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Plane Shift: Fiora

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,

Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Introduction
Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers Well, here is my ambitious first foray into a Magic: The
League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and Gathering crossover. A Plane Shift article for Fiora, the
their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast setting for the Magic: The Gathering - Conspiracy and the
in the USA and other countries. All characters and their Conspiracy: Take the Crown sets.
distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the I got the idea for the project itself after reading through so
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized many Plane Shift articles and starting to write up a campaign
use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited which spread over the Multiverse. As I continued writing up
without the express written permission of Wizards of the the campaign, I looked over other planes which my players
Coast. might visit.
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA Which plane to choose though? Using a developed plane
98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile- would be difficult, or at least it would be in my eyes since I
Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro hadn't written up a Plane Shift article before. Then I looked
Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, over the Conspiracy sets and the plane of Fiora. Although a lot
UB11 1ET, UK. of the cards were reprints, there were still plenty which gave
insight into Fiora, the people, creatures, and potential
adventures. Magic stories online form Wizards of the Coast
The author would just like to disclaim any backstabbings or
also gave insight into the key players and how they are placed
unexpected betrayals characters may suffer as they adventure in the scheme of things.
through Fiora. You knew what you were getting into when you Something about Fiora just enchanted me. A whole setting
began travelling through a plane which was part of a saga called which is driven mainly by political intrigue rather than
Conspiracy. dungeon diving or chasing monsters. Yes, those things exist,
but the core concept of Fiora is the intrigue. Who can you
trust? Who has a hidden agenda? What are the goals of the
others? Who is pulling strings in the shadows? Are your allies
Awesome Art Credit truly your allies? What's the best payoff if you have to betray
Paliano, the High City - Adam Paquette
Throne of the High City - Titus Lunter So with such a concept, and with light lore to go with it, I
Marchesa, the Black Rose - Matt Stewart felt that writing a Plane Shift for Fiora would be a good way of
Plea for Power - John Severin Brassell cutting my teeth on writing D&D documents and also do
Queen Marchesa - Kieran Yanner something I wanted to try. So once I had some research done,
Adriana, Captain of the Guard - Chris Rallis I started writing and here is the result.
Selvala, Explorer Returned - Tyler Jacobson Inside are some overview of how the classes would stack up
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden - Lucas Graciano in Fiora, what the races are, and who the key political figures
Muzzio, Visionary Architecht - Volkan Baga most affecting Fiora's society are. Also inside with each NPC
Custodi Soulbinders - Karla Oritz entry are adventure ideas which lay in the interests of each
Summoner's Bond - Jesper Ejsing
Magister of Worth - John Stanko
Domesticated Hydra - Mathias Kollros
So here is a glimpse into a possible campaign setting for
Deal Broker - Cliff Childs Fiora. Enjoy it, analyze it, test it, and let me know what you
Archdemon of Paliano - Even Shipard think in a review.
Scourge of the Throne - Michael Komarck
Orchard Elemental - Christine Choi
Splitting Slime - James Paick
Treasonous Ogre - Randy Gallegos
Custodi Lich - Bastien L. Deharme

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
The World of Fiora

n the plane of Fiora, life exists in perpetual
renaissance. It is known across the Multiverse The Brink of Chaos
as one of the most beautiful with its With the assassination of Brago, the King Eternal, and the
breathtaking architecture and the ingenuity of rapid coronation Queen Marchesa, the High City has
its inventors and artists. However, Fiora is also descended into a time of near unrest with chaos threatening
known as one of the most dangerous worlds to to consume the city as various factions prepare to come to
visit. Every sleeve hides a dagger, a smile a lie. blows. Queen Marchessa seeks to hold her power, although it
Everyone vies for power in and through politics and the image is an open secret that she manipulated several documents and
of civilization barely hides the savageness and cruelty those influenced the Custodi onto her side to gain the throne
desperately seeking the power of the throne. despite having no true line of succession. The City Guard
abandoned their posts, denouncing Marchesa and inciting
The Great Game more thoughts of rebellion. Goblins rise up from the tunnels
Fiora, for all of its beauty, is constantly embroiled in political and sewers under the city, inciting riots while rebellious elves
intrigue and backroom assassinations. Corruption is the rule raid the city to free the animals which the people have
of law rather than the exception and it is used often. Murder, enslaved to handle their burdens with the sudden ban on all
theft, and violence are common tools used by the nobility to artifice. Then in the shadows, remnants of the once
advance their various agendas. propserous Academy and the bitter scholars scheme and
There is government in action through the royalty within search for their opportunity to strike and return to the days of
Paliano. The laws are drafted in magic, enforcing them on the prestiege and glory they once had.
population who live within Paliano's borders. However,
despite what the common folk believe, actions such as theft,
murder, and violence are not among the crimes which are
made illegal. Such crimes are punished if discovered (and the
culprits lack resources to avoid the charges), but if the culprits
are not caught, the magically enforced laws which are boasted
to keep Fiora from falling into chaos will not protect the

