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Lis) Wome irew Nadi Vial stele) 4 Prat (3 cut-outs ilvia C. Tiberio » Mark Ormerod - Donna Shaw Time for sport pps-17 Animal watch pp18-27 Lunchtime Pp30-39 The clothes box pp4o-49 Machines pp52-61 On the beach 6 pp62-72 Diamond Quest Game p74 Activity Book pp75-98 Numbers 1-10 bin, board, clock, cupboard, glue, notebook, ‘pen, school bag, scissors Colours brush, marker pencil, pencil case, rubber, ruler, sharpener play basketball /football /hockey, ride a bike, rollerblade, swim basketball, bike, football, helmet, rollerblades, skateboard ‘happy, new, old ‘elephant, fish, frog, lizard, monkey, parrot, snake, tiger, zebra behind, in, on, under limb, craw, ly, hunt, jump, run, swim ‘big, long, smal bread, cake, cheese, fut, meat, salad, vegetables ‘burgers, chips, chocolate /vanilia ice cream, pasta, pizza hungry hat, jeans, jumper, scarf shoes, skirt, socks, Tshirt belt, boots, dress, jacket, sandals, trainers arms, bods, fet, fingers, hands, head, legs, toes ears, eyes, hai, mouth, neck, nose {90 fishing /snorkelling, 100k for shells / treasure, make a sandcastle, pay frisbee bucket, fishing rod, flippers, frisbee, ‘snorkel, spade Hello, 1m (Hassan). What's your name? My name's (Natalie) How old are you? Im (eight). 1a (blue marker) They're (red markers). Isita (pen)?Yes, itis. /No, itisn'. ‘Are they (white and grey)? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. ‘can (play hockey). ‘can't (ride a bike). Can you (play footbal)? Yes, can. /No, can't. "ve got a (blue helmed). Have you got (a bike)? Yes, |have. /No, haven't. Where's the (elephant)? ‘ts (behind) the (tree). Is the (monkey) (on) the (tree)? Yes, itis. /No, itis’ (ish) can’t (fy). They can (swim). ‘ke (salad). | don't lke (mead). o you lke (salad)? Yes, 1 do. /No, I don't. Can have (o burger please? Yes. Here you are. He’ wearing (a hat). ‘She's wearing (shoes). She isn't wearing (a scarf). 11m wearing (white trainers). ‘Are they (blue)? Yes, they ae. /No, they arent ‘She's got (a nose). ‘She hasn't got (toes). Has he got (two heads)? Yes, he has. /No, he hasnt. ‘want to (play frisbee). | don’t want to (go snorkelling). ‘Do you want fo (look for shells)? Yes, do, /No, don’t, Have you got a spade)? Yes, Ihave. /No, haven't. Mini-dictionary p99 & 100 into Englis Pupil’s Book and Activity Book macmillan education 6 1 / | Find the numbers and write. = four Hello, 'm Hassan. What's your name? 1 Gy? Gs © Listen and circle. Then act out. | | ''m Bobby. Complete. My name's Bobby. I'm nine, Hello! My a) —___ Bobby. What's your name? Answer about you. 1 What's your name? enlace iaiaet satel 2 How old are you? - 2 (05) 9% Listen and read. Then sing and act out. In my school bag I've got a notebook, a pen and glue. And I've got scissors, too. In our classroom we've got a cupboard, a clock and a board. And we've got a bin on the floor. iG (3 Point, ask and answer. - 7 4 YS = o e 1 ? Read and circle ‘a’ or ‘b’. “Me \4| It’s a marker. ~~ They're markers ~~ 1 It’sapen. 2. They're markers. . © Hera 3 @ : Ser ETT 9 pf ° =a ® 2 e 3. It'sa school bag. 4 They're rulers. 5, They're sharpeners. ay 7 4 o ° im 6 It’sa pencil case. 7 It’sanotebook. 8 They're pencils. 2 € Look and guess. They're pencils. Vi s— elk 3 Pe play hockey vy Listen and read. Then sing and act o Tcan play hockey. Tcan ride a bike. Ican play basketball. Ican swim and rolierblade. Tcan play football. Let's play sport today! I can't play hockey. I can't ride a bike. I can’t play basketball. T can’t swim or rollerblade. T can't play football. No, Ican't play sport today! 1 (9 Play a memory game. cs | hash Sh 2 es) ?, Listen to Hassan. Then tick (W“) or cross (XX). RAMMAR! 