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WU-P Mission
Wesleyan University-Philippines provides quality education and compassionate health
care services imbued with Wesleyan spirituality to produce competent graduates
committed to the healing of persons and the renewal of the whole creation for the glory
of God.

WU-P Vision
By 2024, WU-P is a Methodist institution of learning that fosters academic excellence,
innovative research, transformative leadership, environmental stewardship, and health
care services at par with global standards imbued with social holiness.

CAS Mission and Goals

The College is a dynamic and diverse community of learners who are committed to
holistic development of persons. Its mission is to produce graduates with competencies
and Christian values responsive to the needs of community and nation building.

Towards this end, the College shall pursue the following:

 Development of faculty in varied disciplines who demonstrate excellence in instruction,
research and extension;
 Application of interdisciplinary approach in teaching-learning process;
 Integration in the curriculum activities that will develop: critical and creative thinking
skills; open mindedness and respect for diversity; national and civic consciousness;
social and ecological responsibility; and spiritual well-being.

Core Values

We promote high academic standards carried out by highly capable faculty members
and employees in equipping the students and the WU-P communities with cutting-edge
knowledge and skills and the refinements of the liberal arts responsive to development.


We empathize with and endeavor to respond to the needs of the community we serve.

We nurture the spirit of harmony through mutual respect and understanding, in our
efforts at fellowship and building community.


We manifest that education is both brilliance and character, which is is the acquisition of
wisdom anchored on social holiness and teachings of Jesus Christ.


We assume full responsibility for all our decisions, actions, and their consequences. We
demonstrate stewardship in utilizing resources and integrity in fulfilling our roles and
capacities as models of servant stewardship.

The Wesleyan Graduate

The WU-P graduate embodies global competitiveness, servant leadership,
uncompromised integrity, and a compassionate heart; nurtured in the Wesleyan
tradition, s/he is ready to serve as an effective agent of change in a dynamic society.


Beneath thy banner bright

We dedicate our youth and strength

To battle for the right.

We give our lives with glad intent

To die for God and thee

To serve, to suffer and be spent

To set our brothers free.

Wesleyan University

O lead us on to right

With thee our guide our way is bright

To face the world aright.

We trust God for the grace to win

The high victorious goal

Where purity shall conquer sin

In Christ-like self control.

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