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Independent Theatre

Production Crew

May 03, 2019
Production Guidelines and Assignment Expectations
To: Production Team
From: Interior Independent Theatre (IIT) Board of Directors

Welcome to the Interior Independent Theatre Production Team! We are pleased you
have graciously agreed to join our team.

Our community, non-profit organization was formed in June of 2016 to provide cultural
enrichment and entertainment for the community and to provide an outlet for artistic
talents in our community of the greater Fairbanks area. The specific purpose for which
this non-for-profit corporation was formed is to encourage, promote, and develop
interest in the arts and to produce plays and any other various forms of live theater to
enhance the cultural level of our community.

In order to create art and keep our shows cutting edge, inspiring and of high quality, we
depend on the time and dedication of production members. We would not be able to
survive without amazing production members putting in the time and energy to make our
productions amazing. There is a standard that we have set with our past shows that we
as an organization expect to uphold with each subsequent show. We look forward to
working with you towards making this production even greater and more inspired.

The following guidelines are designed to call attention to the numerous parts of a
production which must be addressed from show to show. This is to clarify areas of
responsibility and to define the role of the Production team along with its relationship to
the IIT Board of Directors. These guidelines are designed to facilitate efficiency and
cooperation in the production process.

Thank you for your dedication to theatre in the interior!

Interior Independent Theatre Board of Directors

The following guidelines and job descriptions define the

responsibilities and the shared aspects of the production team:
Board of Directors Responsibilities
I. Set all Policies for show
a. Assure compliance with drug/alcohol free policy
b. Standard of Conduct
c. Set Policies for tickets advertising prices and comp tickets
II. Negotiate and Monitor Contracts
a. Rehearsal/performance contracts with venues
b. Royalty, scripts/music contracts with licensee
III. Financial support for shows
a. Negotiate grants
b. Approve budget, including all honorariums and contracts
c. Pays all bills and prepares final financial report
d. Monitor budget during show preparations (with Production Manager)
i. Treasures receives expense report, letter of agreement
ii. Maintain charge account list (including who can purchase)
iii. Prior review of show related funds raising projects, including donations
IV. Scheduling
a. Set performance dates for shows
b. Coordinate facilities for shows
c. Coordinate Rehearsals space for shows with Stage Manager and Directors
d. Schedule use of construction space with Technical Director
e. Provide person to schedule road shows
V. Publicity/Marketing
a. Set up contracts with media
b. Prepare season brochure include show information, logo, and dates
c. Develop and Maintain website
d. Assure that the News Miner reviewer is present first weekend of performance
e. Provide person to arrange school tour schedule (if done)
VI. Communications
a. Staff ticketing and show information phone line
b. Assure cast/crew are thanked appropriately
c. Maintain database for show participants (including auditionees not cast)
VII. Front of House Management
a. Ticketing (including comp. tickets)
b. Concessions
c. Gala
VIII. Other Responsibilities
a. Hear monthly reports from directors and production manager
b. Reserve the right to cancel show if necessary
c. Maintain membership, donor list (for the program)
d. Maintain storage for all final show reports, photos, ect.

Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director, and Production Manager

Responsible to: IIT Membership
Time Frame: Ongoing
Artistic/Stage Director

Responsible for the overall coordination of the entire show

With Music Director and Choreographer, casts the show and notifies ALL who
audition, of casting (in a timely manner)
Works closely with Music Director and Choreographer on artistic decisions
Works with Music Director and Choreographer while planning show rehearsal
Shares with the Music Director the final responsibility to assure artistic quality
and continuity during planning and rehearsal time
Selects designers and major production workers
Develops, with designers, the overall concept of the show
Retains artistic decisions regarding show publicity and marketing materials
Delegates appropriate responsibilities to the production team members, and
along with the production manager, checks with the team members often to be
sure they have the information and resources needed to do the best job possible
With the Music Director, gives the final approval of the program contents
Reports to the board monthly during show preparation and gives a final report at
the next monthly board meeting after the show closes
The Artistic/Stage Director prepares the drama aspects of each production
including dialog, blocking, scene and set design and costuming consistent with
the shared concept of the show as developed with the Music Director,
Choreographer and Costume Designer.
The Artistic/Stage Director is responsible for rehearsing and coaching lead roles
as well as Chorus members
The Artistic/Stage Director is responsible for general stage movements of the
entire cast
Come to each rehearsal prepared
Always maintain a professional attitude

