Cpe 59451

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Draft Action Plan of CPE Committee for the

year 2023-24
(i) Strengthening the Branding & enhancement of professional competency of Members
through continuous learning process

• To provide customized training in existing and emerging disciplines to various categories of

members as per their requirements.

• Exploring new learning areas for capacity building of members to enhance their professional

• Exploring means to promote and encourage CA firms to achieve recognition globally, for rendering
high quality professional services.

• To focus on emerging trends, opportunities and new avenues for Chartered Accountants, alternate
areas presenting professional opportunities which are conceived centrally and executed through
Program Organizing Units (POUs) for quality knowledge to all members across the Country.

• To accelerate and further strengthen the Branding and Capacity building measures for members,
CPEC will organize more and more Programmes, as under, on topics of professional interest at
various parts of the country and abroad:-

➢ National Conferences
➢ Seminars
➢ Workshops
➢ Virtual CPE Meetings
➢ Webinars, etc.

(ii) Improved faculty feedback or review system

• To increase the quality of CPE Programmes in terms of CPE Learning & Delivery
Mechanism, the CPEC aims for development of good faculties and to have their review
• Faculty Feedback/review shall be mandatory for getting attendance of CPE Programme,
Session PPT or faculty profile uploading option, Quality Checks of Learning of Members by
Random selection, and feedback in portal.

(iii) Awareness Programmes

To organize awareness programmes/Workshop on topics as under:-

➢ Revolutionizing CA Practice with Common Methodology and Training,

➢ Networking/Corporate Form of Practice,
➢ Multi-disciplinary Partnership Firms,
➢ Thought Leadership, etc.
➢ Bank Audit
➢ Standards on Auditing
➢ Code of Ethics and CA Act & Regulations

Global Practice Areas & Opportunities

How to begin becoming big – Thought- Use of Social Media by each Team member
Every individual is Profit Centre Attitude is Altitude
Global Networks Panel Arbitration & Mediation, and many more

Global areas of services- can be rendered from smallest town by use of Social Media
Forensic Investigation Risk Management
Human Resources Internal Control set up, Internal audit & other
assurance services in Cyber security
All information technology services – Startup making unicorn, Decacorn, Hectacorn,etc.
Blockchain, Programming, DAPP, etc.
Global Funding Drafting of Business Documents, and many more.

Non-Traditional Gold Mine Areas of Practice

How to write Global bestselling book on Independent Director (including women Director) &
professional, hobby subjects and self- Corporate Governance
development in 7 days
Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation A to Z of MSME, Startups, Non-MSME Startups
Labour Laws Compliances IPR Advisory Services
CSR & Sustainability Reporting Mergers & Amalgamations
NBFC and Chit Funds Atmanirbhar Bharat Projects
Subsidies Schemes of States Insolvency & Bankruptcy and many more.

(iv) Implementation of CPE guidelines/Council direction about shorten Inaugural session

CPE programme shall be planned in such a way that there shall be no wastage of time. The CPE
Committee emphasizes to provide quality education to our Members. Hence, the CPE events needs to be
more educative with minimal time spent on other formalities related to organization of Programmes.

(v) Residential Refresher Courses

To organize specially designed Residential Refresher Courses on topics of professional interest for:-

• Disseminating knowledge on the theory and practice on various current professional topics.
• Reflect current practices and how they impact contemporary business enterprises.
• Apprising intricacies of dynamic business environment.
• Enhancing role of members in diversified areas of profession.
• Providing networking opportunity to members.
(vi) In-house Executive Development Programme (IHEDP) for PSUs/ Govt. Departments/
Regulators, etc.

To organize IHEDPs directly or through other Committees for the executives of Public Sector
Undertakings/ Govt. Departments/Regulators and other organisations on various technical topics as per
their requirements. Accordingly development & designing of specialised modules for In-house executive
Development programmes be undertaken.

(vii) Management & Soft Interpersonal Skill Development Programmes

• To organise Management & Soft Interpersonal Skill Development Programmes on various topics :-

➢ Communication & Presentation Skill

➢ Office Management
➢ Business Leadership
➢ Managerial Skills
➢ Customer Relationship Management
➢ Art of Public Speaking
➢ Other Contemporary topics

• To develop and design specialised modules for CPE programmes on Soft & management Skills
while also exploring feasibility of tie-up/collaboration with professional agencies for development of
customized module.

(viii) Complete Automation or revamping of CPE Portal by making it more User & Techno
Friendly and, Development of Mobile Application

In pursuit of excellence, this year, the CPE Committee focuses majorly on integration of IT tools in CPE
activities including redesigning/revamping of CPE Portal, single sign-in facility into portal and improved
monitoring of attendance system.

CPE Portal meant to develop the knowledge hub providing information regarding latest developments
relating to the profession and to promote various ICAI initiatives for Chartered Accountants.

The CPE Portal is to be upgraded in terms of :-

• Member & POU dashboard

• To map various activities on monthly/yearly basis using graphical representation
• Improvement in faculty feedback process
• Improvement in faculty management system & mapping of faculty with Event ID and topics
• Process for inviting dynamic calendar topics from central committees and authorization process
for approval of topics
• Provision for two ways user authentication process
• Seamless Integration of CPE Portal with ICAI digital learning hub for updating of structured and
unstructured learning Hours, etc.

