Dialogos de Your Boyfriend

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Day 1

My life has been chaotic.

My family broke out into another fit of drama, so I left the nest, ran straight to
college, and got an apartment and a job. But lately my job at a greasy spoon diner
has been unbearable.

The job doesn't pay the best, so that meant I had to find a roommate to afford an

And now my roommate is always bringing some drop out into our apartment for late
night “study sessions”. My sleep schedule is wrecked, and, even better, the rent on
the apartment is late.

I had heard once that if you become a roommate with a friend, you won’t stay
friends for long.

In my case, the friendship gets strained thinner as my ‘friend’ keeps making

excuses why they need me to cover their half of the rent.

Thanks to that deadbeat, I'm working harder just to lose money on the rent. I'm
nearly broke and getting a second job feels like it will kill me.

At least in this park I have some alone time.

I’ve always loved this part of the park: it’s untouched by obnoxious family members
and college jerks.

The only people who come here are the grounds keepers. Even then, they only come by
in the morning.

Closing my eyes I rub my face and huff out the tension in my lungs so that I could
calm down enough to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Just then I feel someone sit down beside me.

Startled, I turn and look towards the interloper.

The Stranger: Whoa! Hey, take it easy, it's just me.

The stranger says, trying to keep me from leaping too high off of the park bench.

The Stranger: You're a jumpy one, aren’t ya?

He smiles and scoots himself closer to me, shyly and awkwardly.

I keep my eyes on him, unsure what his intentions are. His unblinking eyes don’t
stray from mine. Not once.

The Stranger: Sooo…. Are you waiting for a family member, or a friend?

The Stranger: It just seems kind of odd for you to be sitting here, all alone like
this, and so far away from the jogging track.

A chill runs down my spine. I cross my arm over my chest and slide myself away from
him and closer to the edge of the bench.
How often does a sane person walk up to you out of the blue and start asking such

Not often, for me at least.

He picks up on my unease, and refrains from sliding any closer. He crosses his
fingers in between his legs and smiles warmly.

The Stranger: I mean, you don’t look like a grounds keeper, or one of the old
people feeding pidgeons after doing Tai Chi.

Jenny: No, I'm just getting some alone time to myself. Things have been pretty
intense lately.

He scoots himself even closer, his hand nearly touching mine as he smiles shyly.

The Stranger: L-Look. I know this is sudden. Very sudden. But if you’re free
tonight, can I have the pleasure in taking you out to dinner?

‘Can I have the pleasure?’

Never mind. He was the weird one.

I can’t tell if he’s a bit awkward, or just eccentric.

Jenny: What? Why?

Why did he have such an interest in me?

The Stranger: Well, I'm your boyfriend.

The Stranger: Isn't that why you're here?


My boyfriend? Why would he be assuming we were in a relationship?

There is an awkward silence as the stranger sits, patiently waiting for my answer…

What? No!

Jenny: {punch=20} What? No!

I pull my hand away from his.

I thought that I would normally try to at least attempt to be polite when I turned
down someone's advance, but the stranger’s presumptuousness makes my skin crawl.

He sits there for a moment with a firm stare before pulling his hand away in a
reluctant retreat.

The Stranger: Oh... I see. I think that I’m getting mixed messages from you.

The Stranger: I mean, it doesn't make much sense for you to come here, and then not
want me.
I stand up from the bench, and turn to leave. Hopefully I can get back to the more
frequented parts of the park before any other creeps crawl out from under the rocks
and bushes.

The Stranger: Where are you going?

He stares back at me from the bench, but I can't read his expression.

It is a tempest of mixed emotions, and none of them are as positive or playfully

awkward as when I first met him.

Jenny: I-It's getting late. I'm going to head home.

I lied. I glance over my shoulder to find the nearest path out of the park and to
the nearest public street.

The Stranger: Oh? Well, maybe I can walk you home then?

Jenny: No! Thank you.

Jenny: Look, it’s nothing personal, but you're coming off as kind of creepy. I’m
not really that comfortable around you.

He rubs his arm awkwardly.

The Stranger: Creepy? But...

The Stranger: But I lo-

Jenny: Sorry, I have to go.

I cut him off and start walking away, occasionally looking over my shoulder.

I don’t want him creeping up on me while my back was turned.

He never moves. He just sits there with a forlorn look on his face, and stares
quietly at the ground.

I wander around the city a little bit more, visiting places I normally wouldn't

Urgh, my paranoia has got me looking over my shoulder, wondering if he might still
be lurking somewhere behind me. I don't know... Maybe I am over thinking things.

But who knows? Some guy who presumes that he’s your boyfriend before either of you
even know each other’s names is probably not the most psychologically healthiest of
people, are they?

Yeah, that's creepy enough to warrant him my cold shoulder. Still, the way I left
him behind like that was making me feel like maybe I was the jerk.

I come across a local florist shop that I remember passing on a few of my downtown

I've always been meaning to stop in and pick up some flowers for the apartment, but
I could never seem to find the time.

Well, I have time now and I could use a diversion. So why not?
Walking in, I look around and take in the rather pleasant aroma of the shop.

I wander past the quaint displays of flower arrangements, potted plants, and small
gift bags of potpourri. I had a particular purchase in mind.

From a rustic, wooden shelf display containing the flowers and various house
plants, came a lovely, pungent fragrance from the deep red roses.

