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About Plants Worksheets

7 Plants and Animals

around center nectar pollinate
butterfly fly pattern smell

Match the vocabulary to their definition

1 nectar a sweet liquid produced by flowers

2 pollinate putting pollen to another flower

3 fly an insect that usually buzzes around fruit

4 smell the scent of odor of something

5 center the middle of

6 pattern natural markings or design

7 around in a circle; surrounding something

8 butterfly a flying insect usually with colorful wings

Pre-Reading Questions
Discuss the following questions in small groups.
1 How do animals rely on plants?

2 How do plants rely on animals?

7 Plants and Animals Reading Comprehension

1 What is the passage mainly about?
a Animals living in plants
b How bees find the center of a flower
c How plants and animals cooperate

2 How do plants need animals

a For their homes
b For pollination
c For oxygen

3 How do animals spread seeds?

a By feeding on nectar
b By eating plants
c By eating fruit

4 Which animal likes red?

a Birds
b Bees
c Flies

5 Flies help to pollinate flowers that…

a smell like meat.
b smell sweet.
c have no smell.

Time: _______ Score: ____ / 10

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