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Language and Development

QUEST Worksheet #1.

Use this reading to complete the activities from the document “History of Call Centers”


Individuals have been selling, explaining, and promoting products, services, and ideas over the
phone since telephones were invented. However, the modern call center agent works an
entirely different job than the first call center agents. Here’s a brief look at the evolution of the
responsibilities of call center agents:

Although the first instance of using the telephone as a marketing tool dates back to the early
1900s when companies used phone directories to compile and sell client lists, the first call
center agents were housewives in the 1950s. These ladies worked from home, dialing friends
and neighbors in an attempt to sell baked goods to bring extra money into the household. That
evolved by the 1960s, with the advent of more sophisticated dialing technology and training.


In the 1970s, the development of Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) allowed companies to
economically dial across the country with charges based on geography. Not long after, the
introduction of the toll-free 800 number gave consumers the ability to respond to
advertisements for free, thus creating the position of inbound call center agent.


Call centers continued to flourish until a backlash from consumers prompted Congress to pass
the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991. This law restricted the activity of call
center agents, including setting a limit on when calls could be made. It additionally required
solicitors to honor the National Do Not Call Registry. The law also set limits on technology and
the use of auto dialers. Companies were no longer allowed to use pre-recorded messages for
Language and Development
QUEST Worksheet #1.
sales calls. That put more pressure on agents to deliver messages and apply a human touch on
the sales process.
As technology continued to advance and the use of predictive dialers took over the call center
industry, in October of 2013 the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) tweaked the law
requiring prior written consent before a call center agent could contact a potential customer
with a pre-recorded call. The new law includes the use of predictive dialers. Companies and
individuals found guilty of violating the law can face hefty fines. As a result, call center agents
and managers became more concerned with the quality of their lists. Much of the job of a call
center agent, or manager, turned into maneuvering compliance while advancing sales. Instead
of merely calling prospects, call centers had to transition and make their business one of quality
management, too.


Just as the technology driving call centers has changed dramatically, so, too, has the role of call
center agents. Depending on whether they are in sales or customer service, the duties of each
agent can vary greatly.
However, there is a common thread among all call center agents – serving the customer while
adhering to quality service standards. Almost all call center agents have their calls monitored
for quality assurance, ensuring they stay within the law and the requirements of the niche they
service. A good call center agent is dependable, able to deal with emotional customers, and has
the skill to drive a call to the desired conclusion.
Call center agents who deal with sales typically require more training and deliver more value to
the organization once their training is complete. Outbound agents deal with more obstacles
and variables than inbound agents, creating a dynamic environment. Call center management
jobs entail organizing and leading the production of the entire team.

Industry experts see the future of call centers as more web-based, with an emphasis on web
chat and social media outlets. Customer service web chat is already popular, as customers seem
to feel more at ease typing in questions and answers as opposed to conversing with a stranger.
Web chat still provides a unique opportunity for talented call center agents to upsell the
customer on the latest accessory or service.
While technology will continue to affect the operational dynamics of call centers and the day-
to-day tasks of workers, an agent’s skill level will always have a dramatic impact on an
organization being excellent… or simply average. The key to attaining optimal productivity in a
Language and Development
QUEST Worksheet #1.
call center is balancing strategic and compliant technology use with effective people

(, n.d.)

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