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10 Dis the correct answer A is not the correct answer as waves on a string are transverse Bis not the correct answer as waves on a string are transverse Cis not the correct answer as waves on a vibrating string are not progressive B is the correct answer A is not the correct answer as X and Z are in antiphase C is not the correct answer as Y and Z have the same frequency Dis not the correct answer as point Z is an antinode Dis the correct answer as efficiency is the useful power output (250W) divided by the total power input (Intensity x Area). Ais not the correct answer as this is (Power x Area) / Intensity B is not the correct answer as this is Intensity / (Power Area) Cis not the correct answer as this is the reciprocal of the efficiency equation 13a 13b B is the correct answer as the time period is 0.4 seconds, and f= 1/T A is not the correct answer as the amplitude is 10cm. Cis not the correct answer as the time period is 0.4 seconds D is not the correct answer as the wavelength cannot be determined from a graph of displacement against time. Use of [= P/A a Use of 4 = 4? a r= 147% 10"'m (MP3 can only be awarded if 1410 W m” has been used) Example of calculation nr? = (3.83 x 10° W)/ 1410 Wm? r= 147 10"'m. Mars orbits at a greater distance from the Sun than the Earth as the intensity is lower (1) Mars has a more elliptical orbit than the Earth (ty The (relative) difference between the maximum and minimum intensity (1, for Mars is greater. (All 3 marking points need to be comparisons) Dis the correct answer as speed = ff and f= 1/T A is not the correct answer as the speed of a wave is not related to amplitude B is not the correct answer as the speed of a wave is not related to amplitude C is not the correct answer as this would mean speed = A / f which is incorrect Dis the correct answer as v= V (7/#) and increasing T increases v A is not the correct answer as this would only alter the wavelength of the wave B is not the correct answer as this does not affect the speed of the wave C is not the correct answer as this would decrease the speed of the wave D is the correct answer as X and Z are in two adjacent node to node sections, which will always be in antiphase with each other A is not the correct answer as W and X are between the same pair of nodes, between which all points are in phase B is not the correct answer as W and Y are in two adjacent node to node sections, which will always be in antiphase with each other Cis not the correct answer as X and Y are in two adjacent node to node sections, which will always be in antiphase with each other B is the correct answer as 2/8 is one eighth of a full wave cycle, and so is 7/4 radians A is not the correct answer as this is equivalent to a path difference of 4/4 C is not the correct answer as this is equivalent to a path difference of 16 D is not the correct answer as this is equivalent to a path difference of 4/32 B is the correct answer (A path difference of 1 would cause constructive interference Avis not the correct answer as this path difference would cause destructive interference Cis not the correct answer as this phase difference would cause neither constructive nor destructive interference Dis not the correct answer as this phase difference would cause destructive interference a) Cis the correct answer (Both transverse and longitudinal waves can be refracted) A is not the correct answer as itis only electromagnetic waves that travel at the same speed in a vacuum — there are other transverse waves which travel at different speeds B is not the correct answer as transverse waves have vibrations that are perpendicular to the direction of wave travel Dis not the correct answer as light is a transverse wave that can travel through liquids a) 16a Waves spread out (as they pass through the gap) a Each point on the wave(front) acts as a source of new/secondary wave(let)s a) Q) 6b Maximum intensity halfway between A and B (by eye) wo Central maximum broader than other maxima (by eye) a Central maximum greater than twice the height ftom zero intensity (by eye) of other maxima Qo i) 1 Cis the correct answer as to calculate speed, the wavelength is determined from the displacement-distance graph and multiplied by the frequency which is determined from the displacement-time graph. A is not the correct answer as this can be determined from either graph B is not the correct answer as this can be determined from the displacement- time graph only Dis not the correct answer as this can be determined from the displacement- distance graph only 2 Cis the correct answer as a path difference of 4 is equivalent to a phase difference of 360°, so 32/8 is equivalent to 3/8ths of 360° which = 135° A is not the correct answer as 34° is 3/8ths of 90° B is not the correct answer as 68° is 3/8ths of 180° | D is not the correct answer as 270° is 3/8ths of 720° 8 D is the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised A is not the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised B is not the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised Cis not the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised 16a Idea that when waves rise from 900 m depth they speed up Or indication that speed at 700m is greater than at 900m ay Curving is due to the change in speed being gradual Or not a sudden change in direction as there is no sudden change in speed. a) speed. Waves are refracted away from the normal a Angle of incidence reaches/exceeds the critical angle (at 700m) Or angle of refraction becomes 90° (at 700m) ay (At 700 m, total internal) reflection takes place (allow TIR) ay 16b Path in diagram B is a longer (distance) Or straight line path is a shorter (distance) qd) Sound waves travel faster on path in diagram B Or sound waves travel slower on straight line path Or sound waves travel faster at 700m than at 900m a 16e ‘Any two from: (Change in) temperature in the sea ay (Change in) pressure in the sea in (Change in) density/salinity of the sea 17a (Two) waves travelling in opposite directions Or wave meeting its reflection a Nodes are points of zero/minimum amplitude and antinodes are points of maximum amplitude ay Nodes linked to destructive interference and antinodes linked to constructive interference a 17 Equates v= and v= V(Tip) a) Rearranges to give f?