Works with:, Music Director, Technical Director and Board of Directors

Responsible to: Board of Directors
Timeframe 6 months prior to performance through Performance
Music Director
Responsible for all music elements of the show in conjunction with the
Artistic/Stage Director (including Orchestra rehearsal accompanist, and singers)
With the Artistic/Stage Director and Choreographer, casts the show, and notifies
ALL auditionees of casting (in a timely manner)
Works closely with Artistic/Stage Director and Choreographer on all artistic
Works with Artistic/Stage Director and Choreographer while planning show
rehearsal schedule
Works with Orchestra Manager to select Orchestra members
In the event of not having an Orchestra Manager, arranges for music
stands/lights, prepare Orchestra pit, also keeps attendance and give this to the
Production Manager (so payment can be made after final performances)
Selects Orchestra rehearsal dates
Assures that the Orchestra schedule is maintained (Payment for rehearsals is
based on 2-3 hours per session)
Selects a rehearsal accompanist
Prepare soloists, ensembles, and chorus (may select or be assigned Vocal Coach)
Conducts the Orchestra during performances
With Artistic/Artistic/Stage Director, gives final approval of the program content
Reports monthly to the board during preparation and gives a final report at the
next monthly board meeting after show closes
Come to each rehearsal prepared
Always maintain a professional attitude

Works with: Directors & Production Team

Responsible to: Production Manager
Timeframe: 9-12 months prior to performance, follow up as needed

Works closely with the Artistic/Stage and Music Directors
Responsible for all special dance and movement sequences in the show, and
should work very closely with both the Artistic/Stage and Music Directors to
remain consistent with the “vision” of the show
Works with the costume designer, head seamstress, hair and makeup for
movement ease, necessary for the choreography
Assists the Directors with the development of the rehearsal schedule
May assign a Dance Captain if needed
Come to each rehearsal prepared
Always maintain a professional attitude

Works with: Music Conductor, Music Director and Artistic/Stage Director

Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director and Music Director and Production Manager
Timeframe 6 months prior to performance
Vocal Coach
May assist with cast selection
Works with the Music Director to assure voices are ready for rehearsal
o May work with singers individually
o Conducts or facilitates warm-ups for all singing cast members prior to
every rehearsal and show.
Always maintain a professional attitude

Works with: Cast Members

Responsible to: Music Director
Timeframe: 6 Months Prior to performance

Orchestra Manager
Recruits Orchestra members
Compiles contact information from the recruited orchestra members
Prepares music per conductor
Acts as music librarian for the orchestra
Communicates schedules, dress code, music notes, ect.
Takes attendance, maintains records of hours of service for each member
Inventories equipment (lights, stands, erasers) and arranges for transport to and
from theatre facility
Obtains instruments if needed
Preparation of rehearsal facility
Coordinates set up and strike of orchestra pit
Always maintain a professional attitude

Works with: Orchestra Members

Responsible to: Music Conductor/Director
Timeframe: Recruits 6 months prior & present every orchestra rehearsal/performance
Production Manager
The Production Manager acts as the representative of the Board to provide
assistance to the Directors and oversight of the administrative aspects of the
production process, and report to the Board monthly
Works with the Production Team to develop a budget for Board approval and
updates as needed during production
Assists in the selection of personnel and coordinates with the Technical Director
volunteers working on sets, lighting, costumes, house and stage management
tickets, publicity, programs, and clean up.
o Works with Board of Directors assigned Program Designer
Collect all program information and provide drafts periodically for
editing and final approval by directors and the Board of Directors
• Include all cast/crew names and bios
Produce programs within budget limits
Assure that printed programs are delivered to House Manager
Assures that audition forms and handouts are prepared
Fills production staff positions in coordination with the Artistic/Stage Director
Is responsible for coordinating all production staff and calls production meetings
Informs all production staff of IIT policies/procedures
Arranges a facility use schedule and update as needed
Collects database information on cast and crew and distributes as needed
Helps Artist/Stage or Music Directors to develop a detailed production calendar
specifying dates for publicity releases, costume/set completion and all other
aspects of production
Distributes comp tickets to the cast, crew, etc
Works with the Board to coordinate photo shoots for advertisements, the gallery,
archives, etc.
o Develops or delegates photo gallery
Design gallery (photos, decorative effects) for approval by directors
Construct and set-up gallery prior to opening performance
Assure proper storage between performances
Disassemble at final strike and collects photos for archives
Assures that all cast/crew/orchestra receive evaluation forms and that all
completed forms are given to the Board of Directors at the conclusion of the show
Responsible for final clean up in all production areas as well as the final inventory
and disposition of all materials used in the show: (rented music, costumes, props,
equipment, etc.)
Presents final report at Board meeting after show closes