'can play football, | can't play football ‘isten and read. Then act out. Icanplay football andican swim. en you rollerblade? i Yes, Ian. It’s my Favourite Can you swim? 2 (P) read again and cre. 3 OQ askand answer Yes, can, No, | can't. 1. play football. Yes No ? Yes No Pu 7 & 3 S rollerblade. Yes No 2 play basketball. Yes No a football 2 (nn) ? Listen and circle. fs g 8 f. Annie « oe 3 7”) Look and complete. ove sports! I've gota blue (1) _. ve got a yellow (2) Wve got a red (3) —___. ‘Tony: What's this? Mandy: It's present. A Joe: Open it) Tony: . Oh, thank you! I've got ‘a new football now! & * Hi, Joe. What's the problem? Hi, Tony. Look. I can't skate, My skateboard is old and brown. Can you help me? Yes, I can! Fantastic! Thank you! Mandy: Hello; Tony. Tony: _ Hi, Mandy. Mandy: I've got a helmet. But, ook. Its old. Can you paint it? Tony: Nes, of course! Tony: —Thisis your skateboard, Joe. And this is yourhelmet, Mandy. Joe: Mynew skateboard is great. I've got a green and yellow skateboard now! Mandy: Thank you! I've gota pink helmet now! aw) SY Read again and colour. / lve got a new (1) It's green and (2) now. I'm happy! - rG@)ve/ Yo got a new helmet. ‘ It's (4) —_____ now. Tony (6) can / can't paint very well! Are Tony, Joe and Mandy 900d Friends? a &) (3 Make and play. un ve got ahorse. Ieanride abike. lean'tride ahorse. "ve gota magic diamond. 2 ?) Write the words in order. aad. CP € Listen, find and write. Then listen again and repeat. amonkey atiger asnake anelephant azebra_ aparrot fish afrog Lesson 1 is) wy Listen and read. Then sing and act out. — Where’s the elephant? I can't see. It’s over there. It's behind the tree. Where's the parrot? I can’t see. Its over there. It's in the tree. Where's the tiger? I can’t see. Its over there. It’s on the tree. Where's the zebra? I can’t see. It’s over there. It's under the tree. Ask and answer. Where's the elephant? behind WE LY TN? 3 ?. Look at Activity 2 and complete. - Where's the lizard? Where's the It's in the tree. lizard? Its ¢ the tre sa C—) Where's the Lizard? Is it under the rock? Isitbehind the rock? Where's the lizard? | Pleasedo not touch 2 |) Read again and circle. 1 Hassan can’t see the lizard / rock. 3. The lizard is / isn’t behind the rock. 2. The lizard is / isn’t under the rock. 4 The lizard is on / behind Kim’s head. OR 3 CY ask and answer Z Q LY. ‘ © wy ° Is the monkey on the tree? Yes, itis./No,itisn't. J =< behind = under eure Ge) tree? 20 1) Gg € Listen and point. Then listen again and repeat. 2 (PP) took and read. Then tick (and cross oO. o gy Op 0 Aba, o Tee ° whee. o Bek, 3 € Look at Activity 2 and say. wo: CREA swim oO fly © Fish can't Fy. They can swim. 21 22 1 Ge) QS) uisten and read. 1\ {I IMALS Att; COLOURS Animals are of different colours. Some animals can hide in nature. Can you see the animals in the photos? Lions are brown. They can hide in grass. Perea ; 4 en 4 They are big j but they can hide in tal This snake is green and brown. Itis long but it can hide under leaves. This rabbit is grey and brown. It can hide in grass. en Tree frogs are green. They can hide in trees. Can you see the animal in i] this photo? It’s an owl! It’s black and brown, and it can hide in trees! 2a ‘dé , Read again and write the answers. 1 Where can the owl hide? Where can the rabbit hide? Are tree frogs big? What colour is the snake? 3 O , Match. 1 Polar bears can hide a intrees. 2 Lions can hide b insnow. 3. Tree frogs can hide under leaves. 4 Green and brown snakes can hide d_ ingrass. i ? 4 (7) Look at the photo and complete. op S20 the animal? small yellow water plants Sea dragons live in the (1) ___. They are green and (2)____. They can hide in eee Theyre) ° we Why do lions hide? Why do rabbits hide? 14 (3 Make and play. Isthat a magic diamond? _ INe got a map Look. There's a diamond ‘Yes, its. Shh! t's Great Let's go tothe top. Come on, Casey. You can doit! E > And where's the diamond? —= tts over“ there. tts behind the frog, Where's the diamond? Where's the snake? Its behind the leaves. O It's under the leaves. O It’s behind the frog. It’s on the frog. Where are Ronnie and Where are Ronnie and Casey? Casey? They'e behind the rock. _) ep They're behind the O water. They're on the rock. C They'te in the water. O = r S 2-5 a : yh - the the the —- @ e behind the ‘) > UL blue? Nd ? y , Lookand circle. 