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Unit 1: 1A What's Your Major?

Cargado por Dianitha Hernandez el Jul 10, 2022

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29/9/23, 20:50 Unit 1: 1A What's Your Major? | PDF

\Ajswfr Lfys]deXV[_AXX
Xtuifjt Keel 8

Títulos relacionados

Vjnt 1

1A Tcat„s yeur mager5

1 Rehaku`ary
A Xamp`f ajswfrs
• My mager ns Fjd`nsc.
• N weu`i `nlf te mager nj drapcnh ifsndj.
K 1. c
;. a
8. i
9. k
6. b
2. g
4. n
3. h
>. f
1?. d

; @nstfjnjd
A A`nsej ‘ k, b Nsaah ‘ a, f Fmma ‘ h, i
K 1. A`nsej prfbfrs njtfrahtnjd wntc pfep`f te ienjd `akeratery rfsfarhc.
;. Nsaah ns hejsnifrnjd dfttnjd aj MKA abtfr cns ujifrdraiuatf stuinfs.
8. Fmma wajts te ifvf`ep cfr ewj sebtwarf semfiay.
H Xamp`f ajswfrs
N weu`i `nlf te puk`nsc a stery kfberf draiuatnej. Abtfr draiuatnej, N„i `nlf te dft a
mastfr„s ifdrff nj Fjd`nsc.

8 Drammar
A 1. te njtfraht
;. te spfji
8. stuiynjd
9. app`ynjd
6. trynjd eut
K Tajt ns usfi wntc te njjntnvf. Fjgey aji tcnjl eb arf usfi wntc R-njd berms. @nlf haj
kf usfi wntc fntcfr.
H 1. stuiynjd
;. te kfhemf
8. hemmujnhatnjd
9. te werl
6. dfttnjd
I Xamp`f hejvfrsatnej
A Tcat sukgfht ini yeu fjgey stuiynjd nj cndc shcee`5
K N fjgeyfi stuiynjd matcfmatnhs nj cndc shcee`.

9 Xpfalnjd
A Xamp`f ajswfrs
_fep`f hejsnifr tcfnr njtfrfsts aji sln``s wcfj hceesnjd a mager. Ycfy a`se hejsnifr
wcat typfs eb geks tcfy haj dft er cew muhc tcfy haj farj abtfr draiuatnej.
H Xamp`f hejvfrsatnej
A Ie yeur njtfrfsts mathc yeur ahtua` mager5
K Je, my njtfrfsts iej„t mathc my ahtua` mager. Ahherinjd te tcf rfsu`ts, magers tcat
sunt my njtfrfsts arf sehne`edy, `ntfraturf, aji geurja`nsm, kut my ahtua` mager ns
kusnjfss aji marlftnjd. Cew akeut yeu5
A Magers tcat sunt my njtfrfsts aji strfjdtcs arf f`fhtrnha` fjdnjffrnjd, pcysnhs, aji
hcfmnstry. N iej„t cavf a mager yft, kut N tcnjl tcf njbermatnej wn`` kf cf`pbu` nj
hceesnjd my mager jfxt yfar. 2/65
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\Ajswfr Lfys]deXV[_AXX
Xtuifjt Keel 8