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Life on Fiora

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
People of Fiora Goblins can be represented by the stats seen in Volo's
Guide to Monsters.
The people that populate Fiora are limited, counting only a Other Races
few races. However, what the people lack in variety they
certainly make up in ingenuity and dangerous cunning. One It is certainly possible for other races to exist in Fiora. Half-
thing they all have in common is ambition and a desire for elves are a high possibility as humans and elves meet and
power. mingle with each other in civilization.
Since much of Fiora remains unexplored and unknown,
Humans there may be other races waiting to be discovered. Dwarves
Humans are easily the most populous of the races on Fiora. could be hidden in the mountains while halflings and gnomes
They populate the largest areas of Fiora, most notably remain content in the hills. Tritons could sit in the deep
Paliano, the High City where the elite soldiers, mages and the oceans while Tabaxi keep to the thick forests and/or jungles.
royalty all live. Where they might be and if they're ready for the intrigue of
Humans certainly have the most cunning of the races, but Paliano will be up to the players. Consult with the DM on
are perhaps some of the most impatient. They execute their which races are allowed in the campaign and how they may
plans quickly and try to amass as much as they can as soon as appear.
they can. It is a rare human that takes a look at the long run
and plans accordingly.
Humans in Fiora cna be represented by the human stats
displayed in the Player's Handbook. A human from the noble
class or military background may use the variant human
Elves, while not as populous as humans, are just as cunning, if
not more so. Hailing from the city state of Trest, the elves have
forged their own renaissance with elegance and art which
humans just barely managed to rival and only by copying the
While elves are just as cunning in their politics, they are
much more patient. A short term plan to them may in fact be a
lifetime plan for a human. They play the game of politics with
much more subtlety and with an eye on the horizon. With
their extended lifespans, they certainly have the time and
patience to plan so far into the future. It makes plotting
against elves difficult since they can simply outlive those who
wish to plot against them.
Elves can be represented in the Player's Handbook. Elves of
Trest would be High Elves while elves who have rejected
plotting and the dangers of the city would leave the forest to
be Wood Elves. Discuss with the DM if a player wishes to take
the traits of a Drow elf. Such elves would likely be assassins,
or elves who specifically live in darkness to hide their
identities and existence.
Goblins are easily the low race on the totem pole. Ugly, small,
rude, and dumb, many people don't have the patience to deal
with them and many wish they wouldn't have to. They usually
live in slums and work as minions to various criminal groups,
although some goblins have the will and intellect to rise up the
ranks of society such as Grenzo and Daretti.
Goblins usually travel through tunnels below cities or
through back alleys to avoid being seen or made sport of. Still,
when goblins are insulted, they get back at the one who
insulted them, usually in a painful or humiliating way. Due to
this, as much as people dislike goblins, they are just as wary of
crossing them. A lesson most common folk learn early, and
nobility learns too late.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Knowledge Domain clerics in the public sphere preach the
Class Overview values of wisdom and intelligence. Behind the scenes, the
All of the classes can be found in Fiora. However, due to the Knowledge Domain clerics are natural spies, hoarding
landscape and culture of Fiora, some classes are rarer than knowledge on their political rivals to use against them during
others. The organizations and character types are described clashes. Now that the Death Domain has been losing power,
in more detail in the following pages. their focus may turn to other factions.
Life Domain clerics are the most public face of the Custodi.
Barbarian They are usually seen in healing chambers, tending to the sick
and wounded. Despite the generous vocation, this faction is
Barbarians are rare as they have rejected the corruption just as political as the others, usuing their healing skills to
within civilization and have sought out a better life in the leverage favors from others who cannot pay or need healing
wilderness where the animals are more honest than the done in secret. It was likely clerics of this faction that treated
people. As people capture more beasts to have serve them, Brago's illness while he was alive, eventually keeping him
many may take up the Path of the Totem Warrior to protect alive despite his body crumbling in the end.
them. Light Domain clerics are perhaps the least political, but
also the smallest faction within the Custodi. They are some of
Bard the few who have managed to retain contact with the angels of
Bards are common sources of entertainment in Fiora. Every Fiora. This faction tries to ensure the golden age promised
inn, gathering, or special event has a bard of some specialty at when Brago took the throne comes back and stays. It makes
them. Many consider it a sign of good taste and refinement to them an eager sponsor for Adriana Vallore's rebels, albeit in
have bards play at their events. However, bards are also fine secret.
sources of information as no one pays attention to them, Nature Domain clerics preach of being in harmony with
giving them an ear to the population and what rumors are nature as all creatures are children of their god just as the
rising. Such bards are usually from the College of Glamor or people are. Behind the scenes, they sponsor many trappers
the Collage of Whispers. and hunters to capture the animals and exotic beasts the
nobility clamor for in their latest fads. They often find exotic or
Cleric desired animals for select nobles, bypassing due process in
return for favors and depending on the animal in question,
Clerics are all members of the Custodi, the dominant religion blackmail.
of Fiora. They worship a singular unnamed god, but they each Order Domain clerics make hold a belief in law which their
believe in different interpretations of their scripture. As they god imparted on the people. They make up much of the
present a united front to court and the people, they are in just judicial bodies since royalty cannot render judgement on
as many factions as there are Divine Domains. Each faction every case in Paliano much less Fiora. However, this faction is
seeks the highest points for their own sects of their overall likely the most corrupt as anyone who wishes a verdict to go
religion. their way or a case to vanish simply has to have the coin or
Arcana Domain clerics preach that the power of magic favors to pay for it.
itself is a miracle granted to the people of Fiora. In truth, they Tempest Domain clerics are somewhat fatalistic as they
hone magic to use in subterfuge and backroom politics to turn view storms and other natural disasters as the wrath of god.
votes, policies, and several councilors to their way of thinking. Their duties are to help displaced people and recover areas
Death Domain clerics have for a long time enjoyed the struck by disasters. Like any good politicians, this faction
highest levels of power next to the King Eternal. Their policies takes advantage of it by creating disasters and then going
shaped the church, allowing ghosts to hold office and liches to through such places, collecting intelligence, blackmail, and
stay in their ranks. With the crowning of the Black Rose, their anything else they need as they 'aid' the displaced people.
future is in doubt with a leader they cannot influence. Trickery Domain clerics are perhaps the most upredictable
Forge Domain clerics are the ones who scheme the least, of the factions. They often speak of signs from their god being
focusing on building their own power base through everywhere, dictating their actions. No one is truly certain of
sponsoring artificers and creating a faction through such their goals since such clerics are often taking part in multiple,
sponsorship. In their own words, those who cannot conspire, sometimes opposing schemes. A common belief is that these
create. They were nearly made inert when Brago banned clerics are trying to play the various groups against one
artifice, but with the Black Rose taking the throne, they are another, aiming for mutual destruction.
slowly accumulating power again. War Domain clerics are the most outspoken for open
Grave Domain clerics are the Death Domain faction's bitter conflict, preaching the glory of battle and chivalry to defend
rivals. Before Brago's transformation, they preached that the their god. They believe that the time for shadow politics is over
dead deserve their rest after a life of labor and virtue. After as more chaos erupts in the streets and a show of absolute
Brago's return, they focused their efforts on ensuring their force is needed to bring peace back to Paliano. As experts in
rivals and enemies within the Custodi remained dead and battle, these priests would be able to claim more power in
buried, no longer hindering their own schemes. It is likely they times of conflict.
were the ones who aided Marchesa's plot to take the throne.

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Druid Divine Soul Origin sorcerers will be rare in Fiora since Wiz
angels do not often appear. The farther one gets from Paliano,
Druids are like many of the barbarians who have rejected the the more likely they may be to appear. Wiza
cutthroat ways of Paliano and instead seek a more peaceful Draconic Bloodline Origin is incredibly rare due to the of the
life in the wilderness. Learning magic through nature, these rarity of dragons in Fiora. Still, the few who survived afford
defenders of the forests seek to protect nature and keep the encountering a dragon can be marked for it, which may affect There
nobles from enslaving the beasts. Some may be swayed with their descendants. learn
promises to aid in the capture of the beasts though. Storm Sorcerer Origin sorcerers are likely connected by their
blood to the brave souls who go exploring outside of Paliano
Fighter into the wilderness. Some may find something which may
Fighters fill the ranks of Fiora's City Guard and other military leave an undeniable mark of storm sorcery on them.
arms. At the moment, they are split between the proper rule of Shadow Sorcerer Origin sorcerers are likely one of the
law with Adriana Vallore, or the more lucrative and higher most common. With so many making deals with fiends for
station of those who side with Queen Marchesa. Most power, it can leave a mark on family lines for generations to
Fighters could be any Martial Archetype save for samurai. come, depending on the patron.
Fighters loyal to Marchesa may be more likely to be Eldritch Wild Magic Origin sorcerers are likely the product of long
Knights, being former spies and assassins. lines of political intermarriages between other wizards or
magic users. The thickening of magic blood will ensure their
Monk greater potential, but also more difficult to control.
Monks are followers of a different way of life, rejecting the Warlock
ways of the city and seeking a quieter, more peaceful life. They Warlocks are rather common in Paliano. In a plane where
live in isolation with true faith and meditation, seeking making back room deals and deadly bargains are considered
enlightenment in their monasteries. Some monks may be normal, brokering deals with supernatural entities is all but
exiled members of fallen noble families, or supposedly dead encouraged. Some entities are easier to reach than others, but
enemies of other nobles, hiding until they can return for plenty of entities are happy to strike a bargain.
revenge. Archfey Patrons are likely to side with Selvala's faction,
desiring to see nature free from the enslaving greed of
Paladin Paliano's nobility. Beasts and elementals are meant to be wild
Paladins are the military arm of the Custodi, but most are and free, not petty amusement for fat nobles.
more in line with the Custodi's desire for power and political Celestial Patrons will be the few angels who come to
strength rather than through any true pious calling. Paladins Paliano to charge truly good individuals to bring about change
in Fiora are more likely to take the Oath of Conquest if they in the corrupt politics of Fiora. With Paliano's environment,
serve Marchessa, Oath of the Crown if they side with Adriana, such people are few and far between, but those few can be
or become Oathbreakers to take neither side. very effective.
Fiend Patrons are easy to find in Fiora. Many such
Ranger warlocks are in fact politicians who on the surface create
Rangers are those who go out into the forests and unexplored political parties dedicated to a common cause, but are in truth
territories of Fiora to explore new frontiers an discover new cults dedicated to the fiend in question who seeks a goal in
resources and other mysteries of the world. Being gone from Fiora politics.
civilization, the Rangers do not usually care for politics when Great Old One Patrons are ancient and strange entities
they are busy surviving and are often ill-prepared for it. who have turned their eyes to Fiora either in a moment of
amusement or a long term plan. Such entities can be the
Rogue Animus of Predation, embodiments of concepts in Fiora.
Hexblade Patrons are weapons connected to powerful
Rogues are perhaps the most common occupation in Fiora. entities, mostly those who have a goal in mind. They could be
Rogues of all calibers are out and about, often selling their spirits who were murdered in the name of politics and seek
services to the highest bidders. The best ones are kept on a revenge, or are part of a convoluted web of conspirators who
generous retainer to noble families for their services so they need the weapon to unlock a source of power or prove
can undermine their enemies and find keys to higher position legitimate in their purposes by wielding it, making the warlock
and power. a target.
Undying Patrons are likely to be one of the ghosts or liches
Sorcerer in the Custodi. Which faction they belong to can have the
Sorcerers are a rarity in Fiora, usually born to the wealthy or warlock in question becoming part of different political
the nobility since magic users are confined to the upper schemes.
classes. This is mainly because they have the wealth to
cultivate such skills. Although, it is not uncommon for a
sorcerer to be born to a common folk parent after having an
affair with a noble.

