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Nane- Ancsvag Chakrabot ore 191110000 1024 gt !aaoooases CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ASSIGNMENT VI" Somede (fnd- om): Deph:- BeTeoy (CSE) soll HOR nite am elaboutr note on He fraanalte the Lrdian Const tetion ? ‘e g ving dhe neater whey Snel (statues be pista 97 Law) road defi ike the prerbte wos annended by the 42"d Considbion eee Ack ww 1416 W, & * A preamble. is a statement of the ae i fhe preartte states: ; We, THE PEOPLE OF ZFNDIA) hanvg bo : to constitute Tndin “tnto a SOVERIGN, SociaALUST SECULAR DEMOCRATION RePvbuCc ard to geoune to atl a & citzerns. Words ‘we dhe preantle swe dre people of phe uttinnate foveriguity of dtre people of cunphont « Soverigni means tHe indiopandeet ontl™ i) of the state, not bei subg eck contnol a m4 other Stake or ontrnal power ; Dale!- 1$|O1] 2023 Grid: 02 » dé inclicates ___\Nane:- Anurag Chakrabanty sEr4 [9111000010245 Ma loaanaieess CGnetitutional Laur Assignment VIL Someslér (Erd-Gom) } Dept!-B Teoh (CSE); alld 08 » Bovent | Ghee derme means tat Mrdia haste Own independent authomdy and it & not a demuion of otrr onttinal power - dn the ‘col the iBlature has the power lnsidatios: + Gocrahak !- Fhe term proans He achievewent of socialist end Hheco nat clemrocecatic mans Le nowka foedh wa mid Koro whee bode pevote avd public sectors Co-eniak tide by aie » Seoulan:- Fhe term muars dot aul dhe fon of consfitution which Bs aucthouly prove dhe wilh of the people exprerted bn Orn pho chron Dala:- 1S ]o1] 2023 Grid: 03 Nome Anurag Chakrabaly slot 411100001024: fay 00002448 +415 403, Congkitutional Laur Assignment : VIL Semester (End Sen); Dept: Bs Teor (CSE) 5 Roll #08 rs Je '- Phe deram jndicalas that de head of the chats Bw elected bag He. people fait Lrdin , tre Presi donk Prdion is dhe ekectad head of the sate syne constilution ef Us the Lupreme low the society aud . to promote A perce ore fie citizens te bud a hee ie soaked objective of the Dadian Constitution ig ¢o pronmate es vata potion. He fackons whieh help -_ Deh ene Hus Oljeetve- arte Tustin Ut ib necessary to maintain onder ww gocie Hak % promised throng Vorsou$ provisions of Fundamental Righss ged Diedive Prrnsiphe of stile Fouieg provided by dre constitution of bnhir De lommpmats dre elements , ustich 3 dal eeonemitr , oh potidicat s Covial Justice = Aoctak Justice means thal fre comsbidutron wants to usale & suey Without digeriminakion on any ground blee Dala:- [s]04/2023 Gidi-oy None: Anurag Chakra Envy 19100001024 5 Fe 190000 2485 “4 : fs Paro i (ong bititibnal lour Assignment AID Semeslst (Bod- Sem); Dept! - Be Tee (CSE) 5 Rell 408 cast, vrred gerd 5 elagar ete + Beohenie Juebice !- Economie Justice nook “po dignipation can he ca A by dees people on the basis of ther weallt, incervte avd eeonomite stots: na nwt be pu s2"t, fen om ~ea osihew at ais poeple Rye ue ites fo earn tnd, Lina 1 Petidici ak Justice, Polidical Justice meang A withoot iLOund pen pete Tha you oe — ae te oe mean no ae pag Lak oviilaga ond all the ee pont ide oppatuns Hs qa coltho ony digeriminakt ens - a eguat/ before fre low: ; bi the wm Liberty! re ans pedom Ieee people to choose pir wor de : Ue have pousicak views avd § pébhairowr soucly Ubesty does vob man pie Dele: tbjo1|stae Name: Aivap Chakratty: vy [INOOOO1024 SFga WFoddo2eeHIs i Conctititional lous Assignment Lali | VII Gemedlér (End Som); Depts 12+ Tee (CSE) ; Roll #08 to do y a peréen do omstiorg, Ee we waliail bk “ben by the Law + Eakowity Fre ferm' Fatinni “pearh fee 4 brodtrrbood and an emrotionol attachencut with the co and ott the people « Fratewnidy. netps fo promote ge, and tenaty inthe moten 1) Cabinet Minedaten ce had the Important mowers bf He calt vet who ater pts Us maiting, and ¢ en po Monk rele Ww deads ute policies. Hin Aesponsi bily Stoke goverment: : : [Dak:-1sjos]2028 Gna 06 _ sa Aa 7 Pregl Q1110000 1024 sega [9000024841 rag Chaka Eg fa 90000240 Qnctilational dour Assign men! VAI Cemeslei (‘nd - Gem) 5 Dept BrTeeks (CSE); Roll HOE 2) rivals of Stake © day cam be gover trop capo of minisers dapartrrent (means Ve ok He Sutt tevelfiae tre tase mag he) & Cdn ee pitnehed to Hho cablnek midnitbrs- 8) Peet Wivistears! -H. one wot Geer Irndepenclas Cnorge- of, i: 6A clipasternent: Fray ont attached b the tabinek muinighary avd as Ub fem cw her adlnunistatives pouk cal ond pow commento dusky. bi pet 7 Cound af Mirietors I) de Bw defined ag tre DEB dined as He badly of, \ofpisials Hust Peas Neen ah epee ee Fr or Iden 2) are led bodh Daly tl a et A, Hinisleas, 2 ark of aditgorg 8 nth giettes, adeiSor ce ob the adnningefet Leaols 4) the total no pt 4) Pha total membos inher in de cabinek wB IS-20 count are 70-80 Jere cabinet contin of | 5) You Commaih af Ministas Stab ott cials- thors not howe Such meetiegs Dale: \S]o1)2023 ,

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