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B is the correct answer A is not the correct answer as distance has not been doubled C is not the correct answer as time has been doubled, instead of halved D is not the correct answer as distance has been doubled and time halved ‘Minimum labelled at either rarefaction @ @ 19a Zero displacement at all compressions and/or all rarefactions. @ Two complete wave cycles shown. @ @ ‘“ — (Allow graph inverted in relation to the one shown above) 19bi Describes an initial situation where the two traces are in antiphase / phase @ Record the position of the microphone (fom the metre rule) Or Measure the distance from the loudspeaker to the microphone qQ Move microphone (gradually) until the two traces are next in antiphase / phase (1) Record the new position of the microphone and calculate the distance moved by the microphone ‘Or Measure the new distance from the loudspeaker to the microphone and. calculate the distance moved by the microphone a Multiply calculated/measured wavelength by frequency to determine the speed Or Describes a suitable graph to determine the speed @ © (MPS - examples of suitable graphs are J against I/f or fagainst 1/2. Both would give a gradient of v which needs to be stated to achieve the mark) 19bii__| Time period read off oscilloscope (from one point to the next in phase point) Or number of waves per second read off oscilloscope a Time period (for both traces) is the same a Q) 19bili | Use of v= @ Calculates 4 of 8.5 cm (for 4.0 kHz) and 2.3 cm (for 15.0 kHz) w Percentage uncertainty greater for 2.3cm than 8.Sem (so student correct) Or Percentage uncertainty greater for 15.0kHz than 4.0kH1z (so student correct) Or Percentage uncertainty is reduced if measurements taken across several wavelengths (so student not necessarily correct) a @) (Do not allow “uncertainty” for “percentage uncertainty”) pple of calculation 40 ms") / (4000 Hz) = 0.085 m vif = (340 ms") / (15000 Hz) = 0.023 m Ta Path difference is zero Or both waves have travelled the same distance from the speakers to (1) ‘Waves are in phase a Constructive interference/superposition takes place O 17bi___| Use of Pythagoras with 1.66m and 3,00m Or Use of Pythagoras with 3.34m and 3.00m Path difference calculated Uses wavelength = 2 x their path difference Use of v= fa Speed of sound = 340 ms" (dependent on correct calculation) Example of calculation ath length of waves from Speaker Path difference = 1.06m, so A= 2.12m, v= fa = 160 Hz x 2.12 m= 339ms! 3.00 m Lr 3.43 m 4.49 m, 12; 3.00 m (3.00 m)? + (1.66 my") Path length of waves from Speaker 2 = V((3.00 m)’ + (3.34 m)’) = 1.66 m 334m @ a) @ a) a 17bii Hard for a person to judge when sound is quietest/loudest As the amplitude on the oscilloscope can be measured more accurately (For “amplitude” allow “maximum”, “minimum”, “displacement”, “loudness” or “quietness”) Or Distance between ears is greater than the size of the microphone receiver Less percentage uncertainty in distance measurement taken Or Microphone at same level as tape measure whereas ears are higher Distances measured will be different from true distance to ears ay a) a) (a) ay ay 17e Reflections/echoes from walls/ceiling (in the classroom) would occur Idea that more than two waves meet and interfere/superpose (at any point so maxima/minima less pronounced) QM qd) 2 Dis the correct answer as the shorter the pulse, the shorter the time over which reflections are received. A is not the correct answer as only some of the ultrasound is reflected B is not the correct answer as the air is less dense than body tissues C is not the correct answer as higher resolution is gained with smaller 4 21(ax)__| Recognises that wavelength = 2 x length of recorder Or recognises that length of recorder = 4/2 Or see that 4 used is 47.2 cm / 0.472 m @ Use of v = with v= 330 ms? ao ‘f= 700 Hz @ Example of calculation Wavelength = 2 x length of recorder = 2 * 0.236 m= 0.472m v= so f= 330 ms" / 0.472 m= 699 Hz. 21(ayii)__| To keep same frequency, wavelength would need to increase 0) So length of recorder needs to increase Or so length of air column needs to increase a This is achieved by sliding the recorder sections further apart Or this is achieved by loosening the sections of the recorder wo (Do not award MP2 or MP3 if clearly linked to a decrease in wavelength) 21(b) See v= fA and v= (Tix) oO Combines equations to show that fa \T or T= kf? Or recognises that T2/T1 = (f/fi)? (440)?