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The World of Fiora

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Paliano, the High City Poverty and urban decay simply do not exist in the Upper City.
This is the crown jewel of the plane of Fiora. Here is its center Any buildings damaged in any kind of chaos usually have
of politics, architecture, culture, and advancement. It is wealthy owners to repair them with skilled tradesmen on
without doubt one of the most beautiful places in Fiora, but it hand. Anyone who drops below a certain level of wealth find
is without a doubt one of the most dangerous places to be as themselves forced to leave the Upper City, settling in the
well. With the nature of politics in Fiora, Paliano being the Lowlands to try and reclaim their fortunes.
center of it all makes it the staging ground for the most Many of the streets have their own elegance as special
dangerous politics of all. pumps keep water running through the city, making many of
At the moment, Paliano is not even enjoying the parody of the roads into canals which many drift through to bask in their
peace as the nobles backstabbed each other in the shadows. luxuries, or pass messages atop tamed giant river snakes,
The clashes between Queen Marchesa and Adriana Vallore making for much quicker travel than on foot or impractical
are escalating, wild animals rampage as Selvala seeks to free carriages.
them, and many riots are breaking out thanks to Grenzo's Needless to say, the Upper City is exclusive to the nobilty,
machinations. It is a city in the grip of chaos and a place ripe rich, and well-connected.
for adventure. Santuo District
Paliano Locations Here are where the nobility of Paliano live in their luxuries.
However, even here the politics do not rest. Parties and
Adventures in Fiora are more than likely going to take place in celebrations are constantly held here. During such parties, the
Paliano. Events which happen here are going to have nobles make and break deals, and connect to try and gain
consequences which can affect the rest of the plane. support for their various political aspirations.
Characters will have a number of areas they can visit to make Simply because there is finery and luxury does not mean it
their contacts and find leads for their adventures. is safer to reside. In fact, it can be as dangerous as any
dungeon. Many of the servants are in fact indentured rogues
The Upper City and other dark skill sets, hidden among ordinary butlers and
Paliano is divided very clearly between two levels. The Upper maids as bodyguards or assassins for their masters.
City is literally placed on a massive circular plate which rests The guards are well-organized and patrol at all hours on the
on ornate pillars and resides high above the rest of the people lookout for trouble. However, many of the guards are also
of Paliano and the rest of Fiora. It makes it very clear the corrupt, taking bribes from various nobles to look the other
division between upper class and lower class, but also the way if or when an indescretion occurs, or to track down
opinion that the nobility has of themselves as they get to live troublesome individuals who might be in the area
Technically, passage to the Upper City is open for everyone.
Airships are available for those who wish to enter or special
elevators to assist people to enter the Upper City. However,
such means of entering are usually expensive or require
special permission to use. The only free way to enter is up the
Thousand Steps, secretly discouraging lowlanders from
entering without a very good reason.

