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Fire Embassy Bible Institute

Advance Diploma In Theology


Pneumatology refers to a particular discipline within Christian theology that focuses on the study of
the Holy Spirit.

The term is derived from the Greek word Pneuma (πνεῦµα), which designates "breath" or "spirit"
and metaphorically describes a non-material being or influence.

The English term pneumatology comes from two Greek words: πνεῦµα (pneuma, spirit) and λόγο
ς (logos, teaching about).

Pneumatology includes study of the person of the Holy Spirit, and the works of the Holy Spirit.

What Does the Bible Say about the Holy Spirit?

The Spirit’s role in the Trinity. God is three Persons, one Being. This is one of the most puzzling
and mysterious truths Scripture teaches about God. The Apostle John tells us God is love (1 John
4:7). The Trinity helps make sense of this statement. God did not need creation before He could
love because He has eternally existed in a communion of a loving relationship within the Godhead.
Each person of the Trinity is fully God; however, The Persons of the Trinity are unique in the way
each relates to each other and to creation. This is sometimes referred to as the Economy of God.

Scripture seems to teach the Spirit ’ s role is to manifest the active presence of God in creation,
especially through His church. At the beginning of creation, it ’ s the Spirit Who is intimately
present (Genesis 1:2). On the Day of Pentecost, it’s the Spirit Who is poured out onto the Apostles
to initiate the building of God’s church through the proclamation of the Gospel (Acts 2:1-4). The
Spirit completes and sustains the work of the Son as directed by the Father.

The Spirit’s role in the Old Testament. It’s normal to think of the Holy Spirit in terms of the New
Testament, however, He was also active in the Old Testament. One of the ways the Spirit worked
was to empower certain individuals to perform great feats. God granted Bezalel wisdom by filling
him with the Spirit so he could make the crafts for the Tabernacle (Exodus 31:2-5). The Spirit came
upon Samson to provide supernatural strength (Judges 14:5-6, 15:14). In the Old Testament, the
filling of the Spirit is not the same as believers experience nowadays. In the Old Testament, this
filling was temporary and selective.

Why Is Pneumatology Important?

Love. The primary reason Christians should study the Holy Spirit is love for God. We should want
to know everything we possibly can because we love Him. The more we learn about Him, the more
profound our love for Him will become as we increase our understanding of His majesty, glory, and

Growth. Christians will not be able to live effectively for God if they do not understand how the
Holy Spirit operates in their life. It is only through the Spirit a believer is empowered to live for
God and produce spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-25). Failure to understand how He operates will lead
to a fruitless life where a person depends on their own efforts with no spiritual benefit. God
operates through means of grace. Active dependence on the Holy Spirit to bless our efforts is vital
for our spiritual growth and sanctification.

Discernment, there is a lot of confusion regarding the Holy Spirit. There are many strange and
false teachings about the Spirit which have caused a lot of unbiblical spirituality. Entire movements
exist which think a Spirit-filled life means pursuing spiritual feelings or demonstrating fantastical
works such as speaking in tongues and faith healings. If Christians do not study the Holy Spirit as
revealed in Scripture, they will be more open to deception and can be swept away by false doctrine.

There are 4 personalities of the Holy Spirit!

1.Third person in heaven

1John 5:7
2. Comforter
John 14:16
3. Intercessor
Romans 8:6
4. Teacher
John 14:26

You must understand the difference between the Holy Ghost the COMFORTER & the Holy Ghost

As an INTERCESSOR, he helps when you FALL/SIN

As a COMFORTER, he helps you when you're DOWN/COMFORTLESS

You must understand the Power of the Holy Ghost as an INTERCESSOR. His duty is to help your
errors, infirmities & wrongs.
It's time to stop running whenever you SIN, that's why he's in you. Your infirmities don't chase him
away, it keeps him. He can't survive as an INTERCESSOR whenever there's no infirmities.
12 GIFTS of the Spirit

You must understand there's a difference between TALENTS & GIFTS

There's a difference between a TALENTED MAN & a GIFTED MAN.

TALENT is for everyone so far you're a Man while GIFT is only for those with the Holy Ghost.

TALENT is for you while GIFT is for a GENERATION.

1Corinthians 12:8-10.

1. The word of wisdom

This is the ability to Judge matters or explain matters that are difficult for normal human.

This is Mainly for those in the Pastoral office & Apostolic Office.

2. The word of Knowledge.

This is the ability to know the mind of God. The ability to capture the things of the Spirit, although
somehow related to the word of prophecy but is just a corridor in the realm of prophecy.

The people that function in this dimension are those in the Apostolic Office.

3. Faith.
This is a general faith for every believer

4. GIFT of healing
This is the ability to heal unusual sicknesses and diseases.
This is available for everyone

5. Working of Miracles
Available for majorly those that want to take the Gospel to strange lands
The Evangelists

6. Prophecy

There are 4 kinds of PROPHETS

A. Prophets by Ordination Jeremiah 1:5
B. Prophets by Outpouring Joel 2:28
C. Prophets by Office Ephesians 4:11.
D. Prophets by Intercession (Examples of Anna).

7. Discernment
This is the ability to know things
Especially knowing evil from Good.
This gift is For everyone

8. Divers kind of Tongue

This is the ability to understand strange languages you haven't learnt.

The people that walk in this are the Evangelists/missionaries

Those that want to take the Gospel to strong and strange lands.

9. Interpretation of tongues
This is the ability to explain tongues or interpret speaking in tongues
The people that need this more are those in the Pastoral office.

All of these GIFTS can be gotten either through the IMPARTATION or PRAYERS.

In conclusion.

We are in the era of the Holy Ghost. If those that weren't in his era walked in miraculously than us,
how much more.

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