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C is the correct answer A is not the correct answer as the intensity does not vary as the filter is rotated B is not the correct answer as the intensity does not vary as the filter is rotated Dis not the correct answer as one filter will allow some oscillations to pass For light travelling in a more (optically) dense substance and meeting a less (optically) dense substance Or for light travelling a material with higher RI and meeting one with a lower RI @ Angle of incidence is greater than (or equal to) the critical angle an ; Wave slows down as it enters the glass @ Part of the wavefront) meets the glass first, so wave direction changes (1) OR Refractive index of glass is greater than that of air an Or Density of glass is greater than that of air So angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction @ (accept “bends towards the normal”) 2 Use of sin C= I/n for glass-air boundary @ Subtracts calculated critical angle from 90° «) Use of misind: = msindh for glass-water boundary «) 0=59° @ 4 (For MP3, both 1.50 and 1.30 need to be seen in the calculation). Example of calculation Critical angle for glass-air boundary = sin“'( 1.00 / 1.50) =41.8° ‘Angle of incidence for glass-water boundary = 90° - 41.8°= 48.2° 1.50 x sin (48,2°) = 1.30 x (sin 8) = 59.3° Bis the correct answer as polarisation only occurs in transverse waves A is not the correct answer as diffraction can be demonstrated for all waves Cis not the correct answer as refraction can be demonstrated for all waves Dis not the correct answer as superposition can be demonstrated for all waves 17a (Pulse reflects at) a boundary between different materials/media/densities (allow “between steel and air” for “between different materials”) {allow “speed of ultrasound in air is different to that of steel”) w@ @ 17b 1c 17a ‘Method 1 (Calculating distance to crack) Reads time difference of 24.5 - 25 ys from graph Use of speed = distance/time to calculate distance Uses half time or half distance in calculation Depth = 7.1 - 7.3 om < 15cm, so reflection is from a crack Or Depth = 7.1 - 7.3 em < 15cm, so cannot be from bottom of rail OR Method 2 (Calculating time to bottom of rail and back) Use of speed = distance/time to calculate time Uses 30cm in calculation Reads time difference of 24.5 - 25 ys from graph Time = 521s > 24.5 — 25 pis , so reflection is from a crack Or Time = 52us > 24.5 ~ 25 us , so cannot be from the bottom of rail Example of calculation Time between transmitting and receiving = 24.75ps So time taken to get to point of reflection = 12.375us Distance = speed time = 5800 ms"! x (12.375 x 10% = 0.072 m. “Most/all of the ultrasound is reflected by the first crack ‘Or Pulse does not reach second crack Or None of the pulse is transmitted after the crack ‘Or Ultrasound signal from deeper cracks is too weak to be detected ‘The idea that there is a time delay before reflected/received signals return ‘The idea that the train will no longer be in the same position if it is moving to0 fast. ‘Or the idea that the train will be in the same/similar position of it is moving slowly aw a ao wm 0) ay ( ay ay aw wD @ ay @ 18a Vibrations/oscillations in one plane which includes the direction of wave travel Or Vibrations/oscillations in one direction perpendicular to the direction of wave travel a a) (dy a @) 18b The refracted ray lacks the planes of oscillation in the reflected light. Or the refracted ray has a plane of polarisation perpendicular to the plane of polarisation of the reflected light So, the refracted ray must also be partially plane polarised (MP2 conditional on awarding MP1) a a @) 18ci See n,sind= n,sind Or n,sin6s = n,sinr nsin(@s) = ngsin(90 ~ Os) Or nzsin(9s) = nec0s(On) Or sin r = cos 6 sin (0s) divided by cos(0s) to give tan (0x) leading to answer a a (ay @) 18cii Substitution of values into tan(@s) = "2 On= 56° tan(9p) = "2 Op = tan” (1.50 / 1.00) = 56° @ a) Q) 18ciii Reffactive index (of glass) is greater for violet Or “is greater for violet Or tan Oy/ sin Os / A is greater for violet Clearly links one of the above to the student being incorrect. a) a) @) Dis the correct answer as the shorter the pulse, the shorter the time over which reflections are received. A is not the correct answer as only some of the ultrasound is reflected B is not the correct answer as the air is less dense than body tissues Cis not the correct answer as higher resolution is gained with smaller A @ 15(a) | Change of direction (of a ray of light) a Due to change in speed/density/medium/materia/RI