A) Samadhan: a CPE – QnA e-Solution Forum
The members can seek guidance on various Professional Aspects, accessible
at https://www.cpeicai.org/cpe-qna/ . A member can ask query involving application of principles
& procedural references of relevant topics being answered by a Panel of experts.

B) ICAI- Interactive CPE Enabler (ICE)

This platform is for questions and polls ahead of and during CPE programs. Members may ask
queries from speakers before and during the programme many of which would be answered by
the Speakers, according to the availability of time.

➢ Development of Mobile Application -

Enhanced Mobile App for CPE Activities and attendance solution through digital mode/face

(ix) CPE : A Mentor & Facilitator

The CPE Committee is set to mentor the professionals through various workshops, Seminars, National
Conferences, Background materials, etc. and simultaneously to encourage young and dynamic
professionals to grow as speaker/master of ceremonies, etc. in CPE programmes to develop vital soft

The CPE Committee will act as a mentor/facilitator for the members to provide seamless guidance for
their professional growth by connecting with more & more members directly.

Regulatory & Monitoring Mechanism

(x) Strengthening of Overall CPE Framework

Strengthening CPE framework and ensuring quality across the entire operating spectrum namely
Topics, Conduct of programs and Delivery modes, Faculty and Feedback mechanism.

A. Guidance to CPE POUs

To oversee the functioning of various POUs and their Compliance with Directions of the CPE
Committee/Council related to CPE Programmes including webinars. Also to appoint Monitors
and Supervisors for all POUs as per the CPE Advisory issued by the Council to examine the
quality of the programmes and in turn the attainment of learning objectives and also to ensure
adherence to the CPE Advisories by the POUs.

B. Making CPE Study Circles/Chapter more compliant

Implementation of decision with regard to formation of Unregistered AOP by CPE Study Circles
& CPE Study Chapters and obtaining separate PAN/TAN and GSTIN (wherever required) for
granting recognition to conduct CPE Programmes as per the Guidelines, Directions &
instructions of CPE Committee/Council.

C. Connecting with Members
Connecting with members to encourage interested members for empanelment as
faculty/moderator/Master of Ceremonies and inputs for development & designing of
Background materials on technical topics, etc.

Seeking details of topics/programmes in which members might be interested in, so that the total
interest can be accumulated in calendar of CPE topics of this year and action may be taken to
organise these programs during the year.

Opening 5000+ POUs in all Districts/Tehsils in India to facilitate the members in

mofussil/remote areas to undergo CPE activities.

(xi) Review of CPE Programs making them Workshop oriented

To have a 360-degree review of CPE Programs and to formulate CPE which are more of workshop
oriented i.e. skilling in subject matter.

(xii) Organization of Faculty Development Programs

To identify faculty aspirants and organize specially designed Faculty Development Programs at various
places so as to provide quality learning.

(xiii) Organisation of Orientation Programmes for CPE POUs

To organise orientation programmes for CPE POUs at Regional/State Level in Physical/Virtual Mode.

(xiv) Constitution of Regional Monitoring Committees

To constitute Regional Monitoring Committees in each region:

1. To address the issues raised/problems faced by the Regional

Councils/Branches/CPE Study Chapters/CPE Study Circles and CPE Study Groups
2. Review of the functioning of CPE Study Chapters/CPE Study Circles
3. Issues arising out of implementation of the policy framework of the Institute
4. To address the problems being faced by the Central Office vis-à-vis CPE POUs
5. To submit the quarterly report on the functioning of the POUs
6. To ensure that the feedback form for each programme must be obtained from the
participants and to submit the compilation of feedback to the CPEC Secretariat.

(xv) Constitution of State Level Task Forces

➢ To constitute State Level Task Forces for coordinating various activities under the purview of
the CPE Committee and to address the difficulties being faced by POUs arising out of
implementation of policy framework of the ICAI.

➢ To work as a Think Tank of CPEC and to suggest various other initiatives to be undertaken
through CPE POUs.
➢ To explore new ideas for betterment of CPE Programmes including delivery mechanism so as
to upgrade the existing skill-set of members.
(xvi) E – Newsletter

To bring out E - newsletter “CPE Bulletin” meant for updating knowledge of our members regarding
CPE activities.

(xvii) Leader Speak

It is a series of online CPE Programmes by Leaders on modern topics of interest to expand the
knowledge base of Members.

(xviii) Opening of New CPE POUs in Mofussil areas

The Committee aims to expand its strong network base of 655 CPE POUs which is spreaded
in all over India and Abroad for organization of CPE programmes. Also, for helping the
members in mofussil/remote areas to undergo CPE activities, it is proposed to open new
POUs in all Districts/Tehsils in India to facilitate MSME & Entrepreneurship Training, to all
the members of the ICAI residing in far flung areas of the country.

(xix) Organisation of “Train the Trainers” programmes for development of faculty database

➢ For development and improvisation in faculty database which has been generated & curated
throughout the years by CPE Committee jointly with other committees at various places on
different topics, the CPE Committee is planning to organise “Train the Trainers” programmes
on PAN India basis on online/offline mode to train the faculty to provide quality learning in
Programmes of the Committee.

➢ “Train the Trainer” programme provides an effective strategy to equip faculties/ subject
matter experts with new knowledge on how to teach others, how to foster an environment
where everybody feels welcome to improve their skills, enhancing Communication &
Presentation Skills, Art of Public Speaking, etc.

(xx) Other Initiatives/Programmes

To undertake/organize other initiatives/Programmes meant for the development of members in the

interest of Society and Nation as a whole.


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