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Passing - Partnerships (Wall Pass)

Category: Technical: Passing & Receiving Am-Club: North Shore Girls Soccer Club
Difficulty: Beginner Lee-Ann Denham, North Vancouver, Canada

Partnerships are key and a very EXCITING part of the game. It gets very fun when you see different combinations. One of the
classics is the wall pass (give and go).
Wall pass warm up and game: First part of the warm up is getting them comfortable with pace and speed. Please make the box
fairly big. You can use the space you would use for the game (preset)
Wall Pass - unopposed: This can be a little boring BUT focus on technique. This is there chance to get it spot on (if they work at it).
2v1: The key points to dribble or pass are still a main point BUT encouraging a wall pass can be a "bonus". Track points to get
them fired up.
4v4: use a bigger space should help with having the room to wall pass into. 3 team version is good as people don't want to go off.
Again, a bit of competition can be fun here.
Transitions are key. Almost all of this session can be preset with the need to only move a couple of nets and put out a couple of
cones. Keep working on being the most efficient as you can to maximize your time on the field.

WarmUp - Wall Passing Unopposed (5 mins)

Field Set up
30x30yd grid
Half the players in pinnies without ball
Half the players without a pinnie and with a ball
Intro to wall pass!!
Shirt players dribble around and look to find an open pinnie player,
and combine using a wall pass
How many wall passes can the players do in 2 minutes? Switch
Coaching Points:
-Proper passing technique with inside of foot
-Communicate intention
-After Pass change of speed to receive
-Check in to passer
-Make pass into space in front of partner, not to feet.
-Read partners run, if slow runner hold ball for an extra second, if fast try one touch if possible

Wall Pass Game (10 mins)

Field Set up
30x30yd grid
Half the players in pinnies, half not in pinnies.
Half the players in each group have balls. (6 pinnies - 3 have balls,
6 shirts, 3 have balls)
Object is to wall pass AROUND opposing players to eliminate
them from the game. Eliminated players can then help their team
but from outside the box.
Team with the most players at the end of the game (coach decided
or time) wins.
Coaching Points:
-Must "engage" the opposition to draw them in.
-Ensure a partner is prepared to receive
-Proper pace of the passes
-Visual and verbal cues
-Change of pace after pass
-Can we play and be in motion already
-Ready on the half turn
Wall Pass - unopposed (10 mins)

Field set up
3 cones in a row (defender) between 2 players.
P1 passes to P2
P2 should dribble slowly toward the cones, P1 runs to support
beside the cones
P2 passes to P1 no more than two yards away from the cone, to
make it easier to get around it after passing.
P2 then sprints explosively around the “defender” while passing
(takeoff/change of
P1 returns the pass on the other side of the cones, in front of P2.
P2 continunes to dribble, turns and repeats.
Coaching Points:
-disguises intention by dribbling right at defender
-inside of foot pass
-communicate what you want
-change of speed to get around defender
-time run so don't end up ahead of the ball
-show at the right moment (half turn)
-1 or 2 touch passes (don't hold ball too long)
-pass ahead of partner to allow them to continue run

2v1 (15 mins)

Field set up
30x30yds (split in 2)
If you don't have PUGG's, use cones to mark out a 5 yd goal they
can dribble through.
Coach serves the ball in from the side to one of the 2 attacking
players. The defender can then try and win the ball and score in
the goal on the attackers end.
The 2 attackers try to connect and score in the defenders net.
Change out the defenders every few turns.
You can give points for wall passes in addition to goals.
Coaching Points:
Draw defender in before passing the ball.
Communicate with your partner so they know what is expected.
Change of pace to get in behind the defender.

4v4 (15 mins)

Field Set up
4v4 with Subs or a team waiting
3 Teams of 4, play 4v4. Rotate teams after 2 mins or if 1 team
scores (winners stay on).
Players score by:
1. scoring if Puggs (if you have them)
2. dribbling (or passing to a teammate) into opponents endzone
(under control).
Coaching Points:
1. Review of session's learning outcomes being translated into
the game
2. Creating triangles (gives angles of support)
3. Making triangle as big as possible (Creating space)
4. Get in behind the defenders

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