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It is argued that rich countries should kindly help the poor countries during
natural disasters. This essay agrees with this statement because the poor countries can’t
fix the damages and they should help those in need.
As we all know that the poor countries don’t have enough resources to fix their
damages in the city so they would need some help from the rich. The rich could send
some aid to the poor so that they can use them to fix what broken because they can’t
afford to do so. Research concluded that the poor would lose everything during the
disaster such as home, food and their farming and the rich need to assist them or else
people in the poor countries would starve to death and have nowhere to live.
On the other hand, the wealthy countries should help those who seeks help. They
shouldn’t say no those who are in need or when they are in crisis. They need to help
them get back on their feet because the poor doesn’t have the amount of money to pay
for the repair. Recent study shows that the developed country would likely to help those
who in needs and would never decline the request. Just like Japan who have helped
Cambodia for many years.
In conclusion, the developed countries should help those who are in need
because they cannot repair their own damages and the rich should assist those are in

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