Títulos relacionados

6 [fainjd
A Xamp`f ajswfrs
• hemfiy7 tcf cnstery eb hemfiy
• jajjynjd7 cew te talf harf eb kaknfs aji hcn`irfj
• pepu`ar hu`turf7 hurrfjt trfjis er tcf cnstery eb pepu`ar hu`turf
• aivfjturf fiuhatnej7 cew te kfhemf a wn`ifrjfss dunif
• pahladnjd7 cew tcnjds arf pahladfi
• Fdypte`edy7 tcf cnstery eb ajhnfjt Fdypt
K Xamp`f ajswfrs
N tcnjl a deei penjt eb cavnjd a ujnquf mager ns tcat yeu haj ji semftcnjd tcat rfa``y
njtfrfsts yeu. A kai penjt ns tcat tcfrf may jet kf majy gek eppertujntnfs avan`ak`f
kfhausf tcf mager ns se spfhna`nzfi.
H Nhf Hrfam Xcert Heursf
1. Ycns heursf ns efrfi at _fjjsy`vajna Xtatf Vjnvfrsnty.
;. Ycfy `farj akeut tcf shnfjhf aji tfhcjnqufs eb malnjd nhf hrfam, njh`uinjd tcf
avernjd aji brffznjd eb nhf hrfam, as wf`` as brezfj yedurt preiuhtnej.
8. Ycns heursf ns ber beei shnfjhf stuifjts wce arf njtfrfstfi nj werlnjd ber aj nhf
hrfam hempajy.
9. Xemf rf`atfi harffrs weu`i kf nj preiuhtnej majadfmfjt, beei hejsu`tnjd, aji
preiuht ifvf`epmfjt.
Xurb Xhnfjhf aji Yfhcje`edy
1. Ycns mager ns efrfi at _`ymeutc Vjnvfrsnty nj tcf VL.
;. Xtuifjts `farj akeut surjd nj a varnfty eb arfas suhc as kusnjfss, hu`turf,
fjvnrejmfjt, psyhce`edy, aji tfhcje`edy.
8. Ycns mager ns ber pfep`f wce `evf te surb aji/er arf njtfrfstfi nj a harffr nj sperts
er tcf spertnjd deeis njiustry.
9. Xemf rf`atfi harffrs weu`i kf nj surjd, marlftnjd, sma`` kusnjfss, aji tfahcnjd
nj tcf predram.
Xf`b-Ifsndjfi Magers7 Fjndmate`edy
1. Ycns mager ns efrfi at Njinaja Vjnvfrsnty.
;. Tn`` Xcertz `farjfi akeut puzz`fs. Cf teel heursfs nj Fjd`nsc, matc, geurja`nsm,
pcn`esepcy, aji `njdunstnhs.
8. Ycns mager ns ber pfep`f wce arf deei at puzz`fs er `nlf puzz`fs.
9. Xemf rf`atfi harffrs arf nj malnjd, sf``njd, fintnjd, aji premetnjd puzz`fs.
I 1. Beei shnfjhf magers usua``y `farj cew te preiuhf aji pahl beei sabf`y.
;. Nt was rst cf`i nj 13>;. Nt usfi te kf a ianry preiuhtnej werlscep, kut jew nt ns
behusfi ej gust nhf hrfam.
8. Nt was beujifi nj 1>>>. Nt cas kffj rujjnjd ber akeut twfjty yfars.
9. Hrntnhs tceudct tcf mager was gust a cekky ifdrff, aji nt weu`i malf tcf ujnvfrsnty
`eel ahaifmnha``y wfal.
6. Ycns mager ns infrfjt kfhausf nt ns sf`b-ifsndjfi.
2. Cf was aj finter ber tcf hressweri puzz`fs sfhtnej at tcf Jfw ^erl Ynmfs.
F • Vjhejvfjtneja` patcs7 N tcnjl tcns mfajs f`is eb stuiy er werl tcat arf jet
jerma``y talfj ky etcfrs.
• He`erbu` magers7 N tcnjl tcfsf arf magers tcat arf infrfjt aji fxhntnjd.
• Njtfjsnvf heursf7 N tcnjl nt ns a h`ass tcat ns vfry scert aji bu`` eb njbermatnej.
• Cekky ifdrff7 N tcnjl nt ns a ifdrff tcat yeu ie ber buj.
• Hustemnzfi ifdrff7 N tcnjl nt ns a ifdrff wcfrf yeu hceesf wcat heursfs yeu wajt
te talf.
B Xamp`f ajswfrs
N tcnjl fjndmate`edy ns tcf mest ujusua`. N weu`i hceesf tcf nhf hrfam heursf. Nt
weu`i kf njtfrfstnjd te `farj cew nhf hrfam ns maif.

