COC3-Server-2016 Ver5 Full

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Set and enable administrator account of windows 10 (Windows 10)

 In search bar type Computer management

 Expand Local users and group
 Click Users and right click Administrator <> Properties <> Uncheck Account is
disabled <> click ok)
 Right administrator and set password Ex. P@55w0rd

Setting up Windows Server 2016 and Enabling Remote Desktop (Windows Server)
1. Open Server Manager and click on Local Server on the left pane of Server
2. Change Computer name into Server in the left pane
3. Change IP into Gateway: DNS:
4. Click Remote Desktop. It is disabled, by default. Make sure to enable it.
5. You should uncheck the “Allow Remote Assistance connections to this
computer” box, and leave the “Allow connections only from computers running
Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication” checked.
6. Apply and Ok and Restart your Computer

Installing ROLES (Windows Server)

1. Open server manager
2. Click Dashboard
3. Click add role and feature
4. Click Next 3 time
5. Check Active Directory Domain Services
6. Click Add features button
7. Check DHCP server
8. Click Add features button
9. Check DNS Server
10. Click Add features button
11. Check Print and Document Services
12. Click Add features button
13. Check Remote Desktop
14. Check Web Server (IIS)
15. Click Add features button
16. Click Next 8 times
17. Check Remote Desktop Session Host click Yes
18. Add Features, then Click Next, Next
19. Check Restart Destination Server Automatically if Requires
20. Click Install
21. Computer will restart

Completing DHCP Configuration (Windows Server)

1. On the upper right corner Click Notification
2. Click Complete DHCP Configuration
3. Click Commit and Close
4. Click Notification again
5. Click Promote this server to a domain controller
6. Click Add a new forest
7. Type in Root domain name

8. Click Next
9. Type password (Ex. P@55w0rd)
10. Click Next 4 times
11. Click Install
12. Click Close and Computer will restart automatically

Configuring DHCP Server (Windows Server)

1. Click DHCP in the lefside
2. Right click Server on the right pane
3. Click DHCP Manager
5. Right click SERVER.CSS.COM and Select Authorize
6. Click and Right click IPv4 and choose New Scope
7. Click Next
8. In the Name type css_scope
9. Next
10. In Start IP Address: Type
11. End IP Adress:
12. Next (4 times)
13. In Router (Default Gateway) Ex. then click Add
14. Next (4 times)
15. Finish and Click Close(X) button on the upper right corner

Configuring DNS Server (Windows Server)

 Forward Lookup Zone
 Reverse Lookup Zone
 Loop Back IP Address

1. Open Server Manager

2. Click DNS in the left side
3. Right click Server on the right pane, and Select DNS Manager
4. Expand
5. Expand Forward Lookup Zones
6. Expand
7. On the right pane right click server
8. Select properties
9. Check Update associated pointer (PTR) record
10. Click apply and OK
11. Click and Right click Reverse Lookup Zone and Choose New Zone
12. Next (4 times)
13. Under Network Type IP address of Server 192.168.1
14. Next, Next, Finish
15. Expand Reverse lookup Zones
16. Click and Right Click 1.168.192
17. select New Pointer PTR
18. Add Last octet in Host IP address
19. Click Browse
20. Click Server.css
21. In Record types, Select All Records

22. Double click Server.css
23. Double click Forward Lookup Zones
24. Double click
25. Click (Same as p….. SOA)
26. Click OK, OK
27. On the Reverse Lookup Zones right click New Zone
28. Next (4 times)
29. Type in Network ID: 127.0.0
30. Next, Next, Finished
31. In Reverse Lookup Zones below select ip address 0.0.127 and right click
32. Select New Pointer PTR
33. In Host IP Address: Add last octet
34. Click Browse and Click once Server.css
35. In Record Types: Select All Records
36. Double Click
37. Double click Forward Lookup Zones
38. Double click
39. Select same as parent folder, Click OK
40. Click Close(X) button on the upper right corner

File & Storage Manager (Windows Server)

