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Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020

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except for journal club use

Clinical Practice Keywords Skin damage/Incontinence-

associated dermatitis/Continence
Moisture-associated skin damage This article has been
double-blind peer reviewed

In this article...
● Definitions of moisture-associated skin damage and incontinence-associated dermatitis
● How urine and faeces damage the skin
● Risk factors for incontinence-associated dermatitis

Incontinence-associated dermatitis 1:
risk factors for skin damage
Key points
Author Ann Yates is director of continence services, Cardiff and Vale University
Moisture-associated Health Board.
skin damage
describes a group Abstract Moisture-associated skin damage has many causes including contact with
of skin conditions urine, faeces, perspiration and wound exudate. Incontinence-associated dermatitis
caused by contact occurs when there is contact between the skin and urine and/or faeces. This article,
between the skin part 1 of a three-part series, explores the reasons why urine and faeces cause skin
and excessive damage and outlines the risk factors for incontinence-associated dermatitis.
Citation Yates A (2020) Incontinence-associated dermatitis 1: risk factors for skin
Incontinence- damage. Nursing Times [online]; 116: 3, 46-50.

dermatitis falls into
the overarching oisture-associated skin damage research is needed to establish how these fac-
category of (MASD) describes a group of tors combine to result in skin damage and to
moisture-associated skin conditions caused by inform prevention and treatment strategies.
skin damage contact between the skin and Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD)
excessive moisture including wound exu- has been described as a type of “irritant con-
Incontinence- date, perspiration, and urine and faeces. tact dermatitis” (Beeckman et al, 2015). It
associated Common types of MASD are: may be associated with infection and can
dermatitis is caused l I ncontinence-associated dermatitis occur on intact or damaged skin (Iblasi et al,
by prolonged – chemical irritation caused by contact 2019; Beeckman, 2017). IAD occurs in people
contact between between the skin and urine and/or who are incontinent of urine and/or faeces
the skin and urine faeces; (Beeckman et al, 2015) and is one of the most
and/or faeces l I ntertriginous dermatitis – skin common skin problems in this group (Iblasi
damage associated with sweat trapped et al, 2019; Van Damme et al, 2017; Van den
The precise in skin folds in areas with minimal air Bussche et al, 2017). IAD is also known as per-
pathophysiology circulation; ineal dermatitis, diaper rash, diaper/napkin/
of incontinence- l P eri-wound moisture-associated nappy dermatitis, napkin/nappy rash, irri-
associated dermatitis – skin maceration and tant dermatitis, moisture lesions, or per-
dermatitis is not breakdown caused by excessive wound ineal rash (Beeckman et al, 2015).
fully understood exudate;
l P eristomal moisture-associated Extent of the problem
Patients with dermatitis – inflammation and erosion Continence problems are the main cause of
suspected of skin caused by moisture at the IAD; NHS England (2018) estimates that:
incontinence- stoma/skin junction and extending l 1 4 million adults in the UK are affected
associated outward (Dowsett and Allen, 2013). by urinary incontinence;
dermatitis require The pathophysiology of MASD is not l > 6.5 million adults experience
a comprehensive fully understood but multiple factors problems with bowel control.
continence and including moisture, skin-care regimens, It also identified that one in ten of the UK
skin assessment changes in skin pH, presence of micro- population experience faecal incontinence,
organisms, and skin damage associated with with over half a million adults affected
pressure and friction all play a role. More (NHS England, 2018). Nearly two-thirds of

Nursing Times [online] March 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 3 46

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice Funded by an unrestricted