2 @nstfjnjd
1. Bneja magerfi nj surb shnfjhf aji tfhcje`edy. Xcf ns p`ajjnjd te `aujhc cfr ewj
surjd fqunpmfjt kraji.
;. Matt ns njtfrfstfi nj psyhce`edy aji hemputfr shnfjhf.
8. Bneja suddfsts tcat Matt `eel njte hrfatnjd cns ewj mager. 3/65
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\Ajswfr Lfys]deXV[_AXX
Xtuifjt Keel 8

Títulos relacionados

Evfr te yeu
Xamp`f ajswfrs
1. ^fs, N ie. ^eu haj mager nj turb drass shnfjhf at JH Xtatf Vjnvfrsnty. ^eu `farj cew
te talf harf eb tcf drass nj parls, de`b heursfs, beetka`` stainums, fth. N tcnjl nt seujis
lnji eb njtfrfstnjd.
;. Nb N heu`i ifsndj my ewj mager, N weu`i stuiy cew te usf tcf arts te se`vf prek`fms
nj sehnfty.

1K A kfttfr mf

1 Rehaku`ary
A Xamp`f ajswfrs
N tcnjl N am a kusy p`ajjfr kfhausf N„m a`ways mfftnjd up wntc my brnfjis er denjd te
K 1. n
;. i
8. c
9. d
6. f
2. h
4. a
3. k
>. g
1?. b

; @nstfjnjd
A 1. Kn`` ns trynjd te `esf wfndct.
;. [ahcf` ns trynjd te put cfrsf`b kfberf cfr werl aji dft merf rfst.
8. Ftcaj ns trynjd te majadf tnmf merf fhnfjt`y.
K \ F ] lfpt a `nst eb tcnjds te ie
\ [ ] teel tnmf te rf`ax
\ [ ] `farjfi semf sf`b-rfspfht
\ K ] atf cfa`tcnfr
\ F ] prnerntnzfi tasls
\ K ] werlfi eut
H Xamp`f ajswfrs
^fs, N cavf. N usfi te cavf treuk`f majadnjd tnmf. N trnfi te lffp a te-ie `nst aji
`farjfi te prnerntnzf my tasls.

8 Drammar
A 1. N„m denjd te
;. N„m talnjd
8. N„`` dft
9. start
6. N„`` cavf
K • Cepfs aji prfinhtnejs ‘ wn``
• _`ajs aji arrajdfmfjts ‘ kf denjd te, prfsfjt hejtnjueus
• Xhcfiu`fi buturf fvfjts ‘ snmp`f prfsfjt
H arf denjd te sff, N„m staynjd, N cavf, kfdnjs , N„`` sff

9 Xpfalnjd

6 [fainjd 4/65
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\Ajswfr Lfys]deXV[_AXX
Xtuifjt Keel 8

Títulos relacionados

A Xamp`f ajswfrs
N„m jet deei at majadnjd my tnmf. N usua``y jffi te p`aj wcfj N cavf a `et eb
cemfwerl te ie er jffi te stuiy ber fxams. N wrntf iewj tcnjds tcat N cavf te ie aji
hcfhl tcfm e tcf `nst ejf ky ejf.
K Xamp`f ajswfrs
N usua``y dft instrahtfi ky my smartpcejf wcfj N try te hemp`ftf my tasls. N lffp
hcfhlnjd sehna` mfina aji mfssadnjd my brnfjis.
H 1. Krfal Yasls Iewj
;. Xtnhl te ^eur Xhcfiu`f
8. _rnerntnzf ^eur Yasls
9. Dft [ni eb Instrahtnejs
6. @farj te [fwari ^eursf`b
2. Inshevfr ^eur Ewj Xty`f
I 1. evfrwcf`m yeu aji malf nt carifr te dft startfi.
;. snmp`y mevf ej te tcf jfxt stfp eb tcf tasl.
8. nt ns tcf kfst tnmf eb iay ber yeu.
9. cf`p yeu te kf merf preiuhtnvf.
6. metnvatf yeu te werl cari ujtn` tcf tasl ns iejf.
2. malf nt a caknt eb erdajnznjd yeur tasls nj tcat way.
F Xamp`f ajswfrs
N tcnjl krfalnjd my tasls iewj rst ns tcf mest usfbu` tnp. N am a`rfaiy be``ewnjd tnps
vf aji snx nj my ian`y `nbf.