Works with: Music Director, Technical Director and Stage Manager

Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director and Board of Directors
Timeframe 6 months prior to performance through Performance and Strike
Show Budget Manager (note: may be separate from Production Manager)
Work with Stage and Music directors and production manager to develop budget
Assure board policies regarding honorariums are followed
Confirm and monitor all contracts/accounts
o Obtain contracts with all musicians/crew receiving payment
(per current board policy)
Assure that crew production team knows their budgets
o Maintain on-going estimate of expenditures and advise the persons
Collect expense receipts and prepare expense records
o Work with Board Treasurer to assure expenditures are categorized
Maintain on-going record of charged expenses as well as reimbursements
o If pre-paid charge cards are used, maintain record of on-going
Prepare monthly reports for Board Treasurer, Production Directors & Production
Manager regarding status of all expenditures
Post show:
o Coordinate final records with Board Treasurer
o Assure payment of all final expenses (including costume cleaning)
o Confirm that scripts/scores are returned by deadlines
o Confirm that any rented materials are returned
Works with: Board Treasurer, Directors & Production Team
Responsible to: Production Manager
Timeframe: 9-12 months prior to performance, follow up as needed

Draft publicity for approval by Directors & Production Manager
Plan detailed financial commitments
Attend production meetings to coordinate planning
Work with Production Manager to assure compliance with licensing requirements,
and credit funding sources
Work with contractor (TV &/or radio spots & sales) if used
Arrange pre-publication review of media elements (TV/radio/print) and final
artistic approval of directors
Set up special publicity projects for shows after approval by Production Manager
and Directors
Coordinate with Production Manager & Directors to prepare for publicity events
(ie. photo sessions, interviews and community visits)
Monitor publicity throughout the entire show schedule

Works with: Production Manager, Directors and Media

Responsible to: Board of Directors and Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 4 months prior to performance
Technical Director
Technical Direction involves the hands-on implementation of the design and
technical production elements.
Attend production meetings and work with Directors to carry out design plans
Responsible the construction, mounting, rigging and maintenance of all scenic
elements in productions
Responsible for safety or crew and cast throughout build and production.
Making sure crew heads are trained in all applicable aspects of technical theatre,
including appropriate safety procedures when needed
Assure that persons responsible for technical elements are aware of their budget
Helps to create a positive working environment and is a positive role
model/mentor for participants, and represents the production company and the
production positively to the community
Work with venue manager to assure compliance with facility rules
Reads and studies the play; attends first production meeting in which Director
presents his/her interpretation of the play.
Receives ground plans, working plans, sketches, elevations, etc. from the
Assure that technical elements preparation occurs on schedule
o Elements should be ready by the first rehearsal in performance facility
Supervises the Master Carpenter, Sound Designer, and Props and works with
Costumes, Hair/Make-up, and insures that all designs are implemented
Is present at load-ins, strikes, rehearsals, and performances as necessary
Attend technical and dress rehearsals taking note of any details yet to be finished
Responsible for organizing load-in, coordinates transfer of materials from the
warehouse to the theatre
Must be available during all performances in case of emergency
Attends and gives report at Production Meetings
Consults with the Stage Manager, Master Carpenter, Master Electrician, Sound
Designer, Costume Supervisor and Props Designer in coordinating strike.
Overseeing the striking all scenic elements.
Assure that set is dissembled and returned to proper facility
Gives report during the post mortem

Works with:, Directors & Production Team

Responsible to: Board of Directors and Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe 6 months prior to performance through Performance
Stage Manager
Responsible for all communication with all communication with the cast
Assure that contact information is accurate and advise production manager of
Attend production meetings
Ensures that the rehearsal space and theatre are clean and orderly before and after
each rehearsal or work period.
Act as script librarian (or delegate this task)
o Receive rented scripts and inventory them
o Number them with removable labels
o Distribute them, maintaining list of who has each
o Retrieve them when no longer needed
o Inventory again, clean off labels, markings
o Return to PM to be returned to rental agency
Keep attendance at all rehearsals
Advise cast and crew of schedule changes
Keeps track of decisions made in the rehearsal process by keeping accurate notes
and a detailed record of blocking and stage movement in a rehearsal script or
promptbook, and by sending rehearsal reports to the staff, including the Technical
Supervise props, including appropriate storage between performances
Call all the light cues, curtain cues, ect. (is overseeing supervisor during
o Coordinate curtain cues with House Manager
Works with the Technical Director to Coordinate Load-in and Strike.
Responsible for the safe and timely conduct of the actors, performers,
participants, technicians and staff of a production.