Being mindful that some still had their thorns, I reach out to pick one up.

I feel a hand brush against mine.

I pull my hand away quickly, and glance at the person that I didn't see on the
other side of the display...

The Stranger: Oh, fancy seeing you here.

The man from the park beams upon seeing me, and gives me a smile before pulling the
rose out.

The Stranger: I didn't know you shopped here, too.

Jenny: I-I don't!

I say, startled by his presence.

The man then gestures to me with a finger over his lips.

The Stranger: Shh, it's a small shop. There's no need to raise your voice.

His comment rubs me the wrong way, but I try compose myself.

Jenny: Did you follow me here?

I whisper harshly, unsure if crossing paths with him again was a pure coincidence,
or if I needed to worry about him after all.

The Stranger: What? Of course not.

He looks a little hurt by my accusation.

The Stranger: I come here almost every day, you know.

Uh oh, was I really being a dick to him?

He fumbles around with the rose in his hand, and his eyes stay shyly focused on the

The Stranger: I love flowers. This little shop is the only one near by, so I come
here a lot to see what new bouquets they have made, and if they have any on sale.

The Stranger: I'll admit that sometimes I get a glimpse of you through the windows
of the diner that you work at, and lately I've been meaning to walk in to finally
say ‘hi'. B-But I lose my nerves and stay out.

You've been watching me??

Jenny: {punch=20}You’ve been watching me? Are you Serious? What kind of creep are

The Stranger: B-But It's not like that!

He reaches his hand out towards my shoulder in an attempt to console and calm me

Not wanting his greasy, grubby hands anywhere on me, I flinch away in shock and

Jenny: Don't touch me!

I hiss at him, and then turn and storm out of the florist shop. I don’t look back.

It’s finally getting dark out.

Ugh, I hate walking home at night, and after crossing paths with a crazy stalker, I
have a good reason for it.

And now I’m out later than I wanted because I was trying to take a longer, less
traveled path home. Just in case that creepy guy knew more about my habits.

Shit, I’ll need to find new places to hang out at. And probably a new job.

I storm into the apartment and slam the door behind me before doing another full-
body shudder.

I hear the rummaging sound of my roommate and the 'Study Partner' in the kitchen
come to an abrupt silence after I unceremoniously arrive home.

I race by to my bedroom. they have a habit of walking around naked after their
'study sessions', and I don’t even want to see if they were dressed this time.

In my room I flop down on my bed, and muffle a frustrated scream with my pillow.

After a moment I roll over on my back, and stare up at the ceiling, trying to
forget about my day. Trying to forget about him.

Before I fall asleep from sheer exhaustion, my last thought was a simple wish:

Man, I hope I never see that weirdo again.

Day 2

Jenny: [~Urrrghh...|...Damnit.|Ugh...|Owww...|Hrrrnnnggg...]

I roll over in my bed[~ for a moment|]. Every inch in my body is begging me to wake
up, but I don't [~have the strength|want to|have the willpower to go on living|
wanna|feel like it|have the mental energy for it].

[~I feel so sleep deprived|It's like I didn't get any form of rest at all].

I fight the will to wake up for a moment, rubbing my eyes before sitting up in my
Jenny: Ugh, I'm a mess.


Oh god! I’m late for work!

Finally dressed, I rush out of my bedroom, making my way into the kitchen section
where I normally put my work keys.

Lucy: Hey, looks like someone's in a hurry!

A surge of irritation floods through me when I hear Lucy's voice. I take a glimpse
over my shoulder toward the deadbeat who wasn't making my life any easier.

Jenny: Yes, I am in a hurry because some of us actually have a job.

I mutter under my breath, grabbing my work keys from the kitchen counter and
beginning to storm right by her.

Lucy: Again, with the guilt trip...

She mutters something else under her breath as she [~rolls her eyes|taps her foot
angrily|bites her tongue].

Lucy: Look, I'm trying, alright?

Lucy: I just haven't had any calls back yet.

She tries to explain, but I've grown tired of her half-ass'd excuses.

I'm not even going to argue with her. Now is not the time, because right now time
is not on my side.

I [~wave|shrug|brush] her off and make my way out the door, rushing myself down the
stairs and out of the apartment building.

First a stalker, now I might lose my job. With any luck, I might get hit by a car
and die on impact.

It’s a Sunday. There's usually hardly any customers on Sunday mornings, but even
then, it doesn’t excuse my [~being late|lateness|tardiness].

Rushing through the front doors of the diner, I dash into the kitchen and grab my
apron off the coat hanger along the far end of the wall.

The aprons seem to be the only place where grease stains don't get all over me...

Fumbling to tie the apron on, I rush over towards the time clock, and snatch my
time card to punch in.


...According to this, I already clocked in.

Who could've...?

My attention snaps toward the sound of approaching footsteps. Whoever it is,

they're not trying to be discreet as they carry a clanking stack of dirty dishes
back from a table.

TK: There you are! Where have you been?

TK: I've been covering your shift for the past 45 minutes without the boss even
knowing you're not here.

TK rushes right by me as they ‘gently’ place the dishes into the sink of soapy hot
water. Wiping their hands, TK sighs loud enough to make sure that I hear it.

They're like this all the time though, always acting like they're the big sibling
to everyone and keeping things in one piece.

I huff as I try to think of an excuse that doesn't sound as pathetic as 'my alarm
didn't go off.' But the truth is all I have, so I try to downplay the issue.