Review educational grant from Essity

people with faecal incontinence also have Fig 1. Structure of the skin
urinary incontinence – this is known as
‘double incontinence’ (National Institute Sweat gland
for Health and Care Excellence, 2007). Melanocytes Hair
Faecal incontinence is closely associated Capillaries Oil
with age, and is more prevalent in residen- Stratum corneum
tial or nursing homes: one in three individ- (keratin)
uals in residential homes and two in three Epidermis
in nursing homes are affected (NHS Eng-
land, 2007; NICE, 2015). However, these sta- Basement membrane
tistics are likely to be underestimates given
the stigma associated with the condition Sebaceous gland
and its consequent under-reporting Dermis
(Bedoya-Ronga and Currie, 2014).
Patients with a urinary catheter are not
classified as incontinent, but leakage and Hair follicle
the bypassing of urine can lead to them Fat layer Blood vessels
experiencing the symptoms of IAD.
Exact figures of individuals who experi- Nerve
ence IAD are unknown but estimated preva-
lence rates range from around 6-50% across
different healthcare settings, patient popu- pathogens and excessive fluids (Woo et al, The corneocytes keep the skin hydrated,
lations and age ranges (Woo et al, 2017). 2017). Other functions of the skin are detailed enhancing flexibility and elasticity. When
Beeckman (2017) estimated that 20-25% of in Table 1. It is made up of three main layers: incontinence occurs, excess water from
people with continence problems in hos- the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis (sub- urine and/or faeces is pulled into, and held
pital will experience IAD, while Nix and cutaneous fatty tissue) (Fig 1). The outer layer within, the corneocytes (Beeckman et al,
Haugen (2010) suggested that IAD affects as of the epidermis, the stratum corneum, con- 2015), causing the skin to become overhy-
many as 41% of adults in long-term care. tains the protective building blocks often drated, macerated and waterlogged.
IAD can cause pain, considerable dis- described as the ‘bricks and mortar’ of the At 4.6-5.5, the pH level of the skin is usu-
comfort and distress (Yates, 2018); it can be skin. The bricks are protein-rich corneocytes, ally acidic (Voegeli, 2016); this creates an acid
difficult to diagnose, and time consuming held together by lipid-rich matrix (mortar) mantle that helps to protect the body against
and expensive to treat. and protein structures called desmosomes, infection. Exposure to urine makes the skin
which act as rivets (Voegeli, 2016) (Fig 2). The more alkaline. Urea, which is found in urine,
Why does IAD occur? corneocytes are dead cells that start life as is converted by skin bacteria to ammonia –
The skin is the largest organ in the human keratinocytes. These cells are formed in the this is alkaline breaking down the acid
body and provides a semi-permeable barrier basal epidermal layer of the skin; they mantle, making the skin more susceptible
that protects the body against mechanical migrate through the epidermis and differen- to infection and/or IAD. Fig 3 outlines the
damage, harmful irritants, infectious tiate before they degenerate and die. skin changes caused by incontinence.

Table 1. Functions of the skin

Function Explanation
Protection l Acts as a protective barrier, preventing internal tissues being damaged by trauma, ultraviolet
light, temperature changes, toxins, pathogenic microbes and chemical agents
Barrier to infection l Intact skin creates a physical barrier to infection
l The skin produces sebum, which is antibacterial and has an acidic pH of 4.6–5.5 (Voegeli, 2016);
this is known as the ‘acid mantle’
l Corneocytes found in the stratum corneum – the outer layer of the epidermis – contain
substances that actively attract and hold water; this keeps the skin hydrated so it can function as
a flexible barrier (Voegeli, 2016)
Production of vitamin D l This is produced by the skin in response to sunlight and is important for bone health
Maintenance of body l Heat is retained and lost from the body by vasoconstriction and vasodilation of blood vessels in
temperature the skin
Pain receptor l Nerve endings respond to painful stimuli and act as a protective mechanism to prompt the
individual to move away from pain or discomfort
Production of melanin l This is responsible for skin colouring and protects against radiation damage from sunlight

Communication l The physical appearance of the skin can give us information about a patient’s health and
wellbeing – for example, a yellow tinge can indicate jaundice
Source: Adapted from Yates (2018), Wounds UK (2012)

Nursing Times [online] March 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 3 47

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice

Patients with faecal incontinence are

Fig 2. Structure of corneocytes
more likely to develop IAD compared with
Intracellular lipid layers those who have urinary incontinence (Gray
between the corneocytes and Giuliano, 2018). This is because faeces
contain biolytic (lipid-digesting) and prote-
olytic (protein-digesting) enzymes that are
damaging to the skin. Liquid faeces contain
higher levels of digestive enzymes than
formed stools, so patients with diarrhoea
Desmosome and faecal overflow are at increased risk of
IAD (Beeckman et al, 2015). Those with
double incontinence are at greatest risk of
IAD (Gray and Giuliano, 2018); Fig 4 illus-
trates how urine/faeces affects the skin.