1(2) can / ride a bike. 1) can / play football. 1G) play hockey, ? +, Look and write. No, |haven't. __Yes,Ihave. No, I can’t. Yes, can. you gota football? Can you a rollerblade? Can you play football? Have you got rollerblades? ASS eau > 3 ? Write the words in order. Then look and write the answers. the Is tiger tree the tree it behind the 4 (P) took and complete with in, on, under or behind, © Where are the animals? I can't see them, The zebra is (1) _____ the house. The elephant is (2) ___ the house. The parrots are (3) ____ the house. And the monkey is (4) _______ the house! o (1) , € Listen and number. Then listen again and repeat. near ‘SALAD co Fer like salad. \ Tlike vegetables, too. But I don’t like meat! like cake. Yes, I love cake. | My favourite food is cake! | like cheese. like vegetables, too. | But I don’t like bread! | Tike fruit \ Yes, Ilove fruit. oy My favourite food is fruit! 1 (9 Play a memory game. @é \like cheese, | like meat. I don't like vegetables. like fruit. \ don’t like salad. 2 ? Read again and tick (W’). = (y Ask and answer. \ 32 1 @G ©) usten and point. Then listen again and repeat. 2 Gs g Listen and circle. © Vicky “Vv 1) fe on PG; (Complete. Then ask and answer. chocolate ice cream, please? 34 ee “)/rqe) Listen and read. ‘One day, a fox and a stork meet in the forest. MrFox: Hello. I'm Mr Fox. Mrs Stork: Hello, Mr Fox. I'm Mrs Stork. MrFox: Let's be friends. Come to my house for lunch. Mrs Stork: Thank you, Mr Fox! You're very 59 5, The two animals are in Mr Fox's house. 7, Mrs Stork: What's that? MrFox: Is the soup good? Mrs Stork: I can't drink it MrFox: Oh! I can drink itt It’s delicious! Mrs Stork: I can make very good soup, too. Come to my house for lunch tomorrow. Mr Fox: It's soup. Do you like soup? Mrs Stork: Yes, I do! The fox and the stork are in Mrs Stork’s house. Mrs Stork: Please drink my soup. Mr Fox: I can't drink itt Mrs Stork: Oh, I can drink it. It’s delicious! It’s special soup for my new friend! ww FP 2 ~w,) /_) Read again and put the sentences in order. @ The two animals go to Mr Fox’s house. b_ The fox can't drink the soup. d_ The two animals go to Mrs Stork’s house. The stork can’t drink the soup. ¢ The fox and the stork meet in the forest. f] ? 3+ ) Read and circle. This soup (is / isn’t very good 12) can / can’t drink it! 1) have / haven’t gota problem. 1@) can / can’t drink it! What is the message of the story? 1 a (9 mats ole F Come on, Casey! You can do it! Look! fm wet! PF \cokl Bananas! Do you like bananas? bananas! — Yuck! | don't lke fruith Uke chocolate cake! And ice cream. Pa Mmm. love 4 cy ice cream! / “Wel, thaverit got cake! And | havent got icecream! 4 ‘But youve got magic diamonds! You can do Ws magic! Can | have vanilla ice cream, please? Oh no, Caseyt Ive got magic diamonds, ‘Oh. What can but I carit make, you do with your ice cream! . * diamonds, then? 38 Diamond Qu 1 ?) Circle Casey's favourite food. wy _ = 2 P) Write the words in order. F an eo eo * 2 @ ~ eo @ cp o c= 1. ae Cae Baws: 08.6.) a GR On :s Re Gis Gas. oo. ea Gime a: o.. Gi GD Gia. -——~ '»| Lesson 1 40 ? vy € Listen and number. Then listen again and repeat. (20) 9) Listen and read. Then sing and act out. Bobby is wearing a T-shirt and a hat from the clothes box. He's wearing blue jeans. He's wearing shoes and socks. Vicky is wearing a jumper and a scarf from the clothes box. She's wearing a red skirt. She's wearing shoes and socks. 