—(432)? Or see Ta @ 1 Percentage increase in T'is 3.7% o Example of calculation f=N(Tp) so T=k f? TyT1 = (fi/fi)? so T/T: = (440 Hz/432 Hz)? = Percentage increase in T is 3.7% 7 C is the correct answer there is minimum displacement of particles at both compressions and rarefactions A is not the correct answer as rarefactions also have minimum displacement B is not the correct answer as compressions also have minimum displacement Dis not the correct answer as both compressions and rarefactions have minimum displacement of particles. 9 C is the correct answer as speed = distance/time and ¢ is the time taken for the ultrasound to travel a distance of 2d A is not the correct answer as this does not take into account the fact that the time / for the ultrasound travel a distance of 2d. B is not the correct answer as the time taken for the ultrasound to return to the boat is unrelated to the frequency of the ultrasound used. Dis not the correct answer as the time taken for the ultrasound to return to the boat is unrelated to the frequency of the ultrasound used. 17a) | Measure the position of the microphone ‘Or measure the distance of the microphone from the speaker a Move microphone gradually until crest on the lower trace lines up with the trough of the top trace and measure the position 1 Or move microphone until traces are next in antiphase Qo (Calculate the) distance moved by the microphone (which) is the wavelength @ A method to determine the time period 7’ from the oscilloscope [e-g. time period is approx. 5 x the timebase of the oscilloscope] Q Multiply wavelength by 1/T a) 5 (Do not award MPS for “use v= fi”) 176) | Amplitude of the upper trace has increased Or trough of one trace is (again) aligned to top of the other trace. ro) Photograph 3 had the microphone closer to the loudspeaker ‘Or Microphone has been moved a whole number of wavelengths. a (Sound) intensity varies with distance from loudspeaker ny 3 (For “amplitude”, allow “height” or “vertical displacement” but not “size” or “displacement”) (To award both MP1 and MP2, the statements need to be linked i.e. first alternative in MP1 linked to first alternative in MP2) (MP? via second alternative can be awarded if candidate states that the microphone has been moved one wavelength) 10 D is the correct answer as Z is a full cycle from V, and compressions are separated by one full wave cycle. Ais not the correct answer as W is neither a compression nor a rarefaction Bis not the correct answer as X is a rarefaction Cis not the correct answer as Y is neither a compression nor a rarefaction 12(a) Waves have been reflected by the water surface Transmitted wave and reflected wave interfere Or waves travelling in opposite directions interfere (For MP2, allow ‘superpose’ for ‘interfere’) (For MP2, do not allow ‘opposite waves’) a) a) 12(b\(i)_ | Use of v= fA (a) With A= 4 x length of column (or see 0.772m) O) v= 340 ms* a) Example of calculation A= 4x length of column = 4x 0.193 m = 0.772 m = 440 Hz x 0.772 m = 339.7 ms 12(b\(ii)_| (Wavelength would be longer Or node to antinode distance would be longer a This would cause the value (for the speed of sound) to be higher (than calculated value, which is therefore less accurate) (MP2 dependent on MP1) (Answer can be written in the converse e.g, the wavelength used in the calculation is shorter, so the calculated speed is lower). (1) Da Either Ultrasound is (partially) reflected (from boundaries) a (Measure) the time taken or time delay (for signal to return) g Calculate expected time for pulse to return (if no air gap) o Or Compare to known time for pulse to return If time for pulse to return < time calculated, air gap is present @ Or Ultrasound is (partially) reflected (from boundaries) @ (Measure) the time taken or time delay (for signal to return) aM Calculate distance for pulse to travel o If distance pulse returns from < thickness of RSJ, air gap is present Or If distance pulse returns from = thickness of RSJ, no air gap a) 12b (Higher frequency) gives smaller wavelength (a) (Smaller wavelength leads to) high level of detail/resolution Qa (Smaller wavelength) can detect small(er) objects/gaps Or (With 20kHz) the detail would not be sufficient to identify air gaps Or (With 