= >; Or f?= we u@Ly? Qa Replaces 7 with W in equation Where 1 and / are constants Or where y and L are constants a f? a W Or no “c” in “y=mx +c” Or y-intercept is 0 Or in the format y= mx (1) (MPS is dependent on some correct working leading to an equation) (Award MP4 if stated that = constant or equivalent in terms of 2) Ie (Connect signal generator to) cathode ray oscilloscope @ Or record movement of the string with a video camera (Measure time period 7 and) calculate f= 1/T a 174 Use of v= W(Ti) @ Identifies that 4= 22 a n=43 x10 kgm? o Example of calculation S=NTh 659 Hz x (2 x 0.328 m) = (80.0 N/), = 4.3 «10 kg m™ 1 D is the correct answer A is not the correct answer as the speed of a wave is independent of its amplitude. B is not the correct answer as the speed of a wave is independent of its amplitude. C is not the correct answer as period and frequency are both related to time. To calculate speed, a quantity involving distance is also required. 4 A is the correct answer B is not the correct answer as both compressions and rarefactions have zero displacement of molecules at their centre. C is not the correct answer as both compressions and rarefactions have zero displacement of molecules at their centre. Dis not the correct answer as both compressions and rarefactions have zero displacement of molecules at their centre. 15ai Divides 2Hz by 880 or 881Hz or 882Hz qd) 0.23% / 0.2% is less than 0.3% (so heard as same frequency) a) OR Calculates 0.3% of 880 Hz or 882Hz a) 879.4 Hz is less than 880 Hz (so heard as same frequency) Or 882.6 Hz is greater than 882 Hz (so heard as same frequency) Or 2.6 Hz is greater than 2 Hz (so heard as the same frequency) Oi2 Example of calculation (682-880) Hz : GEECOHE x 100 = 0.23% *15aii This question assesses a student’s ability to show a coherent and logically structured answer with linkages and fully-sustained reasoning. Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer is structured and shows lines of reasoning. The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for indicative content. ICpoints | IC mark | — Max linkage mark ‘Max final mark 6 4 2 6 5 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for structure and lines of reasoning. ‘Number of marks awarded for structure of answer and sustained line of reasoning 2 ‘Answer shows a coherent and logical structure with linkages and fully sustained lines of reasoning demonstrated throughout Answer is partially structured with some 1 linkages and lines of reasoning Answer has no linkages between points and is 0 unstructured Indicative content * The two sound waves are not coherent (as they have a different frequency) * As they do not have a constant phase relationship/difference Or the phase difference changes Loud sounds related to constructive interference/superposition Quiet sounds related to destructive interference/superposition Constructive/loud sounds when in phase Destructive/quiet sounds when out of phase (IC3 — allow phase difference of 2nz radians / 0°) (IC6 ~ allow antiphase or phase difference of x radians / 180°) (Do not accept answers in terms of path differences or i) Use of v= fa a) A=2Lused (dy Use of v= (7) () Decrease in tension = 2.5 N @ Example of calculation (AY = The 2=2L=2 0.187 =0.374m for 882 Hz, (882 Hz x 0.374 m)? = T/ 5.08 x 10 kg m™ T=552.8N for 880 Hz, (880 Hz x 0.374 m)?= 7/ 5.08 x 107 kg m T= 550.3 N decrease in T= 2.5N Dis the correct answer as wavelength cannot be determined from a graph of displacement against time (only displacement against distance graphs) A is not the correct answer as amplitude is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position for a wave. Bis not the correct answer as the frequency can be calculated from 1/7 Cis not the correct answer as Tis the time between two peaks on a displacement against time graph. T4ai K+SG Use of Vp = age a) IG Use of vs= |= Ise of Vs & qd) vp = 6400 ms 7) v4 = 3100 ms“ (Only one unit error applied across both answers) a) Example of calculation Kit (755 x 10!Pa)+4 (2.61 x 10!Pa y= [= = ean Gee = 6392 ms ? (2700 kgm) Pa : - [- (261% 2089) 399 met p (2700 kem=3) aii (When G = 0), vs = 0 (ms!) qd) S-waves cannot travel through liquids a (MP2 dependent on MP1 being awarded) 14bi Same frequency a) Constant phase difference/relationship a) 14bii There is a path difference (for waves travelling from the two sources to A) a This causes a phase difference of a radians / 180° (at A) Or waves are in antiphase (at A) ay Destructive interference/superposition (at A) (ly) 16a Wave reflected a) at the pulley a) Superposition/interference (takes place) @ 16b Use of W= mg a) Use of v= W(T/) a Use of v= ff to find A a A=1.2(m) Q node to node distance = 4/2, so there is a node at R Or See 1/2 = 0.6m, so there is a node at R a (MP4 requires evidence of calculation) mg = (0.300 kg) (9.81 Nkg"!) = 2.94N 36.0 ms “Ff GOH) node to node distance = //2, so node to node distance = 0.60 m. T6ci S and T are in antiphase Or 180° out of phase Or x radians out of phase (1) S and T are in adjacent node-to-node regions Or S and T are in adjacent loops a l6cii S has a greater amplitude than T a) S is at an antinode and T is between a node and antinode Or S is at an antinode and T is not 0 Or T is closer to a node than S (MP2 dependent on MP1)

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