Jenny: I don't get why you're making such a fuss. We're pretty much dead on Sunday

TK: You clearly weren't paying attention when you came barging in...

TK wipes their hands on their apron before gesturing for me to look out through the
service window.

Jenny: What the-!? Are you kidding me!?

Jenny: Why are there so many old farts here!?

I try not to raise my voice to a point that the fiber chomping boomers outside did
not hear me.

TK: A tour bus came along, that’s what happened. Now stop asking questions and
start waiting tables.

TK hands me a spare notepad and pencil, and nudges me out of the kitchen.

Great. Here I am, hoping to have an easy-going day. So much for that.

The breakfast crowd is a nightmare. Karens and redneck grandpas everywhere with
something up their asses.

Some even going as far as refusing to pay because I didn't kiss their god damn feet
whenever their coffee was not filled all the way, or their T-bone steak wasn’t
cooked the way they wanted.

Yeah! T-Bone steak, for breakfast. Not even breakfast steak and eggs, either. An
actual T-Bone steak {i}dinner{/i}, with potatoes and steamed carrots. And then when
one person refuses to order off the breakfast menu, there's a dozen more who follow

Such a hassle...

Why couldn’t the elderly be more like my grandparents? Pleasant and polite. [~The
last of the Great Generation. Not these... These entitled {i}Boomers{/i}.|]

Eventually, the crowd starts dying down, most leaving to do some sightseeing,
others staying to order more coffee or lunch.

At least these are the kind of customers that mind their own business and are more
focused on eating or talking.

Staggering into the kitchen, I let out a long sigh and rest against the wall,
finally able to take a moment to relax.

TK: Ahem...

TK: I know you want to get off your feet, but you missed a table.

TK sneaks over at my side, giving me a gentle nudge before pointing back out to the
dining area.

I roll my exhausted eyes and look over towards them.

Jenny: Can’t you do it? I don’t feel like having [~someone|some geezer|some kid|
some Karen] [~throw|toss|hurl|dump] their [~eggs|cereal|oatmeal|coffee|juice] on
me, again.

TK: I would, but you owe me for covering your [~shift|ass|tables] for an hour.

Damn it, they had a point.

With a groan, I lean myself off the wall, try to straighten my posture, and stumble
back out.

Scanning the booths, I check all the tables I had already gotten, matching their
faces and orders table by table.

Jenny: I don’t think I missed any-

A voice chimes in from the booth to my right.

The Stranger: Hey there, stranger.

Oh god, not you again!

Jenny: Seriously, what part of ‘leave me alone' did you not understand!?

I bellow out, gaining the attention of the remaining people inside the diner. I
hope that calling him out like this would get him to leave.

The creeper stiffens up a little, giving a rather hurt expression.

The Stranger: You did! I'm not as thick as I seem to be, honest!

The tone in his voice is frantic.

The Stranger: All I wanted to do was apologize for my behavior yesterday. You
didn't even give me a chance to explain myself!

Jenny: Explain yourself? There's no explanation for spying on me every day when you
go on your ‘walks'.

The Stranger: Oh, so you never recognize familiar faces whenever you follow the
same routine every day?
The Stranger: Just like that old couple who always comes here every Wednesday and
pretend like they're happily married, even though all they do is sit in silence?

The Stranger: Or even that creepy redheaded doctor who always picks the same
corner, always ordering just a simple cup of tea while staring at everyone with an
eerie smile?

The Stranger: You're not the only face that I recall, Jenny.

He mumbles, looking down at the table in front of him as he starts picking up one
of the napkins.

He does have a point.

Letting out a deep sigh, I hold up my notepad and pencil.

Jenny: Just tell me what you want to order.

He picks up the menu and starts looking it over.

The Stranger: I still want to make it up to you though, for being too forward
yesterday I mean.

As he speaks, he starts folding the napkin into a paper crane.

Rolling my eyes, I try my best not to snap at him, speaking now through my teeth.

Jenny: Oh my god, NO! Alright?

Jenny: I might have overreacted, I might have misinterpreted your intentions, but
that does not change the fact that I don't want anything to do with you!

The Stranger: It can't be helped, dear.

His eyes shift over towards me, an eerie glint in his gaze as he smiles a little,
responding to my reply.

The Stranger: You're just playing hard to get at this point...

The Stranger: And I do love games~.

A jolt of dread shoots through my entire body.

I don't know if it's the words, his tone, or the gaze that's setting off all the
red flags, but I'm not going to stand here and analyze why my survival instincts
are kicking into overdrive.

Turning away, I quickly make my way back into the kitchen, trying to untie my apron
with my sweaty palms.

TK approaches with an expression of concern. They might have watched the whole
thing happen.

TK: Hey, are you alright? What happened? What did he say?

Jenny: I can't do this. I need to go home.

I hand TK my apron.
Jenny: Just have Alisha cover my shift from now on.

TK: Whoa, whoa, you're quitting? What did he do? Should I call the police?

Yes, please!

Jenny: Yes, please! That man is stalking me!

TK doesn't hesitate the moment I say this, making a direct line to the phone.

I stay in the kitchen area, taking the occasional glance out the kitchen window to
see if he's still there.

Of course, he still is, sitting there while finishing up on making his napkin

TK comes back after a moment, taking a glance at the bastard before turning their
attention back over towards me.