1 - Play a guessing game. Are they green? ¥ 3 Yes, they are. aps 80293 "es ew a 2 @) 7? tisten and match Cae « ae* 3 ?) Look a Activity 2 ad wite 1 I nineteen nmiac She She oo She's wearing socks. eNaunswn a 1 (2) EQ usten and read. then act out. Natalieis wearing a green jumper, a yellow skirt Pp andiared scar. Hassan is wearing an orange T-shirt, blue jeans and green shoes. Natalie isn'twearing shoes! Hassan isn’twearing ‘And Scruffy aa iswearing a Funny hat! and write ! or H. 1 ajumper cl 4 askirt cl f yw 2. aT-shirt | 5 shoes | . jor 3 jeans 3 € Look at Vicky and say. Vicky’s wearing a hat. ascarf She isn’t wearing a scarf e) 2 ?) Complete and match. I'm wearing I'm wearing V'm wearing a purple ablack and ayellow and and white brown green I'ma doll. I'ma pirate. man elf. WY’ GRAMMAR’ Talk about you. rm wearing blvetrainess... Vm wearing white trainers. ¢ Let's read! y ee {ts Harrys birthday party. He's wearing a hat, boots fs) wey Listen and read. and a white and blue Tshirt. Harry is a pirate! Wren go > OBO Look at Harry's friends. They're wearing special clothes today. Carla isa dog, Patty is a clown, Nico is @ superhero and Alex s an elf! Lesson 5 Do you like Jimmy is under uy superheroes? the table. No, I don't e b, Do you like * pirates? No, Idon'... ike tigers. aicameeuct tare # I've got an idea! f We've got markers and 3 mask for Jimmy! ie Jimmy is a tiger. He's happy now! Bi — — we FP 2 ay) / ) Read again and match. e 8 ° SF ae) Harry Carla Alex Nico Patty et eee eee ? /_/ Look at the story and complete. 1 _____is wearing a blue mask. 3 ——____is wearing a red jacket 2 ______ is wearing a green shoes. 4 ——— is wearing a red belt. ? 4 /) Look at the story again and circle. , 1 Harry is / isn’t wearing a hat. 4 Alexis wearing yellow socks / shoes. 2. Carlais / isn’t wearing black shoes. 5 The children make a scarf / mask for Jimmy. 3. Patty is wearing a black belt / hat, The children help Jimmy. °e 1&4) (3 Make and play. My avatar is wearing a hat, ‘jumper... dC) ‘ 2 Se? Re tae) 7) Read. Then draw and write. c iat ee _E-shink amd a hint. Dbua weaning "shows omd socks. Abi ion't weanima aha. Abe ion uxanimeay ov be. Ty friend, | Chinn 'y wearing. y sucaring, iont weaning, ‘What can you do with your Three diamonds diamonds, then? / may of the same colour?, Yves. Loot. There’ a diamond | catittell you now Listen Ineed three diamonds ofthe Oh! Cant have the. 48 diamond, please? Hello friends! My name’ Pick. Guess the colour! Youve got one chance. What colour ist? Ohyest Heb wearing a Casey, are you sure?! 1 ?) Match and write. oe & and ¢ is under the e a iy Sy © The @ are on the 1 2 3 2 = ?, ") Look at the story again, colour and write. 1 Pick is wearing 2 He 3 ?) Guess: What colour is the diamond? The diamond is Bobby : Natalie Hassan My favourite food is. @ => ts, oe @® Hove ON r \W My favourite food is KD 3 C Look at Activity 1 and complete. 1 Vicky is wearing She. blue jeans awD 2 She 5 Hassan ao a 3. She 6 He AS 52 1G) € Listen, find and write. Then listen again and repeat. abody fingers ahead legs _—toes. Rodney the robot has got ahead, a body and arms. Hands, legs and feet. He's got lots of fingers. He's got lots of toes. But, look! He hasn't got a nose! No, he hasn't got a nose! 1 > Look at Rodney on page 52 and play a memory game. @°.3 2 Ga) ?) Listen to Hassan and Natalie. Then write the numbers. anose hands fingers feet toes 3 ?) Look at Activity 2 and write. orm He's got a nose. She hasn't got a nose. My robot has got a nose. He's got two hands He's got seven fingers. He's got three feet. He hasn't got toes. a &) (9 Listen and read. Then act out. 4 Look! She's got fesooal ——— ‘andeet Ww a Yes, she ‘She's got nine fingers. Has she got. toes: Has she got afriend? canbe mynew . friend. 2 ? Look at Activity 1 and circle. 1 Rita...anose. 4 She... three legs. has got hasn't got has got hasn't got 2. She... two arms. 5 She... toes. has got hasn't got has got hasn’t got 3. She... ten fingers. 