”, which was initially used as a different situations (mesotes, it is a mean
mark impressed upon a coin. The word between excess and difficiencies)
character gives a distinct mark by which one - is a result of one’s character that is the
thing was distinguished from others, and then result of choice (governed by prudence or
primarily to mean the collection of qualities that practical wisdom- phronesis)
distinguish one person to another.
Virtuous: means to exhibit one’s capacity to
Moral character: refers to the existence or lack fulfill one’s essence or purpose in such a way
of virtues such as integrity, courage, strength, that one’s potentiality as a particular being may
honesty, and loyalty. be said to be actualized in the most excellent
- The moral character traits that constitute way.
a person’s moral character are A VIRTUOUS HUMAN BEING
characteristically understood as
behavioral and affective dispositions. Intellectual: has to do in harnessing reason’s
- Moral character, in philosophical sense, contemplative/reflective activity for arriving at
refers to having or lacking moral virtue. knowledge.
- If one lacks virtue, he/she may have any
- Its existence and development arises from
of the moral vices, or he/she may be
marked by condition somewhere in
- Excellence of thought
between virtue and vice, such as
continence or incontinence.
6 Ethics

Moral: has to do with excellence in the right and wrong primarily in terms of
performance of decisions relating to moral and consequences to themselves.
practical activity
Level 2 – Conventional morality
- Excellence of character
- It arises from habitual practice (ethos)
 Stage 3. Good Interpersonal

All persons have the latent potentiality to People make desicions based on what actions
will please others, especially authority figures
develop moral virtues, only if they habitually do
and other individuals with high status. They
excellent deeds. The role of practice and habit
concerned about maintaining relationships
is necessary in developing moral virtue. It is
through sharing trust, and loyalty, and they take
only by practice that we come to know that we
other people’s perspective and intention to
truly know how to do something
account when making decisions.
We become morally virtuous by doing morally
virtuous. We become just by doing just acts. We  Stage 4. Maintaining the Social Order
become temperate by doing temperate acts We People look to society as a whole for guidelines
become courageous by doing courageous acts. about right or wrong. They know rules are
SIX STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT necessary for keeping society running smoothly
and believe it is their “duty” to obey them.
The American psychologist Lawrence However, they perceive rules to be inflexible;
Kohlberg (1927-1987) is best known for his they don’t necessarily recognize that as
theory of stages of moral development. society’s needs change, rules should change as
In principle, he agreed with the Swiss clinical
psychologist Jean Piaget’s (1896-1980) theory Level 3 – Post-conventional morality
of moral development but wanted to develop
his ideas further.  Stage 5. Social Contract and Individual
Level 1 – Pre-conventional morality: Seen in
preschool children, most elementary school People recognize that rules represent
students, some junior high school students, and agreements among many individuals about
a new high school students appropriate behavior. Rules are seen as
potentially useful mechanisms that can
 Stage 1. Obedience and Punishment maintain the general social order and protect
Orientation individual rights, rather than as absolute
dictates that must be obeyed simply because
People make decisions based on what is best for
they are “the law.” People also recognize the
themselves, without regard for other’s needs or
flexibility of rules; rules that no longer serve
feelings. They obey rules only if established by
society’s best interests can and should be
more powerful individuals; they may disobey if
they aren’t likely to get caught. “Wrong”
behaviors are those that will be punished.  Stage 6. Universal Principles
 Stage 2. Individualism and Exchange Stage 6 is a hypothetical. “ideal” stage that few
people ever reach. People in this stage adhere to
People recognize that. Bothers also have need.
a few abstract, universal principles (e.g.,
They may try to satisfy other’s needs if their
equality of all people, respect for human
own need are also met (“you scratch my back,
dignity, commitment to justice) that transcend
I’ll scratch yours”). They continue to define
specific norms and rules. They answer to a
7 Ethics