TK: Alright, they're gonna be sending someone over in about 30 minutes.

Jenny: 30 minutes? He'll be gone by then!

TK: I'm aware of that.

TK matches my furious whisper, and looks just is baffled and disappointed with the
situation as I am.

TK: Either way, we still file a report and give them a description. It's something
at least.

Jenny: But he knows where I work, AND he knows of the section of the park where I
like to relax. What if he knows where I live?

TK: Well... I guess you could stay with me in the meantime, and wait for all of
this to blow over.

Jenny: Really?

TK: Sure! I've gotten to know you well enough, so I'm positive you won't try to
steal anything.[~.. Maybe|]

I honestly don't know what to say, I just feel a sense of relief that not only will
I be with a more tolerable person, but I also won't be walking home alone.

Of course, the creep's gone by the time the police arrive.

We give our best description of him before trusting they would look into the
manner. TK and I have our doubts though.

Luckily the rest of the kitchen staff lets us go home early. But we have to be at
work earlier tomorrow morning.

It doesn't look like much, but at least it's away from my neighborhood. Thank God.

TK: Here we are, home sweet home!

They live in this space?

I shouldn't be picky due to my situation, but just having me in here feels like I'm
cramping up the whole place. Looks like they live alone too. They probably aren't
able to afford anything else.

Still, at least I have a safe place with a more down-to-earth roommate.

TK: Ehh, sorry it's not much.

They mutter, looking around the single space area they live in.

Jenny: No, no, don't be. I still appreciate you bringing me in like this.

They seem relieved upon hearing me say this, giving a smile as they start pulling
out some extra blankets from under their bed.

TK: Well, just so you know, the couch does fold out into a bed. It's actually more
comfortable than the mattress I got. So, hey, special treatment for a special

Who'd have thought my co-worker from the diner would be so mellow and sweet outside
of work?

Jenny: Thank you. It means a lot that you're going out of your way for me like

TK: It's not a problem. I know what it's like to have creeps harass you. You don't
deserve it.

The rest of the day goes alright. I have to phone my roommate that I'm going to be
away for a few days. Of course, she doesn't answer the phone, so I have to leave a
message instead and [~hope|pray] that she checks it soon.

Still, this certainly is a pleasant change from the stress of my life.

{b}Hours later...{/b}

Ugh... the one downside of sleeping in a new place is that I can't stay asleep.

I need some water...

Getting up off the sofa, I feel around in the dark, unfamiliar area, trying to
recall where the kitchen section was in this place.


Geez! Who was that!?

Through the darkness, I see a figure standing before me, hearing them give a brief
‘Shh' sound as I feel them place their hand on my shoulder.

Wait who are you!?

The figure doesn't answer as I feel their hand squeeze my shoulder, almost as
though they're feeling me.

Jenny: What are you doing?!

I try to pull away from the figure's grip, but then a wet rag smothers my nose and

Fighting back, I lash out with my arms and jerk my neck to pull my face away from
the rag.

Whoever this is they subdue me by quickly wrapping their thin limbs around my body
and holding me tight.

I try to break free, but they did not loosen up one bit!

Oh god. I'm starting to feel drowsy and weak...

Who is doing this? Why?

A chill runs up my spine as I feel a kiss against my cheek. A familiar and

sickening voice whisper in my ear.

The Stranger: I'll see you tomorrow, darling~

No. No, no, no, no, he found me! How?

I can't...


Day 3

Jenny: AHH!

Jenny: . . .What. . .?

Ugh, my head. What the hell happened?...

. . . Oh god, he found me! This can’t be good!

Jenny: TK! TK, wake up!

Jenny: . . . TK?

They’re not here. . . What on earth?. . .Did they go into work today?

I better give them a call and see what’s going on. I just hope Kitsymi and Jackson
are alright working today. It was supposed to be their day off.

TK: Hey, guess what? I haven’t answered. Sorry about that. If you want, leave your
name and number and I’ll get right with you. Maybe.

Jenny: . . . Great. Hey, TK, it’s me. Look, we’re not safe here. That prick was
here last night. We need to-

Jenny: . . .?? Hello?

Jenny: TK?

The Stranger: Why did you run off with them like that?

My blood ran cold. I felt my heart sink into my stomach as the familiar voice
spoke. I couldn’t even speak as my phone trembled in my hands.

The Stranger: You are making this rather difficult. I’m willing to put in the extra
effort for you, but I’m not fond of mixed messages.

Jenny: . . .What did you do to TK?

The Stranger: It’s just one less obstacle for you and I to deal with. We’re back on
track to how things are supposed to be, and we can begin loving one another. Isn’t
that great?

The chipper tone in his voice made me feel sick. My legs were losing their strength
as I tried not to collapse on the floor.

“Okay, okay, I’ll date you. Just don’t hurt TK,


I’m stuck. This bastard is using TK to get me to date him. I must do something to
make sure he doesn’t hurt them. . .

Jenny: Okay, okay, I’ll date you. Just don’t hurt TK, please. I’ll do anything.

There was a moment of silence over the phone, only his breathing at first until I
heard a slight chuckle.

The Stranger: You’re so cute when you beg...

I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes as I heard him say that. I wanted to throw

The Stranger: I tell you what, come see me at the Diner. I have something I want to
show you. Hopefully this will help put things back on track. Set our love story the
way it’s supposed to be.

