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Bhajans & Purports

[29:46 Minutes] 660330PU New York—Purport to Bhajahü Re Mana

This life totters like a drop of water on a lotus petal

[33:03 Minutes] 670316PU San Francisco—[Bhajahü Re Mana]

"Please be engaged in the transcendental loving service of the lotus feet of Kåñëa"

[10:09 Minutes] 680717PU Montreal—[Çré-Kåñëa-Caitanya Prabhu] [Partial]

"Kindly show me Your causeless mercy"

[05:54 Minutes] 680929LE Seattle—[Kértana Excerpt]

"Now you have to sell 120 copies at least daily"

[44:38 Minutes] 681113LE Los Angeles—[Hari Hari Biphale, Lecture on]

"I cannot leave you. You are my life and soul"

[16:06 Minutes] 681221PU Los Angeles—[Nitäi-Pada-Kamala]

"The lotus feet of Nityänanda is not illusion"

[06:15 Minutes] 681225PU Los Angeles—[Prayers by King Kulaçekhara]

"Because at the time of death, the whole body becomes dislocated"

[17:58 Minutes] 681226PU Los Angeles—[Hari Hari Biphale]

"How I shall enjoy this materially?'

[12:33 Minutes] 681226PS Los Angeles—[Spelling of Prayers to the Six Gosvämés]

"I offer my respectful obeisances"

[04:58 Minutes] 681228PU Los Angeles—[Çré Çré Çikñäñöaka] [Partial]

"You have hundreds and millions of names, like Kåñëa, Govinda, etc"

[13:14 Minutes] 681229PU Los Angeles—[Gauräìga Bolite Habe]

"We are all asking about the mercy of Lord Nityänanda"

[08:34 Minutes] 681231PU Los Angeles—[Spelling of Ärati Song]

"You should always sit very respectfully"

[12:01 Minutes] 690102PU Los Angeles—[Çré-Çré-Gurv-añöakam]

"Präptasya means "one who has obtained"

[24:07 Minutes] 690104PU Los Angeles—[Parama Koruëa]

"These two Lords are very merciful.'

[30:03 Minutes] 690106PU Los Angeles—[Gauräëgera Duöi Pada]

"It is as good as one lives in Våndävana."

[24:40 Minutes] 690107PU Los Angeles—[Bhajahü Re Mana]

"Because mind is the center of all elevation"

[12:00 Minutes] 690108PU Los Angeles—[Maìgaläcaraëa Prayers]

"Çré-yuta means 'with all glories, with all opulence'"

[29:29 Minutes] 690109PU Los Angeles—[Gauräìga Bolite Habe]

"First of all, try to chant the name of Gaurasundara."

[31:27 Minutes] 690110PU Los Angeles—[Gaura Pahü]

"I have invited spiritual death."

[09:21 Minutes] 690111PU Los Angeles—[Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Prabhu]

"Your incarnation is just to reclaim the conditioned souls"

[31:04 Minutes] 690116PU Los Angeles—[Parama Koruëa]

"They are essence of all incarnations.''

[25:24 Minutes] 690131PU Los Angeles—[Nitäi-Pada-Kamala] [Nityänanda's Appearance Day]

"He has simply spoiled his valuable life."

[05:00 Minutes] 690315BJ Hawaii—[Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Prabhu Bhajan]

"If You kindly put Your glance over me, then I may also become happy"

[13:51 Minutes] 690320BJ Hawaii—[Hare Kåñëa Bhajan]

"I am now embarrassed with this material service"

[24:23 Minutes] 690520PU Columbus—[Jév Jägo]

"Everyone should now wake up"

[24:26 Minutes] 690910PU Hamburg—[Hari Hari Biphale]

"I have committed suicide simply by not worshiping Rädhä and Kåñëa"

[09:36 Minutes] 700802PU Los Angeles—[Nåsiàha Prayers] [Prabhupäda leaving for Japan]

"I shall request you to keep the standard as I have already given you"

[14:38 Minutes] 710214PU Gorakhpur—[Jaya Rädhä-Mädhava]

"This is original Kåñëa"

[16:19 Minutes] 710720PU New York—[Jaya Rädhä-Mädhava]

"If Kåñëa is God, then I shall love Him"

[47:19 Minutes] 710810SB London—[Guruvañöakam] [Çrémad-Bhägavatam 1.2.2]

"The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of mercy."

[13:09 Minutes] 720402MU Sydney—[Hari Hari Biphale]

"Why did my attraction for that chanting never come about?"

[15:38 Minutes] 720527PU Los Angeles—[Bhajahü Re Mana]

"My dear mind, you just be engaged in devotional service of Nanda-nandana.'

[31:48 Minutes] 720922MU Los Angeles—[Mänasa Deha Geha]

"If we surrender the mind unto the lotus feet of Kåñëa, then automatically the senses also become

[30:51 Minutes] 720923MU Los Angeles—[Nitäi Guëa Mani Ämära]

"Nitäi has inundated the assembly of devotees"

[36:38 Minutes] 720924MU Los Angeles—[Nitäi Guëa Mani Ämära]

"Guëa-maëi means the jewel of all qualities"

[36:31 Minutes] 720925MU Los Angeles—[Jaya Rädhe Jaya Kåñëa]

Puri Mahäräja; “His preaching in the West is simply amazing,”

[46:04 Minutes] 720926MU Los Angeles—[Anädi karama-phale]

"You kindly pick me up"

[46:41 Minutes] 720927MU Los Angeles—[Çuddha-bhakata-caraëa-reëu]

“One who eats prasädam he becomes free from all contamination of life.”

[35:32 Minutes] 721002MU Los Angeles—[Ämär Jévan]

"My ornaments are enviousness and false pride.'

[37:18 Minutes] 750228PU Atlanta—[Parama Koruëa]

"Why I am attached to this body?''

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