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Sydri's Shop Not only is this the royal residence where Queen Marchesa
There is no one location this shop can be found. The owner and Brago before her resided, it is also where the Council of
moves it after intervals to ensure she doesn't begin inviting Paliano meet, discuss issues, conspire, and backstab each
troublesome folk with the nature of what she does. other. In many cases, both figuratively and literally with the
The owner and namesake of this shop is Sydri, an artificer backstabbing. Representatives from the major settlements,
with a gift for the aether. Using it, she can breathe life into military arms, political parties, and representatives of other
previously lifeless objects. Under her touch, statues can groups can be found here as they try to sway the course of
become spies, swords become assassins without the need for Paliano in the direction they wish to see it. Of course, any
a wielder, and trinkets become political tools. All of this she issue is not considered closed until the Queen has had her say
runs under a guise of a curio and cogwork emporium to the so her vote is the most highly sought after of all.
mundane masses who don't have political pursuits for the This is, without a doubt, the most dangerous place to be for
moment. the unwary. Here those who are not careful can be lured away
Sydri is one of the few people in Paliano who are honest. and disappear. All the walls have ears as every servant, guard,
Ask her a question and she will tell you no lies. However, due and underling are paid agents of someone already in power.
to the natures of most in Paliano, few believe it to be the truth, Some of them serve more than one master. Subterfuge and
which makes it just as dangerous to deal with her for such cunning are the only ways to survive lest one find themselves
folks who see lies everywhere. She often sells her services to codnemned for an offense, left de-fanged of any power, or
the nobility, some to make cogwork trinkets to shock and simply killed and dumped into a gutter.
amaze while others ask for more...discreet services, such as In Brago's reign, many of the halls were littered with ghosts.
making an opponent or obstacle disappear. Sydri can do all Mostly Custodi members and other favored spirits who were
this, but she holds no loyalty to her clients and if said believed to have continued worth in the service of the Council.
opponent finds out and seeks her out, her initial clients may When Marchesa took the throne, those spirits were banished
find themselves victim to countermeasures she makes to her and the sounds and scents of life filled the halls again.
own tools. However, the perfumes which make the palace seem so
After the ban on artifice was set, Sydri's shop became a pleasant cover up the decaying undead bodyguards that are
black market operation and her reliance on contacts more hidden within the walls, ready to break through on a single
than ever. It is said she has links to Muzzio and even high command if the living guards cannot prevail.
members of the Custodi. Some even say she was one of the The Lowlands
people who treated Brago for his illness. If any of them are The lowlands are the lands of Paliano and the rest of Fiora
true, dealing with Sydri can be dangerous with the kinds of which are situated on the normal ground, sitting in the
individuals she surrounds herself with. shadow of the High City.
The Academy
This is Paliano's greatest center of high learning for the The Lower City
magical arts. Here were where the nobles and wealthy scions In this portion of the city is where the common folk,
for the elite of Paliano went to learn the various means of workforce, and everyone not of the noble class, wealthy, or on
magic and artifice. It was also the place where family scions close retainer for the upper class live. It shares the same
made their new alliances, or dealt with inherited grudges architectual charm as the High City, but with less expensive
through sabotaged experiements and cheats on testing. materials and not as well-maintained. Signs of corruptions are
The Academy is in truth, a miniaturized version of the game easier to find, especially with signs of poverty and criminal
of politics which enfolds the city at large. Here is where the work not as hidden as it is above.
future politicians, advisors, and other people of note learn the The entire city has the Corru River running through it,
skills and tricks to take their parents' places once day, either creating canals which are used for quick transport as more of
legally or illegally. it is pumped to the Upper City and its canals
The Academy was also once the kingdom of Muzzio as he Drakestown
plotted to turn Paliano into a home for the magical and Once this was a common town in Fiora's territory. It's only
intellectual elite. Beneath it, he housed his cogwork army, noteworthy feature was the fact that the infamous thief (and
ready to be sent out once he had amassed enough power. secretly a Planeswalker) Dack Fayden was born there.
When they were released early, his plans fell apart and Brago However, one day the entire town was slaughtered by a
outlawed artifice, closing the Academy down. It was later Planeswalker from Grixis named Shifra using an item called
raided by Grenzo and Daretti for spoils and blackmail. If any the Ancient Fang.
secrets remain, they will be well-guarded. Although the event has long since passed, people cannot
The Royal Palace forget it. This is because the dead of Drakestown got up and
A mundane name for the center of all plots, politics, and began wandering. Oddly, they mutilate themselves in some
power in Paliano, but if asked, everyone simply refers to the strange bid for sensation and wander into neighbouring towns
royal palace as that, the Royal Palace. It had a more formal to try and find more sensation, or perhaps a lingering thought
name, but years of politics, backstabbing, coups, and other from their lives to seek help for the horror they witnessed.
events have had such minor details fall to the wayside as it
was renamed again and again by various monarchs who
seized and wished to announce their power.

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Edric is the master of espionage. There is nothing happening
Kinnesta in Trest that he does not know about. If there is a plot
Fiora's closest neighbour and perhaps its deadliest enemy as a brewing, he knows about it from several sources. He has eyes
nation is the empire of Kinnesta. An empire which is just as and ears everywhere in Trest and along the coast. Nothing of
deadly and cunning to the uninitiated as Fiora is. If corruption note happens without him hearing of it and certainly no secret
is just as deep as it is in Fiora is hard to say as Kinnesta keeps remains a secret if whispered within Edric's long reach. Even
its secrets close. However, there is no doubting it's cunning the empress herself will not make moves concerning the coast
and the quality of its spies. For a long time, the two empires without first consulting with Edric over the state of things.
were in something of a spy war with each other. Rather than Any adventuring party seeking to do something inside or
wasteful martial conflict, both sides used spies and subterfuge even pass through Trest will have to play with their secrets
to use in the political ring during negotiations to claim their close to their vests. One wrong word can have Edric working
spoils. What makes Kinnesta more of a dangerous opponent against them and with strings all over the city, he can do much
to Fiora is the high population of elves who, with their long to stop anyone with intentions which go against the good of
lives and memories, make the game of politics that much the city and the empire.
more difficult, being able to simply outlive their opponents. The Unexplored Lands
At the moment, Kinnesta is keenly interested in the ongoing Although Fiora and Kinnesta are neighbours, there is in fact a
crisis between Adrianna and Queen Marchesa, especially large gap between them which goes on for untold miles which
since Selvala, a fellow elf, is playing an increasingly larger role are simply called the Unexplored Lands. Here are where
in things. explorers such as Selvala spent many years, meticulously
noting their findings as they searched throught he wilderness.
Locations in Kinnesta What they seek various between the explorers. Some look for
Travelling into Kinnesta is not difficult. However, due to the power, others resources, communing with nature, or any other
current political climate, any group fo adventurers may find reason one can think of.
themselves shuffled to the wayside, only able to go one major Being a more harmonious mindest, at least in terms of
location before having to brave either the wilderness of nature, the elves have a bit of a better understanding of the
unexplored regions or the guarded borders of Kinnesta's wilds. At least they know better than to charge in like so many
holdings. What lay beyond Trest is anyone's guess, but an human explorers have done. They have a bit of a better idea of
imaginative DM may be able to pierce the veil of mystery. some special sites which are contained in the Unexplored
Lands. Old ruins, sites of power, homes of strange beasts, and
Trest maybe even a dragon's nest or two. Anything could be out
Aside from some small settlements, the one major city which there, which is why so many are still willing to brave the
travellers are actually welcome to visit is the city-state of Trest. dangers so they might be the first to find, and inevitably
Located on the shores of Fiora's oceans, it is a hub of trade exploit, whatever it is they stumble upon.
and exotic ideas to be explored. It is also a sight to behold,
exemplifying what the elves are capable of in terms of
architecture, culture, and everything else which makes it
distinctly elven. A sight which the citizens, being elves
themselves, love to show off whenever they get the chance to
leave a visitor in awe.
The city of course has a council and a magistrate who
represents the interests of the empress, but the one who
holds true power is Edric, her majesty's spymaster.