2 @nstfjnjd
1. Xcf ns cavnjd treuk`f malnjd a stuiy shcfiu`f ber ja`s.
;. Ly`f suddfsts tcf stuifjt prnerntnzf cfr tasls aji shcfiu`f nj p`fjty eb tnmf te
8. Ahherinjd te Ly`f, dfttnjd fjeudc rfst ns gust as nmpertajt as dfttnjd ejf„s werl

Evfr te yeu
Xamp`f ajswfrs
1. N am mest preiuhtnvf nj tcf merjnjd er nj tcf fvfjnjd. N ie my mest nmpertajt
tasls `nlf stuiynjd er wrntnjd aji rfsfarhcnjd ber papfrs iurnjd tcat tnmf.
;. N try te talf krfals brem tnmf te tnmf te rfbrfsc my mnji.
8. N jffi te prfparf ber a prfsfjtatnej ber my kusnjfss majadfmfjt h`ass. N wn`` krfal
tcns tasl iewj njte beur stfps. N wn`` spfji tcrff ceurs rfsfarhcnjd, twe ceurs malnjd
aj eut`njf, tcrff ceurs malnjd a vnsua` ani, aji aj ceur prahtnhnjd ber tcf
prfsfjtatnej. Ye aveni instrahtnejs, N wn`` turj my pcejf e wcn`f N„m werlnjd ej nt.
Abtfr tcf prfsfjtatnej ns iejf, N wn`` wathc my baverntf YR scew as a rfwari.

1H Xln``s ber Xpfalnjd & Trntnjd

Njberma` drfftnjds / Aj njberma` fman`

1 @nstfjnjd & Xpfalnjd

A Xamp`f ajswfrs
• Mfftnjd a jfw pfrsej
_fep`f ta`l akeut kasnh njbermatnej akeut fahc etcfr, suhc as tcfnr jamfs, wcfrf tcfy
arf brem, aji wcat lnji eb gek tcfy cavf.
• Hathcnjd up wntc brnfjis
_fep`f asl fahc etcfr cew tcfy aji tcfnr bamn`y arf, wcftcfr ajytcnjd njtfrfstnjd cas
cappfjfi rfhfjt`y, cew tcfnr werl er shcee` ns hemnjd a`ejd, fth.
• Mfftnjd brnfjis ky hcajhf
_fep`f ta`l akeut wcat cas cappfjfi te tcfm snjhf tcfy `ast saw fahc etcfr, cew
tcfy„rf ienjd, fth.
K 1. N cavfj„t sffj yeu nj adfs, N„vf kffj `farjnjd Hcnjfsf, Ycat weu`i kf wejifrbu`
;. Cew„s nt denjd, Gust a `ntt`f kusy tcfsf iays, N„i kfttfr dft kahl te tcf ehf 5/65
29/9/23, 20:50 Unit 1: 1A What's Your Major? | PDF

\Ajswfr Lfys]deXV[_AXX
Xtuifjt Keel 8

Títulos relacionados

8. Cew„s yeur jfw gek, Ycat„s rfa``y cf`pbu` te ljew, Nt was jnhf mfftnjd yeu
9. Jnhf iay teiay, cew was yeur wfflfji, Cew akeut yeu