The Stranger: Oh, and don’t try calling the cops. I will know if you do.

. . . Dear God.

Since when did stalking shift into kidnapping so quickly?

I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing that man’s face again. Even hearing his
voice raised all my fight or flight instincts, with a hint of nausea.

I had to do something. I didn’t want to face this bastard alone, but he said that
he would know if I called the police.

Jenny: What am I gonna do. . .?

The Stranger: We could run away together...

My heart leaped up into my throat, my eyes wide as I saw the bastard right in front
of me.

Jenny: You. . . you were hiding here!?

The Stranger: Well, yes. I had to be sure that you went to the Diner like I asked.
I couldn’t help but cut in

I was so sick of this man. Why wouldn’t he leave me alone?

Jenny: . . . Why are you doing this?

His shoulders slouched a little, the smile on his face fading a little upon hearing
me ask this.

The Stranger: I told you, I’m your Boyfriend. I always have been.

My eyes welled up with tears upon hearing this. Both fear and disgust were nearly
unbearable. God, if I could just get hit by a car and die on impact, I would
welcome it. . . Maybe have him get hit instead. Either is bliss.

Jenny: A Boyfriend doesn’t force themselves into a relationship, stalk and kidnap

The Stranger: Whoa! Hey now, I didn’t kidnap TK!

He reassured me, looking a little startled by my assumption.

The Stranger: I just made sure there was one less obstacle between us, I promise!

Jenny: What did you do to them then? You bardged in here like a fucking bat out of
hell and knocked me out!

The Stranger: I know, and I’m sorry. There’s parts of my personality that I can’t
control, as much as I would love to. . .

Jenny: What are you talking about?

The Stranger: It’s not important. I just hope it doesn’t interfere with our happy

Jenny: Happy ending?? You still think we’re a couple after all this!?

The Stranger: Don’t raise your voice, darling. You wouldn’t want anyone else
getting hurt, would you?

Dear god, that wasn’t a threat. That was a promise. He was so willing to harm
anyone who got in his way. Fucking psychopath.

Jenny: . . . No.

The Stranger: I know you wouldn’t. You’re a good person like that. It only makes
you all the more lovely to me...

Jenny: . . . What do you want from me?

He seemed taken aback and confused by my question.

The Stranger: I don’t want anything from you. All I need is your love. And come
hell or high water, I will do anything to achieve that.
Jenny: Besides leaving me the hell alone?

The Stranger: Heh, besides that. Sorry.

I thought for a moment, wanting to see if he was just being poetic, or serious. I
had to test him. . .

Jenny: Take me to TK.

I spoke in a nearly demanding voice.

Jenny: You stalked me, followed me to my work, knocked me out and kidnapped my
friend. You owe me this much.

He stood there, his expression nearly unreadable at first before giving a little

The Stranger: Alright. I brought my van with me, so there will be no need to walk
all the way there.

Jenny: I would like to walk instead actually.

His stance became more offensive as he stepped closer, his eyes looking deep into
mine as he spoke.

The Stranger: You want to see TK? We’re taking my van.

He wasn’t asking.

Jenny: . . . Fine. But if you try anything, I will kick you and make you crash,
killing us both.

The Stranger: Dying together? Darling, that would actually be a blessing for me...

For fuck sake.

Waiting parked on the curb is a worn-down-looking gray van, it’s windows darkly
tinted on the side. All it needs is a ‘free candy’ sign and it’s good to have
several people report it.

He opens the van door for me, helping me inside before closing it shut.

Inside isn't too bad, he keeps it decently clean with the cliche collection of
scented pine trees on the rear-view mirror and an ashtray filled with various

I sat in the passenger seat, leaning as far away from him as I possibly could. That
bastard was still wearing his stupid grin as he sat himself in the driver seat and
turned on the van.

I was so ready to kick open the door and jump out, making a run for it and getting
help. Who knows how fast this man’s reflexes were though? So, I didn’t want to try.

The drive was awkwardly quiet. At least I was. The bastard tried to start up a
conversation during this time.

The Stranger: So, I understand your family life isn’t going too well, huh?

The Stranger: . . . Well, my family life was never the best. If anything, we all
really would like to just rip each other apart.

The Stranger: I don’t think we’re even a family. Just people with labels for
content. Do you have anyone like that in your life?


The Stranger: . . . Heh, well, I have a lot of folks like that in mine. It’s like
they’re not even real, you know? Like you were so much better not having them at

The Stranger: Sometimes you just want to jab a splint of wood into their back, wrap
your hands around their throat and squeeze, maybe stab them multiple times. . . You
know that feeling?


The Stranger: . . . I get it, you’re not in much of a mood to talk. I understand.

The Stranger: Would you like to listen to some music instead?

Jenny: . . .

The Stranger: *sigh* Let me see what I can find.

I didn’t react as he flipped through the stations. My mind was too focused on
seeing TK again, hoping that they would be alright.

The Stranger: Ah, here we go.

The Stranger: To be honest, I hate this song. I swear I bleed internally each time
it comes on.

Jenny: . . .Then why do you listen to it?

The Stranger: Because it fuels me. Reminds me why I’m here, why I do the things I
do. Why I need you.

Jenny: . . .Why?

He doesn’t respond as he reaches to turn off the radio, his eyes staying on the
road as he does so.

The Stranger: We’re here.