Works with: Cast and crew chiefs regarding stage activities

Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director, Tech Director and Production Manager
Timeframe: 6 Months prior to performance, present every performance
Construction Chief
With technical director, develop construction calendar
Attend design and production meetings
Recruit sufficient work crews and assure they have work space and tools
o Assure names are given to Production Manager for program
Review supplies and purchase additional materials within budget limits
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to Production Manager weekly
Ensure that work areas are cleaned daily
Help coordinate move of materials to the theater from the construction site(s)
o Keep track of borrowed items
Post show; prepare materials for storage, clean construction areas and return all
borrowed items to proper location or persons.

Works with: Crews (ie: set construction, costume, lighting, sound)

Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director (input form Music Director), Technical Director
Timeframe: 6 months prior to show, assure post-show wrap up
Stage Crew Chief
Recruit and train stage crew to run the equipment for the show
Responsible for coordination of on-stage elements (including scene changes)
Assure safety of everyone on stage
Other duties as assigned by Stage Manager

Works with: Stage Manager

Responsible to: Technical Director, Stage Manager
Timeframe: 1 month prior to performance and present for every performance
Scenic Designer
The Scenic Designer is responsible for developing the overall look of the stage
environment after working with the director to establish an overall aesthetic concept from
which to proceed.

Attends production meetings

Makes an initial presentation of the design 4 weeks prior to loading into the
o Should include rough sketches or renderings and a basic ground plan.
Keeps Technical Director (TD) involved in early stages of the work to help
insure that his/her work stays within the scope and scale appropriate to the
abilities and resources of the production staff as determined by the Technical
No project will be allowed to move forward until the TD is confident that the
scale of the production is appropriate
After the initial presentation has been made the designer will revise the design
as needed.
Once the design is accepted the designer is then responsible for developing a
complete set of colored design drawings.
Provide basic ground plan showing all stationary scenic elements, a composite
ground plan showing all moving scenic elements, indicating both their onstage
and storage positions, a section of the stage space incorporating all elements,
front elevations of every scenic element, additional elevations and/or sections
of units that may require them.
Final presentation of designs will be expected no later than 2 weeks prior to
the load-in. No changes will be made to the design beyond this point.
It is the responsibility of the designer to meet with the technical director,
conveying all the information necessary for him/her to execute the design.
Work within a given set budget during the design phase.
Available to answer questions that may arise, and responsible for following
the progress of the set construction to be sure it conforms accurately to the
o If changes are required for any reason it is the responsibility of the
designer to provide whatever drawings are needed to convey the
necessary information to the TD.
Attend rehearsals as needed.
Attend load-in calls and technical/dress rehearsals as necessary to insure the
scenic elements are installed properly and are functioning within the show as
Maintain budget projections
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to PM weekly

Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director and Technical Director

Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 6-9 months prior to performance, consultation during preparation
Scenic Artist
Work with directors (including technical) and set designer to paint the set and
Works with: Production Team
Responsible to: Production Team
Timeframe: 2 months prior to opening

Set Decoration
With directors, plan and carry out decoration of set (furniture, items attached to
walls, curtains, rugs, ect.
Works with: Production Team
Responsible to: Production Team
Timeframe: 2 months prior to opening
Lighting Designer
The Lighting Designer is responsible for using light in support of the director’s
vision while enhancing and completing the environment created by the set designer.
Use completed set design plans to create his/her light design.
Work within a given budget.
Develop a complete light plot showing instrument type, location (plan & section),
color, and dimmer assignment.
o Light plot is due no later than 1 week prior to load-in.
o develop his/her design based on viewing rehearsals, equipment lists,
budget, and meetings with the director.
Work with the master electrician as early as possible so that s/he will have ample
time to plan on the required crew size and work calls required.
Advise TD of any unusual effects being planned.
Work with set designer in case some specific requirements will be made of the
set, such as accommodating light positions, etc.
Submit a light plot, equipment list, dimmer hook-up, and color list.
Responsible for approving the hang after its completion by the master electrician
and crew.
Work with light crew to focus the plot.
Create cues for the show, working with the director during cue-to-cue rehearsals.
The director retains the right of approval of all design and cue elements.
Attend concept and production meetings
Work with directors to carry out and develop concepts of the show before
rehearsal, which may include
o Drawings, models, ect.
Develop working drawings, before rehearsals begin
Maintain budget projections
Coordinate plans with technical director to assure feasibility
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to PM weekly
Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director and Technical Director
Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 6-9 months prior to performance, consultation during preparation
Master Electrician
The Master Electrician is the person who works most closely with the lighting
designer and is responsible for actually executing the design.

