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Objective: LO 3. Weld butt joint (open) in flat and horizontal position.

Code: TLE_IAAW9-12FW-IIIg-j-3

Grade Level: 9-12

Subject: Technical Livelihood Education

(1) Review:

 Begin the lesson by reviewing the different types of welding joints that have been previously
taught, such as fillet joints and groove joints.
 Recap the safety precautions and equipment used in welding.

(2) Motivation:

 Show a video or images of skilled welders working on various projects, highlighting the
importance and versatility of butt joints.
 Discuss the significance of mastering the welding of butt joints in flat and horizontal positions.

(3) Activity:

 Provide each student with a welding machine, safety gear, and metal plates.
 Demonstrate the correct technique for welding a butt joint in the flat position, explaining each
step clearly.
 Divide the students into pairs or small groups and instruct them to practice welding butt joints
in the flat position.
 Circulate the room, providing guidance and feedback to the students as they practice.
 Once the students are comfortable with welding in the flat position, move on to the horizontal
 Repeat the process of demonstration, practice, and guidance for welding butt joints in the
horizontal position.

(4) Analysis:

 Engage the students in a discussion about their experiences while practicing welding butt
 Ask them to identify any challenges they faced and strategies they used to overcome them.
 Discuss the importance of accuracy, consistency, and safety in welding butt joints.

(5) Abstraction:

 Introduce the concept of different types of weld defects that can occur in butt joints.
 Explain the causes and consequences of each type of defect, such as lack of fusion, porosity, or
 Discuss the techniques and precautions to avoid these defects.

(6) Application:

 Present the students with a real-life problem related to butt joints, such as constructing a metal
frame for a structure.
 Instruct the students to design and weld the butt joints necessary to build the frame,
considering the specifications and safety requirements.
 Encourage creativity and problem-solving skills during the application activity.

(7) Assessment:

1. True/False: A butt joint is used to join two pieces of metal along their edges. (True)
2. Fill in the blank: Butt joints are commonly used in _______ and _______ welding. (MIG, TIG)
3. Multiple Choice: Which welding position is the focus of this lesson? a) Vertical b) Flat c)
Overhead d) Fillet (b) Flat
4. True/False: Lack of fusion is a weld defect that occurs when the weld metal does not fuse with
the base metal. (True)
5. Fill in the blank: _______ is a weld defect characterized by small holes or voids in the weld bead.

(8) Assignment:

 Research and write a brief report on the different applications of butt joints in various
 Practice welding butt joints in different positions (vertical, overhead) at home or in a supervised

Interactive Activities:

1. Welding Simulation: Utilize virtual welding simulation software or apps to allow students to
practice welding butt joints in a simulated environment. Provide feedback and guidance based
on their performance.
2. Welding Demonstration: Invite a professional welder to the class to demonstrate the welding
of butt joints in different positions. Allow students to ask questions and observe the expert's
3. Welding Competition: Organize a friendly welding competition among the students, where
they have to weld butt joints within a specified time and meet specific quality criteria. Provide
prizes for the winners and encourage teamwork and skill improvement.

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