Pulling off to the curb, the man puts his van into park and kills the engine.
He nearly hopped out and was about to come around to open my door. I didn’t want to
give him that satisfaction as I opened the passenger door on my own, nearly
knocking him with it.

I wish I did.

Jenny: Well, we’re here. Now what?

The Stranger: Now we wait. I’m sure your boss is already inside, so they’ll be
arriving any minute now.

Jenny: Who?

Just then I heard sirens in the distance. The freak smiled a little as he turned
his attention over towards the diner.

The Stranger: Here they come.

I watched as the scene before me escalated. One by one people began to gather
outside of the Diner.

He remained quiet, watching everything with me. Occasionally he would try to hold
my hand, but I would quickly yank it away from him and step further away.

I couldn’t stay quiet any longer.

Jenny: . . .Why are we here? Where’s TK?

The Stranger: I told you, Jenny, I did not kidnap them. They’re not even in my
possession, tied up in waiting and in need of rescuing, none of that.

Jenny: . . .What?

He doesn’t respond at first, his eyes just glancing towards me for a moment before
turning his attention back towards the Diner.

The Stranger: I tried to be gentle, caring, aware that my actions were too bold. I
tried to make it up to you, apologize, start fresh. And what did you do? You have
the cops called on me and run off with them.

The Stranger: They liked you. Really liked you. Hell, I dare say it might have been
actual love. I couldn’t let them get in our way. This is about us. Not them.

The Stranger: So, I removed them.

Jenny: You what!?

The Stranger: Not to worry, I made sure the first strike was quick. Though I got
carried away afterwards. . .

This can’t be. . .

I didn’t think once about my safety, didn’t consider the dangers I put myself in
for acting as I did the moment I heard this.

Instantly I bolted across the street. I couldn’t even hear him calling out to me,
or care for the cars that slammed on their brakes to avoid hitting me.

Jenny: TK!? TK!!

Officer: H-Hey! You’re entering a crime scene! You can’t be in here!

Jenny: But my friend is in here-

Jenny: No. No! NO!

I tried to force my way into the kitchen, but a set of arms wrapped around me
tightly, pulling me away from the horrific scene before me. I tried to kick and
struggle, raising a fuss!

I was far too hysterical to notice that fucker apologizing to the officer and
carrying me out of the diner.

Before I knew it, I was roughly shoved against a wall in some alley way, his hand
over my mouth to hush me from further yelling.

The Stranger: Darling, calm yourself!

Jenny: How the fuck can I calm myself, you sick bastard!? You killed my friend!!

The Stranger: You think I wanted to!? You think I was eager to slice them to
ribbons the very moment I had the chance!?

The Stranger: I had so many chances before, so many times I easily could have done
it! But I didn’t! I killed them because you gave me no choice!

Jenny: Are you kidding? You’re blaming all this on me??

The Stranger: I don’t blame you. You simply forced my hand.

Jenny: Because I wouldn’t fucking date some creep who’s been following me!?

The Stranger: Because you ran off with them! I was no threat. I was so ready and
willing to do anything you ask of me, whatever it took for me to be all yours.
That’s why I’m here. You are my reason for being here.

Run for it!

I’ve heard enough. Quickly I duck under his arm and try to sprint out! Maybe I’ll
catch some attention and he’ll leave me alone!

Suddenly I feel a tight grip around my neck. I can't scream out for help as I feel
him yank me back into the alley.

Just then-

The Stranger: It’s time to go home, darling. . .

Day 4

My head… Hurts.

A dull ache spreads across the side of my head like a brush fire sparked from a
cigarette butt. The veins behind my eyes are throbbing, and I feel a warm, soft
cloth against my cheek.

As I try to reach up to rub my head, I feel my wrists are bound above my shoulders
with nylon rope.

My fingertips tingle from the lack of circulation, but I rap my knuckles against
the wood frame of a bed headboard. I force my heavy eyes open, just for a split

Where in the hell am I?

The Stranger: Good morning sleepy head.


I twist my head to look over at the pair of blue eyes that are glaring at me.

Jenny: What the hell are you doing, you sick freak?!

I thrash my back against the headboard in an attempt to pull myself free. As the
ropes begin to dig into my skin, I swing a kick at the stranger. The first lands
against his arm, and he leaps away from the bed.

The Stranger: Ow! H-hey now, calm down!

He rubs his arm and waits for me to wear myself out.

The Stranger: Look, I’m really, REALLY sorry about having to tie you up like this,
but you can see why I had to. At least just long enough so I can actually talk to
you. Please?

Jenny: This is a fine way to start a pleasant chat!

I grit my teeth as cold sweat runs down my cheek and brow. He sighs, and from the
corner of my eye I can see him staring down at me longingly.

The Stranger: That’s what I’ve always loved about you: You’re so spirited!

The Stranger: You still need to calm down though. Could I tempt you with a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich? Maybe a drink? I could just pop out to the kitchen.

The Stranger: Give me one second! I’ll be right back.

He abruptly dashes out the door of the bedroom. Locking the door behind himself
with an audible *click*, I can hear his feet trampling down the hallway.

Jenny: Shit! I have to get free. Damnit, think, think, think…

My eyes dart around the room anxiously in horror. My books. My clothes. Even my
plushies and my GameDaddy. All of my most familial belongings are resting around me
in a room that’s completely alien.

God, maybe I’m dead, and this is Hell?