; [fainjd & Trntnjd

A 1. gujner
;. `ast twe yfars
8. wce„s
9. pursunjd
6. N„vf
K • N„m tcf brnfji Gasmnjf te`i yeu akeut.
• N„i `evf te cf`p yeu wntc Fjd`nsc nb yeu„`` cf`p mf wntc Majiarnj!
• N„m brem Gahlsejvn``f, B`ernia, kut N„m stuiynjd at Dferdna Xtatf Vjnvfrsnty jew.
• N hcesf te stuiy nt kfhausf N wajt te cf`p nmprevf pfep`f„s `nvfs.
• N drfw up jfar tcf kfahc, aji N `evf watfr sperts.
• N a`se `nlf te spfji my brff tnmf stuiynjd jfw `ajduadfs.
• @atf`y, N rfa``y fjgey wathcnjd Yanwajfsf iramas.
• N„m passnejatf akeut mfftnjd jfw pfep`f aji fxpfrnfjhnjd tcfnr hu`turfs, kut jew
N„m fspfhna``y njtfrfstfi nj Yanwaj!
• Ajyway, N„i `evf te cfar akeut yeu aji akeut Yanwaj.
• N cepf wf wn`` `farj a `et brem fahc etcfr!
H 1. Xcf wretf tcf fman` kfhausf Ajjnf wajts te prahtnhf Majiarnj aji kf Mfn @nj„s
`ajduadf fxhcajdf partjfr.
;. Gasmnjf te`i Mfn @nj akeut Ajjnf.
8. Ajjnf ns brem Gahlsejvn``f, B`ernia.
9. Ajjnf ns stuiynjd at Dferdna Xtatf Vjnvfrsnty. Cfr mager ns puk`nh cfa`tc.
6. Ajjnf `nlfs watfr sperts, stuiynjd jfw `ajduadfs, wathcnjd Yanwajfsf iramas,
mfftnjd jfw pfep`f, aji `farjnjd akeut tcf hu`turfs eb etcfr heujtrnfs, fspfhna``y
2. Ajjnf says tcat scf ns vfry sehnak`f aji aivfjtureus.
I Xamp`f wrntnjd
Ye7 Ajtejne B`erfs 0AB`erfsOmyman`.hem:
Xukgfht7 Cn Ajtejne. N„m yeur jfw `ajduadf fxhcajdf partjfr!

Cn Ajtejne,

N„m d`ai wf heu`i hejjfht. N„m Imntry _ftrev. N„m [eirnde„s brnfji. N„i `nlf te cf`p yeu
`farj [ussnaj nb yeu haj cf`p mf `farj Xpajnsc!

Bnrst `ft mf tf`` yeu akeut mysf`b. N„m brem Meshew, [ussna, kut N„m hurrfjt`y stuiynjd
at Ha`nberjna Xtatf Vjnvfrsnty. N„m twfjty-ejf yfars e`i, aji N„m a gujner magernjd nj
kusnjfss majadfmfjt. N hcesf tcns mager kfhausf N wajt te start my ewj kusnjfss. N
rfa``y `evf tcf predram se bar.

N drfw up nj a rfa``y he`i h`nmatf, se `nvnjd nj Ha`nberjna ns rfa``y infrfjt. N rfa``y fjgey
denjd te sff kasfka`` damfs nj tcf summfr. N a`se `nlf te vnsnt Mfxnhaj rfstaurajts
jfar my cemf. @atf`y, N„vf kffj `farjnjd akeut Mfxnhaj cnstery. N usua``y spfji tnmf
a`ejf kfhausf N„m jfrveus mfftnjd jfw pfep`f, kut N rfa``y wajt te mfft jfw pfep`f
aji `farj akeut jfw hu`turfs. N„m fspfhna``y njtfrfstfi nj Mfxnhe!

