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Booklet 1 of 1 Se Se? AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL MATHEMATICS 3D-P Term 2 Examination, 2022 NAME: FORM: TEACHER: TIME: 2 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: /135 = % EXAMINATION INFORMATION: 1. This paper is divided into 3 sections and covers Form 3 Topics 1-9. Section A: This section contains short-answer questions worth one mark each. Answers only are required in this section. [Marks: 36] Section B: This section contains short-answer questions. Working may need to be shown to back up your answers. [Marks: 68] Section C: This section contains long-answer questions. Marks as shown. Answer only receives one mark. Marks will be allocated for appropriate working. {Marks 31] 2. Marks allocated are shown in brackets ( 3. There is a total of 15 pages in this examination. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Forms D to L: Calculators are NOT allowed in this exar Forms M to P: Calculators are allowed in this examination. 2. Answer all questions in the space provided. 3. Use a black or a blue pen. 4. Correction fluid/tape is not permitted. Section A: Each question is worth ONE Mark Section A Total: 36 marks Place your answers in the rectangular box provided. lL Evaluate a) 2x 3t= Answer: (1) b) (5-7) + (1243) = ‘Answer: a) 2. Roster the elements for the set of prime factors of 56 Answer: |{ Hop 3. State the next two numbers in the sequence 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 .. Answer: (1) 4, Simplify the following a) 7y-9y+5x+3y= (1) b) (4p) x (2p)x(9p) = Answer: (1) a = ‘Answer: (2) 25m5 4) (Sxy)(42yx) = ‘Answer: (1) (6x)(2y) 5. State the supplement of 46°. Answer: (1) 6. State the complement of 59°. Answer: (1) 7. the name of a six-sided polygon Answer: (1) PAGE 2 MATHEMATICS, 30-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15. 16. Evaluate the following a) -349= b) 5x 13= ) (3h = d) 17--10= a) Change7 2 into an improper fraction 4 b) Change 2 into a mixed number, Simplify the following. 20 2 Which fraction is smaller? 32 or 1 writes x1+3x— + 4x—L 9s an ordinary number 100 1000 State the value of the 7 in the number 23.1079, as a fraction Convert 54km/h into metre per second (m/s)? Convert 4.24 into an improper fraction in its simplest form. te 2:78 Write == as a decimal. Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: (4) (1) (1) (1) a) 1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (4) (1) PAGES MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. How many square metres are there in 1 hectare? Answer: If 1 ml = 1 cm3, how many litres are there in 2.8 m?? Answer: A rectangular playground is 600m long and 500m wide. Find its area in square kilometres. Answer: What is the length of a side of a square which has an area of 121 cm?? (1) (4) (1) (4) (1) (1) (1) (2) Answer: Ifa ="3andb = 5, find the value of (a+b) (a—b) Answer: Simplify the following. a) (77x) (6x?) = Answer: b) Answer: ©) 5x8-13 + 7x7-9x? + 6 + Axe = Answer: Solveforx, == "8 ‘Answer: Fully simplify the following. Answer: a) 180° = 6ab* b) Answer: (1) (1) (1) PAGE 4 MATHEMATICS, 30-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 Section B Answer all questions. All working must be shown Section B Total: 65 marks 1. Simplify the following ) B_Yyte al 4 2° 6 Answer: (2) 2 4,3 ) ata Answer: (3) gs 2 ot y 9p" 3p iis Answer: (2) 2. a) Roster the elements of the set {x:-2< x<4,xel} Answer: { } (2) b) Solve forx, 2x+2=~6 5 Answer: (2) c) Solve for x: 4x-9x+3x= 5-6+ 3 Answer: 2) d) Three times a certain number, then plus six, and then divide the result by four, equals negative three. Write an equation and find the number. Answer: (3) PAGES MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 a) For the parallelogram ABCD given below, BC OC =9 cm. Find the value of x 2m, A Answer: (2) For the triangular prism given above, find its volume. Answer: (2) PAGES MATHEMATICS, 30-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 °) a) b) b) Quadrilaterals ABDC and EFHG are trapeziums, Quadrilaterals EACG, FHDB, and GHCD are rectangles, and EFBA is a square. Find the total surface area of the trapezoidal wedge shown below. 30cr 60cm Answer (5) Place the following decimals in ascending order. (I.e. smallest first ). 