strong inner conscience and willingly disobey

laws that violate their own ethical principles.
Stage 1 (1-5 yrs. old): Respect for power and FAIRLY
punishment In this level, to be right, one ought
In this stage, rare people have evaluated many
to be obedient to the people in power and, thus,
values and have rationally chosen a philosophy
avoid punishment.
of life that truly guides their life. Individuals
Motto: “Might makes right” judiciously elect fundamental principle to
follow, such as caring for and respecting every
Stage 2 (5-10 yrs. old): Looking out for #1
living thing, feeling that people are all equal
Instead of loyalty, gratitude, or justice, the case
and thus deserve equal opportunities.
is more a matter of “you scratch my back and
conscience-based moral decisions.
I’ll scratch yours.”
Motto: subscribing to the Golden Rule or act on
Motto: “What’s in it for me?”
my own
Stage 3 (Age 8-16 yrs. old): “GOOD BOY” or
“NICE GIRL” They seek approval and thus
conform to someone else’s expectations. When
charged of doing something wrong, their
behavior is likely to be justified by stating
“everyone else is doing it” or “I didn’t intend to
hurt anyone.”
The motto here: “I want to be nice.”
Stage 4 (Age 16 and older): LAW AND
In this stage, individuals believe that everyone
breaking the rules deserves to be punished and
“pay his/her debt to society.”
The motto here is: “I’ll do my duty.”
In this stage, people understand the underlying Culture describes a collective way of life, or
moral purposes that are supposed to be served way of doing things. It is the sum of attitudes,
by the laws and social customs. It is said that values, goals, and practices shared by
only about 20-25% of today’s adults ever reach individuals in a group, organization, or society.
this stage and most of those that do supposedly
It varies over time periods, between countries
only get there after their mid-twenties.
and geographic regions, and among groups and
The motto here: “I’ll live by rules or try to organizations.
change them”.
8 Ethics

It reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and the members of that society or group; and so
standards that speak to how people should profoundly affects the thoughts, actions, and
behave and interact with others. feelings of people in that group that individuals
are a product of their culture" and "learning a
Culture describes a collective way of life, or
culture is an essential part of human
way of doing things. It is the sum of attitudes,
values, goals, and practices shared by
individuals in a group, organization, or society. CULTURAL RELATIVISM
Culture includes all the things individuals learn Since interpretations of what is moral are
while growing up among particular group: influenced by cultural norms, the possibility
attitudes, standards of morality, rules of exists that what is ethical to one group will not
etiquette, perceptions of reality, language, be considered so by someone living in a
notions about the proper way to live, beliefs different culture.
about how females and males should interact,
Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a
ideas about how the world works and so forth.
culture on its own terms and not to make
CULTURAL NORMS judgments using the standards of one’s own
Cultural norms are the shared, sanctioned, and
integrated systems of beliefs and practices that Descriptive ethical Descriptive ethical
are passed down through generations and relativism relativism
characterize a cultural group. Normative ethical Normative ethical
relativism relativism
It acts as prescriptions for correct and moral Describes the fact A theory, which
behavior, lend meaning and coherence to life, that in different claims that there are
and provide a means of achieving a sense of cultures one of the no
integrity, safety, and belonging. variants is the sense Universally valid
of morality: the moral principles.
Norms cultivate reliable guidelines for daily mores, customs and
living and contribute to the health and well- ethical principles
being of a culture. may all vary from
Normative beliefs, together with related
culture to another.
cultural values and rituals, impose a sense of
What is thought to be What is thought to be
order and control on aspects of life that might moral in one moral in one
otherwise appear chaotic or unpredictable.
Culture is learned as children grow up in society IMMORAL IN: IMMORAL IN:
and discover how their parents and others Eating Beef India Eating Beef India
around them interpret the world. People learn Drinking alcohol, Drinking alcohol,
moral and aspects of right or wrong from Gambling Middle Gambling Middle
Eastern Islamic Eastern Islamic
transmitters of culture: respective parents,
Countries Countries
teachers, novels, films, and television.
Women in school or Women in school or
Anthropologically speaking: culture-including business Afghanistan business Afghanistan
moral values, beliefs, and behavior-is learned under the Taliban under the Taliban
from other people while growing up in a Women wearing Women wearing
particular society or group; is widely shared by shorts, face shorts, face
9 Ethics

