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‭The purpose of having and following a Code of Ethics in engineering is to establish standards‬

‭and guidelines for ethical behavior. These codes typically outline principles and values that‬

‭engineers should uphold, such as honesty, integrity, and respect for human life and the‬

‭environment. By following a Code of Ethics, engineers can ensure that they act ethically and‬

‭responsibly in their work and maintain the trust of the public and their clients. We discussed‬

‭many issues in class, but the one I discussed was the Pinto issue. My classmate also thought that‬

‭the Ford company needed to be corrected and see what long-term benefit it had not fixed these‬

‭issues. And that was not the only issue that we agreed on. Another issue that was discussed was‬

‭VW emissions. For the most part, the whole group decided that there was something very wrong‬

‭with messing with the results of the emission tests. That takes me to the next part about the‬

‭Virtue of ethics. Most engineers have a moral to follow the Virtue of Ethics blindly, and they do‬

‭not need to be told. From the Pinto case study, the three virtues I would choose to represent in‬

‭that study would be honesty, integrity, and responsibility. I chose those because I thought Ford‬

‭Motor Company did not follow those exact words when signing off on the failed crash tests. The‬

‭company just wanted to make fast and easy money, and they had to pay for their mistake dearly.‬

‭Not only that, the public must have lost so much faith in the company after this incident. One‬

‭that is not on the list that should be chosen is Justice. Justice is the correct Virtue because, in the‬

‭end, every company with bad ethical standards will be brought to Justice and shown to the world.‬

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