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Fioran Factions

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Queen Marchesa Despite all of her power though, so long as Brago was on the
throne, she could never claim it. She could not poison a ghost
Queen Marchesa d'Amati is the current sovreign of Paliano after all. Still, her chance came when she met the
after the assassination of the King Eternal Brago. She Planeswalker Kaya who held the ability to destroy ghosts.
possesses a sharp mind and was trained in politics in the Recognizing the opportunity, Marchesa quickly laid down her
King's court at a young age. However, because she was born a plans. She fabricated documents, bribed staff of the castle,
woman, she was edged aside in the race for the throne in members of the Custodi who were not so keen on having
favor of her brothers who were not nearly as competent as she ghosts rule them, and finally unleashed Kaya on the King
was. Eternal.
Unwilling to let go of her ambitions, she searched for The assassination was successful and Marchesa quickly
resources and people who could aid her. Her search took her claimed the crown. She was quick to begin filling the castle
to the underbelly of the High City, creating a network of with her supporters as well as begin pushing declarations and
rogues, criminals, and revolutionaries which gave her a back changes to law which further consolidated her power base.
door into many places of power in Paliano. It was through this What she sorely underestimated though, was the wills of
network that she managed to control a large portion of the city the Captain of the Guard and her men. Adriana Vallore was
with the rest of her family falling into disgrace thanks to her quick to declare Marchesa a fraudulent heir to the throne and
incompetent brothers. all who obeyed her to be traitors. Her words echoed through
Marchesa is also a product of her surroundings. Blackmail, the population and Marchesa found the beginning of her rule
espionage, and murder were readily used by her as it was by to not be as smooth as she anticipated. She now moves to
anyone else with political ambitions in Fiora. Her favorite silence Adriana, but the sharp former Captain of the Guard is
method is poison, a subtle art she mastered and one she quick to avoid assassination attempts and even broke several
always has on hand with a different poison held in each of her of her comrades free from the dungeons, bolstering her ranks
beautiful rings. Her penchant for poisons, even if it could as more chaos sinks into Paliano.
never be proven, along with her personal emblem earned her Marchesa has taken many lessons of Fiora to heart. She
the nickname, The Black Rose, a point of pride in her mind. trusts no one but herself and holds no one close to her. Her
nature as a poisoner has her examine everything she herself
does not personally create and takes nothing for granted. Her
personal guards are in fact zombies she has animated and
hides within her walls, hiding the scent of decay with her
numerous perfumes
Thorns of the Black Rose
Adventurers who enter the queen's employ may not even know
they work for her at first. Her network is extensive and even if
she had become the queen, she wouldn't discard such a
valuable resource.
d8 Quest
Hunt down the leaders of a thief guild and either recruit
them or destroy them.
A noble has incriminating documents and needs to be
relieved of them.
King Brago has a cache left behind which can bring
added legitimacy to Marchesa's reign.
Rumors of an assassin after the queen have been on the
rise. Find the source and verify it!
Valuable resources have been discovered in the
wilderness. Be the first to claim them for her majesty.
The queen has shown you favor and now you must pass
a challenge in order to join her inner circle.
Clues discovered after riots have made a trail back to
the royal dungeons. Find the source and silence them!
A thief has made off with the crown and threatens
Marchesa's reign. Find it and return it at once!

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Adriana Vallore Despite fostering such a rebellion, Adriana really has no time
or patience to truly rule. Instead, she dreams of a republic
Adriana served with distinction and honor as Captain of the where a leader is chosen by the people and truly has their best
Guard under King Brago. She sherved as his bodyguard, interests at heart. Adriana has no ability to lead a government,
although it was rather unecessary after he had become a only soldiers, so she seeks to find someone who can be the
ghost and continued to rule after his life ended. Still, she figurehead and leader that people need to make a better
followed her oaths, even if she was able to see that the once Fiora.
forward-thinking ruler ha become more of a tyrant in death With this goal in mind, Adriana believes that Selvala, King
and cut down on the advancements of the city and its culture. Brago's closest friend, is the perfect choice of a candidate. She
She was present when the ghost assassin Kaya cut down has entreated with the elf several times, but Selvala remains
Brago and declared the words of when a tyrant was killed, reluctant. Still, Adriana still believes that Selvala is the one
there was a chance for freedom. Words that took a deep root who can unite Paliano into a true republic and save it from the
in her heart when Marchesa took the throne, tossing aside all morally bankrupt who spill blood in all the back rooms. Then
precedence an even claiming Brago left it in his will, even Adriana will take her position as Captain of the Guard back
when a ghost would have no need for a will. Those words then and use it to protect the new ruler of Paliano from those who
festered when she saw Marchessa crowned the next day, would try to continue with the deadly intrigue of politics.
removing all of Brago's royal emblems, erasing them, in favor Although she had not been active in the politics which
of her own. A process which should have taken weeks, only defines Fiora, Adriana is far from naive in them. Knowing how
needing a day, proving she was part of the plot. Seeing the the polticians think has allowed Adriana to anticipate their
other servants and the Custodi eagerly playing along just moves and avoid assassins and other traps sent by Marchesa.
soured her further. It has also allowed her the skill to rally the people to her calls
Realizing a usurper was on the throne, Adriana took Brago's for revolution through her charisma and personality.
sword and left her position, taking many of her men with her.
As Marchesa scrambled to cover the major mistake she made, Soldiers of Rebellion
Adriana rallied among the people, denouncing Marchesa, and Adriana is a charismatic leader, having earned the loyalty of
giving voice to the people the new queen would rather exploit her men to the end, even if it means going against the
and look down on than properly rule. sovereign they were sworn to protect. Many adventurers
would seek to support her cause and come to her aid.
d8 Quest
A member of Marchesa's people wishes to betray her.
Find and protect him!
The characters are expected to infiltrate a party held by
2 a noble that supports Marchesa and uncover
documents of her manipulations.
Adriana is meeting with a delegation to garner support.
Ensure the meeting is not interrupted.
Meet with a noble that is supportive to the cause, but
be wary of lies or traps.
A member of the Custodi has leaked information of
5 where the rituals of the undead Custodi are held.
Infiltrate and destroy it!
A dead drop of evidence has been left at a tavern and
inn. Retrieve it before spies do.
The party must infiltrate barracks once held by the
former soldiers for supplies and weapons for the rebels
The characters must go over the heads of the Custodi
8 and try to entreat with the angels directly for additional
support to their cause.

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Selvala of Alberon Selvala stayed in the dungeons until Grenzo, the goblin
warden released her in hopes of having her kill the artificer
Selvala is a well known figure in the history of modern Fiora. Muzzio, whose inventions he disliked. Selvala refused, instead
She was the best friend of a young Count Brago and both releasing the cogwork soldiers into the tunnels Grenzo was so
dreamed of ending the constant backstabbing and cut throat proud of. She escaped into the wilderness during the resulting
methods of the nobility. Unlike many who felt the same, the chaos.
pair went forward and sought to change Fiora to for the better. After Marchesa rose to the throne, Selvala could return to
Selvala quickly became a beloved figure to the people. She Paliano unimpeded. Sadly, she saw the artifice had been
had an ear to every province and settlement, learning how to replaced by the majestic beasts she communed with during
gain the support of the people and negotiate with the nobles her explorations being captured and tamed as beasts of
to prevent oppression and tyranny. With her knowledge, Brago burden or symbols of wealth and prestiege. Unwilling to see
was able to bring out reform and insights which the entire such magnificent creatures being used as toys and slaves, she
council supported. Together, they created the Charter which and several sympathetic allies began liberating the animals
would become the law codes of Fiora. Both became beloved and freeing them from their masters.
by the people as what was thought to be a golden age of Selvala does have a head for politics, as many in her
Paliano had begun. position do in Paliano. She just has no patience for the
Sadly, the age ended barely after it began. Brago was endless games such people play. Still, her legend among the
diagnosed with a terminal illness and Selvala left to explore common folk makes her a beloved figure and a perfect leader
the unknown wilderness. In that time, Brago relied more and for a revolution. The former Captain of the Guard often
more on the Custodi for treatments, letting them gain more entreats with her to consider leading the charge towards a
power in court. Finally, Selvala returned to see a shadow of proper republic instead of a cut throat monarchy for Paliano.
her friend who allowed the bloody politics to return. Brago Selvala remains reluctant to enter such politics as to claim
was old and frail, but his treatments prevented him from dying the throne, but as she sees more injustice, more fighting, and
despite his body falling apart. Selvala sought to release her is reminded more of the wrongs of the past, the more she
friend from his torment and killed him. She earned a stay in considers the idea. Subtle whispers from Leovold of Trest also
the dungeons and Brago returned as the King Eternal, a hints that the elves of the city state would give their support
tyrannicasl spirit who was more a puppet to the Custodi than on top of Adriana's should she decide to accept the proposal
an actual king. and lead a revolution of change.
Friends of Nature
Adventurers who decide to aid Selvala's faction are more
likely to raid nobles or businesses to protect nature and the
animals. However, as they deal more and more with nobility,
they may be drawn into the political games regardless.
d8 Quest
Track down and eliminate a hunting party searching for
a rare and endangered animal
Infiltrate a noble's gardens to release his exotic birds,
finding intrigue in the process.
Animals in the forest are acting strange. Follow and
observe them for reasons why.
Rebels claim that an assassin seeks Selvala before she
can become a threat. Is it true, or a trap?
Elves are being incited to riot over the misreatment of
5 the animals. Find the one leading the riots and stop the
The leaders of Trest wish to have a secret meeting with
Selvala. Find and secure a meeting place.
A black market of animals and their parts has risen up.
Find and bring down the leader!
Rumors are spreading of Selvala's role in the artifice
ban. Find the source and silence it.