Associated risk factors

Although the key risk factor for IAD is
incontinence, the factors determining risk
Corneocyte of incontinence are multiple and complex.
These can include:
l I mmobility;
l C  ognitive impairment;
Fig 3. Changes in the skin caused by incontinence
l A  ge.
The ageing process also affects the skin,
Fungal infection Exposure to caustic agents and bowel and bladder function. As the
Damp, warm skin associated with Ammonia found in urine increases skin skin ages, several physiological changes
incontinence is ideal for proliferation of pH causing irritation and provides a make it more prone to damage (Table 2).
pathogenic fungi nutritional source for bacteria
Age-associated changes to bladder func-
tion include decreased urinary flow as a
result of conditions such as prostate
Incontinence-associated enlargement, prolapse, poor detrusor con-
Breakdown of the skin due to traction and recurrent urinary tract infec-
over exposure to urine and tions. Bowel function is affected by
faeces increased susceptibility to diverticular dis-
ease or constipation with faecal impaction/
Bacterial infection Maceration overflow. These risks, while associated with
Incontinence exposes the skin to Over-exposure to moisture ageing, are not exclusive to older people.
bacteria found in urine and faeces. (waterlogged) Continence issues can manifest at any
Cracks and fissures associated with dry Once skin is macerated even gentle
skin provides an ideal environment for rubbing with bed linen or washing can time of life making anyone who is inconti-
bacterial growth cause damage nent at risk of IAD (NHS England, 2018). The
risks factors associated with IAD are sum-
Sources: Yates (2018), Beeckman et al (2015) marised in Table 3.

Fig 4. How urine/faeces affects the skin Confusion between IAD and
pressure ulcers
Although the anatomical sites and general
Water from urine/faeces appearance of pressure ulcers and IAD are
is pulled in and held in similar, the aetiology and treatments are dif-
Causes disruption to the corneocytes Liquid faeces is more
the structure of the skin damaging than solid ferent. In practice, IAD is often misdiagnosed
leading to maceration This leads to stools as it has higher as pressure damage, which can lead to inap-
overhydration and levels of digestive
Irritants penetrate the damage to the acid propriate management (Iblasi et al, 2019) (see
stratum corneum emzymes
mantle of the skin, case study in Box 1). This year, NHS England
leading to inflammation which is usually Double incontinence is and NHS Improvement (2020) published
Skin becomes prone pH4.6-5.5 more damaging than
urine or faeces alone their patient safety CQUIN indicator for 2020-
to injury
2021, one of which addresses the assessment
Skin becomes more and documentation of pressure ulcer risk in
alkaline due to
formation of ammonia community hospitals and NHS-funded resi-
dents in care homes. It aims to ensure that

60% of residents have a pressure ulcer risk

assessment that meets NICE guidance with
evidence of actions being taken to address
Sources: Yates (2018); Voegeli (2016); Beeckman et al (2015) identified risks. To ensure correct reporting,

Nursing Times [online] March 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 3 48

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice Funded by an unrestricted

Review educational grant from Essity

Table 2. Effects of ageing on the skin

Physiological change Effect on the patient
Thinning of epidermis and dermis l Skin becomes more delicate/fragile and prone to damage from friction, moisture and
trauma (Wounds UK, 2012; Voegeli, 2007)
l Thinning of the dermis leads to a reduction of blood vessels, nerve endings and
collagen, which results in a decrease in sensation, rigidity and moisture retention, as well
as poor temperature control (Wounds UK, 2012)
Decrease in production of sebum l Skin becomes itchy and dry, with cracks and crevices (Watkins, 2011), and is more
susceptible to damage from washing, rubbing and drying
20% decrease in volume of skin layer l Skin has a paper-thin appearance (Wounds UK, 2012). Damaged skin takes longer to
repair so healing time is increased
Flattening of dermo-epidermal junction l A decrease in elasticity causes skin to stretch (Wounds UK, 2012; Voegeli, 2007). Sweat
between the epidermis and dermis and blood vessels respond less well to heat and individuals may become more susceptible
(Wounds UK, 2012; Voegeli, 2007) to cold/hypothermia (Wounds UK, 2012; Voegeli, 2007). The skin bruises easily
Decrease in underlying fat l Decreased protection against ultraviolet light
Source: Adapted from Yates (2018)

Table 3. Contributory risks factors for the development of incontinence-associated dermatitis