I’m startled by the sound of approaching footsteps and I curl myself on the bed
with my feet towards the door, ready to kick again if he gets too close to me.

The door unlocks and swings open with a push of his foot.
In one hand he holds a tall clear glass of water. In the other he holds a plate, on
top of which rests a white bread sandwich, cut diagonally.

The Stranger: Who’s hungry for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

The Stranger: You know, in another time and place, we could have had our first
dinner date in that cute little diner that you used to work at. Oh well…

Jenny: Fuck you! I’m not eating anything, psycho! Let me go!

I bend my knees to my chest as he walks closer; the ropes are rubbing my skin raw.

He places the sandwich and drink down on the night stand and kneels at the side of
the bed once more, continuing to look at me like some freak.

The Stranger: I don’t expect you to eat any of it, honestly. You’re so paranoid
about being drugged or poisoned.

The Stranger: But, that’s why I love you, darling: You’re not a blind, stupid
maggot squirming on a bloated dog carcass like everyone else.

The Stranger: No, you see the world how it really is. And yet… You still try to be
a good person when all is said and done. It’s a noble quality, to suffer the slings
and arrows with dignity, in an indignant world.

Jenny: Yeah, I’m so god damn poetic in the eyes of a fucking lunatic!

The Stranger: Lunatic, huh? Hmm, well… maybe not right now. But I think that you’ll
come around quickly. You just need some rest and some time to adjust.

The Stranger: We can talk later. And, if you behave yourself, I’ll come back and
untie you for a bit.

He smiles at me warmly like I was no worse than an angry kitten trying to bare its
claws. He walks to the door of the room.

The Stranger: Welcome home, darling!

Flashing a Cheshire Cat grin and bidding adieu with a wave of his hand, he locks
the door behind himself.

That sadistic piece of shit! He’s locked me in!

My heart is jackhammering in my chest and I feel like I’m going to vomit.

I try to pull my wrists free from the rope, and they dig into my skin until they
ache and my fingers get the numbing, tingling sensation. Exasperated, my eyes dart
around the bed.

This room is so unsettling. It has a shiny veneer, but as I look closer at the
chipped and tattered door frame and the peeling wallpaper by the shelf with my
music, I can sense the dank rot underneath it all.

There’s nothing that I can use; it’s all too far out of reach.

And even if I did get loose, how do I get out of this room?

I take a few deep breaths to try to slow down my heart and regain my senses.
Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold for 8. Out for 5.

Calming myself, I sit myself up on the bed and try to untie the ropes with my

Jenny: Nnnngggg... Shit!

Where did he learn to tie knots like this?

I continued to bite and pull at my restraints, growing more and more furious as I
pictured him earning a knot tying merit badge from some weekend Scoutmaster.

My teeth ached as I bit, pulled, laxed, twisted my wrists to gain more slack. Rinse
and repeat.

I could feel the ropes giving with each iteration. Only a few more and I might be
able to slip free.

I pull, and I can feel the fibers of the rope burning against my skin and
constricting around the bones of my thumb and knuckles until-

Jenny: Yes!

My hand pulls free and I try not to make noise as the pain washes over it.

My wrists are rubbed raw and I’m missing some skin around the back of my hand. I’m
bleeding, but I’ll survive...

...I hope...

I use my teeth and free hand to untie the other. What is with this jerk and these
crazy survivalist knots?

It doesn’t matter. I pull the rope loose and roll out of bed, glancing again around
the room.

I need some way to get out, and I need a weapon, just in case-

Jenny: ...!

I have a brilliant idea... but it’s dangerous.

I could call him in, ask him for food or a drink, and when he enters the room I
could take a lamp and bash his skull in. I could hide behind the door-

No, that isn’t going to work. All it will take is one peek through a cracked door
to see that I’m not on the bed, and ...well, who knows what else he might be
carrying besides dinner?

I could pretend to still be bound to the bed, but that’s an even worse idea. It
puts me helpless on my back, and him in a dominating position.

It was best that I sneak out and run like hell.

But first of all, I need to find a way to escape this room...

I slip the thin metal hook over the bolt to catch the wedge and with a gentle pull-

I cautiously pull the door wider, hoping that a dry hinge doesn’t tattle to my

I hear the rapid clicks of a keyboard coming from the room beside mine. The
keystrokes are outpaced by the beating of my own racing heart.

I look for an exit, but all that I can see are closed doors. I push the door wide
and see the kitchen opposite my room when I hear its hinges make the faintest of
unoiled metal whines.

I freeze and listen intently like a wild animal. The rhythmic typing in the other
room continues unabated. If I’m lucky, he’s listening to music while he’s working
on his computer.

With the kitchen door within sight, I creep down the hall as quiet as a church

The typing continues.

Maybe he’s overconfident that I’m still tied up and locked away in this room, or
maybe he’s so disgustingly infatuated with me that he can’t imagine that I would
actually want to leave his home?

Maybe I should try to knock him out? If I could get the drop on him, it would buy
me some time to get out and get help.

Damn, what I wouldn’t give for a heavy, mechanical typewriter right about now…

What in the-?

In the tank is a hog nose snake with the name ‘Rat’ on the water dish. Is that
seriously the snake’s name?

I guess he really did frequent that flower shop back in town. It makes me wonder if
things would have turned out differently if I wasn’t a jerk to him back then…

I have to be careful... he might hear me...

