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Storage tanks are needed to balance the difference between discharges which are transmitted and
which are distributed for demand.

Therefore water intake structures, treatment plants, pumps and transmission line can be designed
according to max Qdaily.

Storages are placed at an elevation to supply the required pressure. They are constructed to
satisfy the requirements which are needed from health, technical and operational aspects.

Normally it is not of subject to transmit water directly to the network without a storage in
between. Since then in gravitational transmission the continuous discharge should be equal or
greater than the max. hourly discharge. This increases the cost of intake structures and causes
water waste.

In pumped transmission, the town will remain waterless when there is electricity interruption.
The pressure of the network is greatly affected by the water consumption.

In pumped transmission, it is both reliable and economic to distribute water via a storage. Since
then the pumps work at constant discharge and at the most effective operational point.

Direct pumpage to the network is very rare.

The volume of a reservoir is equal to the max. of the amount of water that should be stored
within it.

Prismatic reservoirs → water present in reservoir α height.




Let’s find the water storage with time in case a constant discharge of Qmean = 10000/24 m3/h is
Let’s assume that at 24h (t = 0) midnight the reservoir is empty.


Daily demand is pumped in between t1 and t2.

Pumpage starts at t1 and ends at t2.

A summer day

Pumped transmission

00-06 and 18-24 → 0.5 max Qd

rest → 1.5 max Qd

a) Amount of water at
8:00h ?
b) If fire and failure is not
considered required
V = a + b =300+300
c) If capacity is 700 m3,
water volume at 06:00
and at 18:00?
100m3dead V


O At the highest tap, 5m of pressure
O Central storage (head loss minimum).
Generally, not possible due to aesthetic reasons and no elevation.
Therefore, either a storage at the beginning or an end-storage.

Storage at the beginning

1. Pumpage elevation is constant.
2. Hydraulic situation is clear.
3. Always fresh water in storages.
1. Pressures are uniform. The network is fed from one direction; pressure high at entrance
and low at end pt.
2. Elevation cost high.

End storage
Transmission line until the network is designed according to max Q d , and this constant discharge
is transmitted from the water intake.
Therefore during night hours water coming is greater than demand; this is stored.
During day hours demand is max Qh , transmission is max Qd. Therefore during day hours the
network is fed both by the transmission line and by the storage.

1. Elevation height and operational cost small (partially elevated until the storage).
2. Pressures more uniform
3. Smaller diameters
4. Water tower appropriate
5. Operational reliability high
1. The water in reservoir is not fresh!

Ex-14.4 Min. operational pr = 20m
Pipe axis 1m lower than
soil level
a) Determine the
location of
b) Discuss the
problem thinking
of the future
development area
J = 0.005
Js = 0.15 (soil)
Height of water in res. =
3.5 m

Development Area
lowest elevation of
town = 145m.
At the highest elevation pt A, zA = 145+0.15 x 700 = 250m.
Pipe axis elevation = 250 – 1 = 249m
Operational pressure (min) = 20m
Therefore the piezometric elevation (min) = 69m

The min. base elevation of the reservoir (at distance x) = (269 + 0.005x) (water depth 3.5m must
be added)
For small storages this elevation must be equal to the soil elevation.
Thus, 269 + 0.005x + 3.5 = 250 + 0.15x → x = 155.17m

According to this, max elevation in res. = 250 + (0.15)(155.17) = 273.28m

At this water elevation the static pressure ≤ 80m
Thus this reservoir can feed the upper part of B where the pipe axis elevation is above
273.28 – 80 = 193.28m
There is a need for a second reservoir for locations below this elevation.
Distance of B to A → 250 – 194.28 = Js x1 = 0.15x1 →x1 =371.49m
The second reservoir must be similarly x = 155.17m above point B.
Must not cause a static pressure > 80m. Otherwise a 3rd reservoir needed.
Water elevation of second res. = soil el. = 193.28 + 1.00 + (0.15)(155.17) = 217.56m
Max. static pressure at C = 217.56 – 144 = 73.56 < 80

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