Need to have a working knowledge of lighting systems equipment and its

He/she will be responsible for insuring that the equipment specified in the design
is available whether in house or through rental, as well as acquiring the specified
gel and sufficient incidentals like gaff tape, tie line, etc.
Develops the circuit plot that most efficiently serves the design plot and will lead
the crew that hangs, cables, circuits, and troubleshoots the plot.
Works with the designer to focus the plot.
Responsible for running a dimmer check on every day of tech and performance.
Works with the Technical Director and leads the electrics crew in strike.
Responsible for making regular reports to the Producer and Technical Advisor to
keep them apprised of progress.
Attend concept and production meetings
Maintain budget projections
Coordinate plans with technical director to assure feasibility.
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to PM weekly
Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director and Technical Director
Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 6-9 months prior to performance, consultation during preparation

Light Board Operators/Follow

During rehearsals at performance facility and during performances, responsible
for availability and condition of equipment.
Must attend at least 2 rehearsals prior to hell week
Must attend all hell week dress rehearsals
Anticipate repairs, ect. that might be needed during performances
During strike, ensure that work area is cleaned and equipment is returned to the
same condition as when show loaded into the facility
Assure that borrowed items are identified and help coordinate the return

Works with: run crews

Responsible to: Stage Manager, Technical Director
Timeframe: 2 weeks prior to performances, present every performance
Costume Designer
The costume designer is responsible for designing and selecting the costumes
used in the show.
Attend concept and production meetings
Work with directors to provides costume designs and renderings at least 4 weeks
prior to load-in
o This will allow adequate time for arranging for the rental and construction
of costumes items.
Works closely with the stage manager to insure that actors are available for
costume fittings and that these are held in a timely fashion.
Responsible for working with the stage manager, technical director and any
dressers needed to insure that changes can be made within required time limits.
Responsible for insuring that all rented items are returned in a timely manner.
Oversees that any and all costumes that are purchased or built are returned to the
appropriate theatre or person.
Work within allocated budget.
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to PM weekly
Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director and Technical Director
Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 6-9 months prior to performance, consultation during preparation

Costume Mistress
Attend design and production meetings
o Coordinate use of costume loft (often used for rehearsal)
With technical director, develop construction calendar
o Measure all cast members and compile a notebook
o Prepare costume list for each cast member
o Plan rental if needed for any costumes
Recruit sufficient seamstresses and assure they have work space and tools
o Assure names are given to PM for program
Review supplies and purchase additional materials within budget limits
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to PM on a weekly basis
Be sure cleanup of work areas is done as needed
Coordinate use of costumes for publicity photos, school tour, ect.
Help coordinate move of materials for storage, clean and return borrowed items

Works with: Crews (ie: set construction, costume, lighting, sound)

Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director (input from Music Director), Technical Director
Timeframe: 6 months prior to show, assure post-show wrap up
Costume Run Crew Chief
During rehearsals at performance facility and during performances, responsible
for availability and condition of costumes.
Anticipate repairs, ect. that might be needed during performances
Recruit and supervise costume dressers and seamstresses during the performances
During strike, prepare costumes for transfer to the warehouse
Assure that borrowed items are identified and help coordinate return

Works with: run crews

Responsible to: Stage Manager, Technical Director
Timeframe: 2 weeks prior to performances, present every performance