1,80053, 1.08053, 1.80503, 1.08503 Answer: (a) A builder has a 12m length of wood. He needs to cut this into 20cm lengths, plus will need a single length of 00mm for the final part of the job. Calculate how many 20cm lengths he can cut and still give himself the 800mm length. Answer: @) Evaluat 335 valuate 3 = Answer: (2) Evaluate Answer: @) PAGE 7 MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 a) b) ¢) d) e) Find the smallest value of n, if n is a whole number and 3" > 200 State all cubed numbers between 20 and 80 6,find the value of z + (xy) Answer: (2) @) Answer: (a) Find the value of xif (6* > = 6" Answer: a) Round each number correct to one significant figure and then do an approximate calculation. 25644 _ ‘25x23 Answer: (2) Solve for x: #29 — g= 12 Answer: @) PAGE 8 MATHEMATICS, 30-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 a) Find angle a, giving a reason 286 @ Answer: a= (1) Reaso! (a) b) Find the value of b giving a reason, 5b 3b 6 Answer: b = (2) Reason: (1) ©) Find the value of x, giving a reason. 1x <> 112° (2) (1) PAGES MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 a) Find the value of p, giving a reason, +27° K 2 123° Answer: p= (2) Reason: a b) Find the value of q, giving a reason. 6q— 86° 52° Answer: q = (2) Reason: (a) <) Find the value of r, giving a reason. ‘4r 52° Answer: r= 2) Reason: (1) PAGE 20 MATHEMATICS, 30-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 a) The rectangular prism framework shown below is made out of wire and has a length of 5x em, breadth of 3x cm and a height of y cm. 3xcm ‘ yom 5x em i) Interms of x and y, write an equation to show how you would calculate the total amount of wire required to make the prism Answer: (3) ii) Interms of x and y, find the volume of the prism. Answer: (2) The prism is to be completely covered with material. How much cloth will be required when x= and y = 3m? (Hint: total surface area) Answer: (3) PAGE 12 MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 Section C All working MUST be shown. Section C Total: 37 marks Correct answers will only receive one mark, 1. Tomis x years old. His mother Jill is two years less than twice (two times) Tom’s age. His father Jack is four years more than twice Tom’s age. The total of all their ages is 112 years. a) Write an expression for each of their ages in terms of x. Tom: Jill: Jack: (1) b) Write an equation for the total of all their ages in terms of x. Answer: (1) d) Use the equation from b to work out how old each persor Answer: (3) 2. An |sosceles Trapezium has a perimeter of 26 cm and an area of 28 cm”, If its two equal sides have a length of 6 cm, find the height of the Trapezium. yom 6m ‘cm xem (3) PAGE 12 MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 3. Find the values of angles m,n, p and q. The length and the width of a rectangle are (x + 4) cm and (7 — 2x), respectively. Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: a) Write an expression for the perimeter of the rectangle. b) If the perimeter is 16 cm, find the value of x. PAGE 13 Answer: Answer: (1) (1) (1) (a) (2) (2) MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 5. Each week a man spends ; of his income on housing, + of the remainder on food, then ; of the money left on transport. a) Complete the table below to show what fraction of his income is not spent. Expenses Amount Amount Spent left over Housing Food Transport Answer: Fraction remaining = (4) b) If there is $215 left, calculate his weekly income. Answer: — His weekly income= |$ (1) 6. The length and the width of a rectangle are = and = _ Fespectively. a) Write an expression for the area of the rectangle. Answer: (2) b) Ifa =12 m, b =13 m, c= 39 m and d = 48 m, find the area of the rectangle. Answer: (2) PAGE 14 MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022 Two integers, a and b, have a product of 36. What is the least possible sum of a and b? Answer: (2) The monthly profit (SP) of a restaurant was calculated by using the formula, $P = 180n-750, where nis the number of days the restaurant is open. Use the formula to calculate i) P when n=15 days Answer: Q) ii) Pwhenn=4 days Answer: (1) iii) the minimum number of days that the restaurant must be open to ensure that they do not make a loss. THE END PAGE 15 MATHEMATICS, 3D-P, TERM 2 EXAMINATION, 2022

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