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march Booklet

Second year, ENGLISH

2024, F.E.E Nº 1739

Teacher: DIANA
STUDENT: : ___________
1. Read the text and highlight the key words from each paragraph.
2. After reading, work with a pair and share three things you found interesting about what Lucas says.
3. How is life in Argentina different?

Correct these FALSE sentences

with the information in the text

1. When the canals freeze, the citizens

stay at home.

2. Holland is a chaotic place to live.

3. Students never have homework.

4. Lucas’ parents are always messaging


3. Answer Lucas’ question from the last paragraph. (70-80 words). Remember to put a title and use
4.Complete the text with the articles ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ or ‘-’ (no article)


Imagine you work at a tech

company and you were asked to
develop a new App…

● What would you name it?

● Why would you use it for?
● Who is going to use it?

5. Look at this picture and answer.

a. What are the boys doing?

b. Are they enjoying this activity?

c. How often do you think they

do this?

d. Are they learning something

by doing this?

e. Name three activities/sports

you would like to learn.

f. With a classmate, exchange your

ideas and say whether you agree or disagree with them and why.
6. Practice. Present simple vs Present continuous. Complete with these words or phrases:



don’t usually use

is always true

is happening now

will happen

7. Student’s Book page 129. Act 1, 2 and 3.

8. Complete with the correct words.

We use __________ and ___________ to talk about quantity when we

don’t know the number or amount.

● We use __________ in positive sentences with plural countable and

uncountable nouns.

e.g: There are _________ great places to hang out.

e.g: I need _________ advice.

● We use _________ in negative sentences and questions with plural

countable and uncountable nouns.

e.g: I haven’t got _________ any brothers and sisters

e.g: Have you got ________ money?

We use __________ in negative sentences with uncountable nouns.
● The poster doesn’t give _________ information.

We use ______ ______ …? in questions.

● ______ _______ time do you spend online?

We use _______ in negative sentences with plural countable nouns.

● There aren’t _______ good players on the team.

We use ______ ______ …? in questions.

● ______ _______ students are there at your school?

We use _____ with plural countable and uncountable nouns.

● _____ my friends love basketball.
● _____the food was cold.

We don’t use ______ after all when talking in general.

● _______ children love chocolate.

We use a ______ with uncountable nouns.

● Can I give you a ______ advice?

We use a ______ with plural countable nouns.

● I invited a _____ friends to my house after school.

We usually use _____ _____ _____(not much/many) in positive sentences with:

● Plural countable nouns.
There are ____ ____ ____ posters on my wall
● Uncountable nouns.
There was ____ ____ ____ traffic on the roads.

9. Find the underlined nouns in activity 8 and say whether they are countable or uncountable.

10. Student’s Book page 131. Act 4.

11. Complete with information about yourself.

12. With the information from activity 10, write an online profile about yourself using:
Adjectives to describe yourself.

Present simple for things you do regularly.

Present continuous for things you’re doing at the moment.

13. Telling stories…

a) Listen to a boy’s story. Tick the phrases from the useful language box he uses. (p 39 - 3.7)

Make us laugh!

Step 1: Think of a funny story that happened to you during the summer
Step 2: Make a list with the information.
Step 3: Prepare a presentation to share with your classmates. You can support
your story with images/videos.

Remember to: Include language from the useful language box and engage
with your classmates.

14. Future predictions.

A) Discuss with a classmate… How do you think schools were different in the

B) Read the grammar box and complete the examples with these verbs.

may not allow might be will learn won’t change

Complete the comments with the correct for of the verbs in brackets. Use ‘will’ or
‘won’t’ when the writer is sure. Use ‘may/might not’ when the writer is not sure.

Expand your ideas!

Choose one of the students

from activity 14 and add five
more predictions. Remember
to use future forms.

15. Watch this video about ‘Social Media and Self Image’ Social Media And Self-Image

16. In pairs, look at this picture and answer:

*Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your looks?

(hair, clothes)

*What are the positive and negative points of looking different?

*When did you last change your appearance? What did you do?

a) What do you think these slogans mean? Can you think of other slogans?



17) Comparatives/Superlatives
Read this post. Write the correct answer (one word for each gap).
Speak up! Write your own answers
and discuss them with a classmate.

★ Do you use filters? What is your

favourite one?

★ Do you think they create funnier


★ What are the consequences of using

too many filters?

★ Do young people take too many selfies?

Do you know anyone who does?

★ What role do influencers play in social


18) Before reading, answer these questions:

a) What are your favourite subjects? Why?

b) What are your least favourite subjects? Why?

c) What skills do you think you should improve for this following year?

d) What are you good at?

e) If you had to add a subject to your school, which one would it be?

19) Exchange your answers with a classmate. Do you have similar ideas?

20) After reading, highlight key words from each paragraph..

21) After reading:
a) How do you feel about speaking in front of a crowd? And speaking English?

b) What are some of the fears that come with public speaking?

c) Do you think it is a useful skill to learn in school? Why/Why not?

22) In groups of four, think of an interesting subject you would add to this year’s timetable.

➔ Give three reasons why you would include it.

➔ What skills will be learnt?

➔ How will it help students for the future?

➔ You will have to present this to your classmates and by the end of the class, the best

subject will be chosen. Be creative and choose strong arguments!

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