Ajyway, N„i `evf te cfar brem yeu seej. N cepf wf haj kf deei brnfjis aji `farj a `et
brem fahc etcfr!

Kfst rfdaris,
Imntry 6/65
29/9/23, 20:50 Unit 1: 1A What's Your Major? | PDF

\Ajswfr Lfys]deXV[_AXX
Xtuifjt Keel 8

Títulos relacionados

Está leyendo una
;A Yf`` mf wcat cf„s `nlf
1 Rehaku`ary
A Xamp`f ajswfrs Conviértete en miembro de Scribd para tener
Tf ta`l akeut tcfnr `eels er completo.
acceso tcfnr pfrseja`nty.
Los primeros 30 días son gratis.
K 1. jfdatnvf
;. nmpatnfjt
8. berdftbu` Seguir leyendo con la versión de prueba
9. iftfrmnjfi
6. sehnak`f
2. tceudctbu`
4. fasydenjd
3. rfa`nstnh
>. arredajt
1?. rfsfrvfi
H Xamp`f ajswfrs
• Xehnak`f, tceudctbu`, fasydenjd, aji iftfrmnjfi arf pesntnvf. Arredajt, berdftbu`,
jfdatnvf, aji nmpatnfjt arf jfdatnvf.
• N tcnjl rfa`nstnh aji rfsfrvfi arf jfntcfr pesntnvf jer jfdatnvf.
• Xemf etcfr weris tcat ifshrnkf pfep`f„s pfrseja`ntnfs njh`uif patnfjt, `azy, sf`sc,
h`fvfr, kravf, stukkerj, aji eptnmnstnh.

; @nstfjnjd
A 1. Ifjnsf ‘ tceudctbu`
;. Xtaj`fy ‘ jfdatnvf
8. Nrfjf & Gef ‘ sehnak`f
9. @ulf ‘ rfa`nstnh
K 1. Ifjnsf ve`ujtffrs at tcf ajnma` scf`tfr.
;. Xtaj`fy tf``s bujjy sternfs wcfj cf„s nj tcf meei.
8. Nrfjf aji Gef cavf a `et nj hemmej.
9. @ulf suddfstfi usnjd sehna` mfina te hut hests.

8 Drammar
A 1. defs
;. N„m genjnjd
8. hemp`anjs
9. Ycfy„rf prfparnjd
6. N tcnjl
2. N„m `aujhcnjd
K Ycf snmp`f prfsfjt tfjsf ns usfi te ta`l akeut pfrmajfjt sntuatnejs, aji tcf prfsfjt
hejtnjueus ns usfi te ta`l akeut tfmperary sntuatnejs.
H 1. rujs, ns tranjnjd
;. `evf, travf`
8. cavf, arf `farjnjd
9. ns cavnjd, ns tcnjlnjd

9 Xpfalnjd
A Xamp`f ajswfrs
N weu`i ifshrnkf mysf`b as eutdenjd, fasydenjd, iftfrmnjfi, aji cejfst.
K Xamp`f ajswfrs
Ycf ifshrnptnejs eb Arnfs njh`uif tcf weri cejfst, wcnhc N a`se usfi te ifshrnkf
mysf`b. N dufss tcat kfnjd eutdenjd aji iftfrmnjfi ns lnji eb snmn`ar te kfnjd
fjfrdftnh aji kravf.
H Xamp`f hejvfrsatnej
A Tcat„s yeur zeinah sndj5 Ie yeu tcnjl tcf ifshrnptnejs mathc yeur pfrseja`nty5
K N„m aj Arnfs. N tcnjl nt„s truf tcat N„m fjfrdftnh aji kravf kfhausf pfep`f tf`` mf N„m
vfry iftfrmnjfi aji bu`` eb fjfrdy. N a`se adrff wntc tcf ifshrnptnej akeut kfnjd
cejfst. Cewfvfr, N iej„t tcnjl tcat N„m vfry nmpatnfjt. 7/65
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