Hair & Make-up

Design hair/makeup for approval by Artistic/Stage Director and Costume
Inventory FLOT supplies, purchase additional as needed, within budget limits
Give receipts to Production Manager
Recruit crew to assist cast during final rehearsals and all performances
Put away supplies after each performance
Prepare supplies for storage during set strike
Works with: hair and make-up crew
Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: Design 3 months prior, present every performance, post-show wrap up
Sound Designer
The sound designer is responsible for designing the sound system and sound
effects required for each show.
Identify any requirement of any recordings or special effects as early as possible
in the process.
Provide a list of equipment needs, including any proposed rental, 1 week prior to
A diagram of the sound system is due at least one week prior to load-in.
Recordings of sound effects and/or voice-overs will be scheduled with the
producer and director.
The designer is responsible for the installation and up keep of the equipment
during the production run.
The designer is responsible for returning any rental equipment in a timely way.
Attend concept and production meetings
Maintain budget projections
Coordinate plans with technical director to assure feasibility
Collect and submit receipts for purchases to PM weekly
Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director and Technical Director
Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 6-9 months prior to performance, consultation during preparation

Sound Board Operators

During rehearsals at performance facility and during performances, responsible
for availability and condition of equipment.
Must attend at least 2 rehearsals prior to hell week
Must attend all hell week dress rehearsals
Anticipate repairs, ect. that might be needed during performances
During strike, ensure that work area is cleaned and equipment is returned to the
same condition as when show loaded into the facility
Assure that borrowed items are identified and help coordinate the return

Works with: run crews

Responsible to: Stage Manager, Technical Director
Timeframe: 2 weeks prior to performances, present every performance
Props Manager
The Props Master will work closely with the Set Designer, Stage Manager, and
Director in identifying and collecting the properties needed for a production.

Should be able to create props and so should be someone who has a basic
knowledge of small hand and power tools.
Work with the director to create a comprehensive props list at least 4 weeks prior
to load-in.
Work with the director and designers to decide on the needed props, the set
designer will work with the props crew in the process of choosing props for the
Receive appropriate drawings from the set designer required for building a prop
he/she designs.
Understands that a props list will quite often change in response to a fluid
rehearsal situation, and changes are quite often made up to the last minute.
Obviously last-minute changes should be held to a minimum.
Once a prop list is compiled, it is the responsibility of the props crew to gather the
required items.
o Give names of props donors to Production Manager for the program
Responsible for the timely return of all borrowed/rented props.
Any items purchased or built are to be tuned in to the owner.

Works with: Artistic/Stage Director, Music Director and Technical Director and Props
run crew
Responsible to: Artistic/Stage Director
Timeframe: 6-9 months prior to performance, consultation during preparation

Props runner
Get full list of props from the Props Manager
Develop a schedule for when various props are needed for actors/crew
Provide rehearsal substitutes if needed (ie: fragile props)
Provide appropriate storage containers for props
Repair or replace props as needed during rehearsals and performances
Must attend at least 2 rehearsals prior to hell week
Must attend all hell week dress rehearsals
During set strike, assure that loaned props are identified and arrangements are
made for prompt return to owners

Works with: Props run crew

Responsible to: Stage Manager
Timeframe: assist in gathering props 1 month prior to first rehearsal, present at
rehearsals and all performances
Poster and Program
Design program for approval by directors, marketing and the Board of Directors
Collect all program information and provide drafts periodically for editing and
final approval by PM and directors before printing
Work with Program Manger to assure board policies are followed

Works with: Program Manager

Responsible to: Production Manager and Program Manager
Timeframe: 2 months prior, to printer 1 week prior to opening performance

Usher Manager
Recruit House staff for each performance
Give orientation to staff and assure that there is adequate supply of programs
Distribute/collect inserts and/or audience surveys as requested by the Board
Monitor audience/seating problems during performance and coordinate resolution
with Box Office staff is necessary
Monitor public areas during performances
Assure that audience area is cleaned after each performance

Works with: house staff, box office manager

Responsible to: Production Manager, Stage Manager
Timeframe: I month prior to performance, present each performance

House Manager
Recruit box office staff
Assure that box office is open and that equipment/supplies are provided
Post the show running time
Assign duties: ie. credit card sales, will call table)
Open for ticket sales 60-90 minutes prior to performance time
Work with House manager to resolve disputes, coordinate house closure
Safeguard money/credit slips/supplies and deliver to Board Representative after
each performance
If requested, count all ticket stubs and provide attendance count
Assure box office area is clean after use and appropriate security is provided
between performances
For strike, assure box office is completely cleaned and all materials returned to
IIT Board member.

Works with: box office staff

Responsible to: Board of Directors
Timeframe: Performances as scheduled

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