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Ruled in all parts of the

created world: the sky, the

earth, and the underworld.He
was believed to have ruled as
the first pharaoh of Egypt.He
was the god of the sun, order,
kings and the sky.
Is one of the most significant
ancient Egyptian deities who
served many functions, most
notably as god of kingship,
healing, protection, the sun and
the sky. He was worshipped from
at least the late prehistoric Egypt
until the Ptolemaic Kingdom and
Roman Egypt.
A form of the sun god, is
sometimes depicted as a sphinx
or a human with the head of a
hawk. The disk of the sun is a
symbol of this god. The word
Amun means "the hidden" or the
"hiddenness of divinity",
whereas Re means "the sun" or
the "divinity in the power of the
is the daughter of the sun god,
Ra, and is among the more
important of the goddesses who
acted as the vengeful
manifestation of Ra's power, the
Eye of Ra. She is said to breathe
fire, and the hot winds of the
desert were likened to her
Was the goddess of
protection, pleasure, and the
bringer of good health. She
had the head of a cat and a
slender female body.
God of the deceased, was the
son and oldest child of Geb,
the Earth deity and Nut, the
sky goddess. His wife and
sister was Isis, goddess of
motherhood, magic, fertility,
death, healing, and rebirth. It
was said that Osiris and Isis
were deeply in love with each
other, even in the womb.
The goddess of healing and
magic, was crucial to ancient
Egyptian religious beliefs.
Was a jackal-headed deity
who presided over the
embalming process and
accompanied dead kings in
the afterworld.
Was the Egyptian god of war,
chaos and storms, brother of
Osiris, Isis, and Horus the
Elder, uncle to Horus the
Younger, and brother-
husband to Nephthys.
Was the god of the moon,
sacred texts, mathematics,
the sciences, magic,
messenger and recorder of
the deities, master of
knowledge, and patron of
scribes. His Egyptian name
was Djehuty, which means
“He who is like the Ibis.” He
was depicted as an ibis bird or
a baboon

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