6 She... two feet. has got hasn’t got has got hasn't got Look at Rodney. Then ask and answer. ey? 54 A 1)? € Listen and number. Then listen again and repeat. BOP) ose und conmpiete: 1 Rita has got a head. 2 She has got a small nose. 3. She has got brown hair. 4 She has got big eyes. | ita, the robot 1 Now, Rita hasn't got aneck. 2 She____twoeyes. 3 pSties ee lat 4 She arms. 5 She ____ legs. 55 56 Lesson 5 Let's read! = (0) ay Listen and read. Is THIS A DOG? No, it's a robot and it’s intelligent! It's got small ears but it can listen to your instructions. It can stand up and sit down. This robot can't speak but it can walk and it can play with a ball! Look at the robot! It hasn't got eyes! IS THIS A CAT? No, it isn't. It’s a robot! This robot has got short legs but it can jump. It can’t climb a tree but it can dance to music! It's got a small body, a big head and big eyes. Look! The eyes can express emotions! Do you like this robot? P) read again and circie. 1 The dog and the cat are / aren’t robots. 4 The dog / cat can play with a ball. 2. The dog has got big / small ears. 5, The cat can / can’t climb a tree. 3, The dog can / can't speak. 6 The two robots are / aren't intelligent. 3 a, Match. e Itcan dance. J Itcan playwith a ball. f It can understand instructions. __ttcanjump. J ei Ithas got asmall body. _f Which animal robot do you like best, the dog or the cat? Why? Hes your robot - S vo 4 = 9 Ohyst = S The yellow diamond! ‘The diamond? Doyou like games? What diamond? pe! fove gamest XS ‘The diamond is under Thor's hand, ‘Oh, that’ easy! Thor hasrit got a nose. Hes got big feet and big oes. Hels got two arms and ‘our fingers. hands. Heb got eight Youtre a smart rll Here’ the diamond. 60 1 ? Who's Thor? Read and tick (W). A " \aera O & s 2 ?) Solve the riddles. x 1 2 3 4 Xisina ss games. Who's X? fun / Toorhastt got nose. Heb gotbigteet \ and big oes. Hes got X hasn't got a & X has got BIG ad hy. who's x The X is X has got a {M. X is a smart gir who's X? X canridea (Gro sre 012 @ os @wrosx, He hasn't got ___anose. He —__—_ ears. He fingers. Direnerereccerne: — toes. Find the differences and complete. oO A has got it. What's X?- —__ i BWR He has got _____anose. He______ears. He________fingers. Hes toes, Z = mm ee 61 | (6 On the beach 1 as ) CP € Listen and number. Then listen again and repeat. play frisbee \ Iwant to make a sandcastle. | I want to go fishing. ] I want to play frisbee. | I want to go snorkelling. We want to look for shells. We want to look for treasure. But we can't! Look at the weather! 62 1 (3 Play a memory game. x : g 2 (ss) ?, Listen to Rick and tick ne or cross (). ~ Garis $2... BR. 3 ?) Look at Activity 2 and write. Iwant to play frisbee. | don’t want to play frisbee. want to go snorkelling, but I can't. Look atthe seat Yes,1do! Let's make an amazing sandcastle! 2 ® Look at Activity 4 and tick (’). 1 a0 snorkelling. (_) 3. play frisbee. O 2. look for shells. © 4 make a sandcastle.) Do you want to look for shells? Yes,|do./'No, Idon't. 1 @) C, ) € Listen and number, Then listen again and repeat. afishing rod |_| 2 (P) compete. e () Have _ you got a snorkel? @ you ___ to go snorkelling? ou a EE) $ —— Fen, | to play frisbee? © Have (5) _______a bucket? * Do (7) _________ to look for shells? 3 €,9 create a dialogue. Use sports and objects from Unit 2. Let's read! a4 Listen and read. 5) ww But, look! I've got Larry and his friend Amy are on the beach. 7 anew snorkel and anew = ‘mask. |want to look For want to 90 pirate treasure! snorkelling. Lesson 5 & youcan'tswim \ inthe sea. Look atthe } flag. t's red. — Come back! The sea is Wow, Lots dangerous! of shells... want toswimto that Lots of ‘orange and purple fisht ai, Don't swim in Yes, sorry. the seawhen the } Ohno! | haven't flagisred. got mysnorkel! 