Performance Task 2 Coulombs Law

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2nd SEMESTER, SY 2023-2024

Group Members: Section:

1. Surname, First Name MI. (in alphabetical order…) 4. Surname, First Name MI.
2. Surname, First Name MI. 5. Surname, First Name MI.
3. Surname, First Name MI. 6. Surname, First Name MI.

Coulomb’s Law
Performance Task 2
I. Objectives
At the end of this activity, you will be able to:
 Relate the electrostatic force magnitude to the charges and the distance between them
 Explain Newton's third law for electrostatic forces
 Use measurements to determine Coulomb’s constant
 Determine what makes a force attractive or repulsive

II. Materials
 Coulomb’s Law Simulation
 Scientific calculator
 Paper
 Ballpen
III. Procedures
Carefully follow the procedures:
1. Click the link given above or copy and paste it to any browser, it will direct you to the website of our virtual lab.
2. It will lead you to the page shown below.

3. Press the play button and then click on the Macro-Scale simulation option.

4. Move the blue “Charge 1” slider to -10; move the red “Charge 2” slider to +10.
5. “q1” and “q2” represent two charged objects. The white arrows are force vectors that indicate the direction and magnitude
(size) of the force on the charged object.
6. Move q1 and q2 closer together and farther apart:
Experiment 1: Describe what happens to the arrows and people.
7. Move the blue “Charge 1” slider to -10; move the red “Charge 2” slider to -10.
8. Move q1 and q2 closer together and farther apart:
Experiment 2: Describe what happens to the arrows and people.
Question 1: In which experiment were the objects repelling one another, and in which experiment were the objects
attracting to each other?
Answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
Question 2: Compare the forces on the two charged objects.
The magnitudes of the force are: (choose one) the same/different
The direction of the forces are: (choose one) the same/opposite

9. Let’s explore what affects the magnitude (size) of the forces. Set the charge values for q 1 and q2 as instructed in the tables
below, then set the distance between the charges to either 3 cm or 10cm as instructed in the tables below (It does not matter
where on the ruler q1 and q2 are just make sure they are either 3cm or 10cm apart). Determine the magnitude of the force for both
charges for each cell in the table. Report the forces to two decimal places.

Experiment 3: +/- charge combination

q1 = -10 μC & q2 = +10 μC q1 = -8 μC & q2 = +8 μC

3 cm apart
100.01 N 100.01 N

10 cm apart 100.01 N 100.01 N

Experiment 4: -/- charge combination

q1 = -10 μC & q2 = -10 μC q1 = -8 μC & q2 = -8 μC

3 cm apart 100.01 N 100.01 N

10 cm apart 100.01 N 100.01 N

IV. Set - up
Directions: Attach pictures/screenshots of the calculations and demonstration for documentations.

V. Critical Thinking Questions:
1. How does increasing the magnitude of the charge of the particles in Experiment 3 affect the attractive force between them?
Answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
2. How does increasing the distance between the particles in Experiment 3 affect the attractive force between them?
Answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
3. How does changing the charge of the particles in Experiment 4 affect the repulsive force between them?
Answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
4. How does changing the distance between the particles in Experiment 4 affect the repulsive force between them?
Answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
5. How do the results of experiments 3 and 4 confirm or refute the relationships among force, distance, and charge in Coulomb’s
Answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer
answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer answer

VI. Conclusion
Member 1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Member 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Member 3: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Member 4: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Member 5: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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