Incontinence l Urinary – incontinence or leakage from a device, such as an indwelling urinary catheter
l Faecal – diarrhoea/formed stool
l Double – faecal and urinary
Frequent incontinence episodes Risks are higher in people who have faecal or double incontinence
Prolonged exposure to urine This may be due to:
and faeces l Infrequent change of incontinence products
l Poor skin cleansing
l Ineffective equipment/appliance, such as an indwelling catheter or faecal-management system
that regularly leaks
Poor initial continence This leads to:
assessment l Mismanagement of symptoms
l Inappropriate interventions
l Over-reliance on containment products
Inappropriate assessment for Problems include selecting the wrong absorbency: absorbency that is too high can be just as
pad products damaging as absorbency that is too low
Inappropriate use of pad This includes practices such as:
products l Double padding
l Infrequent changes of pad products
Absorbent products or incontinence-containment devices (especially if plastic-backed) may
cause over-hydration by holding moisture against the skin surface
Use of incorrect products on Thick, occlusive skin protectants (such as petroleum jelly and zinc oxide) may inhibit urine/
skin faeces uptake by absorbent incontinence products, causing over-hydration of the stratum
Frequent skin cleansing with This damages the corneocytes, removing lipids, increasing dryness and creating friction, which
water and soap leads to damage in the skin barrier function
Inability to perform personal This is a particular issue if patients are reliant on carers to cleanse their skin and change pad
hygiene products after incontinence episodes
Compromised mobility Patients who are immobile are significantly more likely to experience IAD than those who are
mobile (Iblasi et al, 2019)
Diminished cognitive Patients with dementia may no longer recognise the need to go to the toilet or be able to
awareness identify the toilet, leading to a potential risk of continence problems
Medication Antibiotics can cause diarrhoea, which can increase risk of IAD. Immunosuppressants and
steroids can cause skin fragility, skin thinning and increased risk of bruising
Poor nutritional status This has a negative effect on skin health, hydration and healing
Critical illness This can lead to increased risk of incontinence and poor overall skin condition
Source: Adapted from Gray and Giulano (2018), Yates (2018) and Beeckman et al (2015)

Nursing Times [online] March 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 3 49

Copyright EMAP Publishing 2020
This article is not for distribution
except for journal club use

Clinical Practice For more articles

on continence, go to

Box 1. Case study

Wendy Simmonds is community team leader, tissue viability skin hydration was restored to normal, we aimed to maintain this
nurse, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board with a barrier cream or ointment, depending on further risks of
exposing the skin to moisture. Additional actions included:
Grace Simpson, aged 82, lives alone and is confined to a l Treating the pressure ulcers with topical antimicrobial of
wheelchair or bed as a result of spina bifida. She has a flamazine and hydrofibre dressing twice daily to manage the
urostomy, type 2 diabetes and has had an above-ankle exudate. Bed rest was advised, with frequent repositioning
amputation. Management of her bowels comprises daily manual and limited time sitting in a chair
evacuations and use of an anal plug to prevent faecal leakage. l Reviewing the bowel-management regimen with the local
Formation of a stoma is not possible due to Ms Simpson’s continence service, and reinstating daily bowel care and use
condition and she was reluctant to have surgery. Poor mobility of an anal plug
and other comorbidities have also resulted in a history of l Reviewing pressure redistribution equipment and seating
pressure ulcers to her labia and left ischial tuberosity. l Arranging a referral to the nutrition and diabetic teams to
Following a recent hospital admission, Ms Simpson’s bowel- review Ms Simpson’s diet intake and diabetic management,
care regimen was changed: use of the anal plug was especially as her dietary intake had significantly reduced in
discontinued and care reduced to alternate days as she had the community and her blood-glucose control was poor.
developed an anal fissure. This resulted in an increase in faeces Reverting back to Ms Simpson’s daily manual evacuations
leaking onto the surrounding skin, with subsequent moisture and use of the anal plug resulted in an improvement in her skin.
damage, increased skin maceration and contamination of the The moisture damage was resolved and her skin is now
pressure ulcer on the left ischial tuberosity. The skin surrounding managed with a skin cleanser and barrier film. The pressure
the pressure ulcers, anal fissure and labia showed evidence of ulcers are still present but are no longer infected or at risk of
moderate-to-severe moisture damage; the pressure ulcers contamination from faeces.
became clinically infected and leaked copious amounts of *
The patient’s name has been changed
exudate, which added to the moisture-associated skin damage.
Following our local pathway for incontinence-associated Points for reflection
dermatitis (IAD), the aim of treatment was to repair and restore l What was the direct cause of IAD in this case study?
the integrity of the skin using a foam incontinence cleanser and l Using the information in Table 2 and Table 3 explain the
skin-protectant ointment after each episode of incontinence. We contributing factors for IAD
protected the skin around the wounds with barrier film and, once l What steps would you take to avoid this situation occurring?