1. Open server manager dashboard
2. Click File and Storage Services
3. On the right side right click Server and select Add Roles and Features
4. Next (3x)
5. Expand File and Storage Services
6. Expand File and iSCSI Services (1 of 11 installed)
7. Check File Server Resource Manager
8. Click Add Features
9. Click Next, Next
10. Check Restart the destination server automatically if required
11. Yes, Install
12. Click Close(X) button on the upper right corner

Set a storage quota in File & Storage Manager (Windows Server)

1. Under Tools, Expand File Server Resource Manager (Local)
2. Expand Quota Management and select Quota Templates
3. Double-click the desired limit from the list in Copy properties from quota template
(optional). (Ex. 2GB Limit)
4. Click Ok, Ok
5. Expand the Quota Management to display the Quota menu.
6. Click and Right-click Quota menu and select Create Quota.
7. Select Create quota on path.
8. Click Browse, Expand Local Disk (C), Users, Administrator, Documents, Click Ok
9. You can also select Derive properties from this quota template, and select the limit
from the list.
10. Click Create. You can test this by trying to move a folder with a size that exceeds the

File Screen Configuration (Windows Server)
1. Expand File Screening Management node.
2. Click File Groups option. This provides a list of file types. When we apply any of
these file extensions in the list we block that particular file type from being stored
in the location we will define in the 'File Screens' in the next step.
3. Select and right click the File Screen Template, and Select Create File Screen
4. Select Active Screening: Do not allow users to save unauthorized files option. If
you select the 'Passive Screening' option, you allow users to save the blocked
type of files but an alert is generated to the administrator.
5. Type in Template name (Your Name)
6. Under Select Files Group to Block. Check Audio & Video Files and Executable
files. Click Ok.
7. Click and Right-click File Screen from the left pane, select Create File Screen
8. Click Browse, Select Documents, Click Ok.
9. Select Derive properties from this file screen template option and Find your
created template. Click 'Create'.

Creating Organizational Unit and User Account (Windows Server)

1. Open Server Manager
2. Upper right side click Tools
3. Click Active Directory Users and Computers
4. Right click CSS.Com and Select New
5. Select Organizational Unit
6. Name: Type Redirection OU
7. Uncheck Protect container from accidental deletion
8. Ok
9. Expand
10. Right click Redirection OU Click New and Select User
11. Type in First name: User1, in User logon name type: User1
12. Click next and supply password (P@55w0rd)
13. Check User cannot change password and Password never expires
14. Next, Finished
15. Create user2.
16. Click Close(X) button on the upper right corner

Creating Folder Redirection (Windows Server)

1. Open drive D
2. Create folder and rename into Redirection
3. Right click on Redirection folder and select properties
4. Select Sharing tab and select Advanced Sharing
5. Check share this folder and click permission button
6. Click everyone and click remove button
7. Click Add, Type au and click Check Names

8. Select Authenticated Users, then click OK, and check Full Control.
9. Click Apply and OK.
10. Click Apply and OK.
11. Click Security Tab, and click edit
12. Click Add and Type Au
13. Click Check Name and select Authenticated Users
14. Click Full control in Allow and click Ok, and Close

Configuring of Group Policy Management (GPO) (Windows Server)

1. Open Server manager
2. Click Tools in Upper right corner
3. Select Group Policy Management
4. Expand Forest:
5. Expand Domain
6. Expand
7. Click Redirection OU
8. On the upper right side click Delegation Tab
9. Click Advanced button on lower right side
10. Select Authenticated Users and Click Full Control
11. Click Apply and OK
12. Right click Redirection OU
13. Create a GPO in this Domain and type Redirection and click OK
14. Expand Redirection OU
15. If Group Policy Management Console will popup. Click OK
16. Click Delegation on Upper right corner
17. Click Advanced in Lower right side.
18. Click Authenticated Users and Click Full control
19. Click Apply and Ok
20. Right click again Redirection and Click Enforced
21. Right click Redirection then click Edit
22. Group Policy Management Editor will pop up
23. Expand User Configuration
24. Expand Policies, Expand Windows Settings, Expand Folder Redirection
25. Right click Desktop and select Properties
26. Select Basic – Redirect everyone’s
27. In Root path: Type \\Server\Redirection
28. Click Settings and uncheck Grant the user exclusive rights to Desktop
29. Uncheck Move the contents of Desktop to the new location
30. Click Apply, Yes and Ok