a (MP1 — do not allow “bending”, but allow “deviation”) 15(b) Use of trigonometry to correctly determine either i or r () sin 65 using calculated angles @ Use of msin 6) 3 a Refractive index (MP1 — Need to see working shown, as the r angle from the diagram is close to 43° with a protractor) (MP2 ~ Award if using n = sin i/ sin r) (MP2 ~ Both angles need to be correct to award this mark) Example of calculation Tan i= (1.8 cm/3.0 cm), i= 31° Tan r= (3.7 em/ 4.0 cm), r= 43° nisin 0) = nasin 02 so nisin 31° = 1,00sin 43° m=132 13(a) 13(b) Use of msin6i = nasin® r for violet light = 31.9° or r for red light = 32.3° Use of trigonometry to calculate horizontal distances whilst in block For violet, distance = 3.98 cm or for red, distance = 4,05 cm Distance between points = 0.070 cm / 0.70 mm. (Lf working is only shown to 2 significant figures, the distances will come out to be the same. This can score MP1-4 only if all the working is clearly shown) (For MP1, allow use of m = sin i/ sin r) (If candidate has the n values the wrong way round, MP1 can still be awarded if equation used correctly otherwise) Example of calculation nisin6i = msiné2. In air, m = 1.000 and 61 = $4.00° so, for violet light, sinr = sin (54.00°) / 1.532, so r = 31.88° For red light, sinr = sin (54.0°) / 1.513, so r = 32.32° For violet light, tan (31.88°) = x / 6.400 cm, so x = 3.981 cm For red light, tan (32.32°) = x / 6.40 cm, so x = 4.049 cm Distance between points = 4,049 cm — 3.981 cm = 0.068 em Use of msin®i = msin®> Calculates nsin@ as 0.99 for red Or 1.01 for violet Red light refracts out of the glass as nsin9 < 1 Violet light undergoes total internal reflection as nsind > 1 (If candidate has the n values the wrong way round, MPI can still be awarded if equation used correctly otherwise) OR Use of sinC = I/n Critical angle for violet = 40.7° Or critical angle for red = 41.4 Red light refracts out of the glass as C >i Violet light undergoes total internal reflection as C 24°) so diagram shows reflection at the boundary Ray completed showing TIR in correct direction by eye OR Use of nisin@, = ngsin82 msin@; = 1.57 (sin 82> 1) so diagram shows reflection at the boundary Ray completed showing TIR in correct direction by eye (Only allow MP3 if TIR is drawn on the diagram, not just stated) Example of calculation sin C= 1/1 = (1.24 x 10° ms") / (3.00 x 10® ms") = 0.41. C= sin” (0.41) = 24° a) a) a) a) a) a) Silicon carbide has a greater refractive index (than diamond) Or silicon carbide has a smaller critical angle (than diamond) Or critical angle for silicon carbide is 23° Or critical angle is still less than the angle of incidence Or sin is still > 1 So total internal reflection (TIR) would (still) take place (MP2 dependent on MP1) (Calculation of n for silicon carbide not good enough for MP1) a) a) Bis the correct answer as the light bends towards the normal when travelling from L to M (so vi > vm) but bends away from the normal when travelling from M to N, but there is not as much of a change of direction as there was from L to M. Ais not the correct answer as light bends away from the normal travelling from M to N so vw must be greater than vxt Cis not the correct answer as light bends towards the normal travelling from L. to Msso v, must be greater than vy, D is not the correct answer as light bends away from the normal travelling, from M to N, so vy must be greater than v\_ a) Cis the correct answer as light travels faster in L than in M A is not the correct answer as light travels faster in L than in M B is not the correct answer as light travels faster in L than in N D is not the correct answer as light travels faster in N than in M @ 16a Transverse: vibrations/oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of (wave) travel a Longitudinal: vibrations/oscillations are parallel to the direction of (wave) travel Q 16bi The light is (incident on the boundary) along the normal Or The angle of incidence is 0° Or The light hits (prism A) at right angles a) 16bii Normal line correctly drawn at right angles to boundary (by eye) a) Reflected ray in correct direction from boundary (by eye) a) Reffacted ray in correct direction from boundary (by eye) @ Correct refraction at the right hand side of the glass block (by eye) and either TIR or correct direction refraction at the left hand side (by eye) (1) wt inidct ony 4 342 /2 so d must be > 171m a Example of calculation 114.8 .0676 Hz v= 0.0676 Hz x 342 m= 23.1 ms gh /(9.84ms342 mm) _ 4 y ve yon 23.1 ms"! (deep water) )

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