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Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Grenzo naturally kept an eye on events in Paliano. One was
the rise of artifice thanks to the manipulations of Muzzio.
Grenzo is perhaps one of only two goblins who had any kind Grenzo had long since learned that Muzzio had plans to
of authority inside of Paliano. Unusually large for his size, but create a cogwork army and used his already existing
hunchbacked and needing his staff to travel, he made for an machines to record blackmail from the nobles who used
imposing sight. A trait which was what his employers were them. Not wanting a rival, Grenzo sought to eliminate him and
looking for when they hired him as the warden for the royal smash his network of cogwork spies.
dungeons. To accomplish this, he attempted to use Selvala as his
Grenzo, like anyone who lived in Paliano, had ambition for assassin, freeing her from the dungeons. His plan backfired
power. Unlike many who sought thrones or positions of though when she instead released Muzzio's soldiers into his
privelege, Grenzo knew he needed none of that. Positions did tunnels, unleashing chaos right in his own backyard. His
not bring power, power was what brought posotions. So in initial plan was successful since artifice was banned and
that instance, Grenzo walked a different path than those Muzzio was exiled, but his network of tunnels was exposed,
seeking the throne. putting Grenzo himself at risk.
In his position, Grenzo had access to the sewer tunnels After Marchesa's rise and Adriana's liberation of her
which ran underneath Paliano. With painstaking effort, he imprisoned soldiers, Grenzo was released from his role as the
soon had tunnels which could take him anywhere in the High warden, viewed as incompetent. It wasn't much of a setback
City. With a following of assassins and spies, mostly goblins, for Grenzo, although it was a little inconvenient and a major
he began amassing influence and power in the shadows. With insult. With his ally, the goblin planeswalker Daretti, they
his role as the warden, he had access to plenty of people began instigating goblin riots. Using the chaos, Daretti sought
looking to make a deal or get a favor in return for their revenge on his former Academy comrades and Grenzo
freedom and more. This only expanded his shadow influence pillaged funds and blackmail to further the chaos.
even further. He was essentially a power player in the High Grenzo has no ambition for the throne. Chaos is the key to
City, but one who was safer than all the others. How could power as opportunities always appear in it. Sitting on a throne
anyone be safer with power when no one knew he had that just leaves one open for reprisal and assassination, so Grenzo
kind of power in the first place? is happy to rule from the shadows, practically invisible. From
there, he can bring down more chaos on those who wronged
him, including Marchesa, Adriana, and Selvala.
Minions of Chaos
Adventurers who start working in the intrests of Grenzo are
likely going to be chaotic in nature. Chaos would eb the goal,
and the opportunities it brings.
d8 Quest
Fight your way through a riot for as long as you can
while others raid a house for blackmail
2 Rob a bank for funds and deal with the security.
A monster has taken up residence inside one of the
tunnels. Hunt it down and eliminate it.
Sneak into the dungeons and break out a connected
prisoner who has useful information.
Use the chaos of another riot to slip into a noble's
property and raid his holdings.
Sneak into the palace to cause chaos and discredit
Turn a gathering of rebels into a riot to reveal Adriana's
presence and make her a target.
Unleash a hoarde of wild animals in the city and frame
Selvala for the destruction.

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Muzzio, Visionary Architect Then a wrench was thrown into the works.
Muzzio's former master, Daretti, had survived the explosive
Muzzio was the former vice chancellor of the Academy, the failure of his last experiment. Bitter, and believing his former
most prestegious place of learning in Paliano and all of Fiora. apprentice attempted to kill him, Daretti revealed Muzzio's
He was a master of artifice, creating countless cogwork cache of cogwork soldiers to his partner Grenzo. The warden
designs which could do a number of tasks from accounting, to attempted to have the elf Selvala assassinate him, but instead
secretarial work, to cleaning and tracking. So much prestiege she released the soldiers into the tunnels, causing chaos as
had him climb the ranks of power very quickly, opening a the machines went wild.
world of opportunity. The results had all of Muzzio's well-placed plans fall to ruin.
Muzzio's grand dream though was to turn Paliano into a Brago, intolerant of any dissent, had the Academy shut down.
perfect clockwork society for the elite citizenry of scholars and All artifice was banned from the city, the prestigious teachers
mages, all of it protected and maintained by his cogwork stripped of their reputations, and Muzzio himself exiled from
creations. It would be a world where art and knowledge would the High City that he had worked so hard to enter.
be allowed to advance and flourish, unhindered by the closed Muzzio was the sort who views every action akin to
minds of the Custodi or the short-sighted greed of the nobility tinkering, but with different materials. Setbacks and failures
and politicians. are always expected and he has the cool head to take the
To help achieve this, Muzzio installed hidden mechanisms setbacks and begin anew. With the assassination of Brago and
inside of his machines. Inside were wax cylinders which the rise of Marchesa, he has a new opportunity to begin anew
recorded everything the cogwork machines heard, creating a and return to Paliano. With the unrest, many opportunities
library of potential blackmail. He could also modify the actions are present for someone with his keen mind.
of his constructs via smaller constructs, having them subtly
change their actions when certain commands were made to Allies in Artifice
them. Adventurers working toward Muzzio's goals will be his eyes
Through these actions, Muzzio rose through the ranks of and ears in Paliano while he remains in exile. Many of the
the Academy to the position of Vice Chancellor. With his new adventures they undertake for him will likely be cogs in a
position, he would be free to continue his plans and designs greater plan the adventurers may not see.
for his perfect clockwork society. All he needed was more d8 Quest
time, information, and his perfected plan would be able to
proceed. 1
Make contact with a former Academy instructor for
Muzzio's missing notes and designs.
Infiltrate the closed Academy and find Muzzio's lab for
pieces of his more important works.
Find the written decree concerning Muzzio's exile in
the Hall of Records.
Scrounge the scrapyards in the Lowlands of Paliano for
Muzzio's machines with blackmail still inside of them.
Install cogwork spies in the palace for more information
on Marchesa.
Hunt down stolen tomes of Muzzio's works from the
goblins and his former master.
Construct a special cogwork as a 'gift' for a noble inside
Find Muzzio's contact Sydri whose shop always seems
to change locations.