4 66 iad ‘ a sand 2 S?) Read again and put the sentences in order. a. want to swim to that rock. CJ I want to go snorkelling. CJ on 4 b_ I want to look for pirate treasure! C] d. thaven't got my snorkel. Lik Don't (1) ________in the sea when the (2) is() -Itis @ 4 & Colour the beach flags in your country. The sea is calm. The'sea isn’t very calm, The seais dangerous, The sea is very You can swim. but youcan swim. but youcanswim. dangerous. You can’t swim. Do you respect the beach flags? 1 ety Make and play. | Have you (or) a spade? E> ED a ‘Have you: Lesreee) a Lesreee) roo? > 2 S 0 Read. Then draw and write. we a rink amd, ov snorhel, Sel ny gh on Venom ge omonhelling Lote Doe got 2 res © _.Lwant to and J wamb to L don't want to Here the diamond, Ronnie, Youive got two yellow diamonds now. for shells A baby tiger! Ronnie, can you help that tiger Fg \cant climb that tree, Casey. fm sorry Lets goto ‘the beach. Youive got three yellow diamonds. Can you ttsunder they pink shel Yes, | can discover ‘the secret word. Help. With three, yellow diamonds, | can |help someone. great Ronni. I want tolook for more, diamonds. look for more! un Do you want a(t) ___ diamond? 1 (P)) complete and match. lean't (2) ____ that tree. Can you help that (g)____, please? Go to the beach and look for 16) —__ discover the secret word. You've got (© —____yellow diamonds now. 2 | ) Now Ronnie and Casey have got four magic diamonds. Complete. What colour is it? Where is it? Diamond Diamond 2 Diamond 3 Diamond 4 Integration (3 On 1 CP) took aru complete, Welcome to the museum! This is Jerry! He (a) has gota big body. He (2)___a long neck anda small head. He (3) ____ big feet. He (4) _____fingers or toes. - She big ears. 3 (P) rook at Activity 1 again and tick (s/) Natalie's favourite robot. v 4 ?. Look and complete. I don't want to (1) 1) 5 ? Complete the questions with Do you want or Have you got. Then complete Bobby's answers. Oh! (3) a frisbee? (5) No, | don't. Look to play frisbee? at the flag. It’s red! These three Diamond Quest (Ge Time for sport 1 ?) Look and write. What’s the secret word? PST ET | Ae nO #0 tal 40 sof | (HT 7 220) The secret word is; —__. 3 (P) took and complete. & el Al) F v | 36 7 ae v x => a pac MR 1 football. i 3 Ican’t____ hockey. Cin riccececctncliscieallalicremangeclt 5 1 basketball. 6 1____abike. A 4 ?. Write the words in order. Then look at page 10 and write the answers for Mrs Crisp. 1 you Can rollerblade 2 football you play : ol py ss! MAS 3 basketball © you = Can_— play le 7, Look, count and write the numbers. 1 Fs) helmets 2 C] basketballs 3 C bike i skateboards 5 L] rollerblades 7, Write the words in order. rollerblades ‘I've got 2 Ive helmet got black 3 basketball got a Ive FS book and complete. Then read and colour. (4) (@) (e] 2 lve gota green _ aoe orange basketball. 9 Write the words in order. Tick (W/) or (X). Then ask a friend. Me My friend e e 7 @ ©@ ee 1 rollerblades Have got you 2 you a you Have football got 3 play Can hockey you G) Animal watch 1 ?) Match. wi “= Ne 2 ? Look at Activity 1 and write. o Q 3 ? Look and write the answers. 4 write the words in order. Then look at Activity 3 and write the answers. 1 tiger house. the = under Is_— the 2 parrot Is on the house the 5 ? Look and write the answers. 2 Is the tiger under the tree? Is the zebra under the tree? Is the parrot in the tree? Is the elephant on the tree? Where's the snake? Where's the monkey? Where's the parrot? Where's the tiger? Where's the lizard? 6 ?) Find and circle 7 words. Then look and complete. 088. ope] Oe Parrots Frogs e u} kK] t}s|ele}o]e Monkeys MiY/C;}|W;/S|W/] 1]M Lizards 7. (P)) comptete with can orcan't 1 Frogs run. They 3. Fish swim. They jump. run, 2 Parrots____ crawl. They 4 Zebras___run. They fly. crawl. 8 ?) Look and write. 82 1 Ss ead and colour. 1 The lizard under the rock is green. 2. The lizard on the rock is red and yellow. The lizard behind the rock is orange. 4 The lizard in the rock is pink and blue. ? 2 /” ) Look at Activity 4 and write the answers. 