Group Policy Update

1. Open run and type gpupdate /force

Joining the Client to a Domain (Windows 10)

1. On windows 10 right click network icon on the lower right of the Taskbar
2. Click Open Network and Sharing Center, Click Change Adapter Options
3. Right Click Ethernet, Click Properties
4. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties
5. Click Use the following DNS server address
6. Type in Preferred DNS server IP address of server (Ex.
7. To Update changes Disable and enable the Ethernet
8. Goto run and type sysdm.cpl
9. Click Change. Rename Computer name into Windows10

10. Click Domain and Type
11. Username: Type Administrator and for the Password: P@55w0rd
12. Click Ok. OK. Close. Restart
13. Test if Folder Redirection will redirect to your shared folder
14. Logout and Login new User Account you created (Ex. User1 or user2)

Remote Desktop Services (Server 2016 and Windows 10)

Enable the Allow remote connections
1. In the search bar type sysdm.cpl
2. Click Remote tab and select Allow remote connections to this computer
3. Check Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop ….
4. Click Select Users button. Click Add then type user
5. Click Check Names highlight all users you want to add. Include also Administrator
6. Click OK, OK

If problem occurs
CredSSP Encryption Oracle Remediation on Windows Server 2016
1. Type in run gpedit.msc then enter
2. Navigate Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Credentials
Delegation. Then find Encryption Oracle Remediation policy on the right pane.
3. Click Enabled and Change Mitigated into Vulnerable

Allow log on through Terminal Services (Server 2016)

a. Goto run and type gpedit.msc
b. Expand (+) Computer Configuration
c. Expand (+) Windows Settings
d. Expand (+) Security Settings
e. Expand (+) Local Policies
f. Click User right Assignment
g. Select in the right pane Allow log on through Remote desktop services
h. Click add group and add user (Ex. User1, user2)
i. Ok.

The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License
Servers available to provide a license
1. Win + R and type mstsc /admin

How to Access Remote Desktop on other PC (Server 2016 and Windows 10)
1. Type in the search bar Remote Desktop
2. In Computer type Computer name or IP Address you want to access.
3. Type Username and Password

How to Share Printer

After installing driver
1. In the Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Print Management.
2. Expand Print Servers, expand Server (local), right-click Printer Ex. Epson L360
3. Select properties, then select Sharing Tab
4. Select share this printer.

5. Click Apply then Click Ok
Backup Windows Server 2016 Step by Step (Server 2016)
1. Open Server Manager, click on Manage and select Add roles and features
2. Next then hit Next>Next>Next until the Features page appears.
3. On the Select Features page, scroll down and choose Windows Server
Backup feature
4. Next button then Click Install button
5. Open Server Manager
6. Click on Tools then click on the Windows Server Backup option from drop-down
list to open backup server.
7. Click Local Backup on the left pane
8. Click Backup Once on the upper right pane
9. Choose the Different options. This option is used when you have not created
schedule yet. Then, hit Next.
10. Select Full server backup or Custom
11. If you select Custom Click Next, and Add Items
12. Expand: Local Disk C, Users, Administrator
13. Check Desktop, Click Ok
14. Click Next, Local Drives
15. In Destination, Select Data(D) or any drive
16. Click Next, and Select Backup.

Restore Windows Server 2016

1. Go to Tools Menu, Select Windows Server Backup
2. Click Local Backup in upper left corner
3. Click Recover in upper right corner
4. This Server (Server), Click Next
5. Next, Next, Expand Server
6. Expand Local Disk C
7. Expand: User, Administrators, Click Desktop
8. Next, Next, Recover, Close

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