They’re the same brands of products that I use. Right down to the same brand and
flavor of mouthwash.

It's spotless. Not even errant hair or a bit of soap scum. The chrome doesn't even
have water marks.

What the hell happened here? Whoever did this nearly burned down the house.

I’m wound up too much to have coffee right now.

Locked... Damn it!

Jenny: !!!

The Stranger: Three guesses who, Darling!

His massive, warm hands completely eclipse my sight. Bound and blinded, all I can
do is yelp a cry of terror.
The Stranger: You sneaky little gremlin! You just couldn’t wait to explore your new
home, could you? I don’t blame you. I’m excited about it, too!

The Stranger: But we can’t have a curious little kitten wandering around on their
own. Not yet. No, we’ll have to relocate to somewhere a little more safe.

The Stranger: I have a room that is far more secure, if you don’t mind not having
some of your creature comforts for a while.

The Stranger: But don’t worry, everything will be waiting for you upstairs after
you’ve adjusted. It’s for your own good, after all.

What did he mean by ‘upstairs’? Oh my god, he has some sort of underground room he
wants to hide me inside of! If I’m underground, there’s even less of a chance I’ll
be able to cry for help.

I feel nauseous and my knees begin to quake from the adrenaline rush and terror. I
feel his palms clasp tighter around my face and pull the back of my head into his

I try to plant my feet, but he’s deceptively strong for such a gaunt frame, and he
steers me several paces in an indiscernible direction.

I can’t tell where I’m going. I swing my elbows and flail my fists towards his
head, but it’s all futile.

Sensing that he’s getting increasingly frustrated with my resistance, he releases

one of his palms and uses his free hand to pinch my nose and cover my mouth.

Fighting for breath, I hear him whisper in my ear.

The Stranger: We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. This is the hard way.

Relenting so I can gasp for air, I let him guide me blindly to my new room.

The air is cool and stagnant, feeling dank against my skin.

My eyes adjust to the dark room that is even less familiar than the one before.

My new furnishings are spartan; a bed, a table and chair, and a lamp on a side

The madman’s collages of photos are pinned to the wall.

Are these family photos?

Sitting up in the bed, I squinted my eyes to get a closer look. .

Jenny: What the hell?!

All of the photos are of me, going about my monotonous life, and too oblivious to

Both intimate and pedestrian photos of me were on the post board: Where I work,
where I shop, who I talk to… all scattered across the walls. Red ink and newspaper
clippings frame the photos.

I knew this bastard was crazy, but goddamn…

The sordid items that helped feed my abductor’s mad obsession rest on the table
tops, and I feel physically ill touching the sheets with my bare skin.

I shift in bed and feel a padlocked metal cuff bound to my ankle, and weighed down
by a chain that had been securely anchored somewhere beneath the bed.

In the amber glow of the candle light, my abductor stands patiently as he

sheepishly twiddles with a pair of keys.

The Stranger: Hey… How are you feeling?

Gathering the lengths of the chain that coil at the bedside floor, I throw the
cold, rattling mass at him in a fit of rage. The metal links fall short of their
intended target.

Jenny: What the hell is this?! What the fuck are you thinking?

Seeing that I was pissed beyond words, he tries not to make prolonged eye-contact
with me.

The Stranger: Look, I don’t know what you expect me to do. I’ve tried almost
everything, and I’m running out of options here.

The Stranger: I did everything that most people would find endearing: A romantic
meeting in a nice, sunny park; I offer my heart; I take care of all of your
problems for you. I’ve given you everything your heart desires, AND my undying

He stands and kicks at the mess of chains on the floor in defeat.

The Stranger: And you just throw it back in my face! Again, and again, and again!

The Stranger: What does it take? What do I have to do to make you see that you
don’t need anyone else?

Jenny: You’re batshit crazy! I didn’t ask you for any of this. I barely know you,
and I don’t want to know you!

The Stranger: Then why are you here?

Jenny: You brought me-

The Stranger: That’s not what I mean, and you know it. I love you! I was put here
to be yours!

The Stranger: I never planned on things getting this crazy but you kept pushing me
away. It doesn’t make sense!

The Stranger: Hell, even if you didn’t love me back and you were just tormenting me
as some perverse plaything, it would be Heaven compared to this.

The Stranger: ...

The Stranger: You leave me no choice. I’ll have to prove my love to you, no matter
how long it takes.

The Stranger: That stunt you pulled… I can’t let you run away again. Not before you
can finally realize how much I revere you. Not until I can prove to you that my
love for you is unquestionable and undying.
The Stranger: I just wish it had panned out differently.

He huffs out a long sigh. The keys for my padlock are buried in his balled fist,
and he thrusts them into his pocket before turning and opening the door.

Attack Him

I grit my teeth, and crouch to grab the excess length of the chain. With the blood
boiling in my veins and my muscles tense, all I can think of doing is strangling

The Stranger: Calm down, darling. There’s no sense in getting violent.

His eyes are melancholy, but they glowed with a blue tint of cold resolution. He
pulls the keys out of his pocket and throws them through the door, far out of my

The Stranger: It would just put you in a much more difficult situation.

Defeated, my body goes weak. The chain slips from my fingertips and collapses
heavily around me.

The Stranger: I hope you feel better in the morning. I’ll bring down breakfast and,
with a full tummy, we can play tomorrow by ear.

The Stranger: Sweet dreams, darling.

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