1 Isthe green lizard on the rock? 3. Is the pink and blue lizard in the rock? 2 Isthe orange lizard under the rock? 4, Isthe red and yellow lizard on the rock? ? 3 + ) Look and write. ° a fly swim run fly crawl hunt AQ whey = Ye - run > jump ~ fly crawl ~ hunt X climb ” & PR retiits iP. _) Match. ° o eee! a - bread | ° GF _ salad | 98 it BBR wm “aus 6 3 SG ? 2 Find and circle 7 words. Then write. A /) 7 ‘ late Br a7 / , Look and complete with like or don’t like. bread and cheese. cheese like Do you 8) 84 s¢ & (CP) nsx your tenis afal Comiplatn'the faces: | 2 S&e& J ia | aes —— es. Le Name: | © | © “ {ele OC 6 | /) Look and complete. Di snes © colleen 7h... a— 5) VIL and: cho a6 es Sm 70 7 , Complete with /, have, Can or please. Ihave a vanilla ice cream, please? Reo | you are. 85 Can (a) ¥ | Be \ splease?/ Wy US Sg D Yes. Here = youare. £ The clothes box ? ‘1+ ) Read and number. Vicky is wearing: aiumper [_] aseat [| a skirt fl ses FJ Bobby is wearing: oe OF 3 gS > read and cotour. Bobby is wearing a blue hat, 2. He's wearing a red jumper. 3. He's wearing a green scarf. 4 He's wearing blue jeans. 5 He's wearing orange socks. 6 He's wearing brown shoes. 4 , Look and complete. 1 Natalie's wearing 2 She's, 3 She 4 She isn't wearing a___ 5 She___wearing a jumper. OO sn Ss tise 88 5 ?. ) Look and write, I'm wearing a blue hat. dress. tm 7 ? Answer about you. 'm______a blue and white white trainers. 'm wearing a black hat. a red jacket. brown boots. I'm wearing a green hat. 'm____an orange belt. ! sandals. purple revise! bh ? 1°) Look and complete. Vicky ahat. 2 She a scarf. Hassan eee SE jumper. 4 He Scie eee fears 5 RO i tine DOOR. 6 ee ae 7 Nata lhe) a shirts 8. She oes ee sandals ? 2 / ) Look and complete. a T-shirt. a jacket. 1 ?) Match. Rodney the robot has got: hands we FY art a body O fo | ahead ‘| ws Fl on 2¢ 2 Look and write. {fe 3 ? Look and complete with 's got or hasn’t got. 1 Roger____anose. 2 He_____twolegs. 3 He two heads. 4 He________two hands. 5 He —_— eight fingers. 6 He______two feet. 7 He____toes. fingers your got__—_robot Has robot —_got 92 ? 5 (/” ) Look and complete. oa 2 —0s_ 3 ———th 6 (P) took and circte. 4 ere 5 ar 6 nc 1 Max has / hasn't got black hair. 2 He has / hasn't got two big ears. 3 He has got ten hands / fingers. 4 He has / hasn't got toes. aw Tina has / hasn’t got long hi She has / hasn’t got ears. She has / hasn't got small eyes. She has got four fingers / toes. 93 ? 1 // ) Look and complete with 's got or hasn't got. ? 2 +) Write the words in order. Then look and write the answer. a big head. anose. one arm. six fingers. legs and feet. toes. 1 got Wanda small a = Has mouth 2 two Has she eyes got 2 3 (ears) (got (big) (Has) (she 2 4 she short Has got hair Bee 2 5 a neck Has long she —_got On the beach ° ena) Zz look for shells play frisbee oe _g0 snorkelling a aes . make a sandcastle / look for treasure yf 20 _) Find and circle 6 words. Then complete. e{[t{s|[t s[rle t[w[al] s|a;|n{/o]|c]a]s tiefefo} el[wiolrio|x|wirialzlv rireletitslelelelelcl|er alei[xi[mi[olo|rl[alelo]t fsfale[elelsfalslalx[s wfolrlrjulelul[u[s|[yv|[u elvitla xte{ife[s [els cit) i [up te] yy ae [ey fen [tr e[m{[ei{tileltl[n{c| Flale|mlelsly|slalec DS 1 look for wy make 5, (pig 5 lookfor_____ ra 6 go 3 (P)) took and complete with want to or don't want to. mS) OR 4 LO) & ?. Write the words in order. play want Do frisbee —to snorkelling @ 5 ? ) Complete. @ He (5) 0 1 snr 3 bock_t 5 {pers 2 sp_d_ 4 Ling 6 f_ibee cP ) Look and complete. Doyouwant Haveyougot Yes,Ido! —_Yes, | have. Have you got a fishing rod? to make a sandcastle? 97 2 ? Write the words in order. Then look and write the answers. 