staff must be able to distinguish between IAD impairment. The nature of normal skin Management.
Nix D, Haugen V (2010) Prevention and
and pressure ulcer damage as part of a rou- ageing and the potential problems associ- management of incontinence-associated
tine skin assessment and provide an appro- ated with that, along with additional risk dermatitis. Drugs and Aging; 27: 6, 491–496.
priate individualised plan of care. factors, means IAD is often misdiagnosed Van Damme N et al (2017) Independent risk
factors for the development of skin erosion due to
It is important to be aware that those who and mismanaged as the underlying conti- incontinence (incontinence-associated dermatitis
experience IAD are also prone to pressure nence problem is often not addressed. Edu- category 2) in nursing home residents: results from
a multivariate binary regression analysis.
damage, especially in the sacral and peri- cation in the fields of IAD and continence is International Wound Journal; 14: 5, 801–810.
neum areas. This will be covered in detail in lacking but needs to be improved. NT Van den Bussche K et al (2017) CONSIDER – Core
Outcome Set in IAD Research: study protocol for
part 3 of this series. establishing a core set of outcomes and
References measurements in incontinence-associated
Bedoya-Ronga A, Currie I (2014) Improving the dermatitis research. Journal of Advanced Nursing;
Conclusion management of urinary incontinence. Practitioner; 73: 10, 2473–2483.
258: 1769, 21–24.
IAD is caused by continence problems but Beeckman D et al (2015) Proceedings of the
Voegeli D (2016) Incontinence-associated
dermatitis: new insights into an old problem.
many factors contribute to its development, Global IAD Expert Panel. Incontinence-associated British Journal of Nursing; 25: 5, 256–262.
Dermatitis: Moving Prevention Forward.
such as poor mobility and cognitive
Voegeli D (2007) Factors that exacerbate skin
breakdown and ulceration. In: Voegeli D et al (eds)
Beeckman D (2017) A decade of research on Skin Breakdown: The Silent Epidemic. Hull: Smith
incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD): and Nephew Foundation.
evidence, knowledge gaps and next steps. Journal
Nursing Times of Tissue Viability; 26: 1, 47–56.
Watkins J (2011) Early identification of skin
problems in older patients. British Journal of
Self-assessment Dowsett C, Allen L (2013) Moisture Associated Healthcare Assistants; 5: 9, 424–428.
online Skin Damage. Made Easy. Wounds UK; 9: 4, 1-4.
Gray M, Giuliano KK (2018) Incontinence-
Woo KY et al (2017) Management of moisture-
associated skin damage: a scoping review.
associated dermatitis, characteristics and Advances in Skin Wound Care; 30: 11, 494-501.
relationship to pressure injury: a multisite Wounds UK (2012) Best Practice Statement: Care
Test your knowledge with Nursing epidemiologic analysis. Journal of Wound, Ostomy of the Older Person’s Skin. London: Wounds UK.
Times Self-assessment after reading and Continence Nursing; 45: 1, 63-67. Yates A (2018) Preventing skin damage and
Iblasi A et al (2019) Incontinence-associated incontinence-associated dermatitis in older people.
this article. If you score 80% or more, dermatitis: a gap in practice. Wounds Middle East; British Journal of Nursing; 27: 2, 76–77.
you will receive a personalised 6: 2, 6-10.
NHS England (2018) Excellence in Continence Care:
certificate that you can download and Practical Guidance for Commissioners, and Leaders CLINICAL Incontinence-associated
store in your NT Portfolio as CPD or in Health and Social Care. SERIES
dermatitis series
NHS England, NHS Improvement (2020)
revalidation evidence. Commissioning for Quality and Part 1: Risk factors Mar
To take the test, go to: Innovation (CQUIN). CCG indicator specifications
for 2020-2021. Part 2: Prevention and treatment Apr National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Part 3: Reporting skin damage May
(2007) Faecal Incontinence in Adults:

Nursing Times [online] March 2020 / Vol 116 Issue 3 50

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