confidence. “Hiya” is one value that

regulates the Filipinos social behavior.
IMMORAL in USA IMMORAL in USA Just as one is very careful not to be
MORAL/acceptabl MORAL/acceptabl subjected to embarrassment or
e IN: e IN:
“mapahiya” one must also make it a
Killing newborn Killing newborn
point NOT to cause another person‟s
females China, India females China, India
embarrassment. Hiya is a controlling
Female genital Female genital
mutilation Many mutilation Many element in the Filipino society. A
African nations African nations person‟s behavior is socially restricted
Family kills a woman Family kills a woman by his sense of “hiya” while public
family family behavior is censured, or approved of, by
hiya. Public ridicule, or to be censured
openly, or to fail to do what is expected
Filipino culture is a mix of both Eastern and of one, is to suffer hiya, a loss of esteem.
Western cultures. The beliefs and traditions of Inversely, if one has not acted
pre-colonial Philippines was mainly indigenous improperly, or continued to behave in a
Malay heritage. Hispanic culture influenced the manner disapproved of by the
natives; the Americans shaped the modern community, it's to be without hiya
Filipino culture. Filipino cultural morality (“walang hiya” - an ultimate insult).
especially that which concerns social ethics, This label automatically results in the
centers on ideally is having a smooth withdrawal of acceptance within one’s
interpersonal relationship (SIR) with others. group, if not the entire community.
VALUES Filipino value of “amor propio” is
derived from the concept of “face.”
1. PAKIKISAMA: Pakikisama is the Although commonly translated as “self-
opposite of individualism. In Filipino repect” or “self-esteem” “amor propio”
culture, a person who has no pakikisama has been “characterized as the high
is a loner, an individualist disdained by degree of sensitivity that makes a person
others who seek his company. He does intolerant concerning to criticism and
not know how to “go with the crowd.” causes him to have an easily wounded
A related word is makibagay, “to pride”. “amor propio” comes from the
conform” with the group in order to person‟s tendency to protect his or her
maintain a Smooth Interpersonal dignity and honor. Because of pride or
Relationship. amor propio, for instance, a person may
2. HIYA: Hiya is describe as feeling of refuse offers even if he she really wants
lowliness, shame or embarrassment and to accept them. “Amor propio” in short
inhibition or shyness which is means ego defensiveness, dignity or
experienced as somewhat distressing. one’s personal pride akin to the
“hiya” is related to the concept of “face” traditional oriental attitude of having
and a concern with how one appears in “face‟.
the eyes of others. “hiya” or “fear of 4. UTANG NA LOOB: obligation and
losing face” encompasses being afraid responsibility are often viewed in terms
to do bad things as it may damage one’s of reciprocity (utang na loob) --
reputation in the sight of other people comprised of debts (utang), and inner-
Too much “hiya‟, may lead to having self-free will (na-loob). It is considered
inferiority complex and losing self-
10 Ethics

an important "accommodative surface instructions from elders and to do so

value," along with hiya (shame) and will lead you to a foolish act.
pakikisama (togetherness). It is one of
the values by which the Filipino
accommodates the demands of the
world around him, as opposed to
confrontative values like "lakas ng
loob" and "pakikibaka". “Utang na
loob” may be invoked by some people
to demand favors from someone, for the
right or wrong reasons. A fundamental
aspect of upholding group harmony and
relationships that demand the balancing
of obligations and debts. The inability to
repay the “utang na loob” usualy makes
a person “walang utang na loob” or
“walang hiya”. To avoid being dubbed
as „walang utangna loob,‟ some
Filipino sometimes do things that may
be bad just to return a received favour.
5. HOSPITALITY: refers to the innate
ability and trait of Filipinos to be
courteous and entertaining to their
guests. Filipinos are hospitable as they
are internationally known to be warm,
welcoming and accommodating. “Tuloy
kayo” is a Filipino warm welcoming
expression that shows kind
accommodations to their visitors.
“Tuloy” means “to go on” or “to enter.”.
Filipinos welcome them and ask them
the following as a thoughtful gesture.
“Umupo ka muna,” “Kain tayo”,
Kumain ka muna”. As Host-it’s a
pleasure for Filipinos to see their guests
feel at home and well accommodated.
Filipinos are generous and hospitable
people especially to their visitors. They
would even go out of their
6. RESPECT FOR ELDERS: this includes
the use of “po‟ and “opo‟ when talking
to elders and “pagmamano‟ or the
putting of the elder’s hand to one’s
forehead. Respect to elders makes one
dependent or irrationally obedient to
parents or elders. Failure to follow

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