20kHz,) air gaps might be smaller than the wavelength Q@ #13, This question assesses a student's ability to show a coherent and logically structured answer with linkages and fully-sustained reasoning, ‘Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer is structured and shows lines of reasoning, The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for indicative ‘content. Number of | Number of marks indicative awarded for ‘marking points | indicative seen in answer | marking points 6 4 S-4 3 3-28 2 1 1 0 0 ‘The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for structure and lines of reasoning. ‘Number of maiks awarded for suture ‘of answer and sustained lin of reasoning “Answer shows coherent and logical stuctare with linkages and fully sustained line of ressoning 2 demonstrated throughout _Anewer is partially structured with some linkages 1 and lines of reasoning, Answer has no linkages between points snd is o unstructured Indicative content Ultrasound is reflected from boundaries/baby (This reflection is caused by) change in density Time taken between pulse being sent and received measured Speed of ultrasound is known Speed = distance/time can be used (to calculate the distance to boundary) © Clear indication that this calculation includes ¥4 time or ¥ distance cece (Candidates can potentially achieve 1 linkage mark if they have scored both ICI and IC2. They can potentially achieve 1 linkage mark if they have scored 3 of IC3-6) (6) A is the correct answer as a large change in density causes most of the ultrasound to reflect, so the ultrasound does not penetrate deeper into the body. B is not the correct answer as this does not affect whether ultrasound can enter the lungs Cis not the correct answer as this does not affect whether ultrasound can enter the lungs D is not the correct answer as ultrasound is not considered to cause damage to the body. D is the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised Ais not the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised B is not the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised C is not the correct answer as only transverse waves can be polarised 15ai Divides 2Hz by 880 or 881Hz or 882Hz @ 0.23% / 0.2% is less than 0.3% (so heard as same frequency) ay OR Calculates 0.3% of 880 Hz or 882Hz a 879.4 Hz is less than 880 Hz (so heard as same frequency) Or 882.6 Hz is greater than 882 Hz (so heard as same frequency) Or 2.6 Hz is greater than 2 Hz (so heard as the same frequency) a] 2 Example of calculation (682-880) Hz a eae 100= 0.23% *15aii ‘This question assesses a student's ability to show a coherent and logically structured answer with linkages and fully-sustained reasoning. Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer is structured and shows lines of reasoning. The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for indicative content. IC points | IC mark | _ Max linkage mark ‘Max final mark 6 4 2 6 5 3 2 5 4 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 2 0 2 1 1 oO 1 0 0 0 0 The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for structure and lines of reasoning. ‘Number of marks awarded for structure of answer and sustained line of reasoni ‘Answer shows a coherent and logical structure with linkages and fully sustained lines of reasoning demonstrated throughout Answer is partially structured with some linkages and lines of reasoning Answer has no linkages between points and is unstructured Indicative content The two sound waves are not coherent (as they have a different frequency) ‘As they do not have a constant phase relationship/difference Or the phase difference changes Loud sounds related to constructive interference/superposition Quiet sounds related to destructive interference/superposition Constructive/loud sounds when in phase Destructive/quiet sounds when out of phase (IC5 ~ allow phase difference of 2nn radians / 0°) (IC6 ~ allow antiphase or phase difference of x radians / 180°) (Do not accept answers in terms of path differences or i) 15b Use of v= A=2L used Use of v= V( tr) Decrease in tension = 2.5 N Example of calculation Te A=2L=2 x 0.187 = 0.374 m for 882 Hz, (882 Hz * 0.374 m)=7/5.08 x 10* kgm? T= 552.8N for 880 Hz, (880 Hz x 0.374 m)? = 7'/ 5.08 x 10° kg m7 T= 550.3N decrease in T= 2.5 N ay a) a) oO

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