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Leovold of Trest Many of the elves show portraits of awe at the splendors
Paliano can offer. This image of awe helps lower the guard of
Charm, cunning, charisma, and of course money. These are all Leovold's many guests during his parties. Mixed with a little
things Leovold possesses in spades. With a smile and a wine and their belief that the elves are simple folk in awe over
handshake, you could give away your deepest secrets with a their splendor, they begin spilling secrets, thinking the elves
smile on your face before you realize it. By then, you are in his lack the foresight to act on anything they hear. However, the
pocket with a favor for a favor, usually benefiting him more elves do hear and take it straight to Leovold.
than yourself. In the public scene, Leovold is a showman and perhaps the
Leovold's official position is an emissary of Trest and on most charming man one can meet. In the political offices and
behalf of Kinnesta. His duties there include meetings to the negotiation tables, he is a shark in the water. He has had
discuss issues between Fiora and Kinnesta, usually trade centuries to hone his craft, and he has made it a razor edge.
agreements, small political issues, and encouraging relations Making it more effective is rather than simple bribes,
between both empires. Often he can be found organising blackmail or assassinations, of which he can and will use,
grand parties where he invites noblility of Fiora to mingle with Leovold prefers the more refined method of making deals and
elves of Kinnesta and Trest to make stronger relations exchanging favors. Many of his marks believe through his
between the upper classes of both sides. Many in Fiora praise charisma and personality they are getting a favored deal for
Leovold's personable attitude and his generosity in providing only minor risk, but for Leovold, it is much more lucrative to
for his guests. him in the long run. His network of happy associates run
All of this is a mask of design on Leovold's part. Each of his deep, feeling like they have made a safe deal in exchange for
parties are designed to put his guests at ease so that their lips whatever Leovold asked for. With his elven mindset though,
can loosen and spill a few secrets. Many Fiorans have a belief Leovold can plan decades into the future using what he learns
that the elves of Kinnesta are often bckwoods, inexperienced now. This makes his endgame, if he has one, rather
with the wonders of the empire and live simpler lives. Perhaps mysterious.
some of it is true, but it is an image Leovold plays to the hilt. Currently, Leovold is finding his formal efforts stymied by
He himself wears fine, but simply Fioran fashions and his Marchesa's refusal to meet with him. Perhaps it is because
entourage of servants and guards dress similarly in clothing of Marchesa is wise to him, or she does not wish to meet lest she
status, but not to the spectacle many Fioran nobles like to lose face due to the climate. In either case, he is blocked.
dress like. Instead, his focus has turned to Selvala who Adriana wishes to
make the next ruler. He's begun working his silver tongue,
offering resources to the reluctant elf to see one of their own
kind on the throne.
Friends with a Handshake
Leovold always has need of a frine group of adventurers and
he always strikes a fair bargain for the work. However, he
keeps his cards close to his chest and is likely to profit far
greater than the party.
d8 Quest
Leovold wishes to have some 'packages' picked up
from the docks.
Leovold has tracked down a cogwork machine which
once belonged to prominent figure. Go retrieve it.
Leovold requires a subtle hand to assist with a visiting
3 delegation to make them more comfortable...and
Leovold asks to 'explore' a former property of the
Academy to see what used to happen there.
Leovold requests the party's time to pass on messages
to some 'friends' he's made in the Upper City.
Leovold offers fine compensation to track down Sevala
and pass her a 'care package.'
Leovold asks the group to pass another request for a
meeting to the queen.
Leovold hints at some 'unfortunate' elements making a
8 mess of some of his properties in Paliano which needs
clearing out.

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The Custodi After this event, the Custodi themselves began to change.
Using their magics, many of their higher members allowed
The Custodi are Fiora's religious institution. They not only themselves to become ghosts or even liches. With the
handle matters of religion, but they also take care of medical precedence set by Brago, ghosts and undead could still hold
matters and are a voice in the council which helps govern power and office, potentially forever, something the most
Paliano and by extension, all of Fiora. ambitious of the Custodi liked to have. Spirits were used as
In the days before Brago took the throne, the Custodi bodyguards and liches handled the most important tasks that
enjoyed a major role in the political structure of Paliano, as could not be forgotten.
with the chaos of the times, power shifted constantly and as Again, the Custodi all but ruled and ruled tyrannically
many looked to the Custodi for guidance, their power base through Brago. The ghostly priests abhorred change and
remained secure. After Brago took the throne, matters of state attempted to squealch it using Brago's voice. Innovation was
were cemented and the Custodi were faced with the very real slowed and artifice was eventually banned once Muzzio's plot
threat of power slipping from their grasp. came to light. The Custodi spirits were happy to keep the
Their fortunes reversed however when Brago was status quo, confident it would never change and their power,
diagnosed with a debilitating illness. Leaping at the like the king, would be eternal.
oportunity, they offered their magics and medicines to extend Marchesa soon changed that with the planeswalker Kaya.
his lifespan. For their continued aid, the Custodi managed to Soliciting members of the Custodi who desired change, or
claim more power in court and have a solid, and near majority were sick of serving the ghostly masters, they plotted to
power base once again. For seventy years it worked, but their assassinate the king and succeeded. Marchesa took the
magics eventually went too far, allowing Brago life even throne, consolidating power and causing upheaval in the
though his body continued to fall apart. Selvala finally ended it Custodi between factions who desired change and those who
as she killed him, ending Brago's reign and the Custodi's free did not.
ride to power. Although they are a religious institution, the Custodi are
Realizing their power and security were about to vanish, the more of a political body than anything else. They undergo the
Custodi scrambled to do something. Using their spiritual rituals and prayers for the public image and perhaps the
magics, they recovered Brago's spirit and set him on the lowest ranks are faithful, but the higher one goes, the more
throne again. Although with his own mind, Brago was more political they become. This shows in the lack of true divine
easily influenced by the Custoi and their magic, making him power in the priesthood.
more of a puppet to the Custodi's beliefs than before.
Brothers in Benevolence
Adventurers who work with the Custodi may undertake tasks
which appear benevolent at first, but will serve a more
political purpose for the Custodi.
d8 Loot
Enter the crypt of a former pope so his spirit can give
wisdom to the masses.
Retrieve the belongings of a missing priest, which
contains incriminating information.
3 Guide a delegation to Trest to meet with the elves.
4 Retrieve documents for a lich Custodi.
5 Deal with a political faction backed by a demon.
Find a group of rogue artificers who have sensitive
information in their machines.
7 Exorcise dissenting spirits who plot against the Queen.
A group of Custodi desperately try to bring Brago's
spirit back. Will you help them or harm them?

Intrigue Abound
Although the characters may undertake tasks for
others, it doesn't mean that they have to be loyal to
that faction. They may in fact play the factions off
each other to seize power on their own, or build a
faction of their own.