1 want for you Do to shells look eo 2 sandcastle make you Do a to want 3 ie Complete. Then look and write the answers. £0) you gota spade?) you got a £0) you gota spade?) =a you 2 you a {you a snort] a? Pal ‘Ss co = 3 o] a =) —_ 3 = Wie le ete la \ 8) 13/.4 Ol \O2 440 Ve 2 O)4 4/0 \ MeO Qe V1 )%oil] Ole ,\ Ne) 163) G1 Meese IC. w | e POY Ons 5) sO © 30:2 O20; 3 @x = o-- © © : © © ©. ©: ©>. ee ©) e© © ©e®@ © © © oe 0; O© = 6 (©9102 e@ © © e, 5), © ;©©) © © © @ e® @ © © © \ 6 OCOO.S- = (©) 6@)@s! eS ees see ® 52.O@®:: areO® se © oe © © © Ox © oe eo © © © On © © © Stee es , ©© © ewe sane © © © © ©e© % @ ©) \ 8G “oe 62@ © e© ©) “3 OLOEVESOEO 2S! 6 CO) ~O) OL. @ jas 2 s “@ - @ 85s ©©@ 22) 0'8 ©; c ® for shells f a ‘ 2 W@W) Y S((@)) = 7 (®) = @)OwN! Je : See OO er See © om, . ®©6©geOs 2 e Z ® a sel oe “ 6) eee oe a ot ssenees OS ) ; ‘: ( : Macmillan Education Macmillan Publishers S.A. ‘© Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2017 ISBN N° 978-987-672-316-9 Queda hecho el depésito que marca la Ley 11.723. Texto © Mark Ormerod 2017 ‘Adaptacion: Silvia Carolina Tiberio Disefio eilustraci6n © Macmillan Publishers S.A Disefio de interior: Eclipse Gréfica Creativa Disefio de tapa: Natalia Bellini llustracin de tapa: Carlos Escudero Gerencia editorial: Marianela Alloatt Edicién: Laura Lagos, Maria Paz Ambrosio y Chiara Salemme Este libro es una adaptacin de Find Out, originalmente publicado en 2007, yse publica con la autorizacion de Macmillan Education Ltd ltustrado por Carlos Escudero (excepto ppr4, 19 [carteles}, 23 {huelas), 24 (tigre, 32 [emoticones), 36,46 [ifa Actividad 2,58 {robot}, 61{mancha de pintura amarilal, 67 [banderas), 68[niRo Actividad 2], 75 {monigotes Actividad 1], 76 [monigotes Actividad 31 78 [casco, pelota y patineta, 82 [lagartijas en roca, 83 [plato (Ormerod, Mark y cubiertos, y alimentos en “Shopping lis") 87 [s0gas con ropa Colgadal,secci cut outs: domin6ytareta Bingo comias); ‘Martin Melogno p78 (patineta; Red Giraffe pps (fa Actividad 2), 58 (robot), 68 (ni Actividad 2,75 (monigotes Actividad s), 76 (monigotes Actividad 3), 82 lagartjas en roca) 83 (plato y ‘ubiertos, alimentos en “Shopping list), 87 (sogas con ropa ‘olgada) #23RF pps 19 (careles), 23 Guella), 24 (igre), 36,61 (mancha de pinturaamarila), 67 (banderas), 78 (asco y pelota) seccin cut-outs: doming y tarjeta Bingo comidas Los autores y los editores agradecen por el permiso para reproducir sus fotografias a: 23RF (excepto caras nfs pps, 9, 14 19 [nial 24, 41{nlMa, 43, 58 (nia), 68, p22 [baho}, pps6 & 57 (robots); ‘Alamy pps6 & 57 (excepto imagen de fondo); Latinstock p22 (bah); Macmillan Education Ltd. caras nifios pps, 9,14, 19 (nif) 24, 36, 48 (nia), 43, 58 (nia), 68 Nose permite la reproduccién parcial o total elalmacenamiento, el alquiler, a transmisin o la transformacién de este libro, en ‘ualquier forma 0 por cualquier medio, sea electrénico o mecénico, mediante fotocopias, digitalizacin otros métodos, sin el permiso previo y escrito del editor. Su infraccién esta penada por las leyes, 1.723 25.446. Hop into English 1: pupil's book and activity book / Mark Ormerod ; Donna ‘Shaw ; adaptado por Silvia Carolina Tiberi, Macmillan, 2038, 112 p. 2822 em, ISBN 978-987-672-336-9 raed. 12 reimp. - Boulogne 4. Inglés. 2. ducacién Primaria. 3. Libro de Texto. |. Shaw, Donna I. Tiberi, Silvia Carolina, adap. Il. Titulo. | co 372.6044 Impresoen Argentina Primera ediin, primera reimpresin, Este lo trming de imprimir en septembre de 2038, en los aleres de Grea Peter, Diogenes Taborda 48, CludadAuténoma de Buenos Aes, Argentina 2 SL eran TnL cs OT UC car * Final integration game, cut-outs and Mini-dictionary Or ceetee ca > Digital Pupil’s Book with audio, songs and animated Ce eC eee ee Rene CEP ATOETATAis a six-level series ele UCN ACR ec visually and cognitively with pupils to accompany them through the different stages of their learning process. Aligned with local curriculum objectives ee ee ens ceric cg > Digital Pupil’s Book with audio, songs and animated Dee eur ea eet Pea Ce een eR ae ea CO Ce ea ee Ce Coed Meee ee Dee Me ea Ce

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