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A Fiora Beastiary

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Paliano has been struck with a craze of finding exotic beasts
to tame and use as entertainment. Some of the common
beasts which found their way to the nobles are Wolves,
Bears, Hawks, and Elk. Some of the other nobles manage to
claim more exotic animals such as Tigers, Elephants, or
Lions. At least one noble has managed to domesticate a
Hydra, increasing the popularty of the fad.
Other creatures have ended up in the rivers which run to
the ocean through the Lowlands. Such creatures include
Giant Crabs or Giant Constrictor Snakes slide through the
bays or even through the sewer tunnels in search of prey.
Out in the deepest regions of the wild where only a few
such as Selvala have dared go exist massive beasts that
embody the power of nature themselves. Such creatures are
considered avatars and can be represented by a Roc, Behir or
in the most extreme cases, a Tarrasque
Angels For a time, cogwork machines were the fad for Paliano. They
Angels are a rarity in Fiora, especially in Paliano. As the were able to do much of the mundane work which the nobility
Custodi became more political than pious, angels stopped did not have the patience for. Business snatched them up to
appearing around the High City. Despite the continued claims handle their repetetive tasks which freed them to handle
of the Custodi of their holy properties, angels are more often other, more important things. Best of all, they obeyed without
seen in the other cities where the faith is more true rather question and did not ask for wages.
than in major sites where faith is more a pretense for politics With the ban on artifice from King Brago, the only
than true faith in higher powers. constructs allowed in Paliano are vehicles. Queen Marchesa
Angels that are seen outside of Paliano, aiding the faithful has yet to repeal the ban either. Still, outside of Paliano, and in
who honestly seek hope and aid are Devas while the only secret within its borders, many artificers still ply their trade,
angels that appear in Paliano would be Planetars who would aiming for when their wonders will be allowed in the open
combat demons who cause chaos or rise out of the shadows again.
of the city with enough power to threaten what is good. If Many of the cogwork creatures take on a humanoid form.
enough of the Custodi and the city falls to the corruption of The mundane tasks are handled by simple machines which,
demons, an angel might begin attacking the city itself. although aesthetically pleasing, are not elaborate. Represent
Some angels may find truly faithful individuals and charge these constructs with Animated Armor. Larger constructs, or
them to cleanse corruption or combat evil. Some politicians Muzzio's cogwork soldiers are sturdier and meant to take
with good intentions may try to strike deals with angels, beatings. Represent these with either Helmed Horror or Iron
becoming warlocks. Golem.
Lastly, for more amusement than function, some of the
cogwork were made in the shape of animals, making them
amusing toys or replacements for pets. These creatures can
be represented by any animal in the Monster Manual and
having their creature type replaced as a construct and have
immunity to poison damage and the poisoned and charmed

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Demons The dragons of Fiora can be represented by two different
types. Dragons who prefer to rule from their nests and seek to
Demons do not have to work hard to seduce contracts for conquer can be represented by Adult Blue Dragons. Dragons
souls in Fiora. In Paliano, they're actually spoiled for choice. that seek to manipulate others and rule from the shadows can
With so many politicians, bureaucrats, and nobles looking for be represented by Adult Green Dragons. Both replace their
easy avenues to power, all the demons have to do is establish breath weapons with fire damage instead of lightning or
themselves and let the deals come to them. poison.
The hasty and unwise demons snap up as many contracts
as they can to amass as many souls as possible. The smarter Elementals
demons skillfully ply their trade and with the right promises, Aside from the fad for exotic pets, many of the mages have set
gain the souls of their contractor, his indentured servants, and a new trend of summoning elementals as shows of their
generations of their family all for one deal. magical power as well as decorations for their gardens and
Fiora is easily considered the most amusing plane to homes.
demons since the denizens are so quick to make deals. Some Some mages used Earth Elementals to show off their
demons even sponsor entire political factions to try and pull gardens or decorate them with cultivated portions of earth.
Paliano and Fiora further into chaos. Other planes would call Others summon Fire Elementals and shape them into
such groupings cults, but their political savvy gives such monstrous forms to show off their skill in manipulating
groupings some legitimacy. elements. Water Elementals become the source of elaborate
The lower ranked demons can be represented by a Dretch, fountain displays while Air Elementals would display
Imp, Quasit, and Spined Devil. The higher ranked Demons stunning air acrobatics. Some magi even have the delicate
can be represented by a Balor, Erinyes, Horned Devil, and touch to shape their trees into humanoid sculptures. Such
Marilith. The Archdemon of Paliano can be represented by a elementals can be represented by Twig Blights, Thorn
Pit Fiend or one of the Demon Lords from Out of the Abyss. Blights, Vine Blights, or even by Treants in the most extreme
Dragons are rare in Paliano since so few explore far enough
to actually see one. However, that doesn't stop dragons from
coming to Paliano or one of its territories and cause carnage
for the fun of it.
Dragons are rightfully feared in Paliano because they hold
the power to utterly wipe the board clean in one swoop. No
matter how much political power one has claimed, or if they
even have the throne itself, dragons can prove it really matters
little in the grand scheme of the world itself.
Dragons themselves are intelligent and cunning. Their
society and habits are a mystery since so few people have even
seen one outside of an attack. They prefer it that way since it
allows them to consolidate more power to themselves and to
the dragons of Fiora, power is just as important as gold.

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Magical Constructs Undead
Paliano, despite its bloody poltics, is a center of art and The undead play an important role in Paliano's daily life, both
academics. The mage population is constantly experimenting for the common folk and for the nobility. Queen Marchesa
and studying. Many of those experiments go into creating actively uses zombies as her guardians when she is in one of
familiars, or the creation of magical materials which end up her properties, keeping them hidden behind walls and ready
becoming new creatures. to attack if or when a threat comes at her. They are normal
A common achievement to some wizards is to create a Zombies but are kept in good condition and can even come
familiar. These are usually a Homunculus although they armed with enough preparation. Zombies are in fact the most
usually turn out less than aesthetically pleasing and are often trusted beings in the political circles of Fiora; absolutely loyal
scorned in open sight. with no hint of ambition and no mind to betray their masters.
Sometimes a mage's experiments go awry and they struggle The undead also hold high positions in the Custodi. After
to dispose of the results lest they damage their academics or Brago was returned, many of the higher officials in the
their reputations with the failure. Such results usually do not Custodi saw it as an opportunity to consolidate their power
go anywhere, but can instead result is a living slime which even after their deaths. When they died, they had trusted allies
slide about, searching for food. Such slimes can be return their spirits as ghosts. With Brago setting the trend and
represented by Ochre Jelly or Gray Ooze. making it law, the ghosts could hold their offices and positions
of power even after death. Now they were without risk of
being assassinated and the pains of living. In their minds, they
could continue with power into eternity. Such spirits can be
represented by Ghosts.
Other Custodi specialize in summoning the spirits of the
dead for aid. These spirits are not actual ghosts such as their
spectral superiors. Instead, these spirits are Shadows,
Specters, Wraiths, and Will-O'-Wisps who stay close to their
summoners in case they are needed for aid.
More powerful Custodi, ones who held stronger magical
power and looser morals chose to keep their bodies after
death rather than simply become dim spirits. With their
magics, they allowed themselves to become liches. With this,
they retained their magical power with the potential for
gaining more. To feed their phylactery, these liches use the
souls of condemned criminals, which they are never short of,
especially in the chaotic times of Queen Marchesa. Usually
these undead can be represented by Liches and are in charge
of high offices or sensitive archives for the Custodi

Musclebound brutes with a penchant and undeniable skill for
violence, ogres in polite society are considered on the same
level as goblins. What keeps ogres from being outright
shunned like the goblins is that everyone is afraid of angering
one. There is also the fact that ogres have value with their
strength as mercenaries to anyone who can meet their price.
They make fine bodyguards for those who need to travel and
so long as they are paid and have something to hit, they are
content. This makes them a fine resource to the politicians
and merchants despite publicly sneering at them while in
polite company. Use the Ogre entry in the Monster Manual for
these ogres.

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